
Gamer 2.0: Midnight Club Los Angeles Review

Alex Quevedo of Gamer 2.0 writes: "Playing Rockstar Games latest, Midnight Club: Los Angeles, is one hell of a thing. On one hand, you have a solid racing game set in a high-quality representation of Los Angeles. There is plenty of racing to be had and good amounts of fun. But on the other hand, you have an excruciatingly difficult game that will leave you wanting to smash the controller into a wall."

DA_SHREDDER5706d ago

Every Midnight club was hard as hell. Why are they making an issue about it now? I know why,,, its because you have pc nerds reviewing console games,,, sorry this isn't WOW,, where you can play with your eyes close. Freakin idiots. This game is a 9 or better. Its easily the most fun racing game on both consoles.

mabreu5706d ago

"you have an excruciatingly difficult game that will leave you wanting to smash the controller into a wall."

I think I will pass on this game. I don't want to spend another 50 bucks on a new controller for this 60 dollar game. XD


If Midnight Club is making a comeback, it's about time – Take-Two is sitting on a gem of a franchise

Midnight Club: Los Angeles was a great swansong for the arcade racer, but now the genre’s a bit less packed, it’s time for Take-Two to bring it back.

SDuck816d ago

after NFS failed for so long, I'd say this comeback is long overdue

ChiefofLoliPolice816d ago (Edited 816d ago )

Hold on now...Heat was actually a step on the right direction. Hell even 2016 NFS was. I wouldn't say it failed per se.

SDuck816d ago

not necessarily bad but not quite good either is what I'm saying

Flawlessmic816d ago (Edited 816d ago )

Yes, yess and yesssss!!

I loved dub edition back in the day, had a killer soundtrack aswell.

LA was sick as well, cmon rockstar give the people what they want and being a classic back!!

YungDragon814d ago

Dub Edition was my absolute fave!! I hope they think along those lines if they bring it back

816d ago
Teflon02816d ago

Midnight Club 3 is the best Street racing game imo. Also Midnight club was the real start of waypoint racing. It really pushed the open world race design to the next level, Where you could race on roofs etc. We need it back asap

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It's Time For a New Midnight Club Game From Rockstar

GR: "It has been far too long since we’ve got to play a new Midnight Club game. It has now been a decade since Rockstar San Diego released Midnight Club: Los Angeles for PS3, Xbox 360 and PSP. When its open-world racing title came out, it seemed like the natural evolution of the PS2-era street racing titles that were all the rage. The map of Los Angeles was massive (it was bigger than all three of Midnight Club 3: Dub Edition‘s cities combined), and there was more variety than ever before in terms of car customization and race types."

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PhoenixUp2056d ago

It’s time for Rockstar to make more new games period.

Ever since 2013, this major publisher hasn’t released a new game outside of releases. They’ll finally do so soon with RDR2, but that’s only one new game in 5 years.

We don’t even know what future titles this massive publisher has in the imminent future, which is unheard of for a publisher of that size or of any size. No other publisher could get away with that.

thatguyhayat2056d ago

That maybe true but red dead redemption took 8 years to make and from what we've seen it looks fantastic. You dont want them to be like Activision and EA do you

LucasRuinedChildhood2056d ago

If Rockstar's output is more akin to their output from previous generations, that's not going to make them like EA or Activision. Quite the opposite.

EA and Activision make far less core games now as well. The disparity between PS3 EA and PS4 EA is crazy. The PS3-era EA actually made a large variety of great games in spite of their questionable business practices

PhoenixUp2056d ago

@ that

You think every publisher that offers multiple quality titles a year will end up like Activision or EA?

Rockstar released multiple games last generation and that never happened, so idk why they can’t do the same thing this gen. Yeah a game can take a long while to develop, but that shouldn’t mean they don’t release any other games as a publisher in the meantime

Relientk772056d ago

I remember loving Midnight Club 2 on PS2

RizBiz2056d ago

F*ck yeah. Still the best racing game ever made.

DaFeelz2056d ago

Loved MNC: LA. I’d take a remaster of that any day

RizBiz2056d ago (Edited 2056d ago )

I definitely agree that we need a new Midnight Club, but I don't really trust Rockstar to be able to pull it off. The last couple entries were awful, and after seeing what the did with the dumpster fire that is GTA Online I can only presume they'll try to pull the same BS.

King_Noctis2056d ago

Midnight Club LA was not that great. If they make a new one, I hope they make something similar to Midnight Club 3. That game was the best in the series, at least for me.

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Rockstar Adding Three Titles to the Xbox One Backward Compatibility

A distinguished trio of Rockstar Xbox 360 titles are coming to the Xbox One Backward Compatibility catalog next week: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Midnight Club: Los Angeles and Rockstar Games presents Table Tennis.

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ApexWolf222203d ago

About F'n time on Midnight Club 3!!

TheCommentator2203d ago

Definitely with you on the Midnight Club but Table Tennis was pretty awesome too!.

2202d ago
TheCommentator2202d ago

Yep. It only sounds dumb until you play it... and it's surprisingly fun!

Minute Man 7212203d ago

I got San Andreas n Midnight Club

RainOfTerror2203d ago

maybe they'll get to work on their GTA VI Xbox One X patch now :)

CurbStompin2203d ago

Hell yeah! Gamestop has Table Tennis for $2.99 now, and Midnight Club LA Complete for $9.99, Guarantee the prices will rise tomorrow so get them now.

Sgt_Slaughter2203d ago

I literally just bought LA Complete but for PS3 instead due to their 4 for $20 ($16 with Elite Pro) sale. Glad I have my receipt at least.

2203d ago Replies(1)
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