
Gamers Deserve To Be Upset Over Nintendo Switch Online

The Nintendo Switch Online service launched two days ago, but you don’t have to look at Nintendo’s official Twitter account to see how ill received the service has been. No, the mixed to negative reception really started picking up steam with the September 13th Nintendo Direct.

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Neonridr2067d ago

I was actually pleased when I looked at some of the games in the NES library. Double Dragon, Gradius, Ghost n' Goblins, River City Ransom, Ice Climbers... not to mention Ice Hockey (one of my favs as a kid). Many good memories from those games. Sure it's not 1000 to start, and there are no other systems yet, but give it time.

Sm00thNinja2067d ago

They had a year. How long does give it time actually mean? Will we ever get SNES or N64 titles? Ashame this is the state of online Nintendo is content with launching.

Neonridr2067d ago

and that's your opinion, nobody says you are wrong. Give it time means give it at least a day post launch. I didn't know we expected the entire VC to be avaialble on day one.

Sm00thNinja2067d ago

It's just hard for me to believe anyone is content with the launch of Nintendo Online. Sure it will get better, but a year delay and THIS is what we got? You should expect more from Nintendo, but I'll respect your opinion. Some of the NES titles I'm excited about as well hopefully we receive SNES titles in the future

Azurite2067d ago

Probably licensing issues as usual, they can't just add any game they want.

Mithan2067d ago

I am sure they will dump a lot of games quickly. It is a gold mine.

Uken122066d ago

Well if Wii and Wii U are any indicators, then it will probably trickle out games slowly. Which is really annoying. It should have the complete VC library of Wii and Wii U, even 3DS. Honestly with is wrong with them. It's free money.

It's stupid and should have a more robust library. Especially since 2018 has been terrible so far for the Switch. Indie games are ok but no actual titles worth buying. They could have done well with a decent VC library or at least the same as Wii U and we can actually transfer our account purchases, because Wii U is useless now. But nope, trash internet service.

I am a Nintendo fan, but this is pretty awful. Og XboxLive was waaaay better. 17 years ago.... there isn't really an excuse.
VC has technically been out since 2006 and honestly all NES, SNES, N64 titles should have been released by now. I get licensing issues but really. Nintendo doesn't want free money I guess.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2066d ago
zombiewombie2067d ago

Give it time isnt a valid excuse especially when they delayed it by a whole year in order to "improve" it.

conanlifts2066d ago

It's not for me, but the outrage is interesting. The nes classic launched for $60 and was in huge demand. This launches for $19.99 per year and will have games added each month, plus new features, and somehow it is bad. Not really sure of the logic there.

Sm00thNinja2066d ago

Alone. Sure fine it's a great deal but in comparison tothe other offerings out there it's severely lacking. You have to acknowledge that fact. Or be blind to it which most people are going with and using the price point excuse

Neonridr2066d ago

@Sm00thNinja - no it's not as good as PSN or XBL. But this is Nintendo's first attempt at a subscription model. How long did it take Sony to catch up to MS in terms of quality and what they offered?

Rome wasn't built in a day, much to the surprise of many people here. Is it perfect? No, far from it. Will it get better? I have to believe so.

Sm00thNinja2066d ago

@Neondir OG PS NETWORK launch day NOVEMBER 2006 LAUNCHED WITH MORE FEATURES THOUGH. That's what people are upset about. Who cares if it isn't Xbox Live or PSN.

PhoenixUp2067d ago

It got delayed and it’s still underwhelming

rainslacker2067d ago (Edited 2067d ago )

I'm not really upset about it, because I never consider Nintendo for online gaming.

Sucks you need it to play online I guess, but I'll live if I don't subscribe to it.

I consider it a subpar service not worth subscribing to, so I simply don't subscribe to it.

conanlifts2066d ago

I would never game online with my switch primarily due to their chat feature. It's the most ridiculous thing in gaming.

Neonridr2066d ago

man.. so many great MP games though. MK8, Arms, Splatoon 2, Smash? I mean that's your choice.. but you are limiting your experiences heavily by missing out on some of those games.

Uken122066d ago


I agree with you to a point. But you don't really need Voice Chat for games like Smash or Mario Kart. Unless you want to hear racial slurs from kids.

Other games like Fortnite and FPS games suffer severely because of the stupid voice chat mess.

rainslacker2066d ago


I remember when Nintendo was all about delivering the experience to everyone, forgoing things like trophies because they thought it distracted from the game.

So, it's actually Nintendo limiting our experiences unless we want to pay for their online service.

And before someone mentions it, yes, MS and Sony do the same thing.

