
Let's play predict the bias media

The media has become more and more predictable this generation and it's easily becoming the one outlet we can all ignore when it comes to reviews. The Vgtilt goes all in against the media and predicts ahead of time what they're going to give Resistance 2.

Pennywise5675d ago

This game will get more 10's than you think. Loving the beta and I was not a huge R1 fan

marinelife95675d ago

Isn't Gears 5 vs 5 multiplayer?

You should do another prediction thread on Gears of War 2 scores.

5675d ago
UltimateIdiot9115675d ago

I don't think Resistance 2 is 10 but at least 8.7 in my opinion. I didn't like the first one at all. The multiplayer was terrible. After trying Resistance 2 beta, a lot has improve. 60 multiplayer is just awesome and pretty fun. The 8 player co-op is cool too.

prunchess5675d ago

I think it's still a great game. One that I've kept in my games collection. My copy of GTA 4 is sitting in some shops used games bin with the other 60 copies (360 and PS3). I wouldn't trade in RFOM.

It has a great single player game and the multi-player just about bang on. It had next gen graphics, though they look a bit dated now. I tend to play COD 4 a lot more now but one thing I can say for certain is that RFOM beats COD 4 for online stability. Anyone that plays COD 4 online a lot knows what I mean. Host Ended Game can be a real pain at times. Just one of its online flaws.

RFOM is a classic game with a great background story and an addictive multi-player without a doubt a 9/10 IMO.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5675d ago
Silogon5675d ago

I'm i the beta aswell, but let's be honest to a fault here... this game isn't going to be well recived past "GOOD". Resistance 2 is good, in fact... I hate to say it, but it's great. It's great and I've only played the MP portion of it and a beta at that.

We've seen what Gears 2 offers.

6 hours of gameplay on the 1st time through, confirmed.
Weak as hell ending boss battle, confirmed.
Weak as hell ending, confirmed.
No tweaks to the animation system, confirmed.
No changes to character maps, confirmed.
16 player online, confirmed

This gets a 10 out of 10.

Resistance kicks its ass in features and gameplay and it'll get 8's... the meta for the game will end with 86% I predict. Wait and see.

TheHater5675d ago (Edited 5675d ago )

that the reason why I am not buying Gears of War yet. I will wait until it cheaper before purchasing it. Why? Because is basically an add-on to Gears of War, and I don't think it worth my Hard earn money. As for reviews, I don't care for them.

ionize5675d ago

You are completely correct...M$ seems to be in with all the major media outlets and they are all about playing the Slander/Defamation game...which is what M$ does...if they can't win fair...they cheat...which actually says a lot about the Sony brand as in spite of this, they are not only still here, but they have managed to embarass the HD DVD format by killing it in about 2 years...VHS took over a decade to defeat BeataMax...So as things may look gloom for Sony, imagine what will happen when M$ runs out of facets.

SuperM5675d ago

Well, while i agree to a certain degree i do believe resistance 2 will get higher reviews than that. simply because i think the game is going to be to awesome to end up below 90% even with media bias. But you might be correct though, only time will tell

5675d ago
thor5675d ago

I say well done Silogon. You usually are true to your slogan that you are unbiased, although it's not possible to be fully unbiased. By writing this now, we can be sure that you won't be criticised for saying these sites aren't credible AFTER they gave R2 a bad score.

I have noticed that PS3 games are marked down for their flaws whilst with 360 games if it's fun then that's all that matters - they gloss over the faults. Look at LBP - many sites gave it a 9 for pretty trivial reasons yet give Fable 2 a pass on its few flaws.

5675d ago
prunchess5675d ago

that MS have been using its contacts within the gaming community to run a viral campaign against the PS3. How many times have we seen Game Trailers running badly set up Video comparisons and use this to slate the PS3 version?

Has anyone ever asked why a machine with so many manufacturing defects is so successful in ENGLISH speaking countries? (USA, UK, Australia)The 360 should have been recalled yet MS managed to wriggle out of that one, how? The Dutch were poised to pressure MS into a recall and then it was dropped, Why?

