
The wise decision of not having a campaign in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4

Not having a campaign mode in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 was ultimately a wise decision by Treyarch Studios since, at the end of it all, it's all about online multiplayer.

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AnubisG2036d ago (Edited 2036d ago )

How many of these idiotic articles do we need?🤣
Please, someone explain to me, why is it such a joy to anyone that we got less content? Even if you personally don't like single player games, why do you believe that it is a good thing to receive less for the same price? People are complete morons when it comes to this issue. Being happy to get less because the company line is that. Just amazing how sheep go along with anything.

Jinger2036d ago

There isn't less content. It was replaced by a BR mode that will probably get WAYYY more playtime than their campaigns do.

kevnb2036d ago (Edited 2036d ago )

many gamers on this website are mostly fans story driven single player games, they really just dont seem to get it. Since modern warfare 2 Call of duty campaigns are only enjoyed by a very small portion of the people buying the game. Honestly there are much better experiences for single player gamers, red dead redemption 2 around the corner and spider-man just came out.

AnubisG2036d ago

BR mode is just one mode. It's not a replacement for a full fledged campain with a story.

Jinger2036d ago


Yeah I know. Social MP to them is like garlic to a vampire

AnubisG2036d ago (Edited 2036d ago )


You don't get it. You got less for the same amount of money. That "tiny" minority that finished the CoD campaigns is still in the MILLIONS of people. Why are you going along with the line Activision is feeding you? I don't get it. If the campaign is there and you don't like it, does it bother you so much that you don't want anyone to enjoy it? To me, this seams extremely selfish and honestly, absolutely idiotic way of thinking.

kevnb2036d ago (Edited 2036d ago )

Its not less though, I get that they took out the campaign you wanted, but its not less content. If people really want the campaign back just vote with your wallets and your comments, but dont go saying its less content because thats simply not true.

AnubisG2036d ago


But it is less. It is exactly one campaign less. BR mode is a fad that will fade within the next few years when people will move on to the next big thing. It is just a multiplayer mode. It's like in the 90's they removed a sp campaign just to add capture the flag instead.

I did vote with my wallet. For the first time since CoD has been released, I have not purchaed the game. There is just no value for me there. Plus, 0 of my friends purchased it. That is 15 lost sales. On my PSN buddy list of 70+ people, there was only one person playing it. I guess I surround myself with like minded individuals.

kevnb2036d ago (Edited 2036d ago )

@AnubisG that doesn't make it less, you just dont care for br so its a worthless addition to YOU. BR isnt a fad either, it might die down some but its not going away. Please just use some logic...

MrBeatdown2036d ago

It's mind boggling how people try to spin this as "less content."

They added Battle Royale. There's more zombie content than ever.

I would love to here the rationale that explains how multiplayer, zombies, and blackout is only equivalent to non-single player content in every previous game.

Palitera2036d ago

They had their money and time budget. They decided to use it on MP, not SP campaign. So it's not like they worked less. You can't just think the same package could have been released WITH SP campaign, because the package is inherently different.

Budget that would have gone to SP went to MP side, which is different than what would have been with a SP campaign.

Judging by the reviews, the effort is paying well.

Realms2036d ago

@ Jinger

Right because it takes the same amount of assets and budget to just throw in some extra game modes. Oh the stupidity look, I couldn't care any less about COD but some people are morons what is being shoved out as a game used to be a game mode in a game. I don't blame Activision or EA for being greedy if people are dumb enough to keep throwing money at them even though they are being asked to bend over every time they buy a new FIFA or COD then they deserve what they get. Just don't complain when they take it too far like they did with Star Wars pay to win.

Jinger2036d ago


I'm too tired to really respond so I'll just copy and paste what I already said to Anubis:

"And no, BR isn't just another "MP mode". Can you play BR on any of CoD's existing maps? No? then it isn't "just another multiplayer mode". It is something completely different and new for CoD to have a massive map filled with 100 players and vehicles etc."

rainslacker2035d ago (Edited 2035d ago )

For whatever SP gamers that brought the game for the campaign, I have a feeling they'd feel that there is less content.

Otherwise, I don't think that's a extremely large percentage of the customers of this game.

I really don't know why one feature has to be excluded to get another though. The amount of content in the MP mode is probably of little concern to the SP gamers that play the game. It's not like one has to cease to exist at the expense of another, and these games make enough money that Activision could have expended the money on it to provide a long time part of what the game was.

