
From Software’s VR Game Deraciné Is Short And Unsettling | Kotaku

Deraciné, the first PlayStation VR game from Dark Souls maker From Software, definitely isn’t for everyone. It’s a brief, slow-paced, story-heavy game set in a boarding school. You solve puzzles with an inventory of items in classic adventure game fashion, but unlike most classic adventure games, these puzzles are quite easy. Deraciné is more about experiencing the world and obsessively combing it for clues to its odd supernatural story.


From Software isn't in a rush to make another VR game

FromSoftware, the developer behind the famous Dark Souls series, says the company has no plans for more VR games in the foreseeable future. This comes after the release of its only VR game to date, Déraciné, which released for the PSVR back in 2018 and received a mixed reception.

During an interview with Destructoid, Producer Masanori Takeuchi had some compelling things to say about developing for the platform.

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Psychotica1808d ago

I wish they were in a rush to make another Dark Souls game..

1808d ago
1808d ago

Déraciné PSVR review | NZGC

Coffee writes:
"Stories about faeries leading fine people astray, devils waylaying travelers and princes locked away in towers fuelled my imagination. I was skeptical as a child but the environment in which the tales were recounted would ground the tale in real life and make it harder for me to push aside the ghost stories so lavishly told. Déraciné (from the makers of Bloodborne and Darksouls) has magically captured these stories and lovingly crafted a beautiful little tale that is perfectly told in VR."

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From Software has two unannounced titles in development

Miyazaki clarified that Dark Souls Remastered and the upcoming Metal Wolf Chaos XD were requested by Bandai Namco and Devolver Digital, respectively, and are thus not included in the 3.5.

Asked by 4Gamer.net is this meant that the studio has two unannounced titles in production, Miyazaki said that is correct.

“While it isn’t the time to discuss details, they’re both [From Software]-esque games,” Miyazaki said. “We’ll need a little more time, but we’ll be able to tell everyone more about them once they take shape.”

isarai1983d ago

I would explode in excitement

ThatGuyDart1982d ago

Would rather have Bloodborne 2

Obscure_Observer1982d ago


"Would rather have Bloodborne 2"

Would rather have Demon Souls 2

ThatGuyDart1982d ago


I'm........I'm not mad at that.

UCForce1982d ago

@Obscure_Observer How about both ?

Tapani1982d ago

Yes, Bloodborne 2 with more complex gameplay mechanics (more upgrades, armor system, more guns and weapons, more accessories and rings and stuff.)

I predict the two games are BB2 and Dark Souls IV. They should move King's Field to VR, it's perfect for it. Demon's Souls remake will probably be done by the Dark Souls remake team with minor upgrades again.

MajorLazer1982d ago

I would literally keel over and die if they were Bloodborne 2 and Demon's Souls 2

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1982d ago
Nitrowolf21982d ago (Edited 1982d ago )

I hope we get a new Armored Core

They have been talking about how Armored Core is still alive yet it’s long overdue for a new game.

Segata1982d ago

While I am waiting for a new AC game I hope Daemon X Machina is good. From former From AC staff. Can never have enough big mecha games.

Hardiman1982d ago

I would absolutely lose it! I loved both of those games!

Lord_Sloth1982d ago

That would make me soooooooooo happy!

TheColbertinator1982d ago


Demon's Souls 2 would be great. A real deal gamer like you would understand.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1982d ago
NarutoFox1983d ago (Edited 1983d ago )

Bloodborne 2?? These unannounced games probably won't release until next gen

bluefox7551982d ago

They're obviously working on bloodborne 2, they would be fools not to after the success of the first.

Obscure_Observer1982d ago (Edited 1982d ago )


"They're obviously working on bloodborne 2, they would be fools not to after the success of the first."

Obviously? By saying "fools", you mean Sony, right? In case you forgot, Bloodborne is Sony´s IP.

Segata1982d ago (Edited 1982d ago )

Just like Sony obviously funded Dark Cloud 3 or Legend of Dragoon 2 or Demon Souls 2 right? Can't wait for them to obviously fund Rogue Galaxy 2. Sony doesn't have the best track record getting sequels out to beloved RPG titles they published.

1983d ago
Chaosdreams1983d ago

If it's From Software, I'm all ears, eyes and heart.

FITgamer1982d ago

I'd flip the f out in excitement for another Tenchu. One of my favorite franchises ever.

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