
EA Appears to Mock Battlefield V ‘Genderfield’ Community Complaints Through the Game’s Launch Party

An image from the game’s launch event in Sweden has surfaced on Reddit which shows various negative quotes from the community about the inclusion of female characters in the game, and it appears that EA is trying to use the negativity around Battlefield V as a marketing tool.

Gardenia1988d ago

We as gamers have to let the developers and publishers know we don't take that bs trend of SJW, LGBT and feminism forced into games. I don't have a problem playing Lara in Tomb Raider because that's how it should be. But a WW2 game were there are just as much women and black man as white, does not make sense. And that has nothing to do with discrimination or racism.

CDbiggen1988d ago

Tfw when you play and enjoy a ton of games as actual strong, not forced, female protagonists and still get labeled a misogynist incel when you merely suggest this may be pandering.

UncertainCategory1988d ago

But it’s a WW2 game that set out to tell lesser known ‘War stories.’ Women and black men did fight in WW2, not as much, but it verifiably happened. With that in mind it does make sense..

What’s the problem with having one of the four War Stories with a female protagonist?

Or are you upset that they put a character creator in the online mode and let people choose their gender and race?

pinkcrocodile751988d ago

Totally agree with the Feminism and SJW argument from both the left and right sides of politics. That includes religion.

As with comedy, there is nothing that you cannot make fun of and that includes, anyone who believes in things that are not real (religion / schizophrenics), feminists, SJW of both the left and right of politics.

However I have a BIG problem with the women in WWII fighting on the front line. If this is the new norm, we should make a movie about the suffragettes staring Samuel L Jackson.

Lynda McCartney will be spinning in her hemp-weave death basket.

CyberRekkr1988d ago

I agree!, I like accuracy in historical games.

Aither1988d ago

ProLogY, the Battlefield V game didn't tell about the women who were in the Russian sniper squad, nor the French Resistance fighters. What it did was literally rewrite history regarding a squad of Norwegian commandos replacing it instead with a story about a girl and her mother. So, if you had said that BFV takes historical events that actually happened and molested them to fit a SJW BS narrative, you would've been more accurate.

BadElf1988d ago


ANd whats wrong with having a sexual, cleavage showing, badass woman...all in one?

frostypants1988d ago

I personally don't care. It's not like BFV is remotely historically accurate otherwise. It has real gameplay issues which are the actual problem.

salmonade1988d ago

Aloy is a female fighting warrior battling robotic dinosaurs and no one cared that she was female because it didn't matter. Female, or male, the story made sense. As you said, you can't FORCE diversity in games, it has to come across naturally and it has to make sense. I don't give a crap that Ellie from the Last Of Us is a Lesbian because it was her character all along from the first game. But when companies like EA try to make a female be a battle-hardened American soldier or whatever fighting in historic WW2, thats just cheesy bullcrap. I hate EA, they just have no clue about anything. They're all boardrooms and management. Creative control is stifled or influenced by suits, and it's so bloody obvious.

kreate1988d ago

If the women were hotter or showed some boobs, I would totally play it.

81BX1988d ago

Oh stop your crying. You kids are out of control.

Eonjay1987d ago

Battlefield is not historically accurate from the jump. It is fantasy. People claiming historical inaccuracy don't like to admit that. If you are upset about inclusion, you are going to have to admit that even if we excluded everyone, the game still wouldn't be historically accurate.

Amphille1987d ago

You absolute muppet. Its not ment to be used in history lessons. Did you cry a lot when the Hellriegel gun was in Battlefield 1. That gun never saw the frontline either.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 1987d ago
Cyfyxtfg1988d ago

i would mock them too, gamers are so entitled its crazy. i understand your community supports you and your game but its their art to portray however they feel. whats the issue with my daughter being able to play as a woman in battlefield. if you care about accuracy, go play a ww2 sim game. not a mass appeal EA shooter. people always take things too far. EA is usualy wrong but not about this.

jmac531988d ago

Totally agree. I'm just glad the toxic little simpletons aren't playing the game because they probably wouldn't even be playing the objective anyways.

pinkcrocodile751988d ago

@jmac53 Toxic? What on earth are you on about? Are you assuming all males who play Battlefield V are HIV+?

That's despicable if that's the case. If however you are suggesting that being a man is toxic, then I will insist you provide evidence and by evidence I mean actual provable facts and not things like

"My best friends, ski instructors, down-syndrome mechanics, favourite bookshop manager (whose a woman) was r@ped by a man in VR so therefore we live in a r@pe culture"

I'd love to know!

