
Driveclub is the Most-Played PS4 Driving Title with Estimated 10.5 Million Players

Some good news for fans of the PlayStation 4’s first exclusive driving game. According to player trophy information, 2014’s Driveclub has the largest number of players in the genre, at a staggering 10.5 million.

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Jin_Sakai1955d ago (Edited 1955d ago )

While it had a rough launch Driveclub turned out amazing in the end. The visuals still hold up today. The weather effects were also something to behold.

It’s sad to see Evolution Studios go. I can only imagine what Driveclub would’ve been like with a PS4 Pro. I can only imagine what Driveclub 2 would’ve been like on PS5.

Gamist2dot01955d ago

Yeah, I tried to play this on the 4K TV with the Pro and it looks terrible.

bluefox7551955d ago

Terrible? Even without a pro patch, it still looks better than 99% of everything else out there

UltraNova1955d ago (Edited 1955d ago )

Haha, DC is even better looking than Project cars 2 and The crew 2...on my 4k oled running on a Pro. Hell it looks better than GT S at times!

Troll harder.

nix1955d ago


Did the game on 4K have a tone of green shade? Envy was probably screwing the brain and your sight.

KickSpinFilter1955d ago

Have a 4K/Pro an no looks amazing.
I had a Plasma 1080 with a org PS4 looked amazing
The only time it did not when I had my org PS4 on the new 4K TV that looked horrible, but the pro fixed that, not only for Driveclub but for all games.

kayoss1955d ago

@Gamist2dot0 How come, i have a feeling this is B.S??

Ding1955d ago (Edited 1955d ago )

UltraNova5h ago(Edited 5h ago)
Haha, DC is even better looking than Project cars 2 and The crew 2...on my 4k oled running on a Pro. Hell it looks better than GT S at times!

That's a mathematical impossibility junior.. When Drive Club was released, HDR wasn't accepted as a standard via the HDMI 2 licence and the 2.0b addendum


HDMI 2.0b was released March, 2016.[117] HDMI 2.0b initially supported the same HDR10 standard as HDMI 2.0a as specified in the CTA-861.3 specification.[115] In December 2016 additional support for HDR Video transport was added to HDMI 2.0b in the recently released CTA-861-G specification, which extends the static metadata signaling to include Hybrid Log-Gamma (HLG).[115][118][119]

Sony added this to ALL PS 4s in System Update 4 in 2016..


Sept 2016.

The Uberrace's uberracer


Wide Colour
・Colour space increased by 64% from sRGB.
・10nm scale spectroscopic measurement. (Measurement of the spectral base.)
・Full wide colour space workflow using BT.2020 at all stages of production, from data capture, materials creation, rendering to output.

Was built from the ground up for the Wide Colour Gamut, which uses 16bit per RGB element as opposed to HDR 10 and 12. Its also built on the BT 2020 industry standard which only has 2x resolutions


Rec. 2020 defines two resolutions of 3840 × 2160 ("4K") and 7680 × 4320 ("8K").[1] These resolutions have an aspect ratio of 16:9 and use square pixels.[1]

Frame rate
Rec. 2020 specifies the following frame rates: 120p, 119.88p, 100p, 60p, 59.94p, 50p, 30p, 29.97p, 25p, 24p, 23.976p.[1] Only progressive scan frame rates are allowed

N-A-T-I-V-E UHD in 4K or 8K basically 4K 120 = 8K 60

・Data capture using a bespoke camera developed by PDI.
・Brightness range 100 times higher than the current camera standard.
・Gran Turismo will support current HDR TV’s as well as future HDR devices reaching brightnesses up to 10000 nits. (HDR10・ST.2084)
・GT Tonemap enabling complete compatibility between Standard Dynamic Range (SDR) and HDR TVs.

GT Sports offers 10,000nits of luminence which is 100x better than Drive Club or trash like RDR 2 on the XboneX


Here's Vincent showing Sonys prototype 85" 8K offering 10,000nits and look what racing game is in the background


So if you even dream about comparing anything to the REAL Driving Simulator again, you'd better wake the hell up and apologise.