Livingthedream2035d ago

The only COD campaign I played was the first MW, and I've purchased about 3 other cods after that one. It's not less content just different content. IMO this isn't going to hurt their sales, and only the people on this site will be crying about since the majority at ps fanboys who only play Sony exclusive games, and we know those are single player games.

Edito2035d ago

and the morons will pay more and more for that extra playtime... I'm with AnubisG it's just stupid... that's why i'm skipping this game.

UltraNova2035d ago

Activision: Hey guys how is it hanging? You know how we did COD all these years right? The whole SP and MP thing? Yeah we are removing the SP part, cause why not, and will offer a mode with just a bigger map instead! Are tou excited yet??? The best part is its all for the same price as before! Its not like we didn't have the time or resources (and oh boy do we have re$ource$..) to do what we always did with COD its just that we know you guys will eat up anything we serve! Great deal right? We thought so too!

PS: We here at Activision believe you, the guys who love what we did and suddenly hate SP campaigns (we did not expect that to tbh hihi) or just dont care, are the best customers ever, we love you we really really do!

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 2035d ago
Jinger2036d ago

"BR mode is just one mode. It's not a replacement for a full fledged campain with a story."

Why isn't it? Plus, there is still a story there if you play through the Operator HQ. It ties into the Mason family line and everything. BR mode will get way more play time then some 4 hour campaign everyone will forget about the next day when they go and sink 99% of their time in either MP or Zombies...

kevnb2036d ago (Edited 2036d ago )

It isnt because he doesn't value multiplayer, the battle royale mode isnt less than some 5 hour corridor shooter with non interactive cut scenes. Its a strange way of thinking some people have.

AnubisG2036d ago

Jinger, that's absolutely not everyone. It is possibly the majority I give you that, but far from everyone. I personally always purchased CoD for it's campaign because I enjoyed it. I played them multiple times on different difficulties. Than played some zombies and that was it. Than I moved on to the next game. Rarely I played it online. I had my CoD mp fill with CoD4, MW2 and W@W. After that, it was the same crap every single year. There are much better mp games anyway. Battlefield is one of them. So again, just because YOU don't think campaign is good or should be there doesn't mean anything. You go along with the corporate line like you usually do. You have these anti-consuner thoughs that you stick with. You are ome strange person.

AnubisG2036d ago


I like a good multiplayer but CoD is the same crap for the past 10 years. If you like it, good for you but after thousands of hours of CoD mp, I had my fill and I have no desire to go back. I tried BR. Honestly, that is the most borring mode I ever played and I got into top 10 multiple times which is extremely easy to to. It's just a long walking simulator with about 30 seconds of action every 30-40 minutes. If that is want you enjoy, go for it.

fathertime44642036d ago

Oh so that mode is like the first Titanfall game that almost every single person hated because it was an online only game with no single player mode.....
I think everyone in favor of this change has just deluded them selves into believing it's "a ok" because it's call of duty when just 4 shirt years ago you were all complaining about a game that did just this

gangsta_red2035d ago


Titanfall 2 adds a single player that everyone who complained claimed they would buy if added and still fails miserably in sales.

Guess where the bulk of those people were then, playing the MP for Battlefield and CoD.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2035d ago
Jinger2036d ago

"That "tiny" minority that finished the CoD campaigns is still in the MILLIONS of people."

Their number was like 9% for BLOPS3, with 26+mil buyers that puts it up over 2mil players who finished the campaign. But how many of that 9% bought CoD JUST for the SP and didn't touch the other modes? I'd say probably less than 4%. Also I wonder how many hours spent in the SP vs. MP of that 9% who bothered to beat the SP? I'd say the ratio is not even close.

AnubisG2036d ago

These numbers that you pulled....

I just checked on PS4 the % of people who finished the CoDWWII campaign is 25%. Not 9%. Did they all buy the game for the campaign only? Doubtfull...they bought it because of the WHOLE package. That is the key. Without sp campaign, CoD is not a full package. At least for me and my friends.

kevnb2036d ago (Edited 2036d ago )

@AnubisG seems like you have reading problems, Jinger was talking about black ops 3.. you know the last black ops game. Sure you realize there are three different call of duty teams working on three different games at any given time? Black ops 4 development would have started shortly after black ops 3, the last two games in between would have started development before black ops 3 even came out. The blackout mode has been in development since early 2017, despite many on this website thinking you just press a button and you have a fully working battle royale game.. https://comicbook.com/gamin...

