
Sony’s Reluctance On Cross-Play With Xbox Is A Choice, Says Dev

"If it is not something temporary they must bring something to supply this request of the players," says Void Studios' Luiz Aguena.

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1921d ago Replies(10)
ArchangelMike1920d ago

Ofcourse it's a choice, what else would it be? Microsoft is going all-in when it comes to cross platform streaming across multiple devices. So you can go get all you cross play needs over there. I don't understand why we're all voting for homogeneity. I thought diversity, variety and competition were good things in the gaming industry.

purple1011920d ago (Edited 1920d ago )

I don't think people are ready for, or against it with a major majority, they just know full well that if the tables were turned, Microsoft would not be too happy sharing the cake.

Let's not forget Sony were one of the first with crossplay.. "Eve online" comes to mind.. Back in 2003. Ps3 and pc crossplay. When no one else would allow it!!! (for fear of canablising game sales)

To finish, Microsoft is pretty much in a bad way. they tried well with their first console, the second, the 360, kept blowing up and had multiple iterations, everyone who owned one owned 3.(me and my brother included) the third time round with the one, they have not done well at all either, lost the sales war; it wasn't even a close battle.

in truth sony have done a far far better job in all these years and deserves the support they are getting.

wiz71911920d ago

Maybe i'm in a minority I had my 360 since 2007 never had to buy a new one and it never RROD.. Played it mostly practically all day everyday ,

RedDevils1920d ago

so you one of those 1% that didn't get rrod, proud of you.

1920d ago
isarai1920d ago

I dunno, i don't think it's such a big deal. do i think they should do it? sure, but honestly they don't have anything big to gain from doing so, and with the big PSN hack of 2011 they have good reason to take things slow and cautiously. People also forget that they have always and still do crossplay with PC no problem. It's when it comes to competitors that it makes even less sense to do so, and is where they become more reluctant.

rainslacker1920d ago

I think they should do it mostly so people will shut up about it. Otherwise, sure why not do it for the customers, even if it's a small portion of them that care. If they enable it, then we all win though, because then the subject can die, outside the false narratives about how Sony was late to the party.

They aren't required to do it though. It really went affect their sales next gen, as it's not affecting it this gen. Logically speaking, if there are really only two consoles competing in the same market space, then if one doesn't allow it, then neither really have the feature, and I don't think the madden or COD players are going to care about switch cross play, and publishers already don't care about pc/console cross play

RedDevils1920d ago

I think they should not, Sony gain nothing from it, Microsoft didn't do it with Xbox/Ps3 so why should Sony, Karma is a bitch.

rainslacker1920d ago

I don't think having it available will affect anything whatsoever. It won't help or hurt or help Sony. It won't hurt or help MS. Some customers may like it, but in its current state, it's not going to give them what they want and allow them to play with their friends on other systems, and it's questionable about when that kind of feature may come. It's not going to hurt or help games online last longer. It's not going to help or hurt sales of a game.

Some customers may like it, and thats fine, but ultimately, cross play is going to be under-utilized by developers and publishers, just like it has been since it's been implemented between console and PC. The only reason its such a big thing now is because of how it can be used in the console wars, and if the whole topic would just die, then it'd be a win in my book.

1920d ago
Platformgamer1920d ago

a good one too.
no one seriously give a fuck about it, just stop talking about it

TK-661920d ago

"no one seriously give a fuck about it, just stop talking about it"

This is on the front page of n4g so obviousuly people care.

trooper_1920d ago

No, it’s only on the front page because the ‘concerned’ folks want it to be a huge deal when it’s not.

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Generation Zero is way better after updates. I completely agree it was broken/buggy at launch. As of today. It's my most played game in the last month. Smooth controls, terrifying stealth moments, and a massive world to explore make it worth trying in 2020.

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