
BioWare: Anthem Will Not Run at 1080p/60 FPS on PS4 Pro & Xbox One X

Gamble was specifically questioned about the performance of Anthem on PlayStation 4 Pro and Xbox One X. The producer was clear and stated that the game will not run at 1080p and 60 fps, as they have given priority to the visual aspect of the title.

Jin_Sakai1944d ago (Edited 1944d ago )

Disappointing to hear. Guess I’ll wait for the PS5 version.

Purrfection1944d ago

Games play better in 30 FPS. I find 60 FPS too real. It's like watching The Hobbit at 48 FPS in the theater. Sony knows this that's why so many of their games are 30 FPS because it feels more natural.

Jin_Sakai1944d ago (Edited 1944d ago )

“Games play better in 30 FPS. I find 60 FPS too real.”

Games do not play better at 30fps. Not only is the gameplay smoother the controller input is twice as responsive.

“Sony knows this that's why so many of their games are 30 FPS because it feels more natural.”

A quote from Naughty Dog:

Playing The Last of Us at 30fps feels 'broken' after trying PS4 remaster, says Naughty Dog

Neonridr1944d ago

no, just no. Games are smoother, appear more fluid and perform better at higher framerates.

gamer78041944d ago

I'd say sometimes I enjoy 60fps and sometimes I enjoy 30fps better. if its more of a story based game I like having the 30fps, if its an competitive, racing, or heavy action title I like 60 better. Either way I like prioritizing visuals over 60fps if necessary.

rainslacker1944d ago

I dunno about better. I personally have no problem with either 30 or 60 though. Maintaining a steady frame rate is more appealing to me, as dips can cause noticeable differences, even if it dips from 60 but stays above 30.


The quote from ND is irrelevant, as the issue is completely subjective. Some people swear by 60fps, and say everything else is unacceptable. Others, like Purr here feel 30 is better....assuming he's not lying. I'm indifferent so long as the frame rate is smooth.

In the grand scheme of things, if the frame rate is smooth, most customers actually prefer better visuals.

But, nowadays, allowing the option for the player to choose is the best way to go.

OpenGL1944d ago

Lol, 60 fps is objectively better for games. There's less input lag, smoother motion, and more visual information being displayed each second.

S2Killinit1944d ago (Edited 1944d ago )

Nice troll. Or is it Purrrrfect troll? Guys this guy thinks he is really smart, but i think he is wasting his life.

Hey purrrfect, did you know the industry standard in movies is 24fps? The Hobbit was filmed at 48fps. Which is double the frames per second. So, yeah, suck it.

TheFirstClassic1944d ago

I just died a little from reading that comment

S2Killinit1944d ago (Edited 1944d ago )

He is a stealth troll, his goal is to piss people off to make PlayStation look bad by pretending to be a arrogant/annoying Playstation fan. He either insults xbox owners, or says something that seems to be in favor of PlayStation but its really not (see example above). Its very disturbing behavior actually.

TheVigilanteCode1944d ago

"Games play better in 30 FPS. I find 60 FPS too real."

LMAO nice b8 m8, wud r8 8/10 for maximum dankery.

1944d ago
Kryptix1944d ago

"I find 60 FPS too real."

LOL Aside from better response rate, wouldn't too real mean more immersive? Isn't one of the great points of gaming is to immerse yourself in new worlds and have fun so you won't think of the stresses of the real world?

Either someone brainwashed you to think 30fps is better than 60fps or you have rarely played games in 60fps or more.

After gaming on PC at consistent 60fps or more, I have never turned back to 30fps and when I see 30fps, it's truly bothersome to the eyes. 60fps should be the standard and hopefully with the Ryzen chips, we'll finally get to see it on consoles much more often soon.

carcarias1944d ago

Not to nitpick but how can something be 'too real' and yet less 'natural'. Unless by 'natural' you mean 'what people are used to in visual media', maybe?

