
Sony Revenue Increased 40% YoY, Highest Out Of Top 10 Gaming Companies

According to a new video games market analysis, the three main competitors in the console space enjoying huge revenues in the first half of 2018.

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Ristul2012d ago

Congrats to Sony, singel player story driven games havet proven their strenght and value next to multiplayer games.

DiRtY2012d ago

Seriously a strange statement when tencent games (Fortnite) makes more revenue than Microsoft and Sony combined, without selling gaming hardware...

Dreamcatcher452012d ago

That's the problem. I guess marigins arent that high on hardware.

jaycptza2012d ago

Tencent growth is due to they basically control the Chinese market, Fortnite is small contributor to their profits. Otherwise Epic revenues would be higher than SONY's as well.

DiRtY2012d ago

Fortnite is on track to create a 2 billion revenue in 2018


So yeah, more than Nintendo overall.

I will bet my cat that multiplayer focused games will generate way more money than single player experiences.

Fortnite, PUBG, Dota 2, LOL, Overwatch, WOW, CSGO, warframe...

Dark_Knightmare22012d ago

It’s not strange he didn’t state single player games make more than mp or that mp didn’t make money period he just stated single player games aren’t close to dead like the media and other people would have you believe so nothing strange about it. It honestly just sounds like you wanted to be contrarian and puff your chest out about brain dead mp games

Why o why2012d ago (Edited 2012d ago )

Triggered. Man said next to mp games and man got all defensive. What is it with mainly Xbox fans lauding mp games or getting their noses bent outta shape when people highlight the successes of sp games. It's not like ps owners don't have 90+ percent of the same mp games on their platform. What gives. . . . . . . . . . . .stupid me. . must be ms's sp deficiency but when rare gems pop up, sp's are kool again and revenue or 'impact' isn't ever mentioned by fans or vp's . .

windblowsagain2012d ago

Not really a strange statement.

Single player games are still working well with gamers. Nobody wants just MP games.

As for Fortnite. That's all the kiddies spending money on useless things, like outfits,lmao. I find that more comical.

chiefJohn1172012d ago

I don't that's true. Sony and MS take in 10-20 billion annually

bouzebbal2012d ago

Polished SP is the past present and the future.. Thanks to Sony and Nintendo for keeping great software coming!!!

Eonjay2011d ago

Damn lie. The combined revenue of Sony and Microsoft is higher than Tencent. I can add. You are calling him strange by presenting a lie and we are just supposed to choke on it right?

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2011d ago
hench072012d ago

Yet both Nintendo and MS have far more cash and far more profitable as a whole than Sony. And that's what matters.

THC CELL2012d ago

Not the better selling consoles n vr tho so keep this in the gaming division

UCForce2012d ago

Are you trying being negative on Sony success ?

2pacalypsenow2012d ago

MS makes money of MS Office and Windows.

BizarroUltraman2012d ago

True! But their gaming division is also making them profits. The Xbox division is no longer losing them money which it was the las two Xbox gens. So thats a positive I take from Ms side. You guys have no stock so quit the Bs. all companies are doing well, Sony just more successful in gaming front.

Lon3wolf2012d ago

True and their Surface range and Sony make money off of consumer electronics as well.

AspiringProGenji2012d ago

Sony is doing well and that hurst you. And that’s what matters

Silly gameAr2012d ago

Seems like there are a lot of people here only to tell everyone how successful other companies are compared to Sony. It's kind of pathetic.

cee7732012d ago


It’s the games that matter.
Are you crazy I guess net worth equals exclusives to you lol.

TKCMuzzer2012d ago (Edited 2012d ago )

Well, that's not what matters. The best variety of games have appeared on PlayStation.

Your line should be ,that's what matters to them. But as a gamer, games are what matters so you, so need to sort out your perspective otherwise your just giving money to a company that is giving you nothing back.

Dark_Knightmare22012d ago

Do you get that money no than why does that matter to you besides being a butt hurt fanboy. The fact is Sony has a whole is profitable and healthy which is a far cry from the doom and gloom about them going bankrupt we heard non stop about last gen from fanboys and websites looking for clicks

bluefox7552012d ago

Matters to who? Are you a shareholder? If not I don't see why that should matter to gamers.

Dragonscale2012d ago

And for all that cash they are still getting their asses kicked. LMFAO.

Lime1232012d ago

Sony as a whole expects $7.7 billion profit for this FY. Nintendo $2 billion.

Why o why2012d ago

Good luck playing that cash game. . . meanwhile others get to play more than 2 quality exclusives a year and that's being generous to ms.