C-H-E-F1955d ago

Don't worry folks he was looking at his reflection and was like ohhhh i look terrible, he wasn't talking about Driveclub.

Gamist2dot01955d ago

To all who thinks DC looks pristine in 4K, no it does not since it didn't get the patch it deserves and it has to do with resolution not the graphics. What I saw was what I saw. I take a lot of screenshots of games when I play especially when the graphics are phenomenal like DC. DC looks perfect on an HDTV but not on 4K without a patch.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1955d ago
crazyCoconuts1955d ago

I liked it a lot but not having a Pro version and not Pro enhancing the VR version was disappointing. Then GT Sport not having full VR support was another kick in the pants. At least we have Dirt Rally VR which is great but I feel like the driving genre is on of the biggest areas of improvement for Sony going forward, at least for VR

Profchaos1955d ago

I actually really enjoyed driveclub VR I thought it was an excellent racing title and played well online

1955d ago
TKCMuzzer1955d ago

I only got around one bend in VR before by body said "i don't think so sunshine". I can do some games in VR( Astrobot is a marvel) but driving ones are just a little to much for finely balanced senses. :)

darthv721955d ago

Not only am I sad there may never be a Driveclub sequel but no more Motorstorm games as well. I can only imagine the quality (both visually and game play) that a PS5 Motorstorm could bring. Pacific Rift is still my favorite.

VenomUK1955d ago

Motorstorm was one of the great PS3 franchises, it was a racing game that was designed to be fun. DriveClub suffered from an identity crisis in that it was an arcade racer as well as a real race simulator. There were some ambitious social racing ideas which were ahead of their time, now they ironically live on in rival game Forza Horizon. A real shame but I would love to see a new Motorstorm debut on PS5.

Kribwalker1955d ago

motorstorm one and 2 were fantastic racing games

UltraNova1955d ago (Edited 1955d ago )

I still remember my reaction when I first laid eyes on Motorstorm running on a HD TV real-time...I was floored. The mud, the rocks, the vehicle and ragdoll physics, the fun game play...those were the times!

Its a real shame the studio had to be closed. I'm still baffled as to why that happened.

On other news, the guys behind Motorstorm made Onrush. Played it a couple hrs so far. Its no Motorstorm, lets get that out of the way. I feel I've seen everything in the first couple hrs...its a bit stale. Its a shame really because underneath its a solid effort. It just lacks variety.

sprinterboy1955d ago

Sony could have used driveclub as there forza killer imo, release a new driveclub every 2 years to have competed with forza during holidays.
Mind boggles why they closed them, I do scratch my head at some dicision making from Sony sometimes.

DaDrunkenJester1955d ago

These things happen, it's certainly never a simple decision or something that just happens over night. Plenty of studios from all companies get shut down for myriad of reasons.

Obscure_Observer1955d ago


"Mind boggles why they closed them, I do scratch my head at some dicision making from Sony sometimes."

I´m sure they will regret their decision based on those MAUs numbers! 10.5 million players! O.o

Forn1955d ago (Edited 1955d ago )

I think the reason they were closed is because of a few factors. The game continuously got delayed before launch. The game director left during production. And then when the game finally did launch, the online was botched big time and it took far too long for Evolution to figure out how to get things running properly. Even though the offline mode had a lot of content, it wasn't enough to combat the black eye the game had at launch because of its online mode. The studio then went into a sort of shutdown mode where it wasn't reaching internal benchmarks according to Sony. I'm sure Evolution was bleeding money and wasn't seeming to produce enough in terms of value to warrant Sony to keeping them open. Then the studio was snatched up by Codemasters and they created Onrush. And if anything, Onrush is an indication as to Evolution's decline as a studio. Broken online, glitches, lack of meaningful content, limited game modes, limited replayability, etc. Part of me REALLY wishes that Evo had just decided to wet their feet on PS4 with a Motorstorm trilogy remaster first instead of creating Driveclub. It would have allowed them to better understand the hardware right off the bat, learned some lessons, and then working on Drivelub at that point would have been a smoother process.