Sligon, you could very well expand on your article and back it up with allot of online evidence.

pain777pas5675d ago

The truth is that a western console maker has never been in the lead before and the western sites want this trend to stay. Not to mention that for the capabilities of the Xbox and live the system is quite good. Sony has great first party games that tempt many to purchase the system so many even editors do not want to shell out the cash to get a PS3. I cannot emphasize enough that price more than anything else has held Sony back even more than an early lack of compeling software. What I'll say is that the problem for M$ in the future will be how willing people who were early adopters and got RRoDs, no HDMI and stuff like that will be as gungho about purchasing another console. For me never again. I remember stopping playing a game because I was scared that my system would die never had this with the PS3 and that bodes well. Plus all the hidden costs with the 360. Had I known the expenses in live, battery packs, batteries, and wifi adapter I would have never bought it and after that RROD. Then I bought a PS3 because its such a wide spread problem and now I know that M$ knew about this before launch. All PS3s have Hdmi now and wifi. No need for battery packs plus its a blueray player and has a web browser. It has a better interface in my opinion for their PSN store. The system is better IMO. I don't understand why people are still complaining it has to be that the 360 is western developed.

thor5675d ago

You're missing the point. I was saying generally - maybe I didn't choose the best example but Halo 3 didn't get marked down for its graphics, Gears of War 2 won't be marked down for lack of features compared with many shooters on the market, yet uncharted, heavenly sword and r&c were all marked down for having no MP. Oh and another thing that sums up perfectly the media bias (3 words):
"Too much variety"

Nineball21125675d ago

Why are you getting so bent out of shape? Why do you even care?

This is just conjecture and hypothesis, nothing more.

It's perfectly alright to discuss perceived media bias and based on prior history, there definitely seems to be a pattern with lower scores for PS3 games compared to similar X360 games.

If you don't use reviews to get information, then cool! But others do, and for you and others on here to mock them because of that is pretty silly.

5675d ago
m235675d ago (Edited 5675d ago )

Man, could you please shut up already, I see all your comments in so many stories saying the same thing in every single one "gears is 6 hours long, the last boss is crap, the ending is garbage." Keep it to yourself. Just because you aren't going to buy the game doesn't mean you have to spoil the ending for us. I normally don't say stuff like that to anyone but it is really annoying.

Time_Is_On_My_Side5675d ago (Edited 5675d ago )

Have you actually read the reviews?

"They say variety is the spice of life, but there's such a thing as too much spice."

- Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, GameSpot, Aaron Thomas

There is such a thing than Grand Theft Auto should get a low score because spice is everywhere.

“Yes, this is another GTA game in which you'll likely spend the bulk of your time stealing cars and gunning down cops and criminals, but it's also much more than that. GTAIV is a game with a compelling and nonlinear storyline, a game with a great protagonist who you can't help but like, and a game that boasts a ‘plethora’ of online multiplayer features in addition to its lengthy story mode.”

- Grand Theft Auto IV, Game Spot, Justin Calvert (10/10)

"Dialogue is hokey and repetitive regardless of what side you're on. Sound effects are good, but that's not enough to make you turn the volume up once you've hit mute."

- Haze, Jeff Haynes, IGN

I'm not saying Haze is an amazing game but articulate yourself properly, to be an articulate critic is to express one's thoughts with precision, clarity, and grace. Simply saying "I hate this" or "I love this" is just expressing ones opinion. Criticism should be a pleasant read and not suffocating readers with prejudices or egotistical showing of the critic. What's really interesting Halo is known for dialogue throughout the game, is that criticized ?

Robert Cohen says, "Articulation means the careful building of ideas through a presentation of evidence, logic argument, the use of helpful analogy and example, and a style of expression neither pedantically turgid nor idiosyncratically anarchic."

N4g Blog HTML: http://www.n4g.com/up/19070...

"Bad level design, crappy driving segments, decidedly average action, stupid plot"

- Haze, X-Play (G4), Adam Sessler

Now this is a better review than IGN's since they're backing up their points with logic arguement. X-Play isn't perfect but they're one of the popular critics that usually tries to be honest at least.

