
Two Apex Legends characters are LGBTQ, say EA and Respawn

Both EA and Respawn has confirmed that there are two Apex Legends LGBTQ characters in the game: Bloodhound and Gibraltar.

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Razzer1924d ago (Edited 1924d ago )

Not going to play the game as I don't want to be accused of committing a virtual hate crime.

naruga1924d ago ShowReplies(9)
DrumBeat1924d ago ShowReplies(10)
sampsonon1924d ago ShowReplies(7)
81BX1924d ago

Lol. Tried it out. It was meh

telekineticmantis1923d ago

Yeah and I'm thinking about Boycotting it now.

fathertime44641923d ago

Next headline will read
"Apex promotes hate crimes because you get to kill lgbqt characters, news at 11"

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1923d ago
shammgod1924d ago

Of course they are. Sexual oreientation always comes up when running around a battfield shooting at enemies

TiredandRetired1924d ago

I'd hate for my teabagging to be misinterpreted as a sign of affection.

ninerguy16081924d ago

The way people are becoming they might call it sexual assault. Pathetic this crap is in games now. I’ve never cared what someones sexual orientation is in gaming. I play to have fun. This forced lgbqtevjsdtbigsa is getting more and more ridiculous.

sampsonon1924d ago

couldn't happen, you haven't a heart.

letsa_go1924d ago

I think the only reason they are doing this is to score brownie points and free media coverage from the SJW gaming sites like Polygon and Kotaku. A little bit of virtue signalling gets the gaming "journalists" off their back so they can focus on making the game without having to constantly appease the vocal minority.

uth111924d ago

funny, i just read an article at Kotaku that said this made her feel uneasy, as though it was an empty diveristy gesture or something.

letsa_go1924d ago

@uth11 I mean, they aren't wrong! That is how I see it too.

Sono4211924d ago (Edited 1924d ago )

If I was ever a part of the decision making like this for a game,just to f*ck with them I would make every male character a trans lesbian woman (But they still just look like men) and vice versa for women.Oh and of course half of them would be black and a few asians sprinkled in there as well, BOOM i'll get endless articles talking about how great my game is even if it's steaming garbage.

@uth11 that's because it is exactly that, an empty gesture to check the box on "diversity" aka identity politics. Because the character needs to have the same sexual orientation, skin color, and same gender as you to be relate able or playable /s

sampsonon1924d ago (Edited 1924d ago )

so you're ok with LGBTQ soldiers right?

pwnmaster30001924d ago (Edited 1924d ago )

You must be a part of the LGBTQ seeing how offended you are. No one gives a shit about it or your feelings when it comes to games, especially on n4g. All we want is good games, Ellie from last of us is considered lesbian and we love her and that game.

And plus no need to bring up what preference they are. games have LGBTQ characters without being address they are. This isn’t new lol

rainslacker1924d ago

I can't speak for anyone else, but I don't care one bit what someone's sexual orientation is.

But, we don't get articles listing which characters are heterosexual. Why get them for the ones that are? If it doesn't matter to the game, and there is no story where it's relevant either way, why bother making a character with any definition?

Its possible to have characters where the topic of their sexual preference has no bearing on anything, and doesn't have to be broached at all...
Much less pointed out as if it's somehow a badge of honor.

I 100% support gay rights, and wouldn't ever judge or discriminate against anyone for their sexual preference, but at the same time, I don't really take heterosexual representation as something important enough to mention or care about, so I treat homosexual preference with the same attitude, and since it keeps.cropping up, I tend to keep asking why it matters.

harbie1923d ago

ROFL right- were about to die! But seriously what's turns you on? Lol fml

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1923d ago
Snookies121924d ago (Edited 1924d ago )

Why do we need confirmation about freaking sexual orientation? This is so stupid... It has no place in a game like this. If it's something crucial to the story that's one thing. All this is for, is attention seeking. Plain and simple.

