
Nintendo and Microsoft Share Their Excitement for E3 Regardless of Sony's Absence

While Sony has opted out of E3 2019, the two tech giants have confirmed their appearance and shared their excitement over the upcoming event.

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AspiringProGenji2022d ago

This is probably gonna bring a lot of skepticism and bad press toward Sony. Whatever their reason to skip E3 I hope it is a really good one to make up for this.

Gazondaily2022d ago

"Whatever their reason to skip E3 I hope it is a really good one to make up for this."

I'm confident Sony have something up their sleeve. It's most likely their own show gearing up for a console reveal.

If not, then unless their show has some killer format, it's a default 'win' for the others.

Skull5212022d ago (Edited 2022d ago )

Why are we even talking about this? Isn’t it like 6 or more months away lol...

We’re closer to e3 2018 than e3 2019.

HaveSumNuts2021d ago

The way Sony has been murdering all the exclusives this year it's like they showing mercy to the competition by skipping out on E3

ABizzel12021d ago

They'll more than like do something like a Nintendo Direct. It doesn't make sense for them to show up to E3 and spend hundreds of thousands if not millions on a conference when they have the same games from last year to show.

We already know The Last of Us 2, Days Gone, Death Stranding, Dreams, and Ghost of Tsushima are the main exclusives for 2019 and the PS4 is nearing the end of its life cycle, so there's going to be a lack of AAA game announcements from Sony for the PS4.

They're better off with a small scale event, so they can focus on a PS5 reveal holiday 2019 - spring 2020, and a PS5 launch holiday 2020, considering PS5 will more than likely be backwards compatible with PS4.

michellelynn09762022d ago

Probably to focus on the PS5. Just enjoy your games. That's all that matters.

DarkVoyager2022d ago (Edited 2022d ago )

Nintendo may attend E3 but they don’t have a press conference anymore. That only leaves Microsoft. E3 has become less relevant.

I like how Nintendo have Directs throughout the year to announce things. Much better than waiting an entire year for one big show. Hopefully Sony will have something similar. I also feel PS5 will be announced in 2019 and launch in 2020.

michellelynn09762021d ago

You have a point. Sony will be ok. People hit the panic button over nothing.

mkis0072020d ago

They will release The LAst of Us 2 On the first day of E3 so that everyone is at home playing :)

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2020d ago
Silly gameAr2022d ago (Edited 2022d ago )

Figured that these articles would start pouring in. Here's another topic that is going to be warn out and annoying like those crossplay and censorship crap articles. I guess when you can't write legit, write what gets the hits.

UCForce2022d ago

Take it easy there. I will explain later when I send you PM.

Gazondaily2022d ago

Please share your wisdom with the rest of us

UCForce2022d ago

@Septic I don’t think so. But I can tell you this, cycle of gaming business will repeat again.

ApocalypseShadow2022d ago

Well, the good news silly, is that you'll never see a bombardment of Microsoft F2P games behind a paywall articles. Or, Nintendo game saves or online service not being up to snuff with current competitor levels. Somehow, there isn't enough rage or interest out there for that.

But something like Sony not doing cross play, censoring of questionable pedophilia game art or canceling conferences when Sony shows up to more than the other two with games in tow, it's front page news. And needs constant discussion.

We know Sony will reveal why they canceled in due time. But expect weekly PS5 rumors, why Sony canceled two events and is Sony in trouble or giving their competitors an advantage articles.

Gazondaily2022d ago


"But I can tell you this, cycle of gaming business will repeat again."


UCForce2021d ago

@Septic “Right...” That’s a weak response. I just hope MS and Nintendo doing fine but I fear that the arrogance will take over MS and Nintendo again.

chiefJohn1172020d ago

Don't people don't like PMs no matter how innocent it is lol. Trust me I know 😆

ShadowWolf7122020d ago

Bro you're not peddling your weird "cycle of power/Sony needs to fall so they can have another glorious rise" fanfic stuff again, are you?

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2020d ago
chiefJohn1172020d ago

Crossplay and sensorship are legit, how are they not? Sony skipping an even for the first time in 25 year history is gonna rustle some feathers. If they came out and said we're saving info and details on our plan at PSX or some other even I think ppl would be less concerned, still disappointed but less concerned. E3 is the Superbowl of gaming after all.

mcstorm2020d ago

That's the thing microsoft now have there own event Nintendo have direct and Sony have psx. Maybe E3 will become smaller and smaller in terms of the big news.

Also alot of people talking about Sony announcing the ps5 could also swing a lot of ways depending on that direction they go.

Microsoft have already said the next xbox will support xbox one games and also the Xbox one will play the next xbox games.

If Sony decided to just start a new gen with only psnow as thonly way to play ps4 and below games could hurt them.

The same if they put everything into VR and just sell a console with a headset as the price will be high.

I'm not saying this is what will happen it's just things people are thinking about.

Sony have been so far ahead this gen its crazy but both Microsoft and Nintendo have made some good moves in the switch being a duel console or Microsoft with game pass and forward and backwards compability.

I expect Sony to give us something big but they will eed to avoid some of the mistakes they made with the ps3.