KillZallthebeast1988d ago

You're right we only buy their games for 60$ so we should let them jerk us around

2pacalypsenow1988d ago


I think it’s the other way around because no one plays the objective or does their job. Everyone plays like it’s tdm.

kreate1988d ago

Yup. Developers should totally cram their social/political views in their games and portray it as art.

Gamers are so entitled it's crazy!

They told gamers either accept it, or don't buy it! So gamers didn't buy.

Gamers didn't get to enjoy the type of game they were hoping for, and the developers didn't make money.

I guess it works out?

81BX1988d ago

No! This game is 100% accurate. From respawns to everyone being a killing machine. We don't need no stinking girls /s

1987d ago
+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1987d ago
SharnOfTheDEAD1988d ago (Edited 1988d ago )

When you think your fiction is somehow more interesting than historic fact you deserve egg on your face. The Telemark mission is a fucking insult to the Norwegian and British Soldiers that fought and died there. Portraying the Special Boat Service is dishonourable criminals is crazy...

Launching your game and holding back content to then pretend it's a free dlc for your loyal gamers is idiotic. Developing a WW2 game and not feature any of the major iconic battles or weapons is insane. Releasing 2 maps in 5 months is poor, even a practice range wasn't ready for launch. The Premium pass actually offered more value and content. Making Bombers so powerful that can take out your tanks right at the start of the game, genius. Making the Medic Class useless, iconic.

This game is poor. It should have been better, having a woman on the front cover is a far cry from the actual issues this joke of a game has. People can go ahead and defend it all they want, but why settle for mediocrity?

1988d ago
Aither1988d ago (Edited 1988d ago )

N4GSINCEBEGINNING, it's called rewriting history. Ever heard of that?

Surely someone as educated and woke as you should've known about a certain group who once rewrote history to claim themselves to be a master race. You may have heard of them, they were called Nazis.

Activemessiah1988d ago

That grave they keep digging for themselves is getting deeper...

sander97021988d ago

They actually didn't learn a thing, Jesus Christ they are deep into their bubble world...

SierraGuy1988d ago

They're so stupid I'll never buy anything EA anymore.

Talk about adding fuel to the fire.

Goldenhawk5211987d ago

5 EA executives downvoted your comment

Majinzo1988d ago

I stopped back in 2011 after what they did to fifa. They are greedy and evil!

1987d ago
TekoIie1987d ago

It's not quite that bad. It's more like they're trying to smother their own child after they hear it saying a naughty word. Battlefield will die if they keep this up and in case they havent noticed EA tends to be very trigger happy when it comes to shutting down studios when they begin to have sales problems.

If they lose their biggest franchise what does DICE have left? Battlefront maybe? But if that struggles like the last then what? Bye bye DICE. And no one will care because they've had this self righteous attitude. If DICE wants to pretend they're fighting this sort of non existent battle then let them. No one will be there when they really need help.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1987d ago
bluefox7551988d ago (Edited 1988d ago )

Yeah, attack your customers. Worked out great last time, eh? I haven't bought an EA product in a long time, and I intend to keep it that way.

sampsonon1988d ago

you don't get it, they don't want you as a customer. they are ok with 10% of the community not buying the game. same for me, this way i don't have to mute you A- hoolees all the time when I'm playing

isa_scout1988d ago (Edited 1988d ago )

Physical sales are WAY down, a 63% overall decline to be precise. That's far more than 10%. EA is in the business of making money, they've never been at the forefront of social issues. The ONLY reason they joined in fighting social issues is to endear themselves to a wider base(the female audience). In the process they forgot about their target demographic;young men and teenagers who wanted a game about a war that was fought predominantly by young men and teenagers. No one really complained about COD WW2 when it had black female nazis because Activision didn't make a big deal about it. EA made the mistake of marketing the game as historically accurate while at the same time heavily featuring a white female amputee British soldier in its trailers, and then calling out their fanbase when we collectively said,"Wait, what?". The devs don't even really know what BF5 is.

sampsonon1988d ago

@isa_scout: there are no official numbers released. so please stop and wait until the NPD is released. didn't need to read the rest of the garbage you typed.

"63% overall decline to be precise" show me real proof please. not just some junk article with an agenda. waiting....

senorfartcushion1988d ago


Sales are down? No shi*t, this year has been packed and every AAA game on 4k consoles are services rather than complete experiences. How many multiple-year-spanning first person shooters do you think people want to play during their day?

It has nothing to do with anti-sjw virgins, it's to do with the amount of competition.

