
Kingdom Hearts 3 Review - IGN

Kingdom Hearts 3's fulfilling evolution and resolution of the franchise shows the series is still full of heart.

Elda1926d ago (Edited 1926d ago )

Their score is basically a 9,I'll be picking up my copy Tuesday.

UnSelf1926d ago

No, the score is basically an 8.7. The sooner you are real with yourself, the sooner you'll stop inflating the things you like to make them seem better.

A 9 is a 9. This game isnt a 9 according to IGN.

SixFragz1926d ago

"According to IGN"... that's the problem.

Game is a 9.

Minimox161926d ago

Too Much Disney Characters, 8.7/10

UnSelf1926d ago

Not one cogent rebuttal. Gaming is on the decline and you pacified, spoiled gamers is the reason why. The sooner you relinquish your die-hard attachment to a franchise, console or brand the sooner this industry will turn around.

Anyway, I may pick this title up because im loving the evolution of the ARPG genre and the inevitable fading of turn-base. It is an antiquated system that is praised for its strategy-grounded dynamic but a great develope should be able to implement both styles in one and if you cant keep up then you have some evolving to do yourself.

Elda1926d ago

If you know anything about math rounding off a 8.7 is basically a 9. Please get over yourself & come back to earth.

RebelWAC1926d ago

"Not one cogent rebuttal. Gaming is on the decline and you pacified, spoiled gamers is the reason why. The sooner you relinquish your die-hard attachment to a franchise, console or brand the sooner this industry will turn around."

So you're saying that we all should relinquish our attachment to the franchise and pass it on to one review from IGN? That just doesn't sound right.

Anyhow, 8.7 is still a massive score in my book no matter who gave the score.

Marioraider181926d ago (Edited 1926d ago )

The game is an 8.7. That's the way IGN grades it. It is a more accurate rating than rounding it off to a 9. I remember when G4TV show had ratings of 1 - 5 stars. This makes it harder to decide how good a game is when the score doesn't have many options. Would you rather go to a hotel that is rated 92/100 or one that is rated 4 out of 5 stars?

Good news is that this game is the highest rating from IGN out of Kingdom Hearts I and Kingdom Hearts II.

S2Killinit1926d ago

And IGN’s credibility is a 3. What now?

OMNlPOTENT1926d ago

You seem like a fun person to be around.

neutralgamer19921926d ago


that's the problem with today's gamers they want reviews to be honest and upfront but than they also want certain numbered scores to go to their favorite games. Anything below and the reviewer don't know what he or she are talking about. a simple question when someone is playing a game do they get more joy out of the game knowing it got 9/10 instead of 8.7/10?

zelda BOTW reviews are key point in this argument few sites that gave it 9/.10 instead of 10/10 received death threats. In my opinion that game isn't what reviews make it out to be but i understand my opinion is in minority and we all don't like the same games

yoshatabi1926d ago

You must be fun at parties

Muigi1926d ago

If you round up it is *_*.

sprinterboy1926d ago

I think you missed the joke

Nacho_Z1926d ago

That difference of 3% doesn't mean jack really. Get the same person to score it on a different day and they might have given it a 9.3.

Marioraider181926d ago

Or an 8.4 which would round it down lower :)

Orionsangel1925d ago

IGN isn't the final word.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 1925d ago
Eonjay1926d ago

Strangely enough they makes this game sound like a 10 to actual fans.

tombfan1926d ago

Yup, it's a 10 for fans, 8.7 it's like a breezy KH game, even better than the old ones.

notachance1926d ago

"Kingdom Hearts 3's fulfilling evolution and resolution of the franchise shows the series is still full of heart."

the fans only need to see this line tbh

stupidusername1926d ago

The reviewer is a giant KH fan. He’s followed the series since the start and talks about on every single Playstation podcast IGN releases.
So it’s probably a 10 for fans coming from him, but because he’s supposed to be professional he can’t geek all out and has to take faults into consideration.

Palitera1926d ago

Closer to 8.5. Just saying.

gamer78041926d ago

Meta is closer to a 9, at 8.9 just saying :)

Palitera1925d ago

Jesus, you people are really insecure about your niche. Dear god...

LegoIsAwesome1926d ago

Chill. Ign gave RE2RE a 8.7 then suddenly became a 9.

OT791926d ago

I notice that, that was really weird, someone knows what happen?