It's pretty subjective but I've never met anyone in person who prefers 30fps in games, I've only read it online and then it gets downvoted to buggery. I think most people prefer 60 in games and 24 (or whatever) in movies. Also, if it was an objective fact that games are better in 30 then why would developers ever even mention 60?

The simple fact is that most game makers, Sony included, rarely make their games in 30fps as such. Rather, they prioritise graphics to the point they can't achieve more than 30fps, which is the absolute minimum before a game starts to increasingly feel too crap/broken to play. It's an important distinction. For example, if some new magical algorithm was discovered in time to be patched in for Anthem's release day, one that allowed allowed 60fps, they'd use it in a heart beat.

The only time I've really seen developers sticking to 30fps when they could comfortably run 60 is in cut-scenes, because it feels closer to a movie.

60fps is so smooth, so responsive, games just feel so much better to me and, judging by these comments, most others. Funny thing is, being a pc gamer, I'm surrounded by people telling me to invest in a machine that's capable of 120fps since they feel that it improves game even more. 120fps is cool actually, but it's not such a big difference to me as when I went from 30-60 so I'm not that fussed.

I think it's one of those things, once you experience 60fps it really makes you wince once you have to go back to 30. For example, I enjoyed the gameplay in Resident Evil 4 PC and The Last of Us Remastered more than the originals thanks to the 60fps.

BlaqMagiq11943d ago

Anyone that believes games play better in 30fps is an idiot. Too real? That literally makes no sense.

Hedstrom1943d ago

Sorry Purrfection, but thats just not true! You could say that 30fps doesnt really bother you, but 30fps being better than 60fps in a video game is just false!

TK-551943d ago

People haven't caught on yet lol.

Marioraider181943d ago

You deserve to get your account deleted

Pantz1943d ago

congrats on 100 downvotes bro

Casepb1943d ago

You poor sad little man.

Wha_gwaan1943d ago

You obviously don't know a damn thing what you're talking about

Italiano12345671943d ago

Ask guys that play Destiny on Pc how much better 60fps is. Its night and day especially in a shooter.

shadowraiden1943d ago

has to be the dumbest thing ive ever heard or read. no sony dont think 30 fps is better they just know they can get away with being lazy with the hardware and their fan base will still buy overpriced shit. a $400 custom built PC runs games better than a ps4 pro and can do 1000x more and thats with people paying overinflated consumer prices on RAM and GPU's at the moment

PlayableGamez-1943d ago

Never heard this one before...

The_Sage1943d ago

I agree, Purr. At 60 fps the games loose something and look more fake. I have The Last of Us remastered, and I thought it looked worse than the PS3 version until I realized it was running at 60fps. Thank God you can switch it to 30.

mandingo1943d ago

No no no. So much judder in 30fps it’s horrible

starchild1943d ago

Haha good one.

But seriously, 60fps is better in every kind of game. There's not a single kind of game that I would rather play at 30fps instead of 60fps.

60fps, or higher, gives you more temporal resolution so things remain more detailed and clear in motion. It also just feels so much better and more responsive since latency is cut in half.

ButchKween1943d ago

Boy u smoking some crazy weed

esemce1943d ago (Edited 1943d ago )

Yes the Hobbit running at 48fps ruined it's cinematic feel but games and movies cannot be compared. With games framerate is king especially if it's an online shooter as it normally means less input lag.

vTuro241943d ago

"Games play better in 30 FPS. I find 60 FPS too real."

I literally logged in just to downvote you. This is somehow even worse than "30 fps feels more cinematic".

bluefox7551943d ago (Edited 1943d ago )

Have to be trolling, lol. There is zero circumstances where 30fps is better as good as 60, in any way. Not only does it look and play better, it also reduces input lag, improving your actual gameplay.

Artemidorus1943d ago

Games do not play better in 30fps.

pietro12121943d ago

Shooters, fighters. action and racers definitely play better in 60 fps.

MWH1943d ago

your eyes must be like your spelling.

I_am_Batman1943d ago

-60fps is too real.
-30fps feels more natural.