1988d ago
1988d ago
Aither1988d ago

SenorFartCushion, using the good 'ol AAA excuse. Sorry to burst your bubble, but this is not some unknown game being released against heavy hitters. Battlefield is a AAA franchise and your reasoning is not a good excuse for it's bad sales numbers. EA is sinking, and DICE becoming a woke subsidiary of the company is just an anchor that is helping to pull it under.

JLynn9431988d ago

Amen. Fewer obnoxious people works for me.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1988d ago
FunAndGun1988d ago

You are not a customer, so why should they care?

Hungryalpaca1988d ago

The point is to get more customers not push potential ones away

2pacalypsenow1988d ago

And that’s why you’re not running a company...

SierraGuy1988d ago (Edited 1988d ago )

If they wanted to release a game more open to females fine...but why force it to be WW2 era...just stupid.

And weird.

Gh05t1987d ago

You say that like battlefield doesn't have a "V" after it. Like this is the first game they ever made. Not a customer... Full of crap I bet most of us have purchased their games.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1987d ago
Smokehouse1988d ago

It’s just like Hollywood, they will make that one movie you want to see so they can fund all of their agendized garbage you don’t want to see.

Eonjay1987d ago

That sounds like a conspiracy. I assure you they make movies to make money for the sake of making money.

Smokehouse1987d ago

It’s not a conspiracy. Hollywood is heavily political and heavily subsidized by the federal government.

Eonjay1987d ago

If you haven't bought a product from them in a long time, then you quite literally aren't a customer and you can't be under attack. I am saying that you aren't a victim. That's a good thing.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1987d ago
annoyedgamer1988d ago

Honestly why are people only now angry with EA? They have been anti-consumer for YEARS. This is nothing new. If you are shocked by EAs behavior you have only yourself to blame. Especially the "bros" who won't stop buying Madden and FIFA, EA's bottom line.

sampsonon1988d ago

adding women to a game in anti consumer?lol

GROW THE F up already. stop acting like entitled brats. the world owes you nothing. buy the game or not, it doesn't matter to the majority of people that just wants to sit back and play a game.

garos821988d ago

it was never about them adding a woman to the game you pathetic cretin.

Keep regurgitating the garbage mass media tells you.

Im glad this crap game didnt sell well, maybe companies will start learning once their bottom lines are hit

Bobafret1988d ago

Maybe some, like myself, find it unsettling to hear a woman groan, grunt, and writhe in agony when I get shot. Not to mention the outright lies they are telling in the single player stories.

ziggurcat1988d ago


"it was never about them adding a woman to the game..."

it has always been about that, actually.

annoyedgamer1988d ago

EA thanks you for believing their deflection.

1988d ago
2pacalypsenow1988d ago (Edited 1988d ago )

No one cares that they added women, it’s the facts that they made it the main selling point of a WW2 game, the cover art is an female soldier... I mean why not make a WNBA game and put a male coach in the cover?

Imalwaysright1987d ago


"the cover art is an female soldier"

And? Guys like you, to me sound like the whiny oversensitive sjws that get offended at everything because to them is all about feelings and the facts be damned. Portraying women in a WW2 game is historically accurate which is what people like you claim to be their banner so what's your problem with the cover art?

Rachel_Alucard1987d ago

"Adding women is anti consumer"

You could not create a bigger strawman then that statement. No wonder EA and the media feed it to you guys as ammo so much.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1987d ago
senorfartcushion1988d ago

The water has come to a boil and a large portion of consumers are now old/woke enough to understand that they're being milked.

Also: an EA Exec may as well be the President of The US/Prime Minister of The UK, now; the world has naturally grown to be anti-establishment.

1987d ago
Eonjay1987d ago

Because the new wave is claiming victimhood if you are a straight white male. The legitimate stuff is basically ignored. EA is an evil company but not for what this article claims. Surely if people fight for uncensored "fake" child porn in games we can accept blacks/women everything else. What we can't accept is games being replaced with gambling and services.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1987d ago
stefd751988d ago (Edited 1988d ago )

Sorry but why is having women on the battlefield not historical accuracy, i know for a fact that there were some women fighting on the front lines during WW2, or am i missing something ?

william_cade1988d ago

I think it was the prosthetic and cricket bat. I suppose no woman lost an arm during the war or played cricket.

Really, it just came from people feeling like they have been forced to do shit their whole lives and EA is a great target because they are scumbags.

