
Obsidian's CEO On Microsoft's Purchase And The Outer Worlds' Future

Game Informer: Watch our interview with Feargus Urquhart on the state of the studio and their "three-ish" games currently in production.

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SegaSaturn6691920d ago

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzz

pietro12121920d ago

Shaping up to be one of the best RPGs to come out this gen.

SegaSaturn6691920d ago

Then why have I never heard of it? And don't bring up my fuckin autism

No Way1920d ago

Because, uuuuuh. You haven't read about it, yet? idk.

1919d ago
Masterchief_thegoat1920d ago

Hopefully ms gets the w. Lately is L after L

NarutoFox1920d ago

The Outer Worlds would have been a good first party exclusive for Xbox. I'm sure if they ever make a sequel it will probably be an Xbox exclusive

Wolffenblitz1920d ago (Edited 1920d ago )

No thanks. making this Xbox Exclusive would be a huge mistake.

TK-661920d ago (Edited 1920d ago )


I agree with you! God of War 4 for PC/Xbox/Switch now, yes? Lol.

The reality is what we're likely going to see is that if this does well and MS requests a sequel that the NATIVE version will be exclusive to Xbox and PC. With the recent rumors of GP on Switch its possible that we'll see a stream-able version there. The only way we'll see a sequel on PS4 would be if Sony gives in to GP on their system but that's incredibly unlikely seeing as they won't even allow EA Access on the system.

BizarroUltraman1920d ago

They will be exclusive to Xbox platforms and services........

so yeah it won't be hahahaha...

Go Xbox GOOOO! 😂

1919d ago
BeOpenMinded1919d ago

There was a job posting describing a new multiplat RPG. I think most if not all of these news studios will be multiplat

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1919d ago
Masterchief_thegoat1920d ago

Sod2 L and Crackdown 3 L. M$ Needs a W. beside the big three. Gears, halo and forza

Livingthedream1920d ago

SOD2 is great, WTF are you talking about. Crackdown is crackdown that was never on the halo or gears level.

BizarroUltraman1920d ago

I don't think its been L after L. Somethings have worked, some have not.

mark_parch1919d ago

I enjoyed sod2 but it could have been so much better. needs loads more polish. I also really enjoyed crackdown 3 but only for a week. There's no way crackdown 3 is worth $60.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1919d ago
InTheZoneAC1920d ago

so they're going to repeat the fallout-esque favoritism on xbox and ps will get the dlcs a year late? Remind me to buy this game then when the GotY edition comes out and is $30.

EDKICK1920d ago (Edited 1920d ago )

Hardcore Gamers: Where are all the SP focused new IP?!?!?
Also gamers: find literally any possible reason to leave a comment saying "remind me to buy the goty edition like a year later once it's half off"

I wonder why games like this aren't selling like they should and thus not getting made???

Wolffenblitz1920d ago

They would sell like they should if there's no favoritism on which platform they're released on.

No Way1920d ago

Wolf - what game doesn't now a days? lol. PS4 has gotten favoritism for Call of Duty. Besides, if they are going to be bought by MS - why not? Might as well start off nicely with your new boss.

shinoff21831919d ago

It happens, they got greedy, I for one wont fall for the greed. I will buy my physical copy when a disc is released with all dlc included. They wanna play then I wont until then. Except xcom I bought xcom 2 at release beat it sold it and re bought when the complete edition came out. Xcom is just to good to wait imo.

Specter2291920d ago

Did you complain when Destiny did the same thing?

Araragifeels 1920d ago

But it wasn't even worth the timed exclusive since Destiny suck so Xbox players save themselves from horrible dlc.

InTheZoneAC1920d ago

what expansion came out a year late for xbox? oh that's right, none

1919d ago
timotim1920d ago

Wow...for starters, we don't know that, we didn't hear a peep outta you when Destiny and CoD released DLC on PS first...why the concern now?

InTheZoneAC1920d ago

1. I'm most likely buying the game regardless day 1 for ps4.
2. No expansion on destiny came out a year later, it was the same for all consoles.
3. IDGAF about CoD. It happened for years on xbox, then ps gets a sample size and you want to assume I'm one sided on this?

timotim1920d ago

Ninja...wrong is wrong, not just when it benefits Microsoft. You said nothing this whole time, it's only now that you assume they will do timed DLC (that you have no proof of btw) that you want to take the "ambassador for all gamers" position...please.

shinoff21831919d ago

Because as a single game player I dont give a damn about online games.

rainslacker1920d ago (Edited 1920d ago )

Outer World is not being published by MS, so if there is DLC planned, the publisher is probably already in contract with Obsidian for that as well. I believe Take Two is publishing it. I can't imagine they'd let MS circumvent a potential revenue stream from them without compensation.

Future games I don't know about. Depends on who owns the IP, or if T2 has first publishing rights.

Stay-Toasty1919d ago

I'm personally extremely sad to see that Obsidian was purchased my MS because I only play on Ps4(no hate on Xbox, just my preference)Unfortunately Obsidian wasnt doing that great and The Outer Wilds was kind of all or nothing for them and probably would have been their last game if it failed even though I hope it doesnt. So they they probably made the the tough decision to give up independence in order to keep the studio going just in case it failed because new IPs are extremely risky. And Im sure MS saw all the requests they had for a New Vegas sequel and MS pounced when they found out that's pretty much what they were making. So i don't think anyone is playing favorites, just a practical business decision.

mark_parch1919d ago

That's exactly why I want game pass on ps5. I could play nearly every game on one console.

InTheZoneAC1919d ago

@shaggy, stupid troll the expansion released worldwide on current platforms on the same day stupid *****

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1919d ago
Ninver1920d ago

Guess I'll wait for goty complete edition with all dlcs at half price or less.

dreamoner1919d ago

How did this interview made you make up your mind as such? Since there is no talk of DLCs(exlcusive or otherwise) and whatnot...

Swiftfox1919d ago

It's the age we live in. The studio was bought out by a "AAA" company and part of that means an increased chance of "AAA" tactics. Special Editions, season passes, dlc, and microtransactions are all a real possibility and you only have to look at "We Happy Few" as example. Gearbox acquired the team behind the game and in not time jumped the $40 price to $60 and announced a "collectors edition". The "AAA" market place just can't help itself.

Ninver1919d ago

@Swiftfox explained it quite well.

Hardiman1920d ago

So I'll just wait. No problem!

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Days Gone Director Says Bend's Project Costs Over $250M; Says PS Co-CEO Doesn't Want 2 Zombies Games

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shinoff218313h ago

Well that sucks. Seems they want more online trash. I'd rather of had the sequel if it was single player

-Foxtrot13h ago

It would be a shame if it was true that Hermen never gave the franchise a chance simply because he didn't like it and they already had a "Zombie" game with TLOU.

NaughtyDog are most likely moving onto a new IP next so it would have been the perfect time to do it.

ThinkThink5h ago

Here's where xbox steps in and releases state of decay 3 day and date on ps5.


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