
It's true, Red Dead Redemption 2 has two discs (but you only need one to play the full game)

Retail images confirm Red Dead Redemption 2 comes with a separate data disc and play disc.

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PhantomS422038d ago

That sounds insane in this day and age. Wonder if this is going to be the first of many until next generation hits or if this is the only one we see. Guessing we'll see more before next gen.

sprinterboy2038d ago

No we won't see anymore this gen, maybe cyber punk, that's all. What's insane about 1 game being 2 discs?

TheColbertinator2038d ago


Remember the PS1 days of 4 separate discs?

MrBobSugar2038d ago

Hell, I remember playing FF games that had 5 or six disks.

smashley2038d ago

Because there havent been any games since ps1 that have come on 2 discs.

nowitzki20042037d ago


So my guess is you started gaming this gen? There was some last gen lol

mogwaii2037d ago (Edited 2037d ago )

The fact that it's the first one and near the end of this gens life.
It hasn't happened before so it shows just how dense this game is.

wtf02037d ago (Edited 2037d ago )

@MrBobSugar wtf are you talking about there were no ff games than spanned more than 4 discs..

@smashley Xbox 360 had several rpgs that spanned multiple discs. ( Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon just off the top of my head )

darthv722037d ago

panzer dragoon saga on 4 discs.. such memories.

Skull5212037d ago (Edited 2037d ago )

Well that explains the disc shortage, gotta use 2 discs for every one copy of the game. Another victory for digital.

one2thr2037d ago

How is that a victory for digital, when there are data caps?

Also installing directly from a physical medium is going to be a lot quicker than online installation.

And on top of that, there isn't a market for used digital titles, well at least not to my knowledge.

Or did I fail at sarcasm?

In that case remember /s

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2037d ago
rainslacker2038d ago (Edited 2038d ago )

I'm actually surprised we haven't seen more. last gen was already pushing the standard BR limit. UC3 was something like 39GB...of 46.6GB available. UC4 was 48GB on the install, although not sure how big on disc. Gears of War 4 is 54GB. And games keep getting bigger. Wasn't Forza Horizon 4 something like a 90GB or something for download?

Anyhow, there is a lot of compression for the disc version, compared to the digital versions...for some unknown reason....but there is a limit on how far you can compress data, and the media content is what takes up most of the space, and is the least compressible.

I am kind of curious if some games this gen were released on 100GB discs, and R* just decided to not do that for some reason.

Imortus_san2037d ago

Gears of War 4 is 100GB with the Updates and XoneX enhanced patch, GTA 5 is 100GB, Halo 5 100 GB, soo many games that are gigantic.

They can't release 100GB discs since the PS4 can't read them, maybe next gen when PS5 is also 4K Blu Ray drive and is ready to read 200Gb discs.

ChrisW2037d ago

The only reason why those games are so big is because of redundant texturing -- something that consoles are notorious for.

rainslacker2037d ago (Edited 2037d ago )


I can see a reason for doing redundant texturing on the disc, if the game read from the disc. But they don't, and there is no benefit to doing that for a game that runs off a hard drive.


All bluray diodes can theoretically read all of the theoretical or available on the format. May need a firmware release to work though.

That being said, it still doesn't remove my surprise that we haven't seen more games the don't fit on a single disc this gen, as we were pushing the limit.last gen, and games are obviously bigger this gen

Also, isn't the recent forza horizon still 90gb day one? Not including any patches for.day one?

Imortus_san2037d ago

Insane are games that you buy fisical but they dont work because you have to download 20~60gb data so they can work (COD and many more) because when the servers go down those games became usesless since they will never work again without the extra download.

darthv722037d ago

That is what I fear will happen. I believe the BO4 disc only contains part of the game data and you have to dl the bulk of the rest. something like 5gb on disc and 50gb download because the full game install is 54-55gb in size.

It could be the publishers way to drive people to buying the digital version by limiting the amount of data on the physical disc. if more people switch to digital, they wont have to pay for physical copies to be made. no packaging or production costs.

Shuckylad2037d ago

Back in my old Amiga days I remember monkey island 2 and Indiana Jones Atlantis being on like 12 discs!! I swapped discs as much as I clicked the mouse.

nirwanda2037d ago

Still it was much better than rewinding side two of a tape deck on a spectrum, then loading each level for about 15mins then pausing the tape hopefully in time,if it didn't crash anyway.