Parasyte1988d ago

The thing about her prosthetic arm is, it was actually a period accurate design.

william_cade1988d ago

@Parastyle but did they play cricket? XD

sampsonon1988d ago (Edited 1988d ago )

it a fact that they had prosthetic like that at that time. holy F, why are people so stupid?

ziggurcat1988d ago


you mean the same kind of prosthetic arm like this one from the 1940's: https://c.slashgear.com/wp-... ?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1988d ago
ZaWarudo1988d ago

Bandwagon and outrage culture. People forget that it's just a damn video game and still plays like any other Battlefield...

senorfartcushion1988d ago

Isn't whinging about women being in an unrealistic ww2 game just people adding to that outage culture?

isa_scout1988d ago

WRONG. Have you even played a Battlefield game before Battlefield 1? Battlefield 4 has almost nothing in common with this game. Take out all the social justice stuff and its still a bland less than average title. They had over 2 and half years to make Battlefield 4 and 1 year to make Battlefield 5. If you don't/can't see the clearly apparent lack of quality then you didn't play a lot of Battlefield before this generation.

PapaBop1988d ago

Potentially.. but it's EA and screw EA because they sure want to screw me.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1988d ago
Fishy Fingers1988d ago

Honestly I think we’re at the point that some people just need something to throw their toys around over.

Genuinely has anyone ever heard someone behave so dramatically over something so trivial in real life as many do online?

AspiringProGenji1988d ago (Edited 1988d ago )

Has anyone ever seen a company insulting its consumers? That alone gives consumers the right to backlash.

monkey6021988d ago

I usually roll my eyes and laugh but I've seen some absolutely crazy stuff in the news this week in regards "Bans" and "Offensive material"

In terms of Battlefield I haven't played the campaign stories so I don't know what they're like but I really can't see a problem with women and other minorities being usable in an online game, be it accurate or not. Some people just want to play as somone they can relate to

rainslacker1988d ago (Edited 1988d ago )

"Genuinely has anyone ever heard someone behave so dramatically over something so trivial in real life"

Yes. But when I was younger I worked in retail, and managed a pizza place. Forget to put pepperoni on a pizza and people act like you killed their cat, because little Timmy has soccer practice and they don't have time to wait for a replacement....so, how will little Timmy eat.....and offering a free pizza next time and a refund is not enough, you have to come out and resuscitate their cat, paint their house, and marry their daughter to make her a respectable woman out of her, to make it right. Although, they'll still call corporate and complain there too.

The attitudes of expressing what you want vehemently isn't new. But in real life its spread out over a large number of people, so you don't see it as often. Online though, people come to vent, and in this case, let a company know they don't like its product. So, its all concentrated in one place. But as consumers, are we not right to express what it is we don't like about a product, and say that we are not happy and won't buy it, and it may affect future purchases?

JLynn9431987d ago

If people don't have something to whine about, they aren't happy. Of course it's trivial, but you'd think some of them have had heart attacks over character skins.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1987d ago
elazz1988d ago (Edited 1988d ago )

Well then have it accurate in ratio or in the right Frontline. This game is just disrespectful to the people that fought during the second world War because they stated a year before release that rhey were going for the most realistic Battlefield game yet.

But they have complete disregard of the factions during the war. There were 10000s of soviet women fighting but nothing in the game about that. There were barely or I believe none fighting at the fron in Rotterdam yet we see many British females. That's incorrect beside the fact that there was also Dutch resistance and other factions involved. Also Dutch people barely spoke English at the time so don't release a trailer where they do. Also Rotterdam looked like a playhouse full of color which was not the case. It was grey, black, destroyed etc. Then there is the whole bionic equipment fiasco. Its communication that EA did wrong and then they blamed the fans, some who bought every iteration since 1942. Don't alter history or push an agenda and if you do, well, be honest and don't brand it as the most realistic Battlefield experience.

If the game was about a fake world War 2 and character creations then don't built expectations to the core group but also expect for sales to drop and some backlash. They should have given it another name or a subtitle.

I'll be frank although inclusion is what they try to achieve I find the game disrespectful towards the truth of that Era of mankind. It's disrespectful to women, men, countries, flags.

Technically it's a good game but their message was all over the place. I won't buy this. If you want to have inclusion in a game look at Horizon. Nothing shoehorned yet by playing you probably come accros every ethnicity in the world although they have grouped themselevs completely different in the future past. And aloy is an amazing character.

sampsonon1988d ago

they never said BF WAS A SIMULATOR. stfu already and take that energy and put it to good use somewhere where it can actually help someone in the real world. it's just a F-ing game.

FunAndGun1988d ago

Relax, it's not a war sim buddy. disrespectful?...really? My eye roll is not strong enough for your inability to distinguish a video game from real life.