BenRC011943d ago

You are wrong, it's not an opinion, you are just wrong.

georeo1943d ago

Man, where did you hear that from? You got inside detail from Sony about 30fps? Lol

JustInTlME1943d ago

This is one of the worst examples I have ever heard Purr. The Hobbit looked terrible at 48FPS because movies have been shot at 24 fps for AGES. Games have been running at 60FPS for over 25 years. You will always control better when playing at 60 or above because you are experiencing less delay and input lag. I am not a PC master race person, but I have a PC now, and if I decide to play Anthem there is no chance I play on a console.

Sony has a lot of their games at 30 because they aren't capable of anything else. Also, some games are fine at 30 FPS because they are "cinematic experiences" gameplay, gunplay aren't the primary features. A game like this though, where movement and shooting will be HUGE, needs a minimum of 60.

1943d ago
SlagWolf1942d ago

@Purrfection My brain just hurt with what you just said...

ramiuk11942d ago

WTF? you for real dude??
go and play last of us on ps4 in 30fps and then60 fps and tell me that same line.
60 vs 30 is a huge differnce for response and fluidity

+ Show (39) more repliesLast reply 1942d ago
Lennoxb631944d ago

60 fps hasn't been the standard for games since the 90s for anything other competitive/fast games so I'm confused as to why people are still surprised.

FlyingFoxy1943d ago

Are you serious? Play a shooter on PC with a high refresh rate monitor and you'd never say that, 90-100fps is quite a lot smoother than 60fps.. And you don't need to be a competitive gamer to see and feel the extra smoothness.

NarooN1943d ago

I'd much rather play a shooting, action, or racing game at 60+ fps than 30 any day of the week. One caveat about high refresh rate is that I need the framerate to be locked and consistent, if it's constantly jumping around that can very negatively affect the gameplay responsiveness, especially in a competitive shooter. But once you experience those higher framerates you pretty much can't ever go back lol

Imalwaysright1943d ago

On consoles. It hasn't been the standard on consoles.

Lennoxb631943d ago


That much is implied. This article is only talking about the console versions.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1943d ago
Livingthedream1944d ago

4k 30 fps with better visuals is a deal breaker for you?

NarutoFox1944d ago

This really makes the One X look bad

on_line_forever1944d ago

I don't care because I will not buy anything from greedy EA

badz1491943d ago

2 thumbs UP for this comment

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1942d ago
ZaWarudo1944d ago

Really hope 60fps is standard for next-gen.

NovusTerminus1944d ago

If the devs are working on Ray Tracing like the Gran Turismo team is claiming, then I don't see 60fps being achieved with Ray Tracing.

badz1491943d ago

WTF are you on about? Gran Turismo? that game aims for 60fps

Unarmed_Civilian1943d ago

GT games are always 60 fps becose you need high fps to calculate the physics accurately....

duji1943d ago (Edited 1943d ago )

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Lennoxb631944d ago

60 fps will never be the standard for games on console other than competitive or fast games. Graphics sell games not frames so that will continue to be the priority.

OpenGL1944d ago

I agree, developers could make most games 60fps this gen if they wanted to by sacrificing visual quality, world complexity, etc.

SegaGamer1944d ago

A lot of console gamers just don't get it. I keep seeing them ask for 60fps to be the standard next gen, but they don't actually seem to realise just how powerful the hardware will need to be to sustain it in EVERY game throughout the WHOLE generation.

I have said it tons of times on here now, if you want 60fps throughout the whole generation, then you are going to need a brilliant CPU and GPU, and neither of these things will be cheap, especially if the target is 60fps at 4k! Even the most high end pc's struggle to sustain 60fps at 4k in a lot of the biggest games.

If people expect this to be the standard next gen then they are living in a fantasy world. The only way this will happen is if the console's start costing double the amount they cost now, or if they lower the graphics quality by a massive amount. Are console gamers really happy to give up shadows, anti-aliasing, textures and everything else for 60fps? I don't think so.

