
Final Fantasy VII Remake Developers Tease Reveal in 2019; "Development Is Going Smoothly"

Today's issue of Weekly Famitsu included an article in which several developers shared their thoughts about the upcoming year, and among them were Final Fantasy VII Remake Director Tetsuya Nomura and Producer Yoshinori Kitase.

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gangsta_red1982d ago

Another game that was announced way too early.

Abriael1982d ago

To be fair, it might have been announced at the right time depending on their original plans, but then they rebooted production and booted CyberConnect2.

Nyxus1982d ago

I hope they will drop the episodic format they were planning for it and just release it as a full game.

goldwyncq1982d ago

^ It's not episodic, each part will be a full game on its own.

Michiel19891982d ago (Edited 1982d ago )

so that means we are getting 2 sequels to ff7?
Full game means closure of the story, which wont happen untill the last EPISODE

@abriael, id love to givev them the benefit of the doubt on this one but considering how they handled announcing their last mainstream ff games, I just cant.

Harkins17211982d ago

Rumors of it being rebooted arent facts.

porkChop1982d ago


What they're doing is expanding every aspect of the game. The story is being expanded, so they're adding a lot to it. Even the game world is being expanded. For example, Midgar will be fully explorable and expanded to reflect it's huge size. Not just the small areas in the original game. Side quests willbe expanded, and lots of new ones will be added.

It's basically a massively expanded trilogy that is based on the original FF7, but it's so much more than the original game.

Omnislashver361982d ago (Edited 1982d ago )

I hope they DON'T drop the episodic format. This isn't 1997 with 3 characters standing in a row, midi tracks, pre-rendered backgrounds, and blocky characters, it's 2018.

Did you see KH3? It has easily the most advanced ARPG system in history by far, considering another developer to compare it to is nuts. But FFVIIR takes that even further- controlling multiple characters, endless materia and skills, etc. The game is HUGE.

We never complain about the slew of AAA games with far less developed systems and a 10-15 hour plot but FFVIIR which should be around 20+ hours per episode and you're complaining? Seriously? Where were you complaining about 90% of GOTY winners?

Also, dropping CyberConnect 2 doesn't mean it was rebooted. They weren't the main developers- it's headed by Square-Enix Business Division 1- you know, Square's main team? People act like S-E just handed off their best game to a CCC-level developer and S-E's main AAA-level team did nothing in the meantime. WTF.

CyberConnect 2 was only chosen to assist because Nomura said he was looking for outside influence and fresh ideas. CyberConnect 2 made the Final Fantasy VII G-Bike game and he probably saw them innovate. They also do .hack which is another episodic J/ARPG. He probably saw potential with them coming up with ideas to link episodes together and innovate but they were too far under Square's level. The most they should have been used for is the bike level.

That said, the battle planner for KH2 and Dissidia/012 is on this game alongside Square-Enix's main team who are working closely with the KH Osaka team. There's no way it was entirely rebooted although they likely held S-E back and had some counter-productive work added to it.

The reason it's taking a while is because there's nothing like this game. Even KH3 only has a few playable characters, not 9 like FFVII and not nearly as much magic due to FFVII's endless materia system. FFVIIR is also way longer, has more enemies, more plot, more systems, and so on.

Muzikguy1982d ago

They’ve mentioned episodes and then changed it later to saying each will be a hull game and they’re expanding on it. I won’t eliefe anything until I see it. They could say they’re expanding the story but we don’t know that until it releases.

AHall881982d ago

Technically Square Enix never called it episodic themselves, that was genius video game "journalists" putting a spin on what SE said.
There will be couple, or few, FFVIIR games though, for better or for worse.(Personally, if they actually do expand on the world and characters like they've said they plan on, then I'm okay with that. Make every location fleshed out and not just a couple different screens like in the original.)

sinspirit1982d ago

The first episode is a remake of the original game. The other episodes are extra full-length storylines.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1982d ago
Traecy1982d ago

With S-E track record this is true!!

LegoIsAwesome1982d ago

Im thinking..... maybe ps5 launch title?