AnubisG2036d ago


Ok, let's talk about CoDBOIII than. On PS4 it is true that the campaign of this game has been completed by only 9.4% however, that is do to the fact that the campaign of that CoD was particulary bad. In BOII 32% completed the campaign. But let's go by title.
MW2 52.3%
BO1 42.1%
MW3 53.3%
BOII 32%
Ghosts 41.3%
AW 41.2%
IW 20%
WWII 38.2%

So, just because the campaign completion in ONE CoD game is low than that warrants it to cancel the whole campaign? Yes, it's done by different teams and BO campain completions are lower than the rest but still it's not a reason to cancel it and it wasn't canceled because of that. They are just pointing on this in hopes sheep eat up this reason and by the looks of it, sheep ate it up like the good sheep they are. They canceled it becaude it wasn't coming together and creating a BR mode is much, much faster and easier. It's not a one button push and no one is saying that but it's a heck of a lot easier than creating a story campaign. So in general CoD campaign completions are much, much higher than 9%.

Jinger2036d ago

"I just checked on PS4 the % of people who finished the CoDWWII campaign is 25%. Not 9%"

First off I was talking about the last Treyarch game Black Ops 3.

"That is the key. Without sp campaign, CoD is not a full package. At least for me and my friends."

Well that's great, but I don't play the SP campaign with my friends so them replacing it with a feature that I'll spend 10x the amount of time in with my friends is a much fuller package for us.

"You go along with the corporate line like you usually do. You have these anti-consuner thoughs that you stick with. You are ome strange person."

What exactly is anti consumer, again? I mean just because they replaced the mode YOU like with a mode I like doesn't make it anti consumer, in fact, it's giving ME more bang for my buck. And no, BR isn't just another "MP mode". Can you play BR on any of CoD's existing maps? No? then it isn't "just another multiplayer mode". It is something completely different and new for CoD to have a massive map filled with 100 players and vehicles etc.

Greg28012036d ago

So you bought Call of Duty every year just for the campaign? Thats pretty expensive for a 6 hour story mode.

Now the real deal of Call of Duty is the Multiplayer and Zombies.
Those are modes you can play all year long.
And now they added Blackout, a mode you can also play for a long time.
Look at Fortnite, its still going strong for a Battle Royale only game.

You telling me a 6 hour campaign mode has more value then multiplayer, zombies and blackout?

2036d ago
CobraKai2036d ago

I agree with Anubis. I’ve never really touched the CoD multiplayer, often choosing to play through the campaign a few times, but Activision is selling this game at full price and then some for half a game But I guess the pretense is; if there’s no campaign, then all that money and energy will be put into multiplayer, but honestly, it’s a cost cutting technique, and the CoD lemmings will fall in line and hand over more than the game is worth.

How much is Fortnite again?

Kribwalker2035d ago

it’s not half a game. If you wanna call a MP only game half a game then any single player only game is half a game. They’ve added a whole new mode to replace the campaign that can give you endless amounts of replay ability with different outcomes everytime.

If you wanna play this SP you can do the zombies mode. Otherwise don’t buy it, and if enough people don’t buy it, maybe they will put a campaign back in next time. But it’s not half a game.

Realms2035d ago

@ Kribwalker

That argument makes no sense since every previous COD had a SP campaign it's not like Overwatch that is purely an FPS online only game. Activision is laughing their asses off all the way to the bank, it's not surprising that they can get away with it since COD consistently ranks amongst the best selling games even though they do the exact same thing EA does with FIFA just tweak a few things aka "add a few modes" here and there throw in a fresh coat of paint and call it a day.

UCForce2035d ago (Edited 2035d ago )

@Kribwalker SP mode is core part of COD games in first place just as MP. I’m sorry, but I bet you didn’t play any previous COD games or neither you learn nothing from it. You can keep adding new stuff as long you keep the core part in the game. But no, you’re have to remove it and favor over new stuff. You can play zombie mode which can play offline and online and yes it has story, but it’s wave base mode, not a proper Single Player mode. And don’t try to bring excuses about COD BO4 “campaign” which is a tutorial mission that teach you how to play the game with bunch of CGI cutscenes. You keep saying that you are not against Single Player games but you are siding with multiplayer game more than Single Player games. I have a reason against MP games only because the modernization is something that publishers want to checking Player psychology. The question is how ? Publishers want to keep adding new stuff and making game progression slower. Now I don’t mind with grind and I pretty decent at MP game, but now these days publishers just want to make thing more tedious and annoying.