AmUnRa1955d ago

The development for this game was a desaster, it got a few delays, and it was ment to be a online racer foremost but, the time was not right for this game. The online part was dificult to develop and has cost a boatload of money. I think the game did'nt make even a profit.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1955d ago
Knushwood Butt1955d ago

Was playing it again the other day.

Am considering buying the Bikes expansion.

This data proves that 2 first party driving games can co-exist on Playstation, and that Sony made a mistake by closing Evolution.

IRetrouk1955d ago (Edited 1955d ago )

Get it, it's well worth the asking price.

darthv721955d ago

wow... a bike expansion. That sort of reminds me of PGR4. Another series that has gone the wayside.

IRetrouk1955d ago

I said from day one driveclub felt like a ps4 version of pgr4, one of my most played 360 games man, nobody listened😭

sprinterboy1955d ago

Best bike game on ps4 also, it's great handling.

badz1491955d ago

I platinumed both the base game and Bike expansion. played Driveclub for over a year and has gotten all 100% in the DLC too. great great game! the graphics, handling, weather all top notch! playing it with wheels like the G29 that I have is really AWESOME! xbots can troll the game all they want calling it not open world like Forza Horizon or whatever but that is the reason I love DC and GTS and Dirt games! I just want to select a race and race! there are too many open world games out there that allow me to drive freely already, I don't need them in my racers! sad they closed Evolution for the initial performance of the game as they could have done wonders to the IP given enough opportunities.

They even still owe PS4 owners a Motorstorm game, damn it! this is one of the things I am really pissed at Sony this gen right after they start charging for MP.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1955d ago
Tear1111955d ago

All because the haters!!
When they smashed the reviews just to destroy the title for Forza.

The game was great it deserves 8 at least.
Few problems can be fix and it did fixed.

Obscure_Observer1955d ago (Edited 1955d ago )


"All because the haters!!"

Nonsense! Same thing happened to SFV, NMS, Killer Instinct and SoT!

rainslacker1955d ago

It was rating quite well in early reviews. Most changed their reviews after launch because of the issues.

badz1491955d ago


which was BS! DC was up and running perfectly with online and weather (still the best looking weather effects right now IMO) just over a month after release, not a big deal since there are lots of offline contents to play with. games like BF4 are broken for months, Halo MCC was broken for YEARS, games like GTA5 and RDR2 had their online hold off for a month after release...those games didn't get their score "revisited" to address their issues but reviewers did it for Driveclub which is terribly unfair!

but the early days of this gen was terrible for the PS4 in terms of bias reviewers! remember "no next-gen gameplay" mentioned in many KZSF reviews? and then CoD and almost all other games play exactly like how they used to and every reviewers acted like they did nothing wrong! and then BAAM came RDR2 with its terrible outdated controls and NOBODY (reviewers) even dare to call it as it is and gave their 10/10 APPROVALS anyway!

F these money hatted reviewers and their bias!

Knushwood Butt1955d ago


Lol - 'no next gen gameplay', but your point is spot on.

I too got Driveclub at launch, and the challenges dropping in and out while you were playing was annoying but didn't stop me from enjoying the game. Like you said, the situation improved after a couple of weeks. Even so, the haters continued to jump on the game at any possible chance.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1955d ago
Obscure_Observer1955d ago


"The weather effects were also something to behold."

Till this day it´s unmatched!

NarutoFox1955d ago

One of my favorite racing games. The graphics was amazing

alb18991955d ago (Edited 1955d ago )

It is a mediocre racing game but that's what you got. It is jus a fact that if you have Forza Horizon and Motor Sport you won't be playing that. But hey, you can say WTF YOU WANNA SAY!!! JAJAJAJA!!

dekke1955d ago

Forza is arcade... i had Forza Horizon 4 on comp via gamepass and i didnt like it was garbage,,,but ofc u cant argue abt games or music style...

Seraphim1955d ago

that sums it up. Rough launch but amazing in the end. I played a ton of it a while back until I got the Platinum. Even now, if I want racing I go ahead and load that up for a night or two. It's really a beautiful game.

DrumBeat1955d ago

All this game had going for it was visuals. Races were boring; simple pass-the-guy affairs without nuance. Physics were basically non existent. You didn't feel like you were driving a car; it was a nothing racer. Very pretty water beading and weather effects with nice trees and lakes. Everything else was enthusiastically meh.