PhantomS422037d ago

Yeah, I grew up on multiple discs too and it wasn't too long ago that all the disagreeing hypocrites were throwing a fit because late gen games last gen had multiple discs on 360 at least. We're past that so yes it is shocking to see a game with multiple discs and I'm sure there are more to come.

doughnutsfan2037d ago

ppl saying this hasn't happened since ps1, Xbox 360 would like a word (remember lost odyssey?)

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2037d ago
RememberThe3572038d ago

Pathetic? That's the word that came to mind? Are you saying they should have worked harder to make the game smaller?

playnice2038d ago

Maybe he is saying people should download instead? No idea. As per me I am glad not to have to download any of the game over my shitty internet and I will gladly free up 100 GB for a game of this caliber! :)

Spurg2038d ago

How??? You rather download it.
I'm quite relieved it's 2 discs as I don't have to download it as soon as I insert the disk.

Baza2038d ago

Rockstar made 100GB game and Blu-ray technology can’t keep up. A BR daul layer disc only holds 50GB. Most games fit on a daul layer disc. RDR2 is double the size. And that’s pathetic...

KwietStorm_BLM2038d ago

You sound just as silly as the first guy

TheUndertaker852038d ago (Edited 2038d ago )

There are discs with larger capacities such as those found in 4K Blu-Ray discs. Their caps are dependent on the drive.

All PS4 models and launch model Xbox Ones have drives that support below 100GB. Xbox One S and One X can support larger discs.

rainslacker2038d ago (Edited 2038d ago )

Quite a few games have released this gen which are over the actual 46GB capacity of a dual layer BR drive. Some quite a bit more. Gears of War was quite large, and I don't think they could manage to compress all that down to half the size on disc. Quantum Break broke 100GB, and all those movies were only compressed to standard codec limits.

Surely, someone out there will know if there are any current gen game Disc rip images out there which break the size available on a dual layer BR drive. I would guess that Uncharted:The Nathan Drake collection would be a strong candidate, since the total of the original games would be quite high....much less the improved version having to be bigger.

That being said, BR tech is forward compatible. Since it's release last gen, the spec allowed for a theoretical availability of 200GB. It wasn't until more recently that 100GB discs became available for production though, but it is available, so its keeping up well enough.

Artemidorus2038d ago

Stick to yearly overated pc mods at full retail.

Dizzy115232038d ago

And there will still be a HUGE DAY 1 PATCH.

King_Noctis2038d ago (Edited 2038d ago )

You are free to not buy this game you know. Actually, I would be more than happy if you never go near this game at all.

2037d ago
King_Noctis2038d ago

Yeah why shouldn’t they just cut out contents to fit one disk? (Ask no one ever).

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2037d ago
franwex2038d ago

Next gen will probably use the newer higher capacity Blu-ray drives, so this is probably something that we are only going to see towards the end of this gen.
I was wondering which was gonna be the 1st game to require 2 discs this gen. Now we know.

playnice2038d ago

I don't think there was a single PS3 game that required one last gen although the X360 had plenty? Either super happy I won't have to download 50 GB of data!

franwex2038d ago

They can also use tricks to keep it all on 1 disc. Halo 5s multiplayer was not included on disc, one had to install an update, but since multiplayer is online anyway-it is assumed that people who play online have reliable internet.

jerethdagryphon2038d ago

0 ps3 games has 2 discs unless you count bonus stuff like soundtracks and such

playnice2038d ago

@mkis007 360 did have an HD-DVD optionnal player for movies... but that's not worth mentionning lmao :P

playnice2038d ago

@franwex I do miss one Xbox 360 feature and that is the ability to play most games without any lengthy installation required! I remember even digital games were download and play rather than download, install and then play :)

rainslacker2038d ago (Edited 2038d ago )

The only one I recall coming close was UC3. It was 39GB.

Anyhow, for most games, they were mostly multi-plat, and most were built to fit on DVD's, since that's what MS had. It's often speculated that FFXIII was scaled back because it went multi-plat, and it would make sense given how barren the game became almost instantly, where you'd expect to see more content.

I don't think there were any 3rd party exclusive titles that were on a scale as large as UC3, and UC3 was Sony's largest game of last gen.

darthv722037d ago (Edited 2037d ago )

KZ trilogy is on 2 discs with KZ1 & 2 on the first and KZ3 on the 2nd.

If they can fit the Nathan Drake collection on one disc then they could have fit the KZ trilogy on one as well. but then again, PS3 discs were designed to play direct (with some partial install) while PS4 is install only (so there is likely compression).

Jrios3552037d ago

I believe the only games on PS3 that required 2 discs were collections like the Killzone Trilogy, and the Metal Gear Solid Legacy Collection. But again, those were collections and not games by themselves.