Goldby1924d ago

but what if they planned on making a campaign one day involving one of the characters from Apex legends, would it feel more forced stating when the campaign released that the character is LGBTQ or when the character was initial introduced to everyone via a different game?

attention seeking would be using a character from this game in a story driven one and bringing up the fact they are LGBT to sell that game

johndoe112111924d ago

Here's what, i'll admit to your statement making any sense the day a company goes out of their way to announce a character is a white hetrosexual male christian. Until that day comes i'm gonna have to call BS on your statement.

rainslacker1924d ago (Edited 1924d ago )

It might feel forced, mostly because this feels forced, and pointless. No problem if that's what the characters are, but it's just pandering to even mention it, when no one asked, or cared. He ll, before a few days ago, no one even knew this game existed. Now, I know the names of two characters, but the only thing I know about them they affiliate with a group.

Is That really proper representation? For decades now, gay people have fought for equel rights. That they are the same as everyone else, just with different interests in one aspect of their life. But things like this force these characters to be defined by this. Is that progress?

spicelicka1923d ago

It feels forced now and it'll feel forced then. It should never have to be announced. If they want inclusivity, just implement it in the game. By your logic every game without a story can just start announcing LGBT characters because some day they might have a campaign for it.

Eonjay1924d ago

"Why do we need confirmation about freaking sexual orientation? "
Because people asked after reading the profiles.

DrumBeat1924d ago (Edited 1924d ago )

Lol. I find it very hard to believe that anyone; gamers, developers, community managers, PR workers, investors, etc asked about the sexual orientation of any of these characters.

Developer 1: After close examination of Bloodhound's character model I get the sense that he might be a little bi.
Developer 2: He is, but I didn't want to say anything too soon; I wanted to surprise Terry down the hall.

Eonjay1924d ago


it is clearly stated that Respawn put the bios up on their site. Then people started asking about them and then EA and Reswapn had to come out and 'confirm' what they had already stated. This then became the story.

sampsonon1924d ago

it's just in their Bio, not meant to be a big deal. well not in 2019 anyway.

it's a troll article to make people like you all get upset and become click bait drones.

Mortheous1924d ago

It's is in their bio on the company's site as far as I'm concerned it isn't canon. To me things need to be IN GAME to be canonical.

OffRoadKing1924d ago

And yet here it is being made a big deal. Having it not be a big deal would have been to not pointlessly include it in the first place.

Snookies121923d ago (Edited 1923d ago )

I'm not upset over it, I'm just pointing out that there is no reason for it. Not in a game like this. They are only doing it to garner attention from the LGBTQ community. It's an attention-seeking tactic.

sampsonon1923d ago

@OffRoadKing: If they include a heterosexual bio, and a LGBTQ bio what's the difference? They are both apart of our world. it's reality.
unless you think everyone should be what you want them to be. But that's excluding a part of our population.

so what's the problem with that?

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-Foxtrot1924d ago

Why? Brownie points.

So they can let people know that they should praise them for being so forward in their thinking.

OffRoadKing1924d ago ShowReplies(6)
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n1kki61924d ago

While I am glad that there is more representation for everyone in games, what the hell does sexual orientation have to do with Battle Royale. Is this to assist in the creation of porn? Just to make sure it's accurate? I have never been playing a shooter and wondered "hmmm, who does this character prefer to have sex with?" "Favorite position?"

n1kki61924d ago (Edited 1924d ago )

I mean, are we really to the point where we need to just add sexual preference as a customer character attribute?
Seriously, I can now see someone taking a Character based on sexual orientation, rather than who is the better complimentary person for the team. From an LBGT community standpoint this comes across as pandering and dilutes and real conversation. Quite honestly this type of pandering probably does a disservice to those who are gay or otherwise.

TacoTaco1924d ago

I agree. Representation is good. All types of people play games, therefore all types of people should be represented in games *where* the narrative lets you craft your character and experience.

But Battle Royale? There's no meaningful benefit to any community for doing that.

rainslacker1924d ago (Edited 1924d ago )

Does that matter? Affiliation appropriate porn for tracer from overwatch is boring, and it's not like those who cr rate such things really try to keep things within cannon.

KickSpinFilter1924d ago ShowReplies(6)
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