Knushwood Butt1955d ago

Er, no.

Also, this is the game that got me into drifting in games. I always hated drifting in GT, but in DC it played a major role and I got hooked on it.

I set up many drift challenges, and lots of them developed into very heated battles. Good times.

dekke1955d ago

Driveclub is awesome with controller ...but if u try it with Logitech g29 set its unplayable :/

Knushwood Butt1955d ago

I have a seat and wheel setup (g29 i think) yet still play DC with a pad...

Knushwood Butt1955d ago

Very similar, only I don't have the manual shift attachment and my pedals are far away from the wheel :-)

dekke1955d ago

@Knushwood Butt

also PC2 is unplayable with that set ..doesnt respond anything what u do ...GTS and Dirt4 works fine

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1954d ago
gravedigger1954d ago

Well deserved! Game had such a great content support. Shame for no Pro support.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 1954d ago
timotim1955d ago

Not a lot of first party/exclusive racers this gen from Sony. Other than DC, whos Studio got shut down, the only other on track racer was GTS, which was the lowest rated in the series. Actually, I wouldn't say 10.5M players is staggering when you consider theirs over 90M PS4s in the wild.

theindiearmy1955d ago (Edited 1955d ago )

Wasn't it also a free PS+ game? A few of the games that are near the top of this trophies video data list are clearly there because they were free PS+ games.

salmonade1955d ago (Edited 1955d ago )

No it wasnt a PS Plus game.

Dragonscale1955d ago (Edited 1955d ago )

@salmonade, the ps plus edition released in June 2015.

SierraGuy1955d ago

Get your facts straight before speaking.

The_Sage1955d ago (Edited 1955d ago )


No... It was a demo version.

OffRoadKing1955d ago

The full game was never offered on Plus there was a "PS Plus edition".

obidanshinobi1955d ago

It was but they lied to us in the marketing before release as too how much of the game would be free to PS+ subscribers .
The whole game was a mess, an utter embarrassment for all involved.

Forza Horizon 2 that released in the same year blows this game apart, so much better in almost every way.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1955d ago
Skankinruby1955d ago

Uhm that's like a 12 percent attach ratio which is fantastic

timotim1955d ago (Edited 1955d ago )

10.5 million PLAYERS, not 10.5M sold. The attach rate would be much lower...

No where is 12% considered "staggering" either...

badz1491955d ago


oohh...where were you when MS announced their player counts? I hope you were as quick to mention "PLAYERS, not SOLD" there too as you did here!

Knushwood Butt1955d ago

10.5 million players, 0 rewinds.

salmonade1955d ago

"I wouldn't say 10.5M players is staggering"

It's staggering if you compare it to the Xbox player base. They only have a lowly 40 million users.

10.5 IS staggering. The fact that you don't seem to understand that, is truly pathetic. Over on the Xbox you guys gush like fangirls if one of your so-called 'exclusives' manages to sell a Million copies, which hardly ever happens. You can barely get 3 mil players playing one of your fake exclusives at any one time.

timotim1955d ago

You are changing the conversation over to install base...that's not what this article is about. Try and stay on track (pun intended).

Yes, Xbox is estimated of having 41 million units sold...and yet FH3 has ALREADY surpassed that 10.5M player stat with HALF the user base. Now THAT is staggering.

chiefJohn1171955d ago

Timotim owned you. Plus it was psplus title

IRetrouk1955d ago (Edited 1955d ago )

The last time Ms mentioned horizon 3 player numbers it was 9 mill, back in June last year, that 9 mill player count also included pc users not just xbox, so please show me where you got the over 10.5 mill number from because I can't find it anywhere. Its been played by more people than any forza or gt this gen, I don't really get the downplay, it's a fun game, I'm playing it now.

Kribwalker1955d ago


Over 10 million players, in 2 years, no games with gold version and not on gamepass

ILostMyMind1955d ago

But is It sales?

IRetrouk1955d ago

OK cool, it's a good game that deserves the numbers, but 10 mill is still not over 10.5 is it? And its also not xbox only but pc players as well isn't it? So you jumping to his defence did nothing to change the fact he's still talking out his bum.

