
Rage 2 Preview - It's Not Your Typical Open-World Shooter - Noisy Pixel

Noisy Pixel went hands on with Rage 2 on PC from developers id Software and Avalanche Studios and publisher Bethesda, available May 14, 2019.

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nucky641952d ago

the only reason i'm hesitant about getting this day1 is these so-called "super hero powers".....i'm not sure i like the idea of them in a setting like this- is the character a mutant? are they some type of upgrade? are they there as soon as the game starts or do you earn them? i really like the world and enemies i'm seeing.

spicelicka1952d ago

It looks amazing! I'm loving the gameplay variety. If those shooting mechanics are as good as they look I'm sold.

azariosays1952d ago

Do you ever find that even with a load of skills in a shooter you still only rely on like 2 skills for the most part? I love when people use everything in their arsenal, but I just always end using the same moves lol

spicelicka1951d ago

Yes! But that usually happens when they give you too many abilities at once without any direction. This is why the game design is so important, they have to give you little bit a time, or allow only certain combinations in certain situations, or design the enemies that have weaknesses which can only be exploited by putting specific skills together.


Worst Big Budget Games

GF365: "Among all the well-received and beloved video games, there are some that are horrendous. Here are our picks for the worst big budget games released since 2010."

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banger88511d ago

What a shitty f***** list! Most of the games on it were great fun. Bullshit list.

chantii_mmohaven510d ago

yep this is truly a b*tthurt list :/

MadLad509d ago

I think the only one I agreed on was Anthem, and even that isn't horrendous.

Knushwood Butt511d ago

Anthem; I'd forgotten that game existed. I remember thinking the trailer was BS though; turns out I was right.

Cueil509d ago

the game wasn't bad though

RavenWolfx510d ago

"Worst big budget games" and immediately lists Genshin Impact, a game that has $4 billion in revenue.

blackblades510d ago

$3 billion and counting along with alot of users. I disagree with that being on the list. This list is just a person opinion without merit

monkey602510d ago

I havent played Genshin Impact and Mafia 3 was alright. The rest though I kind of agree with.
I loved the 1st Kane and Lynch and I could not understand how the 2nd game was as bad as it was.

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Rage 2 and Absolute Drift are free at Epic Games Store

Starting today, Rage 2 and Absolute Drift are free at Epic Games Store. The free game offers run until February 25 at 11 AM Eastern. Once you claim them, they’re yours to keep.

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Terry_B1202d ago

Free Games..the only good thing about EGS

gamefreaks3651202d ago

I have a pretty large EGS collection now thanks to all of the freebies.

kneon1202d ago

Me too, and yet I haven't played a single one

Profchaos1202d ago (Edited 1202d ago )

They frequently provide large discount vouchers of %15 to which is nice.

I'm more likely to buy a game on epic than steam these days steam prices are often higher

Terry_B1202d ago

15% lol..I get 20% already for being a humble choice subscriber.

Kados1201d ago

Even with the discount, i wouldn't buy anything from EGS. Rather pay the extra 15% to get it on Steam or GOG.

purple1011202d ago

that drift racing looks simultaneously edge of the seat while also relaxing,

very strange , very cool.

Father__Merrin1202d ago

I've got a massive collection of titles from here great stuff. Always wanted to play rage 2. Cheers Epic

Antnee5341202d ago

Im so excited for rage 2 I always wanted to play it, never wanted to buy it lol.

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Halcyon 6 is free at Epic Games Store, Rage 2 free next week

Starting today, Halcyon 6: Starbase Commander is free at Epic Games Store. The free game offer runs until February 18 at 11 AM Eastern. Once you claim it, it's yours to keep. Epic also revealed that Rage 2 is free next week.

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phoenixwing1208d ago

Nice rage 2 I owned on ps4 but getting it free for pc now will be good