
Fallout 76 (PS4) Review - An Unfulfilling and Frustrating Apocalypse | CGM

Fallout 76 shows potential, but it can’t quite coalesce into a compelling game due to numerous glaring flaws.

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Switch4One2019d ago

Is this the worst reviewed game in Bethesda Studios history?

MasterCornholio2019d ago

Well they did take out what made Fallout good in the first place. So it isn't surprising that the game is getting reviewed this way. Not to mention Bethesda's anti-consumer policies with this game as well by turning it into a pretty bad GaaS title.

-T9X-69-2019d ago

I'm curious. Where do you get their "anti-consumer policies" from? Asking because a lot of people tend to think that when something is available they don't like, its automatically anti-consumer. Some cases it is, most aren't.

MasterCornholio2019d ago (Edited 2019d ago )


Well releasing a broken product at launch and charging 60$ for it is pretty anticonsumer. Consumers deserve working products at launch for their 60$. I don't understand how anyone can defend them after doing this.

-T9X-69-2019d ago

Well you see that would be correct if it was broken, but it's not. Are there bugs and glitches? Yes, quite a few in fact. Most of which are animation or texture bugs with some quest bugs. But if the game was broken, I wouldn't have been able to make it to level 46 already. Does it excuses the bugs or performance? Not at all. Granted their latest patch increased performance DRAMATICALLY on PS4 (not sure about other platforms) but the game was never broken. I welcome all the harsh criticism they're getting as long as its factual and not butthurt because they made a game that wasn't targeted to you (not you specifically but those people in general).

EazyC2019d ago

You have to wonder is no one at Bethesda actually aware of why Fallout fans like the game? Granted, the fanbase is quite divided into that original "real RPG" base (who generally shun Fallout 3) and the new Fallout fans (who like 3 and 4 a lot), but there is a common thread. That is a company lost at sea, I have to admit I'm glad I'm not an Elder Scrolls fan, I dread to see what they do with that series.

remixx1162019d ago


I'm with cornholio on this one, charging in 60$ for a game with a lack of content and filling it with microtransactions and it just being a glitchy buggy mess in general is pretty anticonsumer to me and anyone claiming it isn't has low standards and don't even get me into how poorly implemented many of the mechanics are in this game like the pvp, spawning, enemy variety and horribly basic quest design. The game is just...lazy

-T9X-69-2019d ago


The problem with your comment is your presenting your personal preferences and opinion as if it was a fact. The game is FLOODED with content. It's just not presented in the normal fashion of NPC's, cut scenes and dialog choices. Instead you have to read, find clues and many cases solve mysteries. I enjoy that type of content and I've even made quest mods that were the same way. Same complaints. It's boring, nothing to do etc, but that's because that type of content is more for a niche community.

Same with microtransactions. They're offering all content updates for free while providing dedicated servers. The only thing you can buy is cosmetics instead of charging for expansion packs that divide the community. That's the complete opposite of anti-consumer. Of course all of that will be irrelevant if they try to pull a fast one and start charging for non cosmetic items or even stash space as that affects gameplay.

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UnHoly_One2019d ago

It has to be.

Still waiting on the big name sites, but this thing might end up at 5 or below on Metacritic at this rate.

MatrixxGT2019d ago

You haven’t heard from big name sites because they got bribed with awesome press kits and wanted to give the game at least 7-8/10 but they can’t now because A) it’ll look like they got swayed by the publisher or B) if they give low score it would ruin their fancy lad cakes next go around.

EazyC2019d ago

I'm a bit surprised at that, from most of IGN's reviews (where they get press copies well in advance) it doesn't seem like they put in more than a few hours of playtime, yet the guy who's reviewing Fallout 76 says he's at level 50....level 50,are you kidding me!? Review the damn game, man! Same with the other major review publications, are they trying to broker deals with Bethesda?

EazyC2019d ago

Surely one of the worst reviewed AAA games ever made. I can't think of anything similar, only thing that springs to mind are some of the NFS games.

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Level 1,000 Fallout 76 player advises new and returning players

There are many who want to help out new Vault Dwellers but this level 1,000 player offers the best advice after spending hundreds of hours in the game.

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Shane Kim12d ago

I have an advice. Go outside more.

OtterX12d ago

You wouldn't say that if you lived in a fallout shelter! ;P

Fonsecap12d ago

Save your time and play something else...


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