I for one am looking forward to seeing what they do next and how the others respond

rainslacker2020d ago

So it's not enough to say that they want to explore other ways to connect with their fans. They did that. In the article about them not being there.

People would probably be less concerned if they worried about when ms is going to announce anything relevant for their x1 consoles, because the only people I see concerned about Sony not attending e3 are Xbox fans, and Sony fans just seem disappointed that there will be one less conference, but optimistic that sony won't just leave us hanging.

chiefJohn1172020d ago (Edited 2020d ago )

Rain you might want to read around cause you clearly see people concerned and making up all kinds of scenerios and wonder what's the plan. Sony didnt exactly go into detail and left people's head scratching. Xbox fanboys would be celebrating and bad mouthing Sony, not concerned lol

rainslacker2020d ago (Edited 2020d ago )

I see a lot of speculations. Coming from all directions. But, not a single person can say, or has said, how Sony or us fans would be negatively affected by this in any way, and Sony has spent this whole generation building up enough good will to be afforded the benefit of the doubt for their future announcements....regardless of where or how those announcements may take place.

And yeah, Sony isn't going to lay out all their plans for the future in a comment to a press outlet about why they aren't attending E3. That's not the place for that, and its quite possible they don't have all their plans laid out yet. On top of that, telling us their plans, just kind of negates the point of making an event, or some special way to engage their fans at a later date, because it takes the mystery out of it. Its been less than two days, and it didn't even take 10 minutes before some people thought they had to tell us everything?

The Sony fans won't have the Monday before E3 to look forward to, but it's one day. We'll get over it. Most of us already have. Sony itself will be fine, because E3 isn't vital to their success. Thanks for the concern.

ShadowWolf7122020d ago

The word you're looking for is censorship, chief.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2020d ago
Atom6662020d ago

The top gaming company around just announced that they aren't attending the biggest games conference months in advance. Speculation is pointing toward a new console reveal.

Are you seriously saying this shouldn't be thoroughly discussed??

rainslacker2020d ago

No one has been able to express how Sony is going to be harmed by not attending. Just a bunch of hyperbole about how it's going to not benefit them, or be bad for them

Realms2020d ago

@ Apocalypse Shadow

Apparently if Sony isn't involved they don't get hits positive or negative, it get's very annoying seeing these ridicules topics over and over. How many cross play articles where written and nobody cares anymore why because Sony isn't being anti consumer, when the PS5 is envetiably backwards compatible you won't see any articles on that topic. So many fanboys love that crap because they like trolling and talking smack but most gamers don't care enough to be in every Sony article.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2020d ago
UCForce2022d ago (Edited 2022d ago )

Well, good luck to them. As for Sony, I was disappointed but not surprised. Because before this happened, I expected Sony would cancel their PSX and their E3 2019. Shawn Layden did said that he didn’t want people take their expectations way too high. But he did said that PlayStation will be more transparent with their community further more in the future. I don’t think Sony going to do like Nintendo Direct. They will take different approach from what I can see. Still, PS4 still have Days Gone, The Last of Us Part 2, Ghost Of Tsushima and Death Stranding.

Edit : I did read that Sony won’t have their own event around E3. I would believe Sony will take different approach somewhere else.

TheGamez1002022d ago (Edited 2022d ago )

Sony doesnt really have anything new to show in terms of 1st party and probably just want to keep quiet until unveiling the ps5...but damn does it suck they wont be there.
I just hope they dont quit on traditional presentations and such. This years e3 and last years psx were such doodies...
Do it like how they did on their best presentation. Sure I like the game after game after game thing but I also liked it when devs came out to talk about their games and showcased demos too.

basilboxer2021d ago

They won't be so excited if Sony launches the PS5 and totally undercuts them :P

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Why The Game Industry Needs In-Person Shows Despite The End Of E3

Skewed and Reviewed kick off 2024 with a look at the need for in-person game conventions with the End of E3 and compares the cost-cutting methods of Hollywood who still value in-person events.

gold_drake149d ago

so, this article didnt tell me why we NEED to have in-person shows like e3, other than the authors nostalgia and remembrance of covering one of these shows.

but it also doesnt mention everyone outside of america who have never had the chance to see it in person either haha
we had to watch the darn livestream, if they had it available, at 3am in the morning haha with lags amd crashes (not all the time)

while i think these shows are great and all, i dont really "need" to have them. people are busy, im busy. id rather watch a livestream than to book a flight, a hotel etc.

but theres still pax and all of that.

Garethvk149d ago (Edited 149d ago )

I did mention that you cannot have hands-on and meetings with key people and the excitement. Europe has Gamescom and had Paris Games Week and N.A
Needs an industry event again.

A Livestream does not even come close to what was lost. I much prefer seeing and playing the games in person and asking questions to developers and marketing people versus watching talking heads doing shtick on a scripted showcase with a carefully edited video.

gold_drake149d ago

"need" is a strong word for it, imo.

"good to have it" would be a better way to describe it.

and sure, gamescom is in se germanland, paris week in .. paris.

most people dont rly care for it anymore. they either tune in to a livestream or vod or read about it online.

but opinions are opinions. if u think we Need them, then there ya go.