CobraKai2035d ago

Maybe it’s not half a game and more of a half-assed game

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2035d ago
Hardiman2035d ago (Edited 2035d ago )

Because there are those who seem to love spending more for less over extended periods. They also seem to enjoy games being loaded with loot boxes/microtransactions and apparently don't care for narrative driven games. Maybe it's their attention span but I tend to be distracted easily but I love a good yarn so I'm not sure.

fathertime44642035d ago

Even dice throwing in a battle royal mode. The difference is that they managed to keep a campaign mode.
Seems like tryarch was just lazy to me.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2035d ago
LoveSpuds2036d ago

Well as someone who doesn't play online or zombies, Activision lost a sale once the single player content was axed and I say that as a consumer who has all of the COD PS4 titles on my shelf.

I assume Activision have figures which demonstrate that the amount of people playing single player (or not as the case may be) makes it difficult to justify the development costs of creating a single player campaign, but I am quite sad about it personally as I always enjoyed a good blast through a COD title.

Jinger2036d ago

So you bought CoD ONLY for the 4 hour or so campaign? So you're that 1% lol

2036d ago
UCForce2035d ago

Well, at least those are better than those tutorials missions in Black Ops 4. COD Infinite Warfare was about 7-8 hours including side mission and i’m very happy about it.

kevnb2036d ago (Edited 2036d ago )

I think we will get more campaigns, just not every year. I think they really need to go back and revamp the campaigns, they are all starting to play the same.

franwex2036d ago

You weren’t gonna by it anyway bro. You are using as the campaign as the excuse this year. You don’t like COD and that’s ok. Don’t pretend that you were looking forward to black ops4 and all the sudden you changed your mind because of no campaign.

BlackTar1872035d ago

How could you possibly know that?

LoveSpuds2035d ago

I never said I went out and bought it day 1, but I genuinely enjoyed the COD campaigns so I would buy them a couple of months after release when they were around £30 (40 dollars).

I know I am an outlier, that COD isn't really a product aimed at me, so I understand why the campaign has been cut but I can still feel a little disappointed and as per my previous statement, it is still a sale lost.

Donnie812036d ago

Its not it's a dumb idea. The only reason there isn't a campaign is because they had trouble getting that 1982 quake engine to make a proper BR map. The multiplayer isn't even that great either. Heck half to maps are old ones. This game is lifeless and I bet the servers will be as well in a few months

Jinger2036d ago

Only 4 of the 14 MP maps are old ones.

DevilishSix2035d ago

lol, only 28.57% old maps like that is some arguement you just won, Lol, know wonder the online only community gets raked over the coals by publishers.

Elda2036d ago (Edited 2036d ago )

There's no doubt about it that this game will definitely take a small dent in sales knowing there are thousands or more of folks including myself that are not buying this game because there's no campaign including charging full price for just MP,BR & Zombie mode only. It would have been a wise decision to cover all bases when it comes to most of COD gamers/consumers.

AnubisG2036d ago

Yep, they lost my business this year as well as all of my friends. But I hear that it's breaking all kinds of records so this might be the future of CoD. So gamers like us lost a franchise. Oh well, plenty of other games to play.

Elda2036d ago

Absolutely!! I'm playing a few recent released AAA games now including some indies.I'll be buying a few more releases come next month,as of now I'll be getting my shooter itch playing campaigns & co-op of Forsaken & next month with the campaign of BFV.

generic-user-name2036d ago

I only bought this for the Black Out mode. I bet there's more people like me than there are people like you.

Elda2036d ago (Edited 2036d ago )

That are foolish to buy a MP only game with no campaign for $60 or more?? LMAO!! Imo I rather be in the minority that didn't buy than be in the majority of the foolish that did buy.

generic-user-name2035d ago

Yeah, they are really foolish to buy it for a mode that gives you hundreds of hours like Blackout instead of a mode that gives you 5 hours of a shooting gallery like single player. They are so foolish that they probably tricked themselves into enjoying BlackOut too.

Elda2035d ago (Edited 2035d ago )

LMAO!! Yep the foolish.

Skankinruby2036d ago

The only 'wisdom in this move is that they seen the ignorance of the game society and knew they could get away with it. They dodntmke a better game in any way, they made half of one and are laughing all the way to the bank.

AnubisG2036d ago

And let's not forget, there are people who defend this decision to the death which is crazy to me.

lodossrage2036d ago

Yeah, I have to agree with Skankinruby and AnubisG on this.

A lot of you don't see the problem here. You're sitting here making excuses for giving up even more control of what you own to these companies by defending this. Not having a single player mode means when companies ever decide to shut down a game server, what you paid for literally becomes worthless, even digitally.

Trying to do away with physical games as well as defending online only products that you pay for is giving companies more control of what you own than ever before.