Muzikguy1982d ago (Edited 1982d ago )


I said that too quite awhile ago but people weren’t too fond of the idea. I still stand by it and it’s nice to see others have that idea as well. Looking more likely all the time. Honestly, it would help sell the sh*t out of the new system

Fonso1281982d ago

What the freak took them so long. On the early days of the PS2 they had a crap ton of great games. Will Square Enix finally get their shit together in 2019?

Godmars2901982d ago

Another game that didn't even exist when it was first announced you mean.

gangsta_red1981d ago

Well that's even worse then. Why show any type of teaser or announcement if it doesn't even exist?

But as Abriel said, it has also been plagued with development issues. Hopefully it turns out as legendary as the original was.

Godmars2901981d ago (Edited 1981d ago )

"it has also been plagued with development issues."


Just about every major title they've done has had issues. Namely that Square-Enix think they're better than Squaresoft which, up until FF7, was both hungry and creative.

The current FF7r is a thing because they did the FF7 remake PS3 "tech demo" to "See, this is what we could do if we really tried" which only lead to fans demanding "Well? TRY!" and excuses - *Because they couldn't do it!* They cannot make something involving in terms of story and gameplay, a singular product that stands on its own, just an array of media that exploits lore and nostalgia.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1981d ago
Nyxus1982d ago (Edited 1982d ago )

Looking forward to seeing more of this game.

NotoriousWhiz1982d ago

FF7, releasing first on PS5.
Honestly, though, if they did I'd probably buy a PS5 at launch (assuming it's a launch title).

Harkins17211981d ago

Be great way to start off the generation. I can see it being cross gen. Get best of both worlds.

kltpzyxm1982d ago

Hopefully they've had enough time to make the full FF7 game in this remake and not split it into three different games

Omnislashver361982d ago (Edited 1982d ago )


KH3 took 5 years and is shorter, has way fewer playable characters, way less magic options due to materia, less enemies, less areas, less side games/systems, etc and you expect FFVIIR to be released as one title and be finished in less time?

I think you should probably stop comparing this to the 1997 game because this isn't 1997 anymore with midi tracks, blocky characters, 3 characters standing in a row, and prerendered backgrounds. It's 2018 and no other game in history should be entirely comparable alone to this. It's like pairing The Witcher, KH3, Dissidia, and FFVII-OG in the same game. What you're asking for just doesn't seem likely. KH3 has by far the most advanced ARPG system in history and FFVIIR is like literally squaring that from an objective level.

I'm not naive, I know it's partially because of name recognition, but comparing FFVIIR, a game likely to be 60+ hours to other modern AAA games which are 10-15 hours, have far, far less developed systems, and win GOTY anyway, it doesn't make sense it would be released as a single game.

pietro12121982d ago (Edited 1982d ago )

Judging by the previous entries KH3 will not have the most "advance" battle system in a Arpg. It'll be a button masher which isn't a bad thing for a game like that and I know part 3 is going to be good. I just can't overhype the combat and with Platinum Games working on RpGs now they'll probably set the bar for combat in an arpg. I think you're overhyping it just a bit and Square isn't the company they once were and they don't compare to other rpg devs like CD Project Red, Obsidian (to some extent) and Atlus.

Omnislashver361982d ago (Edited 1982d ago )

W/e pietro CDProjektRed is the most overhyped ARPG studio in gaming. You know their battle systems are junk and have far less options objectively, much less the smoothness and control S-E has and couldn't match KH2 much less being lightyears behind 2.8/3.

And S-E not being a good studio anymore? Why, because they messed up on one game on a crappy engine? It shouldn't take much critical thinking to realize everything about FFXV sucked because of the engine. You've seen KH2.8 and 3 and seen what they're capable of. And it's not like no good games came out during that time. We've got tons of awesome games: Crisis Core, Dissidia/012/NT, KH-BBS, KH0.2, KH3, DQIX, etc. How many does CDProjectRed make comparatively? Be serious. And considering how crappy the engine was for FFXV as well- it didn't seem like their team was that incompetent either- it's easy to see how they would have produced a better game with better tools and you can see the difference when they have a better engine immediately.

