
‘Dreams’ Beta Users Recreate ‘Dead Space’ in Game

Those who have been keeping tabs on Media Molecule’s upcoming PlayStation 4-exclusive sandbox game Dreams finally have the beta after a couple of years of delay. And now that they have it, users have been able to create some pretty cool stuff. Like recreating Dead Space.

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Neonridr1948d ago

where are they getting these assets from? Are they building them from scratch? Does dreams have a library of pre-done assets to use? This is just flat out unreal..

Nyxus1948d ago

From what I understand, you can basically create anything in this game. That's why it's taking them so long to complete it, it's a really ambitious title.

Neonridr1948d ago

yeah, I just wasn't sure if Dreams had a library of assets to pull from or if you have to make everything from scratch.

Either way, the stuff we are going to have made is going to blow people's minds.

Sono4211948d ago

You can create anything except an MMO, the game will have Online Multiplayer, but as of right now they aren't sure if the max is going to be 4 or 8.

darthv721948d ago

I remember project spark and how that was supposed to be a creation type of 'game' but sadly its no longer active online. Dreams looks like a similar idea but much grander and more freedom to create.

SuperSonic911948d ago

This game will be filled with 2D and 3D classic games recreations!

sprinterboy1948d ago

Can't wait for zelda and Mario kart clones

Goldby1948d ago


Somekne already working on a zelda oot remake

Rimeskeem1948d ago

It is also taking a longtime because they are building it all through controller to show what is possible. They could have cheated but they basically gave themselves the tools and made it as players.

bouzebbal1948d ago

This for me is GOTG.. Before it came out.
Possibilities are pretty much endless it seems like.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1948d ago
Araragifeels 1948d ago

Created from scratch. I already saw a P.T on Dreams.

Neonridr1948d ago

yeah, I saw that too. This title is going to have some huge potential.

SuperSonic911948d ago

Imagine someone recreating Chrono Trigger or Final.Fantasy VI in Dreams...

1948d ago Replies(3)
DaDrunkenJester1948d ago

You can create anything from scratch in the game. there are a lot of pre-made assets that you can then tweak, or you can load in your own designs, or even offload them out of the game as well to load them into a 3D printer and shit.

Dreams is the best 'make your own game' game ever.

isa_scout1948d ago

I've played the beta. It has a library of Media Molecule and player created assets, but you can make your own if you want. For example, if I'm creating a level with spooky trees I can create my own spooky trees or just type spooky trees into the search bar and look through all the spooky trees that other players have made then just import them to my level. Without saying to much I will say this, Dreams will 100% be a GOTY contender, this beta has consistently blown my mind. I saw a player created mario level that I kid you not was a 100% match to mario on Super Nintendo. It was so good.

starchild1948d ago

Sounds ambitious as hell. I've always understood why the development was taking a fairly long time. But Little Big Planet was amazing and I think this game is taking everything to new heights.

LiViNgLeGaCY1948d ago

Wtf? Seriously?! Dude that's amazing!

zeuanimals1948d ago

Been saying it for years, this is the game of the generation and once word of mouth spreads, it's over.

THC CELL1948d ago

Assess is created by the user and then u can share and remix if user let's u

boing11948d ago

How one creates asses? Most of us have only one.

Sono4211948d ago

They don't have copyrighted assets, but they do have some assets they made you can use,but everything they made you could just as easily make yourself. The entire campaign in the game was made in the game itself. They said the only type of game you can't make is an MMO.

Hedstrom1948d ago

I think there are base assets, but you can also pull assets from any other created game (within dreams).

Sono4211948d ago

You can only pull assets from other created dreams if the creator allows it.

starchild1948d ago

Very impressive stuff. This game has immense potential. I loved the Dead Space games. Dumb EA for killing off the series. Anyway, can't wait for Dreams and to see what people create in it.

Angelin1948d ago

First P.T. and now Dead Space... looks like a marketing effort :)

rainslacker1948d ago

Sadly recreations probably won't be allowed, as Sony will want to avoid copyright infringement, and ethically, it's not really responsible for a console maker to allow.

Thatguy-3101948d ago (Edited 1948d ago )

the sweet thing is that a level can be edited and worked on with more than one creator so there are a lot of levels that are made from a collaboration of a few ppl. The scope of the levels will expand the longer people have with the creation tools. Let's remember that this is a beta so most likely the final game will have more stuff to play around with.

Neonridr1948d ago

the scope and potential here seems limitless.

salmonade1948d ago

You can pull assets from anyone else and use them, or manipulate them in any way. You can take a belt buckle from a gun belt and turn it into a massive golden door for a game you are making and manipulate it. At least from what I've seen.

rainslacker1948d ago

There's an in game asset creator. Works like sculpting software, which takes some knowledge. But there are some default forms to get you started...like a basic male and female body, which you can modify. System is pretty forgiving compared to some 3d modeling software. It's quite an impressive feat on its own, and could easily compete with professional software.

Neonridr1948d ago

does this software allow any sort of keyboard / mouse support? The thought of trying to manipulate assets using a dualshock seems quite daunting. I studied 3D design and am pretty capable with 3D Studio Max. Would be awesome if they allowed you to create assets on a PC and then transfer them over.

rainslacker1948d ago

Not sure. I only know what I've been told, but have seen some videos on it. KB/Mouse would make things easier in some respects. Move seems to be good for sculpting though.

I believe you can import assets you make from some PC programs. not sure how that works, or what formats it supports.

