
With Telltale Gone, It's up to Dontnod to Push Story Driven Games Forward

If someone had asked gamers a week ago who was pushing story driven games forward, most would have said it was a close competition between Telltale Games and Dontnod Entertainment. Fast forward to today, and Dontnod is the only one capable of seeing the feat through.

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FallenAngel19842055d ago

Way to completely snub Quantic Dreams

uptownsoul2055d ago

Quantic Dreams…And don't forget Until Dawn developer Supermassive Games

P_Bomb2054d ago

They brought up Supermassive, but dismissed them. Not indie enough I guess?

Quantic’s been doing this 20 years. Just had their best launch. Didn’t even make the conversation *scratches head*

SuperSonic912054d ago (Edited 2054d ago )

The author have no idea how big Detroit Become Human has become. That Connor Army is huge.
Oh and Until Dawn is a master piece of horror story telling.

-Foxtrot2055d ago (Edited 2055d ago )

I'm sure Quantic Dream will a better job...they are the only ones pushing the genre forward in my opinion. Sure they aren't perfect but at least they try to do new things.

Each game is brand new, no sequels, each game differs from the last, visuals are great, choices actually matter, full on games with no waiting between episodes. Even Until Dawn, a brand new game by another studio did more things for the genre then TellTales Walking Dead or Dontnod's Life is Strange brought to it.

Funny QD are always nit picked to death or ignored...like I've said many times one year Heavy Rain comes out and is nitpicked for issue A, B and C yet the Walking Dead comes out a year later broken into episodes with a much lower quality looking game yet points A, B and C nitpicked the year before in Heavy Rain reviewers overlooked in Walking Dead...goes onto win GOTY. Boggles my mind and shows double standards.

ArchangelMike2055d ago


If Detroit Become Human was made by any other studio -say an indie dev, it would have been lauded as one of the great story based games of the generation.

-Foxtrot2055d ago

I know people have beef with David Cage but you can't let one man cloud your judgement towards a game made not just by him but the ENTIRE studio. It's not a single mans game or work, it's a team effort.

coolbeans2053d ago (Edited 2053d ago )

1.) If it were made by another studio/writers, there'd probably be improvements to the storytelling compared to what David Cage does: better pacing, less on-the-nose hand-wringing about its allegorical elements, less bad dialogue, and on and on and on.

2.) What is this nonsense narrative as though Detroit's being unfairly targeted by critics? It holds a 78 on metacritic with several critics--unfortunately--laudin g it as one of the great story based games of the generation:


And that doesn't include the plethora of smaller sites' reviews crediting its story:


coffeemaster2055d ago

Quantic does a pretty good job too, but they definitely have less impact than Dontnod and Telltale for sure

WeAreLegion2054d ago

Hard disagree. Heavy Rain set the standard that the other teams took inspiration from.

GTgamer2054d ago

What 🤔 Quantic dream choices actually can't say the same for telltale

P_Bomb2053d ago

How so? Dontnod has only really had one hit. Remember Me bombed so bad they needed public funding to get Life is Strange off the ground. Vampyr didn’t exactly light it up either.

If TellTale had the impact you think they did, they wouldn’t be out of business. Within months of eachother, QD had their best launch in 20yrs while TT fired everyone half way through a season pass.

ArchangelMike2055d ago (Edited 2055d ago )

I think when you say "Story driven games" that description is way too broad. Even if you say story driven adventure games. For example The Witcher 3 did great things for story driven 'adventure' games, so did Detroit Become Human. In fact there have been a number of developers from Bioware (Mass Effect etc), Super Massive (Until Dawn), Quantic Dream (Detroit), to indie devs like Night School (Oxen Free) who have, and will continue to contribute and push the "story driven adventure game" forward, and who I believe do it better that Tell Tale Games.

PhoenixUp2055d ago

You’re seriously disregarding a lot of developers in the narrative adventure/visual novel genre such as Level 5, Capcom, Quantic Dream, The Odd Gentleman, Fullbright Company, Spike Chunsoft, Supermassive Games & Key.

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