Jin_Sakai1926d ago (Edited 1926d ago )

Great score. This will be the first Mindim Hearts game I’ve played. Hope it all makes sense.

Curious as to why their review is listed under Xbox One on Metacritic when the video review specifically said reviewed on PS4 Pro at the end?

neutralgamer19921926d ago


why do you care if it's a 8.7 or 9? if you like the series regardless of the score it seems KH3 is a great game

Elda1926d ago

Why do you care what I care about???? Smh.

Cobra9511926d ago (Edited 1926d ago )

Well, it's an 87%. Sure it rounds out to an integer 9 on a scale of 10; but why lower the precision? It's a great score, with or without rounding.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1925d ago
notachance1926d ago

wonder if they'll bump this to 9 too after the secret ending get patched

UnSelf1926d ago

an arbitrary number shouldnt sway your personal experience.

Sgt_Slaughter1926d ago

That's not what the person is saying, it's in reference to an older IGN review where they altered the review post-launch because they missed something that brought the score down. Or, they were talking about the latest RE2 review where they based the score off of the non-cannon storyline (since you can play both campaigns in any order, but only one gets you the complete story) and gave it negatives marks because of it.

notachance1926d ago

my comment is about IGN's revision of their RE2 review score, because hilariously the main reason they docked the score is there in the game all along, just that the reviewer hadn't played the game enough to find it before the initial review went live.

DaDrunkenJester1926d ago

It took this long to come out... why not just wait until the patch was ready to release the game?

CloudStrife9001926d ago

If I recall, they withheld the ending via a patch on purpose to save spoilers :)

Though, in this age, it'll be out in the wild long before many get to that point in the game anyhow.

notachance1926d ago

supposedly to prevent spoiler, but come next tuesday it'll be all over internet anyway.
going off internet really is the best way to not get spoiled.

JamesGAMESYOUTUBE1926d ago (Edited 1926d ago )

8.7 is a really good score! I believe IGN gave KH2 a 7.6. Tuesday can't come fast enough!

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Final Fantasy XVI Has Finally Given Donald Duck A Worthy Opponent

For a long time, it's been widely accepted amongst Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts fans that Donald Duck is the most powerful mage ever to exist, mainly due to his use of the stupidly powerful Zettaflare spell towards the end of Kingdom Hearts 3. This spell is one step up from Teraflare, a spell which was used in Final Fantasy XIV that was so powerful that it completely wiped out the base game, giving the developers a canonical reason to let them bin everything and start again from scratch.

Now you're armed with this information, you can see how it was pretty surprising for Donald Duck of all characters to bust out Zettaflare and establish himself as the most powerful character in Final Fantasy/Kingdom Hearts lore. However, now that Final Fantasy XVI has arrived and delivered a whole new cast of characters, a new challenger has arrived to provide Donald with some much needed competition.

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Final Fantasy's Strongest Canonical Magic User Is... Donald Duck?

Final Fantasy features many strong characters, but an unlikely character from Kingdom Hearts is able to cast ​the most powerful spell ever seen

gold_drake359d ago

that was pretty amazing, not gonna lie, i might have shed a tear or too, just cause of pure awesomeness.

he was already my favourite disney character and one of my favs from KH and then to see that amazing spell too. aah so good xD


Final Fantasy's strongest magic user is Donald Duck, who never appears in a final fantasy game.


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-Gespenst-371d ago

"Yozora is much more than a grueling secret encounter; he is a reflection of what Kingdom Hearts' bosses should be"

No thank you. If every boss in Kingdom Hearts was like Yozora, the series would be unplayable. That's not to say that they shouldn't include such challenges, but making them fundamental to the game would be too much. And don't say that this is what the From Software games are, because Yozora is absolutely harder than most of the bosses in those games. He is waaay faster, has a ludicrous number of abilities (and does them in random order AND can chain most of them together), and punishes you severely if you make a mistake. On top of that, you have to survive this onslaught for a really long time because of how much health he has. It's borderline too much - for me at least. Still, it's a stunning battle.

OMNlPOTENT370d ago

I agree, while I do really enjoy the Yozora fight, I think it's far too difficult to be anything more than an optional boss. However, I do believe that there should be more bosses that are in the same weight and size class as Sora, as the majority of those in KH3 were the best fights. The giant heartless bosses just aren't as enjoyable.