Weeblordbad1988d ago

A female German sniper is just about as disrespectful as playing and having fun in a game portraying one of the bloodiest conflicts in human history. The audacity to believe, oh NOW, NOW it's disrespectful to those who fought is so funny it's ridiculous.

Maybe some of you guys should head to a memorial, have a moment of silence, leave a wreath and perhaps research one of the names of the fallen? Oh who am I kidding!? You guys are so worked up about respect, I'm sure you do that all the time!

Sirk7x1988d ago (Edited 1988d ago )

I could argue, based on that logic, that it's disrespectful to have fun playing any WW2 game, because millions of people lost their lives and they'd find it insulting that you're laughing and making a game of it. I won't be buying the game, because 1 sucked and I'd rather not give EA money, but people not buying SOLEY for the female character thing need to find better things to focus their thoughts on. It's pretty ridiculous. If historical accuracy is important to them, they should stay away from Battlefield in general.
Also, more women are gaming nowadays, and they tend to like playing as female characters, so expect more of it.

1988d ago
+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1988d ago
AspiringProGenji1988d ago (Edited 1988d ago )

Their poor choice of words and excuses did more harm than the fact BFV is having women in the game, and proved people were right about them shoving “diversity” into this game

Goes to show once more than consumers are right to hate and expose stupid delicions while the media and the pro Corporate morons insult them and defend companies

rainslacker1988d ago

I've stated elsewhere, and I'm really starting to believe that its how these companies handle the community that is their real problem. While I don't like when companies remain silent to issues, they don't even try to PR it up anymore to ease the tension. Instead of addressing the issue, it seems more like they're letting people handle the PR who seem to get frustrated, and make comments before they've had time to think about it. Usually on Twitter, or sometimes Reddit.

You don't attack your customers know matter how annoying they are. Call out an individual if you feel it prudent, but make sure its framed in a way that is specific to that individual. This mentality of attacking the customer since all this SJW came up is hurting companies. Adding in agenda driven nonsense isn't as bad for them, because people tend to just let it go once they vent...especially in the bigger picture. But people will focus in and attack back once you put them on the defensive by implying they're racist, sexist, unreasonable, or whatever.

I mentioned in another article that Activision does a lot of this crap as well...although usually not as politically agenda driven, and even Ubisoft on occassion(although they're better at keeping context within the scope of the game), and while they get some talk about it, people forget about it because if they address it, they don't make it personal, or insulting....although Activision has had a moment or two over the years.

FunAndGun1988d ago

nope, just male insecurities running amok.

Bobafret1988d ago (Edited 1988d ago )

You mean not being a little beta with daddy issues? Then that's me.

1988d ago
Inzo1987d ago

Lol, you and your penis envy.

1988d ago Replies(5)
senorfartcushion1988d ago

Plus, people seem to be talking about the MP i.e. the part that isn't historically accurate.

Just look at the amount of automatic rifles/ machine guns in BF1 lol

one2thr1988d ago

And none of the characters died nor lived long enough to get gangrene from a severe case of trench foot, shame on EA.

1988d ago
garos821988d ago

you are missing a few loose screws.

The game is such far cry from historical accuracy it is not even a joke. That wouldnt be a problem at all had they not declared they are trying to be accurate

Inzo1988d ago

You are missing something. It is a fact that British women werent allowed on the front line. It is also a fact that little girl twho blew up a German boat were in fact actually done by men who gave their lives to finish their mission. EA and Dice are evil.

1987d ago
Chaos-Dad1987d ago (Edited 1987d ago )

No there was no Woman in the German / American / France or UK Army... just watch History Channel

Imalwaysright1987d ago (Edited 1987d ago )

The disagrees that you got say everything about this whole "controversy". Very much like the sjws that I despise, the people that are on a crusade against DICE and their game don't care about FACTS. As you said women fought in WW2 and I'll add: died, were injured, tortured and after the war was over some of them had to live with the emotional scars and demons that an event like that can cause in a human being. I don't like EA but kudos to them for sticking to their guns and celebrating the men and women that gave everything they got to give all of us a better future.

tigertron1987d ago

Britain never used women on the front lines, especially ones with bionic arms.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 1987d ago
Show all comments (242)

Microsoft's Absurd Antics Have Me Scared For Dishonored And Arkane Lyon's Future

With Arkane Austin no more and Lyon living for who knows how long, the superb Dishonored is in serious danger; Microsoft cannot be trusted.