DarkHeroZX2012d ago

Lol it's easy to stash money when you hardly invest at all into your ecosystem. Lol Nintendo and more so Microsoft rob you blind and give you nothing in return.

michellelynn09762009d ago

PSN. 60 bucks for a garbage service. 100 bucks for the PS mini. Sooooooooooo

S2Killinit2012d ago

You should be more in favor of the one that makes its money promoting your hobby not the ones making their money from other sources.

CarlDechance2012d ago

"And that's what matters. "

Not as far as gaming is concerned, no.

Thundercat772012d ago

Wow... You don't seem to understand their businesses and how they get money AT ALL!!!

For starters, Ms make its money from Windows, not from gaming but any human being with a basic knowledge would have known that.

rainslacker2012d ago (Edited 2012d ago )

Yet for Sony and Nintendo, gaming are cornerstones of their respective companies, while MS would easily go on without Xbox. That's what matters. At least as a game consumer who supports those companies because of games.

Donnie812011d ago

Oh wow you really triggered the Sony ponies dude.

Ceaser98573612011d ago

Lol! MS didn't make that much Money from Video games .. So troll elsewhere.. stupidest comment ever..

2011d ago
+ Show (18) more repliesLast reply 2009d ago
Switch4One2012d ago (Edited 2012d ago )

Sony: $6.1bn
Microsoft: $4.4 bn
Nintendo: $1.5 bn

Somebody explain to me how Sony has 45 million more consoles sold than Microsoft and publishing 3 times as many games per year as Microsoft and yet there's only $1.7bn separating them.

The heck are MS getting this money from? They are trailing by more than double and make 3 games a year! Is this accurate?

Anyway, good to see everyone is doing well and gaming as a whole is growing.

Kribwalker2012d ago

It definitely is great to see everyone doing well. When everyone does well, the gamers win.

Now the only thing i can think about what you were saying before is that game licensing makes console makers money, as do the peripherals etc, and it takes active consoles to sell games and peripherals to. Which is why MS is considering MAU to be an important stat. If you have someone buy multiple consoles but only one of them is used, you MAU ratio will go down and you will make less money, as the person that has multiple consoles is spending less money on each console.

Basically Units sold is good, but if people aren’t using all of them consistently, you won’t make as much money. That’s where MAU comes in

darthv722012d ago

Maybe it has to do with overhead? Sony has more overhead and that cuts into their revenue where as MS has less overhead and can retain more of the revenue that is brought in. Sony paid all kinds of $$ to secure marketing deals and exclusives while MS did not.

Kribwalker2012d ago

revenue isn’t profit. Their total sales equals the total revenue. The Net is after they’ve paid out

Switch4One2012d ago

Overhead affects profit, not revenue.

Srhalo2012d ago


It's because of RROD!

shuvam092012d ago

My guess is a split of 50:50 b/w Minecraft and everything else...

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2012d ago
AspiringProGenji2012d ago

Probably because since Sony has way more output than the 3 they have to invest way more, but it seems they are getting revenue from all that hard investment and that’s really good for them

Switch4One2012d ago

That makes no sense. Revenue is not negatively affected by more investment.

lelo2play2012d ago

Minecraft still brings in lot of money...

BizarroUltraman2012d ago

Most Xbox money probably coming from Xbl and Xbox game pass subs.

derek2012d ago

Depends on what each company includes in revenue and how they hide their losses.

DarkVoyager2012d ago

Xbox fans already looking for an excuse. It’s just so hard for you guys to accept that Sony and PlayStation are the best when it comes to gaming.

Dragonscale2012d ago

Exactly. The spin, deflection and downplaying is hilarious. Theres some salt in them thar hills lol.

Switch4One2012d ago

You still haven't answered my question why MS with half the consoles and 2 AAA games per year made as much money this FY as Sony made last FY and are only 1.7bn apart in revenue despite VR and Vita being a thing.

2012d ago
GaboonViper2011d ago

But but but Krib and ChiefJohn love PS and never try to downplay it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2011d ago
PowerOfTheCloud2012d ago

Ms investing way less in own ip might help.

Switch4One2012d ago

That affects overhead, not revenue. Revenue is money coming in from sales before expenses are deducted.

Dark_Knightmare22012d ago

Lol you’re acting like an almost 2 billion difference isn’t huge smh

Switch4One2012d ago

It isn't when considering it's a 2:1 or more ratio in marketshare but a 1.3:1 ratio in revenue it's pretty darn surprising!

bluefox7552012d ago

Well, MS clearly aren't investing as much, otherwise they'd have something half decent this gen.

2012d ago
Chevalier2012d ago

If Hamilton and Switch are so 'educated' why are you asking for answers instead of explaining the answer to you're own stupid questions? So smart, but, got no answers?