A lot of gamers who keep asking for this need to face reality. You're not getting 60fps in every console game, especially the big AAA games, it's just not realistic.

shadowraiden1943d ago

@segagamer that isnt true at all. a $600 gaming PC can do 1080/60 fps on 90% of games and look better than the console version.

evilstuie1943d ago

I remember when gameplay used to sell games. Your statement is as forward thinking as Bill Gates statement that you'll never need more than 64K of RAM.

1943d ago
1943d ago
andibandit1943d ago

I dont know about "never"

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1943d ago
Marioraider181943d ago


What are you smoking?

UncertainCategory1943d ago (Edited 1943d ago )

He’s right you know. 1920x1080 is 2k.

The k is a measurement of horizontal resolution, 1920 rounds up to 2000.

So 2k is 1080p. I always crack up when someone asks for ‘2k’ glad someone called you out.

specialguest1943d ago

Nope. Console games will never have 60fps as standard. Back when I was more active on N4G 5 years ago, console fanboys here said they didn't care for 60fps, because their favorite 30fps exclusives proved it wasn't needed. Well well! How things have changed now lol!

Livingthedream1943d ago

If folks want their exclusives to continue to look like Last of us 2, horizon etc, then no it wont be an option. And if we're being honest visuals are a huge selling point when it comes to games. I remember picking up Horizon just because of the 4k hdr visuals, lol. The game disappointed me but if it wasn't for the graphics I wouldn't have picked it up.

starchild1943d ago

That's very true. Before the current generation started I kept seeing people claim that every game was going to be 1080p and 60fps. And I argued that that was almost certainly not going to be the case. I said that most AAA games with high end visuals would run at 30fps and that some games would even run at below 1080p resolution. Both things turned out to be true.

Now a lot of people are doing it again. Claiming every game will be 4k/60fps.

It's like people forget that graphics and overall complexity make a significant leap between generations. We're not talking about merely running today's games at higher framerates and resolutions.

Rachel_Alucard1943d ago

Visual fidelity and frame rate are not mutually exclusive. On PC you can play games that reach the same visiual fidelity as Horizon and Last of us and still have 60fps. This is a case of consoles not having enough power to simultaneously do both. Also once 144 fps becomes a more standard occurrence, 60fps will be the new 30fps.

esemce1943d ago

Sadly as they always focus on the pretties it will probably be 4k/30 but every next gen game should give us an option to switch between high res or high framerate.

zahdab1943d ago (Edited 1943d ago )

It's never going to be a standard as long as they want to implement the latest and greatest effects there has to be sacrifices ... some games will achieve it with lower fidelity graphics and others will prioritize looking pixel perfect to frame rate.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1943d ago
masterfox1944d ago (Edited 1944d ago )

After seeing the downgrade the game already received I don't see any reason why wouldn't this game can run at full hd at 60 fps, seriously the game looks very average and the characters can't find them any originality, this smells like very bad/un-optimized coding.

Baza1943d ago

Even the mighty XboxOneX can’t run this 1080p60fps.. weak.

thexmanone1943d ago

I wonder what you think of the PS4 Pro?

alb18991943d ago

To read this on 2019 makes me think that some people just have no purpose in live.

DerekTweed1942d ago

That's not what they said, they are focusing on 4k/30fps for launch.

He said they can still work on 1080p/60fps for an update after launch, for both.

The point that stood out for me is that the PS4 pro will run at 4k.

starchild1943d ago

The game looks amazing, you're on crack.

LOGICWINS1944d ago

If I want high-end gaming, I play on a high-end PC. These consoles aren't built for those types of experiences. I don't care about 1080p/60 FPS when I'm grinding in Octopath Traveler.

kevnb1944d ago (Edited 1944d ago )

That’s a bit of a straw man, 60 FPS would be great for a game like anthem. Next gen we should get 60 FPS in pretty much every game I hope. On pc I’m already playing most games at 100+ FPS.

