
IGN: SEGA Talks The Conduit

Early Wednesday morning, third-party SEGA revealed itself to be the official publisher of The Conduit, the High Voltage Software-developed first-person shooter and one of the most anticipated Wii games of next year. To learn more about the partnership, IGN chatted with SEGA of America's president, Simon Jeffery.

TheColbertinator5698d ago

Looks like this partnership came just in time.I would have been worried if Ubisoft or Midway took up this game

N4g_null5697d ago

Sega does what nintendon't this gen is officially over. This is a yin and yang effect. Sega is going hardcore while nintendo does every one. Prefect war fare if I ever saw it.

Sega catches more flak from HD gamers... well because they are PC gamers that are cheap!


Splatoon 2 Shows Off What Wii Shooters Should Have Been

There’s a consensus about Splatoon 1 that cannot be disputed: motion controls are the way to play. The Wii U Gamepad had its many problems on the system as a whole, but along with the way in which the touch screen was implemented in the first game like I mentioned in my last piece, using the Gamepad’s gyroscope was deemed a superior way to play compared to traditional joystick control.

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Great Games Of Last Generation: The Conduit

Rustyshell.com: The Conduit strived to be the quality FPS experience Wii owners were missing out on, with quality graphics and a robust online multiplayer component.

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The Bin: The Conduit

Hardcore Gamer: The Conduit was an interesting first-person shooter that sneaked its way onto the Wii amid a deluge of shovelware and "family" games.

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