And the biggest problem here is the gamers' as a whole (not everyone) is at fault for this because instead of thinking this through, they're slaves to their entertainment (in this case video games).

Go good example, go back to when Microsoft made people pay to play games online a year after the xbox 360 launched. Some people complained, but way more people caved to it. And when Sony saw it worked for Microsoft, they did the same with the PS4. And now even Nintendo is dipping into that.

People have to realize the customer has the power. But due to being slaves to gaming, you cede that power to these corporations. I'm not saying you can't enjoy your games. I am saying however people need to look past the "shiny objects" and start seeing things for what they are

Jinger2036d ago

So are all MP only games "Half a game"?

lodossrage2036d ago

@Jinger that depends.

If we're talking about games that were always meant to be multiplayer online, you might have an argument.

But when you're speaking of a product or franchise that always had a single player component, to make it MP only can sure enough make it be considered half a game.

Jinger2036d ago (Edited 2036d ago )


So is the new GoW half a game because there was a MP mode in Ascensions? The Tomb Raider reboot had a MP, but they removed it for Rise and Shadow... does it make those games "half a game" now because they realized hardly anyone played it and focused on the SP instead?

Or is it only "half a game" when they drop the SP for MP?

lodossrage2036d ago (Edited 2036d ago )


God of War is a traditionally single player only game. Multiplayer wasn't / isn't the norm for God of War. And on the side note Ascension still had single player to it. A game that traditionally is single player suddenly getting multiplayer added on is a bonus, not a subtraction. So no, the new God of War isn't half a game because it's traditionally single player

EVERY call of duty had a single player component until now. That is a subtraction. So yeah, black ops 4 for some people (myself included) can be seen as half a game

Edit- my comment answers your edit.

Cobra9512036d ago

They are "zero game" to me.

Skankinruby2036d ago

No, and the implication you're making is a half assed attempt at justifying this nonsense. Games have always been traditionally single player with mp as an add on and moves like this are tip toeing into a market where we are paying full price essentially for bonus features

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2036d ago
gangsta_red2036d ago

That makes no sense.

They actually catered to the larger audience of this game and did away with a SP campaign that hardly anyone played or cared about.

There was never any anticipation for any of the CoD single player story modes. It wasn't winning any awards, they were becoming less relevant with each iteration, and if I'm not mistaken the SP campaigns were taking less time to complete with each new entry.

The MP of CoD is the meat and the potatoes. The SP was the parsley on the side of the MP tomahawk steak.

They made exactly the game that catered to the majority of their fans.

How anyone can say it's "half a game" with a straight face is fooling themselves.

lodossrage2036d ago

It's not about whether or not it was winning awards. The fact is that it was always traditionally there, regardless of what you, me, or anyone else thought about it. Nobody ever said MP wasn't the heart of the game. But single player was ALWAYS there with it.

So to reiterate my earlier point, taking something that traditionally had both, then taking it away makes it half a game.

gangsta_red2036d ago

"The fact is that it was always traditionally there,"

The fact is it wasn't the main interest to a lot of CoD players. Why continue with something that is not getting the time spent on it? That is just bad business.

It's a waste of the developers time to make a SP mode that hardly anyone spends time on and can be completed in 4 or 5 hours. That time can be better spent on a mode that even you said is the heart of CoD.

"So to reiterate my earlier point, taking something that traditionally had both, then taking it away makes it half a game."

Taking something you personally feel is tradition out, is not making it half a game especially when they're adding and spending more time on the actual heart of the game and expanding on it. Who even determines what is tradition for a game like CoD? CoD has evolved past that, you don't see tournaments broadcast on TV and social media of COD on who can complete the SP mode faster.

This iteration of CoD has grown past SP, for the better, time to start a new tradition.

Skankinruby2036d ago

Quit making such definite statements profiling an entire fanbase based on your opinion you jus sound igorant. I don't play multiplayer, I bought these games for the brainless entertainment as time fillers when I didn't have the time to commit to a more meaningful game. And if I was so alone in this opinion then why would infinite warfare have gotten the backlash it did? If multiplayer was all that mattered no one would even care out the environment, or even sequels for that matter. They made just enough to cash in on a specific demographic, not a primary one, and catering to it is creating a cancer in this whole industry.

gangsta_red2036d ago (Edited 2036d ago )

"Quit making such definite statements profiling an entire fanbase based on your opinion you jus sound igorant."

Wha!? And what exactly are you and others doing by talking about the removal of SP? Seriously, the only ones who sound ignorant are you and the rest with this belief that SP was truly ever a factor to the last few CoD games.