“This is the reason God created Surround Sound. Halo's theme is a futuristic anthem that inspires the troops. The chatter during combat is fantastic.”

“Despite a few moments of slowdown, this is a gorgeous game, especially considering the demands of the replay function. And it's to die for in 1080p.”

- Halo 3, IGN, Hilary Goldstein

I have Halo 3 and the graphics aren’t gorgeous and it isn’t to die for in 1080p.

Halo Comparison HD HTML: http://www.gametrailers.com...

5675d ago
Time_Is_On_My_Side5675d ago (Edited 5675d ago )

True, reviews ultimately come down to some sort of opinion, but you would have to make sure your opinion doesn't over power. The reason why I used those reviews because I think some sites are picking the wrong people to represent them. If you're someone who hates RTSs (Real Time Strategies) why choose a journalist to represent the site's critical review if you don't even like the genre?

What's even worse they sometimes don't even articulate themselves properly. Reviews on the Run Victor Lucas is another journalist who tries to be subjective as much as possible. He is also not perfect and will state from time to time his opinion when it doesn't even affect the games' coding what so ever, lol. Example I'm more use to the XBOX 360 controller so I give it the edge. It doesn't affect the game but is just simply stating preference. I think part of the problem journalist just simply prefer the XBOX 360 over the PlayStation 3 and sometimes shows through the reviews.

The funny thing is I don't use reviews to decide whether I should buy the game or not. I just use collective reviews to get a real grasp of the games or use what they said bad/good about the games to see if it makes sense.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 5675d ago
kenjix5675d ago

He's absolutely right, and his guesses will more than likely be spot on. It's interesting because when you read a review like fable, mass effect or even too human most of the reviews are trying to forgive whatever faults they can and find the pros in a game. When I read PS3 or PSP reviews it's always focusing on the small issues. I don't think it matters to me much I no longer have a 360 and I don't purchase games based on reviews. So although it's a sad state of affairs that the gaming press has created, I could care less.

TheHater5675d ago

People that follow reviews to decide whether to buy a game or not shouldn't call themselves gamers. They are more like followers.

5675d ago
pansenbaer5674d ago


The thing that gets me is that Microsoft actually uses the fact that 'their games are rated higher' to smear Sony. I saw a commercial last night for the 360 that just went on about how they have to most games, the highest rated games, etc. Looking on Metacritic, I noticed that there are several multi-platform games that have been recently released that scored higher on the 360 than on the PS3. One that stands out to me is Dead Space. Why is it the PS3 version is at an 88 and the 360 is at an 89 when there is no difference and when the PS3 was the lead platform? Well I would say its because the PS3 version has 38 reviews, whereas the 360 version has 52 reviews! That is what I would call a media bias. The PS3 version has 1 100 review where the 360 has 4. Granted 1 is from a 360 magazine, but 1 is actually from GamePro! Why is it that they didn't review the PS3 version? So the only reason Microsoft and 360 fanboys can make their bullsh!t claims about how games are higher rated on the 360 is because of the media and their lack of respect for the PS3. If GamePro and 'GiantBomb' reviewed Dead Space for PS3, wouldn't they give it a 100, raising the score?

Sez 5675d ago

well if gamespot is microspot.
then gamepro is sonypro. is that about right. because we all know gamepro suck sony b@llz hard.

BlackTar1875675d ago

I love gears to. But I was reading the glitch article and everyone was like ohhj the glitches no problem as long as they fix them in the first couple of weeks. Go over to socom and its ohh they wernt fixed in the retail version burn it : :) now I know there is a small differnce in my comparsion but should gears 2 lose points for glitches? I would love a answer. Becasue the post on the section reflected noone saying it should suffer lower scores Ill I read were 10 10 10 etc. Sorry. Im not anything but a socom fanboy I guess and was a little pissed and chose here to write about it becasue it is true certain games get free passes as some do not.

iHEARTboobs5675d ago

I would have to say that GEARS would HAVE to be graded as is when released. It would definitely suck if they were overlooked while SOCOM's weren't.

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