Nitrowolf21944d ago (Edited 1944d ago )

Octopath is a horrible example imo, it’s 2.5D turnpase RPG compared to a full blown 3D third person shooter. Gameplay gonna be vastly different, and the former can do with lower FPS without it really having any big effect. Also in this case, Octopath would more so gain from higher resolution rather than FPS

badz1491943d ago


So..I guess you missed the whole "Project Scorpio, it's a BEAST!" chanting from back then, ha?

shiva11943d ago

Now where does this leave base consoles? Would the game even play?

badz1491943d ago


the game would play just fine at 30fps with lowered resolutions.

due to the taxing nature of 60fps, a lot of sacrifice to the image quality has to be made which is why I understand why Bioware is doing this. I'm not in support of this per say, but just watch DF analysis on the recently released Ace Combat 7 and you'll see how far they have to go down for that elusive 60fps. the original xbone and S are rendering the game at freakin 720p and still unable to achieve 60fps while the base PS4 renders the game at something like 972p or something yet still drops frames.

the CPU is becoming a real bottleneck with these consoles and I think we will see less 60fps games aside from the usuals sports and CoD games from now on until next gen.

kevnb1944d ago

CPUs are too weak for 60 FPS in this sort of game. Next gen should rectify this.

jznrpg1943d ago

Not necessarily. If they improve physics and AI and add more detail to the worlds while aiming for 4k it may eat up all of those resources gained. I am sure some games will have it but I doubt it will be standard without the machines costing well above 499$

kevnb1943d ago (Edited 1943d ago )

I dont think so judging by leaked specs, these current cpus are extremely weak but have a lot of cores. You can actually get 60 fps out of them now, but it takes more time/money than publishers want to spend.

Guyfamily9991943d ago

It's the same deal with Destiny 2. There was a big hullabaloo about it not supporting 60fps on the mid gen systems but these systems only had 30 percent cpu bumps. Even in the Xbox One X, which really is an impressive system overall... The CPU is TRASHHHH.

It's likely that even with low graphics at 1080p the X wouldn't be able to hold a consistent 60 in this game becuase the CPU is a bottleneck.

Next gen will be bringing Zen and we'll be seeing 50 percent single core uptick minimum (maybe around 70 tbh), and even more on the multicore. Since games will be cross gen for a while, I really hope that CPU power goes towards allowing higher framerates. I would take 1440p60fps over 4K30fps ANY day... Heck, even 4K checkerboard 60fps takes similar (a little more) gpu power to 4K 30fps.

Lennoxb631943d ago

"I dont think so judging by leaked specs"

That doesn't mean devs will prioritize frame. And judging by the last 3 generations, they won't. Not unless people are willing to buy $600-$700 machines.

kevnb1943d ago (Edited 1943d ago )

when you consider the jaguar cpus are barely even an upgrade from last gen, and actually considered slower than the cell according to ubisoft... you really need to understand the specs to have this argument.

Show all comments (169)

Anthem Sold A Solid 5 Million Copies In Its Lifetime

The multiplayer action RPG shipped a whopping 2 million copies in its first week alone.

JEECE149d ago

A nice piece of proof-as if anymore was needed-that a game isn't automatically a success if it sells "millions of copies."

RiseNShine149d ago

I don't know if it's still possible, but if it still works, PLAY IT. It's a fantastic RPG on it's own, incredible graphics and story, well worth the Bioware name, i don't know how bad it was on release, but when i played years later it was a great single player RPG well worth playing.

ChasterMies149d ago

This a good example of why you should be hesitant to buy a game at launch.

--Onilink--148d ago

Its has been on sale multiple times for like $2-3… and even when not that aggressively dropped, it is usually in the under $10 category of any sale

BlackCountryBob149d ago

That’s good, but also worth pointing out that after maybe 3 months on sale, this game was selling for about a tenner. Reminds me a bit of Days Gone, good sales overall but only after huge discounts so unlikely to make large profit

Show all comments (17)

Worst Big Budget Games

GF365: "Among all the well-received and beloved video games, there are some that are horrendous. Here are our picks for the worst big budget games released since 2010."