Kribwalker1955d ago


it’s not driveclub sakes either, just driveclub players

DaveZero1955d ago

Well considering Forza horizon 4 has 7.5 million players for a 40million user base and driveclub has 10million players for a 90 million console sales, do the math, forza has it.

Driveclub though still excellent numbers great to both consoles on there racers I say but let's not kid ourselves Forza horizon and motorsports are the best in the biz.

rainslacker1955d ago

Don't Forza Horizon numbers include PC users?

JesusBuiltmyHotrod1955d ago (Edited 1955d ago )

@timtim...Xbots don't have much else exclusive wise worth playing, it's amazing that system has managed to sell 40 mill, thank god fr Americans or xbox would be dead.
Gow, Spiderman, Horizon plus many other PS4 exclusives will SELL more then the number of players of froza, and yes it was and is on gamepass.

Gamingsince19811955d ago (Edited 1955d ago )


40 million Xbox plus 100 million or so pc users so 140 million plus and only 7.5 million playing it ? That's not even close to being as good as 10.5 million out of 90 million playing drive club.

salmonade1955d ago

@ ChiefJohn17 , i dont give a crap who owns me. I don't play racers. I just know that Xbox sucks and it's the worst console with the worst exclusives and the least amount of them. There is no hiding that. It's a fact.

10.5 is an amazing amount, and if you say otherwise you're trying to spin it in a negative light. A Sony exclusive sells 6 million and xbots come and say it's a failure? Becausew of the install base? They are trying to spin stuff to make them feel better about their pathetic choice in console. TimOTim is a joke and so are the others like him. They're truly pathetic

mcstorm1955d ago

@salmonade I'm sorry but to say the Xbox is the worst console with the worst exclusives is not true it depends on what games you are into. For me I perfer FPS and racing games which is where the Xbox beats the ps4. You want platform the switch wins. Action adventure games the ps4 wins. So depends on games you like to what console is the better one for you dose not mean the others are bad.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 1955d ago
shuvam091955d ago

In case you didn't read it correct, it's the highest selling of ALL the racing game on PS4...

timotim1955d ago

And maybe you haven't read my post...Sony hasn't released many racers this Gen...GTS is the only other one (if we aren't counting Wipeout). Its not hard for DC to be the highest selling of their racers considering its been out the longest...

Knushwood Butt1955d ago


Driveclub is the Most-Played PS4 Driving Title

rainslacker1955d ago


You seen really invested in trying to say that this number isn't a good number for some reason.

When I see Xbox fans say that similar or lesser numbers are great, and it doesn't matter how many sold, I wonder why it's not the same for Sony for.one of their games. Is Sony not allowed to use the players played metric and get the same consideration, or is this just another instance of the standard for Sony is really high, while ms has no standards applied to anything they do?

Brave_Losers_Unite1955d ago

It recieved poor reviews at launch thats why. Its a much better game like No Mans Sky and Sea of Thieves

rainslacker1955d ago

It's poor reviews were because the online didn't work under load. Reviews before it's release said it was pretty good. 7-9 We're common scores. Some sites changed their review score because of it, which was unprecedented at the time, and really hasn't been done since, except for a few for halo:mcc which took more than a few weeks to fix it's online issues.

uth111955d ago

its staggering that it came out in 2014, started off with a bad rep and today nobody talks about it.

seemed like a forgotten title

rainslacker1955d ago

People still play it though. I get challenges still from time to time. Game still plays great, and if anyone got he full game and season pass, which many could for $25 about a month after release, there was tons of content there

OffRoadKing1955d ago

Any other trolling you want to do or is that about it? A positive Sony article and you can always count on the usual suspects to show up and try to belittle it.

Dragonscale1955d ago

So true. All you get is forza forza forza yawn and how Driveclub is a bad game even though most will have never even played it. Graphically DC is superb tbh with some of the best weather effects even now. Its just the usual salty downplaying tbh.

gravedigger1954d ago (Edited 1954d ago )

Quote :

You are changing the conversation over to install base...that's not what this article is about. Try and stay on track (pun intended).