Neonridr1947d ago

@rainslacker - that would be awesome if they let you do that. I have a bunch of 3D modelling software on my PC. But being able to use the move controllers will help for sure. I have this 3D modelling program for my Oculus Rift called Medium, and being able to build and manipulate stuff in VR is quite unreal. So using the move / PSVR will be a treat to utilize.

rainslacker1947d ago

One of the guys at work was talking about a VR sculpting program. He loves it. Says its limited for the kinds of things you might need for game models at the moment, but you can do a lot of work that way, then import it into other programs.

He does actual sculpting though, with real rocks and everything. He can make some amazing things, and I've always been impressed seeing a block being turned into something else. Same is true watching a pro make things in 3D programs, or through sculpting programs where one takes a basic shape, and turns it into something complex. Takes the kind of artistic eye that I lack.

I tried to take up whiddling, and about all I ever got out of it was a smaller stick. I am more into furniture, and oddly enough, I can carve intricate designs into face boards or do lathe work pretty well. I managed my art classes in my game design degree, but the track I took didn't require me to create much that was complex, just learn the basics.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1947d ago
xPaYDaYx1948d ago

The game is literally anything you want it to be. That's all there is to it.

Godmars2901948d ago

Wonder if they're going to release a player asset store where players just publish things they've done for others to use? Natural sounding enough, but in the current gaming climate can't see that being done w/o major flack or blockage from 3rd parties.

tombfan1948d ago

Yes, it has an asset library, anything (as long as a creator permits it) can be shared to anyone. So you can have a lot of assets and then "Remix" them in your world.

telekineticmantis1948d ago

@Darthv72 Yeah Project Spark was a Good attempt to execute the ideas Media Molecule already announced at the playstation 4 announcement

Mr_Writer851947d ago

You can make your own, but I believe you can also share creations you have made.

So if you have 3/4 people making assets, they then share with you and you put it together.

Could be cool as you could potentially design a playable character or NPC for others to use, so your still contributing to the community even if you don't have time of patience to make a full blown level.

Neonridr1947d ago

yeah, imagine how big the asset pool would be after like 6 months of people creating and sharing stuff.

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 1947d ago
aarogree1948d ago

Be still my heart. The Necromorphs might hear you.

SuperSonic911948d ago

Remember that guy who made Final Fantasy VII on LBP?
Now he will make it in full 3D.

1948d ago
WelkinCole1948d ago

lol! Man wish they continue with another horror dead space. Knowing EA and SP games though

Obelisk921948d ago

I hope someone will recreate Silent Hills PT

Obelisk921948d ago

Holy damn, totally overlooked that.

That's simply unbelievable.

sampsonon1948d ago

we don't know if the game was recreated. this looks to be just the hallway.

Elda1948d ago

They did & it looked great!!

MasterCornholio1948d ago

Dang this is pretty crazy


Dreams is pretty impressive if you know how to manage the tools.

1948d ago
kenpachi1948d ago

Dammit I wish I was good at creating stuff instead of sucking at it

StormSnooper1948d ago (Edited 1948d ago )

Me and you can still play what’s they create (;

Ps: like your namer tag

rainslacker1948d ago

I think I'm pretty good at the design stuff, but not at the asset creation. I have no artistic talent like that. But playing other people's work can be pretty enjoyable.

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Dreams Creator Regrets Lack Of PC Versions, Next Project Is "More Of A Game Than A Creation Tool"

Media Molecule director said the studio's next title is more a game & less a creation tool. He also regrets not having a PC version of Dreams.

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-Foxtrot17d ago

If there was one PC version that should have existed it’s Dreams

I’m super glad they will be going back to something more traditional gaming wise.

Cacabunga17d ago

I’m sure they’ll find something creative to implement like Tearaway on vita. What a gem 💎 that thing was!!!

Abear2117d ago

My dream was DreamsVR and creating landscapes, characters, and sculptures using that amazing toolbox in vr, that would have been something imo.

ocelot0717d ago

I thought It has vr support?

Amplitude17d ago

It did but it came out as an update LONG after the game was essentially dead

P_Bomb17d ago

Dreams PC was the dream. Woulda given the game a much needed boost. Here’s hoping they follow it up well.

phoenixwing17d ago

If sony had any sense they'd be making a pc version pronto

mkis00717d ago

They probably ran into the same problem they did with the potential of last of us factions....the support needed was just too much to consider expanding to more platforms for a smallish studio.

Abnor_Mal17d ago (Edited 17d ago )

I use to say this when the game was first releasing, many kept saying it would not be possible, something about the toolsets.

I said this was one game that needed to be on as many platforms as possible, including PC and Xbox just like how Minecraft is everywhere.

Goodguy0117d ago

Creation tools just don't work on console very well. It's definitely more suited for PC, and it's very odd Sony decided not to port it over. Good MM is working on an actual game instead.

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Dreams Dev Media Molecule Says Layoffs Impact Planned Community and Curation Support

IGN writes: "Media Molecule has said the layoffs at the Sony-owned studio have affected plans for ongoing community and curation support in Dreams."

Inverno61d ago

How self sustained can DREAM be when it's basically stuck on PS4? I don't think it's even gotten a PS5 upgrade. Ending support for what is essentially a game making engine is basically death. SONY did DREAMS dirty.


How Dreams Tren update was inspired by a childhood spent playing with trains

Media Molecule Creative Director John Beech talks about making a very personal project in Dreams, available with PlayStation Plus.

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