Read Full Story >>
banger88492d ago

What a shitty f***** list! Most of the games on it were great fun. Bullshit list.

chantii_mmohaven492d ago

yep this is truly a b*tthurt list :/

MadLad491d ago

I think the only one I agreed on was Anthem, and even that isn't horrendous.

Knushwood Butt492d ago

Anthem; I'd forgotten that game existed. I remember thinking the trailer was BS though; turns out I was right.

Cueil491d ago

the game wasn't bad though

RavenWolfx491d ago

"Worst big budget games" and immediately lists Genshin Impact, a game that has $4 billion in revenue.

blackblades491d ago

$3 billion and counting along with alot of users. I disagree with that being on the list. This list is just a person opinion without merit

monkey602491d ago

I havent played Genshin Impact and Mafia 3 was alright. The rest though I kind of agree with.
I loved the 1st Kane and Lynch and I could not understand how the 2nd game was as bad as it was.

Show all comments (15)

PlayStation Summer Sale Gets Even Bigger

The PlayStation Summer sale expands with a load of new discounts.

Read Full Story >>
Aloymetal1017d ago (Edited 1017d ago )

Including indies I’ve bought like more than 20 games, good deals all around.

P_Bomb1017d ago

I’ve overindulged too! Gonna pump the brakes on this next round. Unless there’s a PS+ discount. Need a cheap sub for my kid so I’m not always changing primaries.

solideagle1017d ago (Edited 1017d ago )

could you please suggest good indie games (which are on sale)? I love JRPGs or action RPGs but I can play almost any genre e.g. Transistor is £3.74 which I think is a steal :)

shinoff21831017d ago

Check out earthlock. Its pretty good

Old school jrpg try cosmic star heroine I really like that one

Aloymetal1017d ago

Disco elysium, man eater, inside, limbo
Dead cells, observer, to name a few

LoveSpuds1016d ago

Don't sleep on Darkest Dungeon, Child of Morta or Spiritfarer.

Although it won't be on sale, the best indie I have ever played is release in a week or so, it may be 20 quid but you have to play Hades.

GhostofHorizon1017d ago

Told my partner to stop me from browsing. We'll see how that goes, the first part of the sale already got me.

ElvisHuxley1017d ago (Edited 1017d ago )

Anthem 85% off? Thought they went free to play. Has the game gotten any better?
Edit-Nvm, it's Europe anyway.

Hellcat20201017d ago

The second phase of sales is for all regions
It's just not yet showing up in the ps store

Servbot411017d ago

They abandoned Anthem. Typical EA.

CobraKai1016d ago

I can’t believe they’re still trying to sell it

BioShockGX1016d ago

Got Anthem for $5 last year. Not a bad game for that price lol

ElvisHuxley1015d ago

Appreciate the downvotes folks. I guess merely asking a question bothers the incredibly mature users here.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1015d ago
anast1017d ago

I might finally go for Black Desert. I've been playing ESO (without MTing my characters) for some throw away entertainment, but the combat is so "#$&&%.

Servbot411017d ago

BDO sucks. Only good for the character creator.

anast1017d ago

Is the combat worth it?

Phoenixryu1017d ago

I tried BDO a few months ago. It's a decent game but I got bored of it pretty quickly. Combat is very action-based, it's fun but very repetitive. There are a lot of menus and most of the in-game systems are a bit more complicated than they needed to be. Some game modes won't let you buy and sell certain items until you convert to a different mode etc. Basically, the game is kind of convoluted.

phoenixwing1017d ago

The mobs barely react in bdo. You can kill half of a mob of enemies before they'll even attack. You'll basically be grinding mobs until you can fight a boss that will even react well. Don't recommend it

anast1015d ago

Thanks. Is there an alternative to ESO?

phoenixwing1015d ago

@anast I'd recommend playing the single player version of es if you haven't exhausted your playthroughs

EvertonFC1017d ago

Highly recommend the "metro saga bundle" £25 all 3 games and all DLC plus free upgrade for ps5 exodus 😊

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