
This is what Resident Evil 2 Remake could have looked like with fixed camera angles

DSOGaming writes: "YouTube’s ‘Enveloping Sounds’ has shared two videos, showing what Resident Evil 2 Remake could have looked like with fixed camera angles. As we all know, the original Resident Evil trilogy featured fixed camera viewpoints and these videos replicate the feeling of playing the remake in its original aesthetic style."

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ArchangelMike1948d ago

Thank God it doesn't have fixed camera angles. I get turned around enough as it is.

RosweeSon1947d ago

Whilst I agree it should be an option its like playing through a cctv haha

Tross1948d ago

Neat. Capcom should add something like this as an extra mode or something. It would make me play through the game twice...which would technically be 8 times as although I haven’t played this yet, I definitely plan on doing Leon A, Claire B, then Claire A, Leon B at minimum, and I would have to double that if a fixed camera mode were an official thing.

ArchangelMike1948d ago

Just a heads-up, be prepared to clench for that B run through. My goodness it's ramps up the intensity!

Spenok1948d ago

I'd be totally down to play the game this way on a second run via an unlock or something. This is pretty neat.

RosweeSon1947d ago

Yeah it’s like playing police camera action or similar cctv based show haha

Muzikguy1947d ago

I think as an extra mode or bonus content "in game" this would be an awesome addition. Would definitely set them apart from dlc and MTs of other games

LemyAtom1948d ago

I admire the effort but the original RE titles wouldn't have that behind the player fixed angle for several shots in a row as shown at the beginning of the video.

NapalmSanctuary1947d ago

I would have started with far behind the back then gone to a side angle from Leon's right as he got closer to the store, then switched to face Leon from a bit of a distance and slightly above as he entered the store (To be clear, the camera would be positioned inside the store). At this point I would have broken with tradition and had the camera pan right to follow Leon as he moved around the aisles to the door with injured cop. When he got to the back hall, I'd place the camera mid hall, above Leon (as if attached to the ceiling), the first half of the hallway he'd be approaching the camera near head on, and in the second half head be walking away from it. But instead of doing the quick perspective shift the camera would track him as he walked underneath it, for a nice and smooth perspective shift. Once they get that back area, the camera changes are pretty good, until he exits the key door. Particularly after he picks up the key. Before he picks up the key, though, I'd have to actually play around with the camera to see what I'd want to do with it.

Eamon1948d ago

Gotta say, it's pretty cool.

Hardiman1948d ago

THIs is one aspect I'm glad they changed. I just find the over the shoulder perspective better. Playing RE0 again after finishing RE2 and it's definitely a step back.

CaitSith1948d ago

Just because they're a 'step back', doesn't mean the games aren't worth looking back to.

Hardiman1948d ago

I'm playing it as we speak for the fifth time! It'd been a few years but it's still a bit jarring. I can enjoy the game but still criticize it.

CaitSith1948d ago

? I wasn't trying to come off as hostile, I'm just saying that retro games are good to look back to, despite it being a step back.

Hardiman1947d ago

I didn't sense hostility but it did come off as presumptuous because I love the OG RE titles especially the 02 Remake and Zero and highly recommend them. With that said the perspective is off putting when you see how it elevates the experience in the new RE2.

NapalmSanctuary1947d ago

It's not a step back, it's just different.

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DefenderOfDoom280d ago (Edited 80d ago )

A great example on how to do difficulty in a video game is DOOM ETERNAL. Started playing on ULTRA VIOLENCE but then I started playing on NIGHTMARE after a couple hundred hours of playing on UV . What makes DOOM ETERNAL fun, is on Nightmare, the enemies are very aggressive ,but they give you the tools to defeat difficult enemies , you just have to learn how to use them .

FinalFantasyFanatic79d ago

Doom Eternal was so tough, but it felt so amazing to finish that game, even when the enemy feels unfair and gang up/box up into a corner.

Nacho_Z80d ago

Personal dislikes are bullet sponges and bosses with regular enemies thrown in. Just make the boss hit harder if it's too easy.

thorstein80d ago (Edited 80d ago )

I think Helldivers 2 really gets it right. If enemies are easy, they swarm. If they're high level, they tend to have good defense and need strategems to take down...or bait.

I never feel too angry if I die by swarm because it is usually my fault for not checking my 6. I don't even mind dying if a teammate drops a bomb on the swarm that is gutting me.

I don't like cheap deaths. When the game allows you to progress only to hit you with an enemy that is suddenly immune to all the things you've unlocked and mastered is just dumb. If the game doesn't do hit boxes right and you get killed in lame ways it is dumb.

The screenshot is from Elden Ring, a game I really enjoyed, but the scaling was silly. I didn't do the Eligtree til late game so it was goofy difficult. I thought the Elden Beast was rather cheap. Not a fun skill based match, but just cheap enemy. There was no sense of, "oh it defeated me because I did this or I did that" like all Souls/Borne games.

Crows9080d ago

Don't handhold. There you go. every game is immediately harder and more rewarding.

DarXyde80d ago

1. Intelligent opponents that don't have some set, optional strategy to win and requires more critical thinking.

2. Game provides players with the knowledge and tools about a game world to stand a chance (or at the very least, the opportunity to gain the knowledge and tools).

3. Don't insist on enemies having much more health than the player arbitrarily. Sometimes, you'll have more durable enemies who are armored or inhuman which I would say is fair. The best approach to this I can recall in recent memory is Naughty Dog games: You're extremely vulnerable without armor and can get picked off pretty easily, but your enemies are pretty beatable with the right weapons and strategies where you can't just brute force it. That said, ammo is in short supply, so you engage at your own risk.

4. Depending on the type of games, make resources more scarce without necessarily making enemies bullet sponges. It simply means you'll have to choose your battles carefully and have damn good aim. Like Uncharted. If you're not good at headshots, Crushing is a rough time.

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The 7 Best Video Game Remakes of All Time

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shinoff2183114d ago

It's a crime star ocean 2 remake isn't on this list. Jeez

kevco33113d ago

There's so many remakes coming out these days, I'm sure many people's favourites won't have made the cut!

jznrpg112d ago

I agree with you. It’s was so good I finished it way faster than I wanted to.

ApocalypseShadow113d ago

Where's the 2D love? Like Strider and Bionic Commando Rearmed? Some of my personal Remake favorites.

LightofDarkness113d ago

Those games were excellent, especially loved that Strider reboot back just after the PS4 released.

got_dam113d ago

Links awakening was fun, but it STILL runs very poorly. Slowdown all over the place.

DefenderOfDoom2113d ago (Edited 113d ago )

For a 90s video game remake I would put QUAKE 2 at the top. Nightdive did a amazing job . And Machine Games added awesome new content.

Soy113d ago

Dead Space over Mario All-Stars, esp since All-Stars was just a graphical upgrade. Otherwise.....can't quibble much with that list.