Yes, Xbox is estimated of having 41 million units sold...and yet FH3 has ALREADY surpassed that 10.5M player stat with HALF the user base. Now THAT is staggering.


Yeah, FH series always had a great playerbase. And btw. that's combined PC and Xbone version, not Xbone version only.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1954d ago
xRacer74x1955d ago

Forgotten genre by Sony. The game was not very good. Sony used to have plenty of racing games options from ATV off road fury to even some really good offroad racing games.

S2Killinit1955d ago

They still do its just that you are comparing it MS, and they have a annual release of Forza. So by comparison your statement would be true.

darthv721955d ago

to be fair, we have become so accustomed to at least 2 GT games per platform gen and this is the first time we have only received 1. It is pretty easy to assume there will not be another GT game until the PS5 releases. And it should be no surprise if that game turns out to be the real GT7.

I am thinking that the PS5 will be a return to form with both a GT7 and later a GT8. Unless Sony wants to stick to just releasing expansion after expansion for GTS.

ILostMyMind1955d ago

Sony has already said that the GTS will be the only GT for PS4. Why do some people pretend there will be another?

S2Killinit1955d ago

Pretty sure next GT will be a launch title for PS5!

BehindTheRows1955d ago

The game WAS good, it just released with some issues that never really helped the team recover from, and thus, cost them.

King_Noctis1955d ago

I remember Motorstorm and Twisted Metal. Hope those return somedays.

OffRoadKing1955d ago

"The game was not very good"

Proof you never played it. The game was actually really good despite all the hate it got. Slow start yes, but saying it was not very good is just false.

xRacer74x1954d ago

I most definitely played it. Its why I bought a PS4. Racing Genre is my favorite. Not a huge Sim racing fan only because they are all the same now. DC was pretty but the narrow roads the invisible barriers all were things that other games eliminated well before DC was released. The game felt dated when it came out.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1954d ago
S2Killinit1955d ago

No way! I didnt realize it had such a large following.

Xx_Pistol_xX1955d ago

I think letting this dev go was a mistake.

ClayRules20121955d ago

I agree. Such potential within those dev’s.

ILostMyMind1955d ago

Potential is not enough. Who pays wants results. And they did not deliver.

badz1491955d ago


that might be a plausible explanation but then they have Media Molecules doing nothing this whole gen aside from trying their best to launch Dreams before this gen is over!

not trying to downplay Dreams of anything because what has come out from the developer diary and the beta is nothing short of amazing but even the biggest PS4 fanboy need to admit that they have taken too long and it's getting ridiculous now.

Sony shouldn't have been too quick to shut down Evo! these guys are pure talent! I have been their fan since the PS2 days with their WRX game and last gen with Motorstorm. IMO, Motorstorm Pacific Rift is still the best off-road racing game EVER MADE! kinda sad they toned the scale down to showcase 3D with Motorstorm Apocalypse, which was amazing in 3D but pale in comparison to Pacific Rift in terms of contents and then toned it down further for Motorstorm RC!

I feel like Sony still owe us a Motorstorm game for PS4! damn it Sony!

rainslacker1955d ago

It was a product of the time. Sony was heavy into their restructure, and the dev had issues delivering the game, and when it finally released, despite being good outside the online not working, it ended up not making as much money as it could have. When you look at it from a business perspective, it was just a choice that had to be made, and if it wasn't them, it would have been another dev.

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60FPS on PS5: Unofficial PS5 'FPS Boost' mods are radically improving PS4 back compat

Digital Foundry : Whether it's via FPS Boost or bespoke software upgrades, backwards compatibility on the current-gen consoles delivered an unexpected delight - the ability to liberate older console games from their 30fps limits, running them at 60 frames per second or even higher. FPS Boost did the business for Xbox Series consoles on an impressive range of titles, but there was always the sense that PS5 could do more. It's a hunch that checks out as a range of frame-rate unlocks are available for PS5, covering many must-have games - the major caveat being that only exploitable consoles running on older firmwares are invited to the party.