I think you're pulling too much "doom and gloom" because you refuse to be anything but an edgelord about gaming.

pietro12121981d ago

Quantity does equal quality and lets not forget Square 11 production teams (business divisions) and own multiple studios. CD Project is still considered a independent developer and still put one of the best games of this gen.
As for XV, I actually enjoyed despite it flaws, but it dies suffer from every other title you mentioned except for DQXI... shallow combat.
As for this whole doom and gloom talk if you read my previous comments I mentioned that I'm looking forward to the remake. I'm just not hyping the project to be this godsend to rpgs.

pietro12121981d ago


It was their third game and its the highest rated rpg of this gen and one of the best selling rpgs titles. That's saying a lot for a independent studio.
But while we're on the subject Square has had issues for a while now. Let's not forgot why Square and enix merged, FFXII development hell, as well as FFXIV having to be rebuilt for the ground up. Don't get so worked up because I don't agree with you bud. At the end of the day all that matters is that we enjoy these games and the devs/publishers are successful.

Omnislashver361981d ago (Edited 1981d ago )

Shallow combat? The only game with remotely shallow combat here is The Witcher lmao.

The problem here is you're in denial despite all of these games receiving high praise, and yes, for their battle systems. The fact you even think The Witcher and KH3 are comparable from a combat perspective is just laughable and honestly, it's getting old. I think you're just being a contrarian to be an edgy badass here when pretty much the rest of the internet disagrees with you. It's no wonder these opinions only come from sites like N4G with nerds that have serious complexes over how dark and gloomy of an opinion they can have on videogames is. The Witcher is hardly ever praised for combat and all of these games are so give it up already.

pietro12121981d ago

"The problem here is you're in denial despite all of these games receiving high praise"

Aren't you doing the same thing? The same could said about the Witcher3 you know because of it's high praise. Where is this dark and gloomy edgy remarks coming from? I did mention that I'm looking forward to both KH3 and the FFVIIR.

I do apologize though I was intentionally being a dick to you. We both have our opinions and end if the day that's cool.

Omnislashver361981d ago (Edited 1981d ago )

The point is almost nobody gives The Witcher high praise for combat. Good god. Thinking it's going to be nearly as well renowned for battle mechanics as KHIII is just not good logic. It's not happening.

pietro12121981d ago


This goes back to me being an ass hole. I never actually mentioned Witcher 3 combat. Which I'll admit it was obe of the weakest aspects about the game.
Anyways let it go you probably proved me wrong when KH3 drops next month. Enjoy the day/ night and you really shouldn't let some ass hole on on the internet work you up so much.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1981d ago
Fonso1281982d ago

So you want less gameplay uhh makes sense. Too be honest tho I already beat FFVII. I got the story. Cloud isn't even that good of an rpg protagonist.

pietro12121982d ago (Edited 1982d ago )


There was nothing special about the battle system in Kingdom Hearts 2. lol
All you did was button mash even the hardest difficulty there was absolutely no challenge or depth when it comes to the gameplay.

Btw Witcher 3 deserves most of praise it received this gen especially when it came to how the quest system worked (particularly the side quest)

Omnislashver361981d ago (Edited 1981d ago )

W/e pietro you believe what you want to believe. Have fun, The CDProjectRed gameplay is flat. Ignore the fact they come out with one game with crap gameplay every 5-6 years and S-E comes out with tons and made one mistake and took steps to correct it and we already see immense progress. Do you, bud.

richardmmorales1981d ago

@pietro1212 i have to agree with you. KH2 battle system was in no way challenging. In fact it was way easier than the 1st Kingdom Hearts. While I enjoyed KH2 when it 1st came out. I got it day one. I felt disappointed once I did clear it because I felt it was just too easy. I still have to play The Witcher 2 and The Witcher 3. Have the Collector's Editions of both games (Witcher 2 on Xbox360/Witcher 3 on XboxOne). Only issues I had with those was getting pre-order bonuses from GameStop/BestBuy.

@OmnislashVer36 of course Square-Enix releases more games. Square-Enix is not only a major Game Developer they are also a major Game Publisher while CDProjektRed is an Independent Game Developer.

NarutoFox1982d ago (Edited 1982d ago )

About time we get some news on this. Hopefully it releases this year

Traecy1982d ago

I would guess early 2020 or later.

Traecy1982d ago

Once KH3 releases the next big project S-E will be focusing on is FFVII:R & perhaps they want the fans to know what's going on as well!!! Fabulous!!!

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