Relientk774h ago

I love the Dishonored series so much and really want Dishonored 3. Microsoft better not screw this up.

JEECE1h ago

I mean, I think the fans will probably kill Arkane Lyon by cooking up reasons to hate whatever they do next without playing it. I've never seen a game so artificially disliked as Deathloop.

thesoftware73058m ago

Lol, why don't we just say, we are worried about all studios owned by MS now. They will keep closing studios until they have none left ...🙄


Rumored PlayStation May 2024 showcase could happen this week per industry insider

A renowned industry insider has suggested the rumored PlayStation May 2024 showcase featuring Silent Hill 2 could happen this week.

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Petebloodyonion3h ago

Why would Sony do that and how would this benefit them?
1) It would piss off their media partners (IGN, Gamespot, Edge, etc.) since they would have to allocate resources fast to cover the event.
2) Risk of not having great coverage or proper coverage from the various source
3) It could give the impression that they are not confident in their own stuff.
4) They would miss the chance to hype the event losing viewers and losing free marketing time.

Again I'm calling it bogus unless it's a small showcase before the big one or because they want to announce that Hellbalde 2 is also coming on PS5.

SlothLordPootus2h ago

As far as I can remember, they typically give a week heads up for these sorts of things.

Lightning772h ago

I was about to say Sony always gives a week in advance for their show.

VersusDMC1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Last year it was a weeks notice.


May 17th announcement for may 24th show.

VersusDMC1h ago

Nintendo always tweets that a direct is happening tomorrow but no one cares.

Sony gives a week or days of notice and we get anti sony type fake outrage like this.

But good luck trying trying to get some Sony hate going...

Petebloodyonion1h ago

You just mention it!
Sony gives a week in advance NOT just a couple of days.
So I fail to see what Sony's hate movement I'm trying to start when it's a basic business strategy to not piss off your partners (ask Sega).
And I doubt it's hate to ask how it would benefit Sony in doing so.

thesoftware73051m ago(Edited 51m ago)

Huh? What?

Bro you really should relax, if what you read was some kinda negative against Sony.... seriously, is that what you got from the comments?

Bro, he was debunking the rumor, and gave perfectly good reasons why it would be unlikely, and your Nintendo Direct comparison is different, as this is supposed to be a BIG Sony showcase, not a surprise 20 min direct, and Sony 's pattern has been one week.

Slow down warmonger.

VersusDMC22m ago(Edited 22m ago)


"1) It would piss off their media partners (IGN, Gamespot, Edge, etc.) since they would have to allocate resources fast to cover the event."

That is implying Sony is preventing them from doing their job properly therefore negatively affecting their business...but i guess that's a reach in your mind?

And it's not like they need that many resources to cover the stream. They just need 3 people to react to the stream live and make some easy articles made up mostly of summaries of Sony provided press releases. They would have enough time to "prepare" if it was announced with one days notice.

Petebloodyonion1h ago

Before I get tons of replies for Sony given a week in advance, my initial comments are related to the notion that the Show could happen this week as the title mentions.
Now to be fair the complete article mentions that Jeff said the Show could happen later in May giving time for Sony to give the normal 7-day notice.

Again not trying to start a negative thing here just thinking that it's bogus that Sony will have a show this week

notachance8m ago

Yeah as much as I’d like to hear what sony’s 1st parties have cooked, it’s not their style to shadow drop a showcase.

Still waiting for ghost of tsushima 2, I’m ready whenever man..

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 8m ago
57m ago

Square Is Shifting Strategy To Aggressively Pursue Multiplat Releases,Focus On Quality Over Quantity

Square Enix is shifting its strategy to aggressively pursue multiplatform releases and focus on quality over quantity.

Read Full Story >>
CantThinkOfAUsername18h ago

Yup, it's official. FFXVI and FFVII Rebirth didn't sell as much as they expected.

gold_drake17h ago

read the report, where exactly does it say what u just said ? lol

TheEroica3h ago

Denial isn't just a river in Egypt for some gamers.... 🤣

Barlos15h ago

It's your interpretation. That doesn't make it 'official'.

CantThinkOfAUsername8h ago

- 1% increase in net sales compared to a year with Forspoken and Octopath Traveller II, which didn't sell more than 3 millions combined (and I'm being generous).

- A 38.3% decrease in operating income despite the release of 'High-Definition' titles namely FFXVI, FF Pixels Remaster, Dragon Quest Monsters, and FFVII Rebirth.

- Aggressive multiplatform strategy one year after saying that exclusivity with PlayStation was mutually desired.

Sure, it's all in my head.

