
Final Fantasy 9 releases with three year old bugs, what will it take to stop bad remasters?

From VG247: "Why can’t Square Enix get its HD re-releases right?

Last week, Final Fantasy fans of impeccable taste were ecstatic: at last Final Fantasy 9, the best one, was released for Switch and Xbox One. Then came an all-too-familiar realisation for fans of classic Square Enix titles: the caveats."

Old McGroin1930d ago

Nit-picking at its finest. A music issue I hadn't even noticed, a change in font, a fast forward option you have to open a menu to use instead of it being mapped to a button. Get over it. I'm enjoying the game today as much as I did 19 years ago.

blitz06231929d ago

Skyrim has underwent several patches and still has bugs everywhere even on the Switch, and nobody wants to talk about it

Kosic1929d ago

Is that the only bugs? I've put this on hold for purchase because the rumoured bugs. Didn't know it was minor things (I should've actually googled it).

Cikatriz_ESP1929d ago

Congratulations. By the logic of the internet, your experience completely invalidates theirs.

HaveSumNuts1929d ago

Uhmmm you could stop buying Remasters. Hopefully the PS5 stops this shit by making PS4 games compatible. Rockstar releases a game close to the end of a generation so they can just resell it on the next console so I'm curious about Red Dead 2. I honestly won't be surprised if they lock the specs to PS4 capacity if the PS4 version was bought and being played on PS5, they'll offer some "enhanced" bullshit version using power of new gen

Movefasta19931929d ago

most playstation gamers on n4g don't like read dead 2 anyways so that won't be a problem.

yomfweeee1929d ago

I'm a PS gamer and I didn't like RDR2 that much. But I don't get the correlation you're getting at?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1929d ago
psuedo1929d ago

I doubt they would do that, because isn't that essentially what they do by releasing it near the end of the gen to re-release it on next gen?

Teflon021929d ago

The reason this isn't fixed with FFIX despite what you're saying is that people "aren't" vocal about it. Some may notice and say it. But it's not vocal as FFIX is my favourite FF and I like to say I keep track of it on a general scale. Like I know most things about it and news surrounding it. BUT I have never even heard of this issue. I just know the battle music use to always chip and pause for a maybe a tenth of a second during loading (PS1 ver.) for me which was a fix. But if you want it changed, express it. Don't act like it's being ignored. Maybe it's never gotten to the devs.

SegaSaturn6691929d ago

I never understood how people can say this is the best. To me, the worst 3 are: ff3, ff1, ff9

MaxiPower901929d ago

your opinion doesnt even matter. your usename is based on a shitty console. Who cares what you think.

SegaSaturn6691929d ago

Check out dragonforce 2 ;)

RizBiz1929d ago

Hey now, the Saturn did get one third of Shining Force 3. So it's at least 1/3 a good console.

Last_Boss1929d ago

It actually had a GOOD Castlevania and Guardian Heroes. It's all good.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1929d ago
pietro12121929d ago

FFIX is up thete with the best of the franchise (Along with VI)

Traecy1929d ago

I won't say it's the worst in all the FF games imo Lightning Returns & FF Mystic Quest is a bad FF game but imo FF 9 is one of my least favorites of the 3 FF games released on the first PlayStation.

RizBiz1929d ago (Edited 1929d ago )

Your comment is kind of silly. Saying FFIX is "one of your least favourites" out of three could mean it's the third worst, which would mean it's actually the one you like the best.

Traecy1928d ago

@Rizbiz No it doesn't & how you came up with that silly notion is beyond me. Imo FF9 is not a bad game but it's my least favorite FF game,out of all the SP numbered FF games FF 9 is last on my list.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1928d ago
harmny1929d ago (Edited 1929d ago )

you wont stop it i know that

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megaleo009342d ago

I liked it a lot, I will not compare it with other final fantasy, But I hadn't felt that emotion for a long time playing since the final fantasy vll remake, it lacks some things, it's not my goty, but it deserves a place in my heart, with that I say everything.


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