RNTody2037d ago

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots required multiple discs on PS3 with installations between Acts. But that's because Hideo Kojima went overboard and used uncompressed sound in addition to the game having ridiculous graphics. Legend, he is.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2037d ago
sprinterboy2038d ago

I think cyber punk maybe 2 discs aswel but I can't think of any other future games. Death stranding maybe?

DarXyde2038d ago

I'm doubting that for Death Stranding.

It would be pretty neat if The Last of Us Part II was, but I don't expect this at all.

iplay1up22038d ago

They are currently working on new tech for that. Because 8K TVs are coming and storage on a bluray disks wont cut it.

Personally, I like Nintendos idea. SD cards are coming down in price, and they are much faster than Disks.

badz1492038d ago

100GB bluray is still so much cheaper than a SD card will ever be

snake-OO2037d ago

no game actually reads off the disc, they are all read of HDD

Sirk7x2037d ago (Edited 2037d ago )

There is no mass market for 8K TVs anytime soon lol. Predictions are that by 2020 about half of people in the US will have 4K displays, compared to the 80 percent that already own smart phones. By the time 8K TVs are the norm companies won't be producing physical media anymore at all lol. Many publishers aren't even bringing their movies to 4K blu rays because people aren't buying them. And why would they when streaming has all but taken over? It'll be the same for gaming one day as well. Google is running the Project Stream beta right now, and I can stream AC: Odyssey at 1080p 60FPS on my five year old laptop with no noticeable input lag. It's crazy.

LucasRuinedChildhood2038d ago

Physical disk it is. I'd like to get to play the game before New Years

UnHoly_One2038d ago


I'm not sure how this info confirms your choice to go physical.

You're going to have to sit through the install for all of that.

My digital order is already installed and will be playable the instant it goes live.

akurtz2038d ago

It’s great that the pre download is a week before so! But I like my physical copies. Ultimate edition here

franwex2038d ago (Edited 2038d ago )

You have to take the good with the bad. I like digital also, but i also see the downsides. Just as you can start playing on the instant it goes live, they can prevent you from playing it in the future too.
I like to know that I own the 1st multi disc game of the gen. After all you only install the game once anyway.

sprinterboy2038d ago (Edited 2038d ago )

Digital also, after the pre load I'm going to click the rdr2 icon Friday morning b4 I goto work to do any other updates and I'll be set for when I finish work @4, off till Monday night then

nucky642038d ago

not for me- i live out of town and internet isn't that fast - i'd be waiting days to play if i went digital (and i'm counting the preload week) - using the data disc to install doesn't take that long.

LucasRuinedChildhood2038d ago

I currently live in the countryside with a 5MB download speed. God help me. If I ever delete the game (storage management - games come and go) and then wanted to reinstall it on a whim, well, that would be madness on my part. For a game as big as this which is bound to get huge updates as well, the physical disk will make life a bit easier for me.

I've actually shifted to buying most games digitally now but this game, well .... it suffers from data obesity.

JackBNimble2038d ago

I keep hearing things like " they will take your digital copy away".
Why would they do that? I have been buying digital ever since you could buy digital, and I have never had a single game taken away buy any publisher or dev.
In fact even the games that the license expired I can still redownload.

So what games on console have ever been blocked by a publisher on console, other than obviously online only?

franwex2038d ago (Edited 2038d ago )

I don’t own any games that have been blocked either. But I do own games that once I delete I can no longer get on my Wii. So if it dies I lost some virtual console games, by I can still play the disc Wii games-even if my original system dies.
Again I’m not agains digital, otherwise I wouldn’t have downloaded the games. But I see the risks too.
I believe there has been instances reported where one couldn’t play games that were downloaded. But I don’t think it was for consoles.

iplay1up22038d ago

I know, I was reading comments, and people were acting like the physical disk would allow immediate play.

JackBNimble2038d ago

I don't know any about the Wii, but everything I have ever bought threw psn has always been there no matter if the license has expired or not.

Sirk7x2037d ago

I think he's implying he might get low download speeds.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2037d ago
sampsonon2038d ago

I'm glad i switched to digital games.

Araragifeels 2038d ago

RDR2 digitally is 149 GB while physically is just 99GB with 2 disc. Plus once Red Dead Online is released is probably even more so digitally is always good unless you buy more TB.

DarkZane2038d ago

The game is only 99 GB digitally. The extra 50GB needed is only to unpack files. You get those 50 GB back once the game is installed. Game once installed is the exact same size physical and digital.