Sonic188112h ago(Edited 12h ago)

Probably for PC and the upcoming Nintendo Switch 2. Square Enix games doesn't sell to well on Xbox

Extermin8or3_11h ago

Nothing sells well on Xbox that's precisely Microsoft's problem

The3faces11h ago

Apparently they don't sell well on PlayStation either.

Lightning7710h ago

Square named Drops Xbox as part of their multiplatform approach in their quarterly reports.

Like it matters MS will probably find away to close them down to.

FinalFantasyFanatic1h ago

I can see them going for PS5/Switch/PC for the most part, it'll mostly likely be the Switch 2 by the time their next game enters development, which is probably a good thing since the Switch is struggling with 3rd party games. If they're hurting for money/sales, I don't see them bothering with Xbox, that's just wasted time/money for them.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1h ago
DarXyde12h ago

I mean, maybe? They'll want as much as possible and I figure they could have been hoping for greater impact on PlayStation, but that's good reason to reflect and realize the resources and development cycle of these games aren't very sustainable. The solution is to make more affordable games with shorter dev cycles, then once in a while bring out the big guns.

I think Final Fantasy VII Re make and Rebirth would do really well if it was multiplatform. Specifically, if Nintendo gets their hardware up to snuff, and the rumors are promising. I don't really have much faith in its performance on Xbox, but Nintendo gamers really commit to buying their games. At one point, Breath of the Wild for Switch outsold the Switch itself.

Granted, Zelda always solos everything except GTA, but Nintendo folk are avid Final Fantasy fans. I think it would do exceptionally. Nintendo just needs to make porting easy and inexpensive and they'll get more games.

FinalFantasyFanatic1h ago

I don't think the exclusivity hurts them as badly as they think, I think it's a range of factors, like the quality of the games, high sales expectations, ESG/DEI, censorship, development costs/time... I also suspect that Square-Enix is extremely inefficient with their resources, they struggled/avoided towns in the FF13 trilogy, and FF14 was mostly wilderness with little to do apart from derp about in the wild (they also avoid towns and making a lot of characters there too). But FF14 also went through development hell, I think Square-Enix just needs to overall how they do everything, because the way they manage that studio just isn't working.

Christopher10h ago

The two most profitable games for them didn't sell as much as expected. Yes. Make it make sense.

MrCrimson7h ago

I interpret it as - they want to be multiplatform, as they will sell more copies.

EternalTitan6h ago

16 isnt even a JRPG let alone a final fantasy game.
So glad that it bombed.

itsmebryan3h ago

Square finally realized what Sony figured out recently, their installed base is not enough. We are going to see a lot less exclusives from everyone moving forward.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1h ago
CrashMania18h ago(Edited 18h ago)

Hopefully the next Nintendo system isn't a potato and it can contribute to FF sales in future as well, in addition to PC releases. If this ensures the long term health for SE and franchises than like FF and KH then I'm all for it.

NotoriousWhiz17h ago

Adding Nintendo and PC customers is the best way to increase sales and long term success. Not going to get that from Xbox.

shinoff218312h ago

Hopefully square brings all the lose switch exclusives over to.

Hofstaderman17h ago

Will there be a XBOX for Square to release games on? Or a MS Games service?

thesoftware73015h ago


You must not have heard they are launching new hardware and have already committed to a Next-Gen Xbox.

But, for some reason, I think you already knew that and wanted to spin a silly narrative; besides, why wouldn't they release games on the SX/SS? You do know these consoles will still be here, right?

Hofstaderman14h ago(Edited 14h ago)

Optics. They have a STATED plan to do so. Thats not commitment. The shareholders and board are calling the shots now. Lets see if they have the appetite for hardware because they are owed 80 Billion Dollars already. Investment in hardware, R and D and marketing is how much again? That cost with the history of their hardware performance....at most maybe a handheld. What I am certain of XBOX is finished, the writing has been on the wall before the studio closures. Its MS Games and they are not hardware. They are software because MS is a software company. Expect them to be folded in the Surface team.

DarXyde12h ago


I believe they committed to hardware.

I hate to nitpick, but that's kind of the company they are. You have to.

11h ago
Michiel19896h ago

@hofstaderman the board and shareholders have always called the shots or had a huge impact on decisions.

Xbox finished lmao, the writing has been on the wall? mate they just spend 70 BILLION dollars, and you see the writing is on the wall that they're done. 0 idea what you're talking about. They grafiti'd on the wall and you still can't see it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 6h ago
Aloymetal13h ago

No to both, not worth the effort, money and time on an already dying brand.

