
It's The Perfect Time To Return To Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild

In this article the author is describing his experience about Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, defining the awesome story-line and overall outlook of the game. It is quite an interesting read, especially for the ones who haven't yet played the game.

FallenAngel19841912d ago

Anytime is the perfect time to return to any game

Sono4211911d ago

A good way to tell if an article talking about Botw is fanboy drivel is if they say things like this "defining the awesome story-line" umm what? It literally has almost nothing in terms of story, what are you talking about? Even hardcore Nintendo loyalists admit this, I don't even need to click the article to know they are full of it.

EddieNX 1911d ago

That's a deliberate thing though. The game focuses on gameplay and it's gameplay is nothing short of immaculate. everything feels so natural whilst playing that it almost makes you feel like a ninja, you have the confidence to pull of anything you can imagine.

That is the games greatest strength and what it focuses on. The story takes a back seat to the gameplay and exploration , and if you focus on these two aspects of the game , then botw is a benchmark and a masterpiece.

G3ng4r1910d ago

Wrong. Most games age pretty horribly, botw has that wind waker sort of style that doesn't.
Ocarina wasn't so lucky imo but almost no games from ps1/n64 to now were.

badz1491911d ago

"awesome story-line"??

seriously...what story?

wonderfulmonkeyman1911d ago

The various memories found around the land on top of the story snippets we hear from the King, Impa, the Deku Tree, and Kaz/the champions during the DLC quests.
It might not have had story that the player takes a direct part in influencing, beyond Ganon, but people need to stop pretending it didn't exist.

execution171911d ago

Those flash backs barely had anything to them, basically felt like filler to waste time

Sono4211911d ago

First of all there is a difference between playing/progressing a story and being drip fed context as to the backstory of the world you are currently playing in. HUGE difference, and if you don't understand that then you are not the person to argue that it has a story.

People aren't pretending the story doesn't exist, it just doesn't, not to mention you get the memories in pieces, so even if you want to try to call that a story (it isn't) it's fragmented and told in random order because that's how you get it, which as I have said, you don't play any roll in and it's only purpose is to give context to the current world you are playing in, not a story you are actually playing, HUGE difference. Giving context and telling/progressing a story are two things you are constantly conflating, stop.

MrSwankSinatra1911d ago

why are you still making excuses for Nintendo???

wonderfulmonkeyman1911d ago

"First of all there is a difference between playing/progressing a story and being drip fed context as to the backstory of the world you are currently playing in. HUGE difference, and if you don't understand that then you are not the person to argue that it has a story."

No. Just no.
Backstory is STILL STORY CONTENT. It gives us a reason to care enough about these characters to seek out the rest of the memories, and to save them at all.
Trying to argue that it doesn't exist because you didn't play through every single bit of it, is missing the Forest for the trees.
If you can't understand the importance of a backstory, to the extent that you can't consider it story content at all, then YOU, sir, have no right to judge my qualifications to argue what constitutes a storyline.
You are more than free to DISLIKE the way the story was presented, through backstory cutscenes with present-scenes after each Divine Beast and through various side-quests, but your dislike doesn't invalidate the story.

Everything from the flashbacks to the quests you undertake to restore your own memories and aid the various people across the land, are a part of the overarching story in this game, as well.
Or are you going to try and say that freeing the souls of the four champions, and restoring Link's strength through the shrines to re-obtain the master sword, that had also went into slumber at the same time Link did, didn't constitute story as well simply because you could choose not to do them?

I'm not going to dignify that hypocritical nonsense with a rebuttal. Go troll someone else.

rainslacker1910d ago (Edited 1910d ago )

That's not story. That's lore, or back story, which can help make the main story more defined. The story is what the main events happening are, and more importantly, the main characters(or characters in some cases) place in said story.

"It might not have had story that the player takes a direct part in influencing,"

So, the player has no agency, and there is no actual story for your character. Game of Thrones has tons of story. Lots of characters which all play a part in that story. Then the Telltale game had it's own story. What you talk about is the main cannon of GOT, and all those main subplots which run through it, while what BOTW actually has to offer is just the TellTale version of story, which assumes you will know what's going on, even if you don't. That said, BOTW wasn't that deep, and it was about as cursory a story as we saw in the 2nd Zelda game(as the first was about as minimal as it gets). Realistically, the story of BOTW is a step or two above Super Mario's, 'The princess was kidnapped by Bowser, so you have to go rescue her"

One way to tell a good story or not.

If you have to go and do stuff outside the story to make it a good story, then it's probably not a good story. Especially if, as you say, you don't have any actual influence on that story.