If SP was truly so important and such a great feature, and such an important addition to the COD franchise then the devs would have actually spent time crafting it. But they didn't, so what does that actually tell you?

"And if I was so alone in this opinion then why would infinite warfare have gotten the backlash it did?"

You're not alone, you're in the minority, know the difference.

"They made just enough to cash in on a specific demographic, not a primary one,"

lmao! They made ALL their cash on Multi Player, they made zero on Single Player. So the primary one IS the MP. They are now catering to that larger group, not the ones who complained about CoD every single year, and may have played and finished their 4 hour campaign and then never picked it up again.

"and catering to it is creating a cancer in this whole industry"creating a cancer in this whole industry"

Wow, talk about delusion, and yet in your first sentence you talk about making DEFINITE STATEMENTS.
The absolute irony of it all is what is flooring me at this very moment.

How is it causing a cancer to the WHOLE industry? They are making a game specifically for the MP fans. Not you, so skip this, wait for the next CoD if that even has it. If not then try Battlefield, I heard that has a SP game you sink about 6 hours into.

But this is not a cancer to the WHOLE industry, these are devs who are actually catering to their larger fanbase and delivering exactly what they have been wanting and playing for months/years.

Hell, CoD MW2 just became BC on Xbox One, and the mp is still being played years after, that should tell you everything about where the focus is for CoD games.

Skankinruby2035d ago (Edited 2035d ago )

'lmao! They made ALL their cash on Multi Player, they made zero on Single Player. So the primary one IS the MP. They are now catering to that larger group, not the ones who complained about CoD every single year, and may have played and finished their 4 hour campaign and then never picked it up again.'

Lmao I wasn't talking about money you illiterate moron I was saying they made just enough of a game to entertain online gamers and abandoned the casuals entirely. And then you so ignorantly imply that there's no profit in initial game sales which in theory makes all single player games a money pit. That 'extra income' can only be referring to microtransactions, the other trend that is destroying gaming. You speak with such laughable arrogance and can't manage to make a single point and ironically go on to make statements like 'Hell, CoD MW2 just became BC on Xbox One, and the mp is still being played years after, that should tell you everything about where the focus is for CoD games' which backs my initial point that if multiplayer was all that mattered then there is zero incentive to invest in sequels.

Just stop with your silly huffy and puffy nonsense you have no point here. This move will definitely effect sales and if they choose to stand by it in spite of that then they will lose plenty of customers permanently, myself included.

gangsta_red2035d ago

"Lmao I wasn't talking about money you illiterate moron I was saying they made just enough of a game to entertain online gamers and abandoned the casuals entirely."

Oh, my bad, well I stand corrected everyone, how DARE these developers abandon the CASUALS and cater to the HARDCORE fanbase that made CoD the ever so popular juggernaut game that it is now. hmmmm, wasn't talking about money but says, "made just enough to CASH in..", yeah, great choice of words if you weren't talking about money, but lets continue....

Yes, we all know the casuals who were playing CoD made up the absolute bulk of the CoD community, kept the game alive and the game maps populated, it was definitely the casuals and their constant replay of the single player campaign that made COD the great game it is now.

So great in fact that the developers just had to drop the SP campaign because there were just too many casuals that played it. They needed to entice more hardcore gamers that were leaving CoD by the boatloads because the SP Campaign was taking up too much of the MP space.

"And then you so ignorantly imply that there's no profit in initial game sales which in theory makes all single player games a money pit."

LMAO! Whaaa!?! Implying, theory? Do you even know what you're talking about? You're making things up in your own head and then applying them to this discussion, and it makes zero sense.

"You speak with such laughable arrogance and can't manage to make a single point ..."

Says the guy who can't seem to keep it together and has now been reduced to just foaming at the mouth and calling me names. Yeah, great points you have here champ.

"...which backs my initial point that if multiplayer was all that mattered then there is zero incentive to invest in sequels. "

You're not making any sense. How can you say zero incentive when there are SEQUELS to this game already. You say "specific demographic, not a primary one,", but then fail to realize that the primary one IS the one that they are catering too, or they wouldn't go through this at all. You talk about me not making any points but you haven't been able to keep one sane valid point yet.

All I'm reading from you is bitching and complaining about no SP that you can't play, and then throwing all sorts of added over blown nonsense like "cancer to the industry". You're exaggerating a doomsday that's not happening, wishing desperately hard that CoD abandoned their bread and butter audience, upset about MT's that has been apart of CoD since god knows when, and even upset at the loss of a SP campaign that has been going down the mediocre hole since MW2.

