
Parent Gets Kid’s Fortnite Account Permanently Banned, Shows How Convoluted Account Management Is

A parent accidentally got his kid's account perma-banned, and it's not even an easy thing to accidentally do! Here's what happened and how to avoid it.

toyzombie2020d ago ShowReplies(3)
Rikimaru19772020d ago

poor kid must be crying all like now.

windblowsagain2020d ago ShowReplies(1)
dlocsta2020d ago ShowReplies(3)
quenomamen2020d ago

If their Forrnite account is life and death for your child then its time you take a hard look at your parenting.

Skankinruby2020d ago

Exactly, as a parent of two boys that's the most pitiful part of this whole article that stood out to me.

Christopher2020d ago

I didn't see life or death, but any gamer would be upset enough to complain about it in a rational manner in a gaming forum if they lost access to everything they worked for in a game. Don't see the kid blowing a gasket here, just a parent having to explain why his kid lost their gear.

SegaGamer2020d ago

"Exactly, as a parent of two boys that's the most pitiful part of this whole article that stood out to me"

Except, it doesn't even say that in the article, so obviously you didn't even read it. He said his kid was devastated, which is normal behaviour for a child. Have you forgotten what it was like to be a kid? You ever broke one of your favourite toys or lost something you love?

CorndogBurglar2020d ago

It doesn't have to be life and death but it's still something they enjoy. My PS4 isn't "life or death" for me but if it suddenly got taken away for life then I would be pretty pissed and upset. As I'm sure you would be in a similar situation.

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just_looken3d ago

will the Pirates of the Caribbean collaboration come with a glider made of bed sheets full of piss/shit on them also?