Benjaminkno1910d ago

It’s definitely there.
Some didn’t like it, but some people just want to complain

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HeisenbergX1911d ago

Exactly what i was thinking ! i love the game a lot but man it gets a free pass for sure being a LOZ game.

Also RD2 got free passes because it's Rockstar i liked it a lot but all those perfect scores and 97 meta for all the dumb and outdated shit in the game ? no

Soybetaboy1911d ago

No, I have better things to do

G3ng4r1910d ago

Maybe you could finally buy hzd before it ages too horribly, help that game sell a little faster. 1/8 sony fans have so far.

Dannycr1911d ago (Edited 1911d ago )

To be honest, I finished it on WiiU, bought it for Switch and i'm getting bored. All the challenge is gone for me and the story sucks

But, if you want to re-experience it, go for the CEMU version on PC: AMAZING mods, runs at delicious 60fps and the textures and resolution are improved. Just the 60fps is a big enough reason to retry, but if you want it to feel really new, install the Linkle mod. It is amazing.

wonderfulmonkeyman1911d ago (Edited 1911d ago )

Or, how about not encouraging piracy by recommending a PC version of a none-PC game that's still on the market?
That's the better option.

TK-661911d ago

"Or, how about not encouraging piracy"

He didn't. Read what Dannycr said:

"But, if you want to RE-EXPERIENCE it, go for the CEMU version on PC"

Basically saying if you've already bought and played it download the CEMU version since you've already got full rights to use it since you own a copy.

Dannycr1909d ago


Thank you for explaining something I thought was obvious.

But this guy Wonderfulmonkeyman is just a fanboy. I stopped commenting a while ago and I can still see this guy is just a Nintendo PR in disguise xD

I'm absolutely sure that if this was a PS, Microsoft or PC game, the reply wouldn't exist, but since it's Nintendo and the "Perfect" BoTW, then it's the greatest of sins.

Despite having bought the game twice, the best way to experience it is CEMU. That's a fact. Whether you want to pirate it or not, is anyone's choice.

The mods alone change the experience and makes it feel new and interesting. Linkle's mod specially.

Xaevi1911d ago

Personally don't think Breath of the Wild is the type of game to replay from the beginning a second time. There's no "awesome" story that's worth replaying, and the game is too repetitive and tedious. I like just going back and sight seeing occasionally.

Imalwaysright1911d ago

Unless it's a game that has choices that affect a story what exactly is the point of replaying a game for a story that you already know?

badz1491911d ago

trophies? ah...Nintendo don't have that. sorry, wrong console

nommers1911d ago

If the flow of the story regardless of the medium is paced well enough and you enjoyed it the first time, subsequent replays/rereads/rewatches of it do well.

Kurisu1911d ago

Replaying a game is no different to someone rereading a book, or rewatching a film that they enjoyed.

Imalwaysright1911d ago


I don't think I've ever seen a trophy for watching cutscenes twice.


Yes it is different. You can up the difficulty, if it is RPG you can change classes, there are games that allow you to play them in different ways, if you want you can limit a playthrough in any way you want to offer you a challenge... Games are interactive experiences. Books and movies don't change. The experience that you have with them is immutable. The same is true with stories in video games. No matter how many times you watch the cutscenes of a game they'll always be the same so I don't understand what's the point of replaying a game just to watch a story that you already know.

nommers1911d ago


It doesn't matter if you up the difficulty or not. There are games and stories in games that are entertaining enough to keep replaying and rewatching.

rainslacker1910d ago

To re-experience that story. Same reason you might watch a movie more than once.

Or trophies in some case.

BOTW had no actual story to re-experience, and no trophies. One could replay it if they just liked it and want to play it again. Nothing wrong with that.

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GotGame818101d ago

Animal crossing came out the week the entire world shutdown. Yeah I bought it.

kevco33101d ago

Agreed. I think a lot of the AC: H sales have to do with early lockdown players!

I mean, I would've played it anyway. But I guess there's a lot of people who got into it because of the hype and their new found free time!

DivineHand125101d ago

Nintendo made out like bandits with Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. It's the same game that was on the WiiU except they added 2 item boxes like in double dash.

kevco33101d ago

It's the Capcom method:

1. Add a new word to the end of the title and features that should've been expected first time around.
2. Charge full price for it.
3. Profit.

gold_drake100d ago

this is why i always say that Nintendo will always be fine. look at those numbers lol

and those are all first party games.


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Is Elden Ring an adventure game? If so, it should be at the top of the list.

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