CarlDechance2012d ago

"98% of Sony fans"

Wow.....a guy makes a mistake and you attribute millions of others to a "lack of education" because of it? Do you not realize how idiotic that statement is?

OpenGL2012d ago

Microsoft must monetize their platform more heavily than Sony. They've got people paying up to $180 a year for gold and gamepass.

Switch4One2012d ago

PSNow and Plus don't exist in your scenario?

OpenGL2012d ago

PSNow definitely isn't nearly as popular and many of the best PS4 games don't have online.

parris2012d ago

"PSNow definitely isn't nearly as popular and many of the best PS4 games don't have online."


The obvious FYI all the "best online games" are multi-platform.

sazselesbon2012d ago

Last year they were almost a match: 3.7bn vs 4.4bn. Considering the enormous gulf in hardware sales its bizarre.

CarlDechance2012d ago (Edited 2012d ago )

This is a pure estimate of game software sales.

"Revenues exclude hardware sales and other non-game sales to the extent publicly available. "

For Q1 and Q2 (of Sony's fiscal year), Sony had $9.11 billion in revenue.

In the same period, Microsoft had $4.5 billion. So a little less than half of Sony's gaming revenue.

Switch4One2012d ago

If this is only software then it's even more surprising! 86 million vs 42 million gamers AND Sony have a more than triple output of AAA software you would expect the software buying ratio to be much higher for the company with more gamers and more games.

Basically Xbox One gamers buy more games than PS4 gamers per console.

CarlDechance2012d ago

Yeah, I think that is typical though. Casual gamers are going to go for PS4 more than Xbox One as they typically go with the market leader. So you are going to have diminishing returns at some point when console sales reach that high.

CarlDechance2012d ago (Edited 2012d ago )

Actually, these numbers don't add up for Microsoft. How does newzoo say they have $4.4 billion in software revenue when Microsoft reports $4.5 billion across the entire gaming division?

Starman692011d ago

Research and development for ps5 must be out of the pot somewhere!? 🙄

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2011d ago
Chevalier2012d ago

You know its funny Switch4One asks for answers and throws out guess work about revenue and a negative slant about Sony and asking for answers. Why not just give the answer since you clearly know more than anybody here? Or you going to pretend to know and keep asking for answers like an idiot?

shiva12012d ago

Are you blind. He is questioning and giving answer as well. It is the attach ratio to software which brings in the difference.

Thundercat772012d ago

If you take a basic course on Finance 101 you will be able to understand a lot more and it would be better than guessing.

chiefJohn1172012d ago (Edited 2012d ago )

Services, gold make more than plus and Xbox gamers have a higher attach rate. This is why Ms stop tracking sells. And now use a different metric for success.

Srhalo2012d ago (Edited 2012d ago )

How does Gold make more than Plus? You know there are more Plus subs than Gold subs right?

And PS Now is as we recently found out far more profitable than Game Pass.

And attach rate doesn't matter, sales matter 1 is 50% of 2 but 4 is only 40% of 10.

1x$10=$10 vs 4x$10=$40

rainslacker2012d ago (Edited 2012d ago )

Attach rate between the two systems is roughly equal. I think MS has a .2 advantage as of the beginning of this year, and I doubt its gone up significantly since then, especially since things like game pass would drive attach rate down.

I can't see how Gold itself makes MS more money. When the number of users of XBL as a whole....48 million(reported by MS Jan 2016, which include non-paying members, is only 25% more Sony's total paid PSN subscribers...estimated at 34 million in march of this year. The reason why I think that it's not much more is because MS had roughly the same number of consoles sold as Sony had paid subscribers to PSN, so it makes no sense that MS would be making significantly more, if more at all. Sony, 34 million estimated in March, and MS had an estimated 40 million consoles shipped at the middle of the year. Since not everyone who has an X1 still has one, some of those numbers are double dipped for X1X or X1S purchases, or people just don't subscribe, your theory just doesn't add up to logical conclusion.

chiefJohn1172011d ago (Edited 2011d ago )

1x$10 vs 4x$10 exactly lol you proved my point lol that's an attach rate.

Gamer A buys 1 game/ gamer B buys 4 console B had the higher attach rate.
There's a reason the revenue isn't 2x or 3x better. Like the software and consoles sold are.

parris2011d ago (Edited 2011d ago )


Wow dude you are unbelievably dumb, this is elementary school math.

PS4 has two times more consoles than xbox, so if 50% of xbox owners buy a game and 50% of PS4 owners buy a game who sold more games? PS4 would have sold double the number of games.

If 50% of owners bought a game LITERALLY every single xbox owner would have to buy that game to have as many sales as PS4. (actually PS4 has more than doubled xbox's sales so if 50% of PS4 owners bought a game even if every single xbox owner bought the game xbox still wouldn't have sold as many)

And your whole argument is invalidated by the basic fact that PS4 is selling THREE TIMES MORE SOFTWARE EVERY YEAR. PS4 has more games and more games selling more copies.