11h ago
thesoftware73013h ago

"They have a STATED plan to do so. That's not commitment."

Huh? What are you talking about? They announced they would be unveiling new Hardware this holiday season; how else are they supposed to commit to it?

" Lets see if they have the appetite for hardware because they are owed 80 Billion Dollars already"

What a silly statement, you think this deal was approved so they could make 80 billion in less than a year? This is a long-term commitment, a future-proofing of profit.

"What I am certain of XBOX is finished,"

No, you are not certain of this lol; as you stated, if they make even a Handheld in the form of a Steam-Deck that can dock to a TV/monitor, wouldn't that be just changing the form factor but still XBOX?

Closing these studios has really got you guys delusional; that is what happens in companies, in a changing market: you acquire, and you trim; like it or not, that is the way things are done. Lets look.

Where is the new Psygnosis with a new wipeout?
What happened to Japan Studio? Pixl Opus? London Studio?
Where is Zipper Interactive?

I can list more, but you see, closing devs doesn't mean your company is finished, especially when you have like 30+ dev teams.

Extermin8or3_11h ago

They won't be unveiling the hardware this holiday season it will be like the series x and s they got a tease at the game awards 2018. But no details until year of their release in 2020 lol

Relientk7716h ago

Please tell me the Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake is still coming. I feel like I've been waiting forever for that game.

gold_drake12h ago

i think the juggernauts kingdom hearts (disney provides the money for that one) final fantasy and dragon quest are fine, the rest not as much

Michiel19896h ago

I'm kinda worried about the future of DQ though, Toriyama and the composer both passed away. Huge blow to the franchise.

FinalFantasyFanatic1h ago

Akira Toriyama had an understudy though, he emulates his style, so maybe he'll do the art for Dragon Quest games, I would love to see Nobue Uematsu do music for the series though, that could be fun if they could convince him.

FinalFantasyFanatic1h ago

I'll be so p*ssed if that doesn't go ahead, also, where's DQ12 at? They've been silent on that for so long, and it was announced years ago.

I'm pretty sure they can siphon some profit from A Realm Reborn to keep FF and Dragon Quest going too. I think the company would have gone bankrupt if it wasn't for that cash cow.

Charal16h ago(Edited 16h ago)

Another sign that dedicated consoles market is in trouble, while PC seems more and more attractive to big publishers.

Having a good gaming PC and a PS5 myself, given current trend form both Sony and MS I am less and less playing on PS5, waiting for exclusives to release on PC, so I understand the logic behind the new strategy.

anast16h ago

Post those numbers. Then your comment might make sense.

thesoftware73015h ago(Edited 15h ago)


I get that we don't know exactly without numbers, but come on, man, we can clearly see what's happening.

The console market has not grown much, the highest-selling console in history is still the PS2. You can play the " prove it" game all you want, but Sony's more aggressive PC push, SE completely rebooting their company/business, after being mainly exclusive to one console and showing a sizeable profit loss is telling.

PC is a high seller, and your doubtful PS5 dominant stance does not change the clear writing on the wall, straight from Sony's mouth, that they need to be, and will be more aggressive in the very lucrative PC market.

So, in other words, PC market is indeed looking more and more attractive to Pubs.

anast14h ago



I'm willing to bet the farm that ¨PC gamers are not the dominate number compared to console, but I don't know because I don't have numbers. However, the price point of entry can allow us to infer what I had just stated.

anast9h ago

I don't click on links on forums. Tell me why that .com source is legit.

Tacoboto7h ago

What an ironic thing to say on a link-agreggate site like N4G. Explains your comment history perfectly.

Michiel19896h ago

asks for numbers. receives numbers and then continues to say I don't wanna click a website (because it might shatter my illusion)

anast4h ago(Edited 4h ago)

@All the people with that good 'ol folk wisdom

It's ironic how I clearly asked for the site and people still can't even answer this simple question.

Tell me how many people click on random links on forums?

Tell me the site and I will look. I don't mind being wrong and I'm barely intelligent enough to change my mind with something substantial.

All the numbers I have seen is that PC doesn't even come close console gaming in revenue, and nothing touches mobile gaming. More people touching something doesn't mean anything. It just means more people own PC for work and touch Steam every now and again, those numbers mean even less.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4h ago
Babadook73h ago

From what I can ascertain PC is a smaller market than PS. There are occasionally times when PC looks to be stronger but overall it's still behind.

FinalFantasyFanatic1h ago

PC also has a lot more competition, especially when people can easily buy and play older games from 20 or so years ago on it.

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