I got it digitally because it took me less time to download it and install it than it would have taken to actually install it from disc.

sampsonon2038d ago

so? even if it's 200G i will have about 250G left to play most MP games. I won't be playing any other single player games once RDR2 comes out. I always hear this argument and i never understood it.

I play one game at a time when it's a game like Spider- Man , God Of War, and Red Dead 2.

KwietStorm_BLM2038d ago

500GB SSD internal, 4TB external. Storage hasn't been a concern for a long time. Digital is so convenient.

robbie165x2038d ago (Edited 2038d ago )

I have 20 PS4 physical games, another 3 or 4 full games on PS+ plus a ton of indie titles. I can't install more than 4 or 5 of them without deleting most of my indies. That doesn't include the 50+gb you need to leave empty to be able to install new games. Not to mention some games like GTA5 take up more than 50gb. 400gb after OS does not cut it. Bought a 4Tb external for $90.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2038d ago
sampsonon2037d ago (Edited 2037d ago )

@KwietStorm: games i have on my ps4 right now. Spider-Man, MLB The Show 18, Fornite, God Of War 3, The Golf Club, Destiny 2, For Honor, NHL 18, and Gran Turismo Sport.

500 gigs are enough for me because i can only play so many games at one time. If i delete a game to download RDR2 it's fine because i will be focusing on RDR2 and the game i delete will save to the cloud.

so i never understood why people make it such a big deal

stefd752037d ago

the problem is paying the prices Sony set for digital, I managed to get order the physical copy for £35 for PS4, but then I am not a big fan of digital, apart from PC as they are not set at silly prices.

sampsonon2036d ago

a game is a game to me whether it be a hard copy or digital. so it doesn't matter to me if the price is the same. yes, a hard copy can be sold second hand but to me it's not really that big a deal. only games i try to buy hard copies for are sports games because there is a new iteration every year.

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PlayStation Plus Game Catalog for May: RDR2, Deceive Inc., Crime Boss: Rockay City and more

All titles release May 21.

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-Ghost6d ago

PlayStation Plus Extra and Premium | Game Catalog

- Red Dead Redemption 2 | PS4
- Deceive Inc. | PS5
- The Sims 4 City Living | PS4
- Crime Boss: Rockay City | PS5
- The Settlers: New Allies | PS4
- Stranded: Alien Dawn | PS4, PS5
- Cat Quest | PS4
- Cat Quest II | PS4
- The LEGO Movie 2 Videogame | PS4
- Watch Dogs* | PS4

PlayStation Premium | Classics

- 2Xtreme | PS4, PS5
- G-Police | PS4, PS5
- Worms Pinball | PS4, PS5

shinoff21836d ago

They gotta do better on the premium side for sure. Where are any of those jrpgs from the ps1 Era. Come on Sony.

jznrpg6d ago

Most of the Sony JRPGS have been released. Square has a ton that could be ported over but they would need Squares involvement.

VenomUK6d ago

Crime Boss! I know it hasn't reviewed well but I love the eighties action movie vibe of the trailer but didn't want to risk any money on it so this is a great way for me to play it.

Exvalos6d ago

I don't know why Sony is not getting some of the legendary ps1 games from square like parasite eve, xenogears, brave fencer musashi

outsider16246d ago

Looking at this list, i gotta ask what is even the point of premium?

raWfodog6d ago

I'm good with just my PS+ Essential

GamerRN6d ago

I have premium, and I'm also wondering why I have it

Xeofate6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

I think there are a ton of good games on Premium, and don't sleep on the movie collection if you like 90's and 2000's movies, the selection is stacked with classics and gets updated pretty regularly.

Abnor_Mal6d ago

G-Police is a game I have fond memories of and will definitely download to replay. I remember controlling your helicopter was a bit difficult and would make my hand cramp having to press all the shoulder buttons to go up and down and I think yaw left and right.

The next game they should add to Classics is Colony Wars, and I wouldn’t mind replaying Nightmare Creatures. I’d also like to replay Black, PSI Ope: The Mindgate Conspiracy.

Redgrave6d ago

Nightmare Creatures, Deathtrap Dungeon, Urban Chaos

TheColbertinator6d ago

Colony Wars, G-Police, Black and PsiOps were all amazing games. Such creative games from a golden age.

DefenderOfDoom25d ago

I would love to play Black again on a higher difficult setting . Black was so fun to play!

MrBaskerville6d ago

G-Police is nice. But might be among the hardest games I've ever played.

Bathyj6d ago

G Police.
I almost want to upgrade for that.