PS4 is generating more money in software sales than xbox in every measurable category, there is no argument.

chiefJohn1172011d ago (Edited 2011d ago )

@parris Lol I'm dumb yet you used an even percentage to prove your point what an idiot. The fact my post flew over your head let's us know you have the iq of a rock.

OMG 3x more OMG wow that's amazing!!! What.....hold a minute.....why isn't the revenue 3x more then? Foh. Wtf are you so defensive?

Srhalo2011d ago (Edited 2011d ago )


Let me explain because you're clearly mathematically challenged and have reading comprehension problems.

1 --GAME SALE-- is 50% of 2 --CONSOLES-- but 4 --GAME SALES-- is only 40% of 10 --CONSOLES--

The second equation which you used in your example is pointing out that even though one percent is lower it still equals more $$$ worth of sales, 40% can still equal more than 50% as shown in my example.

Attach rate is a percent. It's not a numerical constant.

chiefJohn1172011d ago (Edited 2011d ago )

SR I understand that but the gap margin won't be as high if the lower selling one is having a higher attachment. I'm not saying they're selling more games but for some reason y'all taking it in like that. Sony made more revenue cause it sold.more games we all get and know this but not 2x the revenue like the market share suggest. Cause attach rate and gamer spending.

Srhalo2011d ago


Everything you just said in your last comment is just trying to cover up how bad you got owned. You CLEARLY didn't understand what I said don't pretend you did. Even when Parris tried to explain the math to you you still didn't understand.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2011d ago
rainslacker2012d ago (Edited 2012d ago )

Microsoft has Minecraft. Minecraft could easily make up half of that 1.7 billion. Could be close to all of it if you include the Minecraft merchandising which is pretty heavy.

Otherwise, I feel this is an impossible question to answer without knowing what all is included within how those numbers were derived. Each company can lump things together how they please to make their reports, and they aren't under any obligation to actually disclose that publicly so long as the numbers aren't falsified. Some investors may be given access to that information, but it wouldn't be for public consumption.

There is also the concept of as a user base grows, the average revenue gain per user is decreased, as not everyone is going to be spending as much.

Lots of reasons why this could be the case. Asking for a definitive conclusion to try and justify your point, is an impossible task for someone to accomplish without more details, but it doesn't necessarily justify your point.

Switch4One2011d ago

No actually this helps and answers my question with sense. Thanks you.

battlegrog2011d ago

When willl people learn that revnue is not in hardware. Blabla Sony has this many more units sold. Ya well steam has zero units sold and they make billions in the game industry. Its software and services

MasterCornholio2011d ago (Edited 2011d ago )

Selling more consoles does mean the increase in potential for sales and subscription which increases revenue.

I can guarantee you that all three console manufacturers want their hardware sales to always increase. Its basic business sense.

343_Guilty_Spark2011d ago (Edited 2011d ago )

Microsoft has more service penetration. Live and Gamepass.

Srhalo2011d ago


PS Now 52% xbox game pass 15% and PS+ has more subscribers than xbox live.

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 2011d ago
PhoenixUp2012d ago (Edited 2012d ago )

Proclamation of PlayStation domination devastation in veneration within every nation.

The destination for this dedication to the defamation of their rivals’ delagation will result in desolation from the detonation of Sony’s desecration.

PlayStation’s successful reputation is an illustration of declaration of the invalidation to the desperation insinuation from industry analysts whose inclanation made them make a declaration that the demonstration of home consoles will end in depravation as the infestation of mobile devices provide an invitation for the infiltration of indignation in the gaming industrialization.

stuna12012d ago

So in other words what you're saying, it's an indoctrination of certain gamer who've been affiliated with companies trying to insinuate that they're planning to dominate, but in actuality they really try to inflate or overtake as a last ditch effort to infiltrate Sonys colonization of the world and every nation!?

FallenAngel19842012d ago

“Nintendo also hasn’t majorly discounted any of its first party games from when the Switch released, leading to higher revenue per unit sold.”

Well yay for Nintendo making a profit at the expense of consumers. I get why they keep their prices high, but I could never justify buying a game for full price years after its release.

“The Xbox One X is slowly becoming the console of choice for users who want their highest quality graphics and detail for their third party games, the recent release of Red Dead Redemption 2 being the prime example.”

Yet not one multiplatform title has sold better on XO than on PS4 since XOX released.

AspiringProGenji2012d ago (Edited 2012d ago )

Yeah good luck trying to catch up playing old games. Pokemon Black an White still cost $50-$60 lol

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