Read Full Story >>
darthv72147d ago

you love to see new life being breathed into older titles but damn the process to get there. It should be automatic that these work for everyone... not just those who exploit their systems. Really wish Sony and MS would keep this program going officially.

Psychonaut85147d ago

Damn this sucks. I want this shit so bad, but I’m not jailbreaking my console. And frankly I shouldn’t have to. I’m not a tech person, but is it really that hard for developers to unlock the framerate? Or would that have to be a large patch?

dveio147d ago (Edited 147d ago )

"but is it really that hard for developers to unlock the framerate?"

I guess it's not.

But it has become a profitable business if you do so.

So no one would pay for only the framerate patched to being unlocked. So studios need to offer more than that.

But this would take more time, polishing and would cost more money. So they shy away, but won't unlock the framerate, either.

That's just my personal assumption. But from what I can comprehend technically, it shouldn't be difficult to unlock framerates via a patch for older games.

... if it hadn't became a business.

RaidenBlack147d ago (Edited 147d ago )

frame-rate unlock should be free ...
We've seen many devs offer free patches and updates to pretty old PC titles, even bonuses ... so why can't devs offer the frame unlock patch for free (in consultation with the platform-producers) for a title from just a generation earlier?

Einhander1972147d ago


"frame-rate unlock should be free ..."

Obviously the result of that thinking is that developers aren't even going to do it.

If they had been allowed to charge $5-10 you would see incentivized developers doing it way more often.

People just always want everything for free, but it's not free to make the patch, people have to code it then other people have to test it, and there will always be other costs involved.

If people want dollar store gaming then expect to get what you pay for.

shinoff2183146d ago (Edited 146d ago )

Raiden I might be wrong but last I thought it cost money to put patches out on consoles.

As far as me paying for it, I'm not all that interested tbh. Not enough to pay for it with older games, and newer games have been pretty decent about it for the most part.

dumahim147d ago

Sounds like the modder has to go in to make changes to unlock it on a game by game basis. "Simple" enough to do it unofficially, but to have it done officially, they need someone to go in a make that change, put out a patch and put it through certification, which I believe is not necessarily a cheap thing to do. It's questionable if going through this would then give them enough sales to make it worthwhile.

Inverno146d ago

Many games still have physics tied to framerate, i think it's cause they wouldn't want to go in and do anything extra. Then there's the 10 dollar upgrades they rather charge. The problem is that there's no compromise, cause if I could mod my PS4 and all I'd lose is online play then id jailbreak it immediately. Mods have done so much for PC games and they could do the same for consoles, but manufacturers hafto be willing to compromise.

shinoff2183146d ago

It's not to hard to do and there's youtube videos that break it down really well. ANyway most of us here arent able to break are console anyway due to being up to date on firmware from playing

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 146d ago
Chocoburger147d ago

Yep, this sucks having to require a jailbreak for something that should be standard in our industry by now. I learned my lesson when PS4 was jailbroken and I didn't keep a console on low firmware for years, but now I'm holding onto two low firmware PS5s specifically because there are features I'll be able to do that you can't do on official firmware, so this will pay off for me soon enough.

Jin_Sakai146d ago

It should be a sin to let these games sit and be stuck at 30fps.

EazyC146d ago

RDR 2 not getting a 60FPS patch for PS5 was a crime.


Driveclub - Brutal Backlog

Driveclub was a headline game at the start of the PS4’s life. A fabulous game – eventually - but what now, with the servers turned off? Is it worth your time? JDR starts its engines in today’s Brutal Backlog.

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Abear21828d ago

Bikes expansion might be one of the most underrated games of last gen. Incredible driver and bike animations + DC weather is craze.


20 Best PS4 Racing Games You Should Play

Cultured Vultures: We won't stop until everyone appreciates how brilliant Driveclub is/was.

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Terry_B1248d ago

Are there even more than 20?

purple1011247d ago

i went to the article and theres only a couple racing games, cant find the button to move page on through all the adverts.

purple1011247d ago

ah its changed to a video now, strange, but il take it

Dfooster1246d ago

Dirt rally doesn't even make the list? Errm OK then.

Driveclub is over rated as well, with middle of the road handling and the 30fps killed it upon arrival for me.