But let's face it, there's no way the game has held up.

MrBaskerville5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

You can just buy it, you don't need premium.

And it's still good, but there's a couple of early missions that are extremely tough. But they don't really make games like this anymore.

DarXyde6d ago

2Xtreme was the first game I ever bought for PS Plus (I still have the PS1 version somewhere).

Game is awful, but it's stupid fun. Like Thrasher: Skate and Destroy.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5d ago
TheProfessional6d ago ShowReplies(7)
hiroyukisanada6d ago

Man.... Premium has been a massive letdown but this is the only month they don't have a single thing for me. Oh well. I've gotten my money's worth so far and still need to finish up Rebirth and Rise of the Ronin then I'll hop back in to Relink and Helldivers after that.

hiroyukisanada5d ago

I should clarify that I was referring to the Classics catalog, in particular. Only 1 PS1 game I've loved is the Legend of Dragoon and the Tekken/Soul Caliburs on PSP

Petebloodyonion6d ago

RDR2 is a win for Sony and Crime boss is a good fit to help promote a struggling game
but we're far from what was removed this month (including Horizon Zero Dawn)

crazyCoconuts6d ago

Yeah I was hoping burning shores would have been added now that it's a year old vs. the base game being removed.
I wouldn't be surprised if both MS and PS continue to either walk back the quality of games in the sub services or increase the price, since it's now clearer to them how cannibalistic these services are

isarai6d ago

The game deserves to struggle, it's garbage

Petebloodyonion6d ago

Indeed it's bad but it does offer incredible Hollywood star power so for free it might draw a crowd while giving a boost to this game.
Just remember Fallout 76 was the biggest turd and yet there are now tons of ppl playing it.

shinoff21835d ago

When I seen video on this game I thought Holy sht this is gonna be awesome. Then the footage continued and I seen what type of game it was going for. Was so disappointed. Would've loved a gta style game not from Rockstar,like we had back in the day some studios trying. I'm all about being different but a little gta clone idea been cool with.

Yui_Suzumiya5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

To be fair, I'd play Crime Boss before GTA any day. I mean I have no interest in either but just for the celebs I'd pick Crime Boss, lol

JL29306d ago

How is a 6 year old game a win for anything? Anyone who cares has already played it.

Petebloodyonion6d ago

Simply because ppl do play it!
As much as I don't like it GTA V always managed a boost of ppl when it was offered on Game Pass or PS+.
NOW RDR 2 was never offered on a subscription service.
Again the point isn't about will hardcore gamers play the game because we already played it. it's about having a huge star power game never offered on service that will make casual ppl subscribe to it.

MrBaskerville5d ago

You are aware that new people are born every day? All the 5 year olds probably didn't play it when it released.

But I guess you played every game ever released, which is quite impressive.

JL29305d ago Show
seanpitt235d ago

A 6 years old game is a win? Yes it's a masterpiece but I am sure most of hardcore gamers have already played it! I doubt it would be shifting ps plus extra subs if there was a native ps5 version or 60fps option then maybe

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5d ago
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6 Games That Genuinely Deserve A Current-Gen Upgrade

Games such as Mad Max, Red Dead Redemption 2, and Batman: Arkham Knight desperately deserve a modern-day revisit.

thorstein34d ago

Mad Max is underrated. Such a fun game.

Cacabunga33d ago (Edited 33d ago )

RDR2 still looks astounding on PS4 Pro. i cannot imagine how it could look with a next gen upgrade.

JonTheGod33d ago (Edited 33d ago )

Probably not very different.

No idea why this article is highlighting recent beautiful graphically-advanced games and saying they need current gen makeovers. They already look better than most new releases; just compare Arkham Knight and Suicide Squad!

exputers33d ago

I see what you did there.

Yi-Long33d ago

It's obviously never gonna happen since Sony killed the game and studio, but Driveclub. Even in its current state, 10 years after release, it still puts many competitors to shame ...

Demetrius33d ago

I'm not into racing games but yeah I even looked at gameplay of that sometimes

redrum065d ago

It's a shame they cancelled the game. Definitely the best racing game I've ever played on Playstation. Just got GT7, but it feels so slow and less arcade-y, which is to be expected of a sim racer of course, that I just enjoy it less.
Driveclub also graphically looked insanely good for its time. I wonder what a Driveclub 2 would look like for the PS5.

Demetrius33d ago

Mad max ikr! Far cry primal, it amuses me how ubisoft just left ac unity hanging, sadly most of the good staff left from rocksteady while being forced to make that abomination smh