
The NBA Season has begun, Time to work on your Road Game

Josh Hart from Team RamRod writes:

"Our PSP NBA series is the only sports series that we know of that has been created from the ground up specifically for the PSP (as in, it's not a port). Since it is not a port it can be optimized year-after-year to be tailor-crafted for the PSP. This has resulted in silky-smooth 60 frames per second gameplay and an absolutely feature-packed UMD.

Being on a portable system has been a huge influence on the design of NBA 09: The Inside on PSP. We have always tried to have a fast-paced game that could be played in short bursts. The on court action is quick and fun, plus there are a ton of mini-games to try. But of course, if you have loads of time, you can play multiple seasons in our new Franchise mode.

What we'd really like to talk about today is one of our favorite mini-games for this year's version. It's called ElimiQuest and it's a little unorthodox. So we'll start by explaining the development process and how it came to be."

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EverGeek: NBA 09 The Inside Review


"But if fast goofy fun is all you want from your basketball game, that's great. But you certainly shouldn't be expected to pay the same sixty bucks the top NBA games command."

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Crispy Gamer: Games for Lunch: NBA 09: The Inside

Would Crispy Gamer play this game for more than an hour? No.

Why? They don't have the head for technically sound, five-person basketball. They would rather just push people over and put up massive dunks.

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TheStar: NBA 09 The Inside review

With a token nod to the role-playing as athlete mode most sports titles are including these days, The Inside's version, "The Life," is shallow and lifeless and, thus, not worth living through.

But if fast goofy fun is all you want from your basketball game, that's great. But you certainly shouldn't be expected to pay the same sixty bucks the top NBA games command.

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4 out of 5 ....the biggest sony supporter me would have to give this game a 2 . ... I bought it i buy all sony exclusive ...this game sucks....go with nba2k.....spend $120 on basketballs game.