"...myself included."

I'm sure the developers are loosing sleep over a lost sale from you and your casuals. I wonder if they'll be able to bounce back knowing that Skank is torn up over the loss of a 5 hour or less campaign and the loss of some handsome Hollywood star that Activision had to shell out millions to star in?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2035d ago
Kribwalker2036d ago

🤣 so was spider-man or god of war only half a game? they have sp but no multiplayer. If you can have single player games without multiplayer then why can’t you have mp without single player?

I’ve bought Ghost, Advanced Warfare and WW2. I can tell you i think i’ve done 4 campaign missions amongst all three this gen. And i’m sure Activision did their homework and realized the majority of COD players would be like that and decided to instead invest further in their MP mode. I’ll be buying it around black friday, so their lack of campaign didn’t deter me or the record breaking numbers of people buying it

UCForce2035d ago (Edited 2035d ago )

I guess you didn’t play Infinite Warfare campaign, did you ? It was the best campaign mode since Modern Warfare Series. It’s about improving the game, not removing the important part. Modern Warfare 2 have great campaign and great multiplayer as well.

God of War and Spider Man have a lot of things to do like gameplay design. story telling, character development and others as well. It’s way more harder than making multiplayer game. Multiplayer game is like quick work that don’t need to put a lot of effort like Single Player game is.

Kribwalker2035d ago

I never played IW because i like the gameplay of Titanfall 2 better so i didn’t buy it.

“It’s about improving the game, not removing the important part.”

the important part in every call of duty game is the multiplayer. And now they’ve doubled down on it. They removed the campaign, and made a battle royale mode simmilar to PubG which sells for $30 as only a BR game. They swapped SP for what people real want out of these games. Multiplayer

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2035d ago
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Cancelled Call of Duty Game "NX1" Gameplay Footage, Black Ops 4 "War" Mode" Surface

A cancelled Call of Duty game titled "NX1" had footage surface online, along with a Black Ops 4 unreleased mode called "War."

RaidenBlack105d ago

looks like the OG Infinite Warfare

Profchaos105d ago

Yeah it does look good wonder why it was canned

EvertonFC105d ago

Probably a proper game with no MT and they didn't see any profits 😂🤣

Name Last Name105d ago

That Neversoft logo took me back to Tony Hawk days. Sad to see this cancellation led to the studio closure.

Juancho51105d ago

It’s always sad to see great concepts destroyed so deep into development. They obviously had a lot of ideas and aren’t happy about it. Now withe layoffs even more videos like this will surface soon.

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Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 - Cancelled Campaign Details Leak, Four Years Later

Details of the cancelled campaign from Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 – the only game in the franchise without a dedicated single-player mode – have been leaked after four years.


Xbox Fans Call Out 'Activision's Greed' Over Call Of Duty Digital Prices

This week's Deals with Gold selection on Xbox has rubbed certain Xbox fans the wrong way, as several Call of Duty titles are still ludicrously priced - despite being discounted by up to 67% off over the next few days.

Read Full Story >>
VersusDMC982d ago

How is 20 dollars for X360 call of duty games "ludicrously" overpriced?

And with Activision's lawer bills skyrocketing at the moment you are not going to be seeing deep discounts for a bit.

Chevalier982d ago

Pretty sure that's the sale off that's 60% off. After the sale ends that 360 game is still listed at $49.99, right not its $19.99 because the 60% off.

VersusDMC982d ago

I guess they can wait for the next sale then.

SullysCigar982d ago

It's nice to see the Xbox community stand up for themselves though. That's been needed for a long time.

InUrFoxHole981d ago

For a long time? Its the reason xbox is killing it this gen.

senorfartcushion982d ago

Lawsuits don’t cost billions, they’re ALWAYS going to be fine for money.

They could stack their bills on the ground and fill half the continent of Africa at this point.

RaiderNation982d ago

Because Xbox fans are so used to playing games on the Xbox EBT subscription service, the idea of paying anything for a game seems ludicrous to them.

MadLad982d ago (Edited 982d ago )

You pay for the service.

Do you have Amazon Video?

It's a subscription service. Not a charity. You're literally going at people over the idea of using a pro consumer service, and that's the real joke here.

thorstein982d ago

When records were sold, they were eventually replaced by tapes, which cost less to manufacture, but more to buy. Then CDs came along and were cheaper to manufacture, but cost more at retail. Digital, of course, is the cheapest yet, but billion dollar corporations want to charge the same.

And no, that money is not going to the person sitting in the chair actually making the game.

It is pure and utter greed from people who don't need any more money.