Garethvk149d ago

I think the industry needs them. The rank and file public not as much but our coverage is greatly limited via livestreams compared to what it was to say nothing of streams. Hands on previews Re very limited as well as we used to play big games months before release.

ApocalypseShadow149d ago (Edited 149d ago )

I get what you're saying. In person is always preferable with a hands on. Because there are those like myself that like to try before buying. That likes physical mostly over digital.

But having said that, I think it's more *your personal need* than a need for the industry itself. You need to be the middleman giving your point of view, possibly your own personal bias or subjectivity or objectivity to the equation. *We* as gamers don't actually NEED it. We can come to the same conclusions, positive or negative about a game as you can.

Companies like Sony or Nintendo used to sit back and watch others give their take on things that were negative to the message or had an agenda. Especially during the PS3 era of website bias, swag bags, advertising hand shakes, biased video, free laptops, etc.

Companies like Sony took the reigns and decided to let their base see for themselves what the games look like, than through the eyes of some journalists, bloggers and vloggers looking to cash in on click bait and advertising.

Delivering their message directly to the consumer killed a lot of that nonsense. You see the developers, you see the game, and in many cases, you can speak to these developers on discord than worrying about some article's take on something.

It's not that I want you to become obsolete. But for some, I'm glad it killed their business practices. Also, we live in an era where these games could be streamed directly to the consumers after the presentation from Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft that gives that hands on of a game. They just have to implement that technology and make it high quality without latency. And *WE* as gamers can speak to each other on a preferred media platform and give our opinions on the gameplay we just experienced. Many journalists have not been fully honest on games before release because they fear losing their backstage pass and free gifts. We would know just by playing if a game is something we want. Remote play is possible now without lines, without expensive trips, etc.

To close, Sony has sold mostly 50 million PS5 consoles, over 110 million PS4 consoles and Nintendo has sold over 120 million consoles without a journalist take. They delivered their message and it's still reaching the consumers they are targeting without spending the millions of dollars on in person setup at a venue

I get what you're saying. I lived through the whole era when E3 was created and watched. But I don't need it and never been to one. And really don't need a journalist to tell me what to like or dislike.

EvertonFC148d ago

The ques for 1 game were 4 hours long for the most part, that's NOT fun.

S2Killinit148d ago

The problem with live shows was that it became all smoke and mirrors and a show of things not related to gaming. Therefore I would argue that it added a new layer of cost to the game developers and console holders that necessarily will need to made up for. Either we the consumer have to pay for that cost or the developer/manufacturer will have to bear the cost thereby taking away from profits leading to smaller studios dying out.

Remember xbox buying celebrities to make appearances? Thats a good example of unnecessary cost.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 148d ago
JackBNimble149d ago

You don't need to go to the movies either, you can sit on your ass and watch any number of streams but that doesn't make it any better then actually going out.

This generation has become so spoiled and lazy.

gold_drake149d ago

booking a flight and a hotel aint the same as going to the movies, but pop off i guess ha.

Garethvk149d ago

Streaming cannot replace the communal experience of event films.

EvertonFC148d ago (Edited 148d ago )

Actually it does, for one it's cheaper eating my own snacks at home than over priced pi** take cinema prices. 2 it's About £150 to take the family to the cinema or £15 for a new cinema release and watch at home on my awesome 4k TV.
3 We can pause the film when needed, sit in the warmth of our home and have no di*kheads talking through the movie.
That's called using your brain, not being lazy or spoiled dude.

TheColbertinator149d ago

I'd rather publishers send out closed betas to garner gamer concern and interest like how we had demos back in the day.

I don't miss E3 as much as I loved it at one point but that era is long gone.

Garethvk149d ago

There is a need but refinement was and is needed.

Zenzuu149d ago

Sad to see it go. It was a great event for gamers and developers all around the world getting together and celebrate gaming as a community.

The announcements of new games/hardware, hype, surprises and seeing live audience reactions, it's something only events like E3 are able to bring. It will be missed...

hombreacabado148d ago

if its going to be anything like the game awards where celebrities that dont even play games are there and its just full of fluff and commercial crap than no we dont need in person shows. we just end up watching the trailer montages the next day anyway.

Shiro173148d ago

To be honest E3 was one of my favorite times of the years when I was younger. I couldn't wait for all the big conferences and new announcements. It was hype even if nothing good was announced we had cringe moments to laugh at.

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The Rise and Fall of E3

Rest in peace, E3. It may be easy to understand why you wasted away, but you will be missed.

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Terry_B167d ago

Nah..it won't be missed. Times changed.

mastershredder166d ago (Edited 166d ago )

E3 pre-2005 will be missed, everything after than ain't even close or worthy of mention to be missed. Late 90's E3's were phenominal, especially the after parties.

Dwarrior166d ago

Those that scoff and hand-wave it away are kids that were never there. Peak E3 was peak gaming.

It already IS missed.

darthv72166d ago

"$299".... and the rest was history.

jznrpg166d ago

It’s been dead for a good while so I don’t miss it. Things change


Remembering the most chaotic trade show, E3

Pour one out for E3; it's finally deader than the dodo.

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