
In Death (PSVR) Review | GamePitt

Josh writes: I’m almost certain that I’m on record saying I’m not the biggest fan of ‘Roguelike’ games. I have a hard time enjoying a game in which I know that the core gameplay is that I will die, a whole lot, and have to re-start from scratch over and over again. That is why it’s safe to say that I had some hesitation with going into the world of ‘In Death’ from Solfar Studios.

This is a game which I went into about as blind as you can get, having no background on the game or familiarity with the genre. I haven’t even touched any ‘Roguelike’ games for PlayStation VR, so this was going to be a truly unique experience for me!

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Neonridr2012d ago

great game. Beta Tested this game when it was initially coming out for PCVR. Has some great shooting mechanics and can really be a workout with all the arrow slinging action

Giraiga132012d ago

Not a similar game to this but I definitely had a more enjoyable time in this game than I did in The Walker, which was honestly very underwhelming (would have been fine if it was $10). And as far VR bow shooting action goes, this is far superior over Ace Banana.

rob-GP2012d ago

Yeah, I'm the owner of the site but I'm reviewing the game for a different site, so my colleague did this review. I'm loving it so far. It's like the Persistence but with bow and arrows and minus the story. Fun for a drop-in, drop-out session here and there.

Unlike my colleague though, I prefer the Move Controllers over the DS4.I've seen people ask for Aim Controller support on Twitter as well.


PlayStation VR Hidden Gem #1 - In Death

KeenGamer: ''In Death is an addictive and surreal adventure through purgatory. It’s all about becoming Legolas with a bow and arrow to smite the lost souls infecting it. It also happens to be front and centre in the first of several articles, unearthing the PlayStation VR gems hiding in the depths of the digital marketplace. It can be hard work figuring out which games to buy when you’re a headset owner. So, getting to the point, In Death is rad! I’m here to tell you why.''

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ApocalypseShadow1825d ago

In Death is a great game but hard as FK when you're too good at playing the game. The game will ramp up its difficulty to match you. And the moves, although fun in this game, aren't exactly the best method of playing but still frustratingly fun.


VR vs Fitness and Fat – 28 Days Later

Player 2's Matt Hewson and Hope Corrigan continue their VR fitness journey. After 28 days of PSVR how are they going?

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In Death (PSVR) Review - Demon Video Game

Rob writes: - I love my PSVR headset, it’s allowed me to walk around spooky houses, become a sadistic doctor, overlook the adventures of a brave mouse, and even fend off hordes of Dinosaurs, Zombies, Robots, and Monsters. A genre which I’ve only had a great experience with so far is the Roguelike genre with the amazing The Persistence. As such, I was very excited and intrigued to see what Sólfar Studios‘ In Death could bring to the table.

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rob-GP2003d ago

I had a lot of fun playing and reviewing this for this site :) - one of the recent surprise releases on PSVR which instantly had me hooked and made me want to give it another go every time I died.

Rangerman12082003d ago

Now this is what The Walker should have been.