InUrFoxHole981d ago

Lol calm down Bobby. You crapped on thus franchise.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 981d ago
autobotdan982d ago (Edited 982d ago )

"Many have also noted how the multiplayer in several of these titles is either dead or filled with hackers, meaning players are paying a hefty sum for a short campaign and potentially some zombie modes."

With these clear truths the decades older COD games should be permanently 19.99 regular price and sale prices 7.99 minimum

autobotdan982d ago

Typo sale prices 2.99 minimum and 9.99 maximum. Older COD tiles seven years old or older should never be over 20 dollars regular price

senorfartcushion982d ago

I have paid less than 3 dollars for some AAA PS4 games, old 360 CoD games should not be $20

FanboysKiller982d ago

Any fps game runs by the quirk engine follows this logic
Die instantly
As if the main purpose of the game more of "repeat" than the actual gameplay experience , any noob in this game will tell you his mind stucked in repeating the sequence number of deaths than the gameplay itself , what a complete pile of #.

EvertonFC982d ago

It's why I don't play cod anymore, my 45yr old hands can't compete with these kids 😂 🤣
1 kill to every 10 deaths is not fun

John_McClane982d ago

Don't let that stop you if you enjoy the game, it's actually pretty good for hand/eye coordination.

lipton101982d ago

Try Escape from Tarkov. It forces you to slow down and think. I’m not a fan of the ADD speed of CoD

Father__Merrin982d ago

All the back compat titles are cheap listing when you scroll through them u till you come to black ops it's a complete rip off

Rhythmattic982d ago (Edited 982d ago )

Well... Don't buy it..... Is it really that hard to comprehend?
Everything else you choose to purchase with your hard earned cash , so should games be held to the same reasoning....
Just don't give em the cash....

Entitlement that's bizarre, from the publisher and from the consumer.... Thats pretty fkd up if you think about it...

GhostofHorizon982d ago

It's hilarious that some people don't see this as an option.

MadLad982d ago

Bananas now cost $30 a pound. There's no good reason for it, but if you want bananas, there you go.

You don't have to buy them.

It's about their constant greed when handling the franchise. Nobody has to buy anything, but when a company doesn't follow corporate norms when selling their product; overpricing their old wares just because they can, the consumer is allowed to call that out.

GhostofHorizon982d ago

Consumer can call them out, but I think they are going about it the wrong way.

The reason they get away with everything they do is simply because they can. They can charge $20 for a skin pack because people will gladly buy it. There is plenty of competition for FPS games, it's not like it's a niche market.

I know it's easier to blame and demand better from Activision than people that keep buying these overpriced items. If they weren't being bought, Activision would lower the price though. People like to pretend to take the high road but wouldn't you rather sell the banana for $30 than $3 if people are willing to buy it?

franwex982d ago


I think there’s a virus destroying the banana and may even go extinct. So maybe that’s why.

I think it’s happen before too.

MadLad981d ago

A small subset buys those skins and whatnot. Most players don't. The "whale" mindset is pretty accurate across the board, where there's a small handful who buy a lot, and most who don't buy any. Either way, that means they're imposed on the majority either way.

That's different from overpricing your game though. Activision easily makes their money off every release, then milks it until the next release, then throws it away. They never put significant sales on even a release from several cycles ago. Whether it sells or not.

And I mean, yeah; if I were a business, I'd probably want to make as much money as possible.
But I'm not a business; I'm a consumer, thus I find many businesses to be complete assholes.

Rhythmattic976d ago

And people are still blaming the high prices but suggest they're still wiling to buy it... Not too smart are you peoples....

Its a non regulated pricing structure, sure , many play by the status-quo , but to actually complain by complaining, instead of standing your ground and not buying it, by buying it , you are the reason its happening....

Idiots, Idiots everywhere.... What? So those that are complaining don't want to pay the money, but cant do without it?

FFS. Entitlement level 5000...
Drink some cement and harden the Fk up!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 976d ago
Sitdown982d ago

The article and title isn't saying that people are buying it, its simply saying that they are calling them out for greed. I guess you had a problem with people calling out Microsoft for trying to increase the price of Live, and don't understand how voicing concern led to them backing away from the decision.

Teflon02981d ago

People need to put that energy into Nintendo's Pricing over Activisions tbh. They're focused on the wrong things

Rhythmattic976d ago (Edited 976d ago )

Greed? Ok... Dont buy it and prove that by being greedy , they got it wrong... Not that hard to understand is it?
To Add... I haven't bought Cod since MW2.... Because of these exact practices.... Fact.

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