
Star Citizen progress and details, new hope?

Cloud Imperium Games has released the complete Star Citizen keynote from the annual fan event CitizenCon 2948, where Chris Roberts gives an overview of his ambitious open-world space project.

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nyu12065d ago (Edited 2065d ago )

"When is enough enough?"

(referring to the detail and ambition they are going for)
That's definitely the reason it's taking so long, and the reason so many people are put off by it. Too much scope creep. They are trying to have it all... and imo this may end up being the downfall of SC.

That said, let me say something else, because I know everyone calls it a scam.
If you just look at what they're doing, you'll realize it's a labour of love. If you watch the Citcon 2017 keynote demo and their additional panels...the things that they are doing are crazy. You can argue that they are misguided, or mismanaged, , or have wrong priorities in terms of game features and so on. There is one thing you can't argue about though and that is this game is a passion project. You simply wouldn't get results like that if it wasn't.

Selling expensive space ships is the only reason they can even attempt something so impressive in scope. If some rich people are willing to spend $27,000 and support that then let them. It isn't the most tasteful funding model (lol), but it is what it is.

orbital712064d ago

anyone got a spare $300 so i can upgrade to a new ship????


Sony Wishes Its State Of Play Was As Impressive As The Xbox Showcase

While the Sony State of Play had a critical lack of first-party titles and new stuff, Xbox came in hard and delivered one hell of an event.

Goodguy0111h ago

SoPs usually are quite underwhelming. Xbox did a great job and hope Sony learns

Cacabunga1h ago

It was a great show, but still a multiplateform show. xbox needed to give a sign of life, and they did. Sony on the other hand showed some console exclusives..
State of play was light yes that’s clear, but Sony is still planning to deliver console exclusives.

romulus2356m ago(Edited 51m ago)

The following games from the showcase are multi-plat and also coming to PlayStation and there may be more so perhaps what Sony learned was to let MS spend the money on advertising games for them.

Assassin’s Creed Shadows
Call of Duty: Black Ops 6
Clair Obscur: Expeditions 33
DOOM: The Dark Ages
Dragon Age: The Veilguard
Fallout 76: Skyline Valley
Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn
Life Is Strange: Double Exposure
Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater
Sea of Thieves: Season 13
WUCHANG: Fallen Feathers

italiangamer11h ago

It's embarrassing how "professional videogaming journalism" has fallen off.
Article written by a 13 years old full of acne.

isarai8h ago

I think people need to be aware that purpose of State of Play is updates on small scale and 3rd party games, their big scale showings are PlayStation Showcase.

8h ago
Terry_B1h ago

Approved this silly submission of an "opinion article" with the last 2 votes it needed to have a laugh at the upcoming comments.

Seriously, console war shit like this one should be banned from n4g.

Profchaos21m ago

I've noticed that console wait flame bait is the only thing getting approved lately with other articles taking a few days to show up after not getting approved

peppeaccardo1h ago

One one side a company that has brought real innovation in videos games with the first truly 3d graphics for mass entertainment, handheld devices, VR, great francises ... on the other side the Netflix of video games, and so .... who wants to be who? Let's stay focus and play some games kids.

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The Big Phil Spencer IGN Live Interview: on the Health of Xbox, Handhelds, and More

IGN interviews Xbox boss Phil Spencer at IGN Live 2024.

gold_drake9h ago(Edited 9h ago)

at this point, its just so odd.

yes, this showcase was one of the better ones, but how in the hell do you close it out with the 600 money console and 2 others lol who signed off of this.

like the amount of bs coming from phil and the other one is just .. i cant.

also, did you notice that all of the xbox exclusives are on gamepass day one? like all of them haha how do they even make money off of them.

that being said, why are there always interviews after their shows haha. and the ign livestream was even sponsored by ps5 haha cant make this shit up.

truthBombs9h ago

"also, did you notice that all of the xbox exclusives are on gamepass day one? like all of them haha how do they even make money off of them."

By making them available at full price on other platforms like PS5 and PC (those who refuse to use anything else other than Steam)

gold_drake8h ago

isnt gamepass on pc too tho?

and some.of the games havent been confirmed for ps5 either xD the exclusive ones i mean.

blackblades2h ago

I've noticed they investing in games to be on gamepass making no money still trying gain new members and its not working. While ps investing in games from asia countries to bring to us.

gold_drake2h ago

yeh its quite odd. cause im sure people would have bought games like cod and indiana jones.

oh well.

StoneTitan1h ago

I mean its clear what they are doing. Right now Xbox still has quite some hardcore fans that you can actually sell an overpriced console to. That won't be possible in a few years, so that's what they will be doing for now.

4Sh0w1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Why worry about the trillion dollar company, they obviously have a plan that they are comfortable with, let's say that plan fails (I don't think so but) OK so they cancel GP bc they lost lets say billions= M$ will be just fine. In the meantime we(GP members) benefit= I've been gaming 30+ yrs I've never played so many great games for so little money. Save me the conspiracy stories, Ive been gaming too long, gaming evolves but never dies, devs & new devs come & go, there will always be gamers, so there will always be too much money to be made WITH OR WITHOUT M$, Sony or Nintendo; So it's simply crazy to me how any consumer argues against a company offering easily the most consumer friendly *OPTION in the history of gaming.

Shane Kim57m ago(Edited 49m ago)

Agree, I don't understand why people are worried about how MS or Sony are making money? Like is it your dads company or what? They don't give a damn about you and neither should you.

I must however say, to keep people subscribed to GP, a steady flow of new games must come at all times and it shows that MS games lack the quality that Sony puts out because their games are probably rushed out.

Another thing is that you don't own your games. So the day you cancel your subscription, bye bye games.

gold_drake18m ago(Edited 10m ago)

this is a forum where people post their opinions.

but im glad ur so zen u dont think about these things.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 18m ago
Asterphoenix1h ago

Another episode of Spencer speaks. Think I lost count how many there are.


Why does Bushiroad keep killing off Love Live games?

Three Love Live mobile games have died in the past year despite the series’ ever-growing popularity both in Japan and worldwide, but why?

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6h ago