
An Epic Overreaction

Player 2 breaks down the choice by Deep Silver to head to the Epic Game Store with Metro Exodus and points out that the anger this choice has caused is misdirected.

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Footyspacecadet1924d ago

Another case of cry babies not getting their way so they trow their toys on the ground and storm off. They were doing the same with Ace Combat 7 because it didn't support some super high tech flight sim joystick even though Ace Combat is not even close to a flight sim.

JoeBloggs1924d ago

I agree, I am not sure about the whole switching storefront thing as I am primarily on consoles but it seems to me that people are just chucking a tantrum because things didn't play out the way they want. There surely has to be a better way of communicating than review bombing and abusing developers.

logotero1923d ago

These sheep children are literally fighting for higher game prices, and helping push us toward a system like the consoles have. Console stores.. look for a 3 year old triple-A game and you will see it for $50-60.. Now go to Steam and look for the same game.. $5-10. These idiots have no clue what they're fighting for. They're also the same ones calling Epic's wall of exclusivity that's currently under construction.. "competition". As if any one camp with exclusive rights to any game will ever be motivated to drop the price.. Forget that, they'll raise base game prices from $60 to $100. Dumb kids. They're also spewing nonsense about "consoles good" and PC is a joke because we're having this issue / problem.. that we can easily mitigate by waiting for a crack, anyway. lol These are the lower-class version of the same idiots who buy $1200 GPUs from NVidia. Idiots with money, idiots without.

kevnb1924d ago

people are angry because they know it will kill the sales.

GameBoyColor1924d ago

The game was on Steam for pre order for a long time and showed up on the featured list, basically advertising the crap out of the game. Now that that's done they wanna jump ship? Extremely crappy move and then there was the stupid PR statement from the publisher. They were too afraid to even back up there own decision and just pointed fingers at the devs lmao.

Lastly, this is some exclusive bs that belongs on console even if both storefronts are free, this is not the way pc games should turn, maybe give different dlc or something but don't just outright shut down the competition. The sales of this game will be killed off I believe because of this. Maybe they'll make it up with Epic taking less than steam would've though, I dunno.

Footyspacecadet1924d ago

I don't see how it will reduce the sales of the game. People excited for Metro are still going to be excited for metro, regardless of platform. I am pretty sure EA games, even with their much worse storefront, haven't suffered a loss of sales because they are only available there.

Cobra9511924d ago

It isn't even a platform switch. It's a launcher switch. Does no one remember PC gaming before Steam? You just downloaded the games and installed them, or you installed them from disc. Using the Epic service is only one step more involved than that. Geez.

SpamnJam1924d ago

I think your point about the advertising has some merit, that is probably the worst move by Deep Silver in this whole saga. But the worse case scenario I see here is that maybe if a few more AAA titles ditch Steam, Valve may just sit up and take notice and improve its attitude towards developers, not seeing them as a disposable resource.

Seraphim1924d ago

Considering Steam comes from a Valve, who at one point was a relatively small studio makes this kind of ironic and funny. Would Valve be ok listing games on a competitors service and paying the fees they ask? I understand it's a business but you'd think that based off [Valve] roots they'd be a little more developer friendly. Especially when they know the work, money, and hardships of creating, selling games and keeping the studio open. Surely Valve are making cash hand over first via Steam and can afford to soften the blow for developers distributing on Steam.

Hewso1924d ago

As the Author of this, I guess my point, which seems to have been missed a little, is about the behaviour as a result of this choice, not about the choice its self. Business choices are often full of weird and secretive reasoning that I am not privileged to be aware of. I am however very aware of the appalling behaviour it has brought out in gamers. By all means, you are free to not like the choice, but attacking, review bombing and abusing the developers is appaling behaviour not matter your justification.

Mirdus1924d ago (Edited 1924d ago )

Review bombing is the only meaningful way CONSUMERS can protest decisions made by companies they do not approve of. This kind of review bombing is done with other products in the world, its not new and it is not only restricted to games. Personal attacks however are way over the line and those minority of people who do that are pathetic, but sadly this fact exists everywhere and will most likely never go away, there are always nutjobs.

There is nothing secretive about the actions of companies, it will always have the only one reasoning behind it, and that is money, nothing more, just money. This action does not help PC gaming, having 3rd Party Exclusives like we have seen on consoles is wrong, and Epic needs to realize this fact.

Cobra9511924d ago

Your thinking aligns with mine perfectly. If I make any more substantive comments on this subject, I will reference your article.

pleasuretokill1924d ago

These companies are going to be very disappointed when they receive more revenue per sale, but, end up selling 1/4th or less of the games because it's not on Steam. I'm one of those people that want all of my games in one place. It would have to be a Borderlands 3 level game for me to consider downloading yet another terrible platform that I have to remember a login and password on and split my games and friends list up yet again for. No thanks. Release on the platform I like or no sale. Metro, Meat Boy Forever... possible buy titles for me... on Steam. Division 2, no thanks. Epic has nothing that makes me say "I have to download that platform that I want nothing to do with to play that game"

Imo, devs are going to learn a hard lesson here. What would you rather have, 70% of the profit on 1000 sales or 90% of the profit on 200 sales? gl with that nonsense. I won't support it.

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Microsoft Is Finally Ending Its Focus On Big Budget Gaming Nonsense

Back when the Xbox 360 launched, Microsoft pushed the big budget game as a differentiator. Following all the recent layoffs, it’s clear this strategy has run its course.

Einhander197217m ago(Edited 14m ago)

The Microsoft shill take on the Microsoft causing the death of big budget gaming...

The whole driving force for growth in gaming both technologically, creatively and financially was all nonsense, and it was definitely not because Microsoft ran the industry into the ground with obviously bad decisions and creating an unprofitable business model that massively disrupted consumer spending habits. /s


EA to Spend Billions Boosting Share Prices After Mass Layoffs

EA has announced it will engage in a shareholder-pleasing share buyback program just a couple of months after mass layoffs at the studio.

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Yi-Long12h ago

Well, anything to make those shareholders happy, I guess. They're all that matters in this industry nowadays.

badboyz0910h ago(Edited 10h ago)

EA stocks haven't been profitable in over 5yrs. They better hope Take-two don't get the FIFA license lol.


How can any Xbox studio trust Microsoft now?

For Xbox’s hugely expanded gaming division, anything that isn’t Call of Duty is now a failure, and that’s a problem

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lelo2play18h ago

Honestly, If I worked presently for Microsoft's gaming division, I would update my CV and look for work elsewhere...

Simon_the_sorcerer18h ago

I would do the same, because MS will most likely pull-off more stunts like this in the near future...

Chocoburger8h ago


How about "ever"?

They closed so many of their dev teams during the second half of the Xbox 360 era. Have we forgotten history so quickly?

Dummy fake journalists acting so surprised over these recent closures, when this is something that's been going on for well over a decade now with MS.