I subscribe to PS+ for the free games and I had a couple years built up when they made it a MP paywall. I was close to cancelling the sub when they weren't offering very compelling games for a long while. Since they started offering compelling games again, I find it kind of worth it, since I ended up or will end up playing a lot of the games they are offering now. GWG would be the same way for the most part, but for this gen, I haven't really felt like I've lost anything I couldn't get if I wanted it so I'm not fussed about it. Nintendo's service doesn't offer compelling content like that, so even though it's cheap, I still don't care to spend money on it.

blawren42066d ago (Edited 2066d ago )

I find it surprisingly OK. The app isn't that cumbersome to use. Some sort of invite system would be nice though.

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SuperSonic912067d ago

At least this gaming site has the balls to critique Nintendo.
That is kick ass not kiss ass.

Keep on Chooglin'

RizBiz2067d ago (Edited 2067d ago )

I had very low expectations and the service turned out to be even worse than that. $20/year to play a tiny selection of games I can play on my RetroPie, and cloud saves which get instantly deleted the moment you stop paying. Ridiculous and embarrassing.

conanlifts2066d ago (Edited 2066d ago )

Wait the cloud saves get deleted if you stop paying? If so that is the second most ridiculous thing in gaming after voice chat on the switch.

ninsigma2066d ago

No not instantly deleted but they aren't gaurunteed to be preserved if you're not paying.

conanlifts2066d ago (Edited 2066d ago )

@ninsigma. Hopefully it is just something in the terms and conditions. Sony have a similarly random thing from memory where they can delete your account if inactive for 2 years. Don't think they act on it though.

ninsigma2066d ago

Yeah it'll probably be unlikely and you'd be super unlucky for it to happen.

Neonridr2066d ago

Sony gives you 6 months. Nintendo didn't specify an exact date, so people around here like to assume that means they will delete them the moment you stop paying. Par for the course.

blawren42066d ago

I believe the uproar about this detail is worse. Nintendo is vague on the time before deletion, nothing has been confirmed. A feature you pay for stops working if you stop paying. Seems reasonable to me. The cloud is just backup of the local save. if you re up your sub service, you can backup again to the cloud. zero issues. If someone breaks their switch while lapsed on the sub service, that's just rotten luck.

The voice chat on app is not that bad or cumbersome. Just takes some getting used to. I actually like it.

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Neonridr2066d ago

they don't get instantly deleted. They say they can't guarantee them beyond a certain date. Jesus, let's just make up information and call it facts ok?

davand1142066d ago

Sony does the same thing don't they? I think after six months they delete your cloud saved if you don't subscribe again.

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Ghost of Tsushima PC has 84% positive reviews and a peak online audience of 72 thousand people

On 16 May, the long-awaited release of the PC version of Ghost of Tsushima took place. And the game proved to be a great success on the first day.

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PrinceOfAnger12h ago

all-time peak 3 minutes ago.

thorstein12h ago

Nice. It's really cool that PC players get to play this masterpiece.

PrinceOfAnger11h ago

It has surpassed spider man now
it's 71k+
game did this with way shorter time than spider man.

RNTody9h ago

Great, I loved this game. Definitely think it's Sucker Punch's best work to date!

rippermcrip9h ago

Is this going to be the new thing thing? Articles about Steam reviews? Which of course was in response to the false article about the review bombings in the first place.

Christopher6h ago

Hey, just a heads up that the new owners did open news to Steam updates, but we try our best to not allow them to go on daily updates unless relevant to some other news. I understand this isn't everyone's cup and tea and sympathize, but the door has been open. If you feel it's 'too much' please do PM me or submit a ticket to the mod team. Thank you.

HobbesBluth1h ago

Bro literally has saved you from having to type the letter "g", clicking once on "ghosts of tsushima" to see how reviews sit, then having to click a SECOND TIME on "Community Hub" button ALL THE WAY at the top right (shout out to the necks of the 45" and up ultrawide crew) and looking and current player count... and your response is to complain about that?

GamerzElite9h ago

This is good game and Ghost eliminate all fake outrage.

CrimsonWing698h ago(Edited 8h ago)

I always get confused by this, but is 72k good sales numbers for a game? I keep seeing games fail at selling 2.5 million and that they need to be on multiple platforms but is an additional 72k adding much?

Fishy Fingers7h ago

Im not sure how its confusing :\

72k actively playing. Not 72k sold.

A good example is Helldivers 2, 6m sold, 450k (at its peak) active players.

But how many swords swung is what we're all really waiting for.

Crows907h ago

72k is concurrent
...that is not the sold figure.

Michiel19897h ago

for one they already had a huge launch on the playstation, they don't need to sell 5m to make the porting to pc profitable and as pointed out below that number you see is just the people playing it at this moment.

Plague-Doctor275h ago(Edited 4h ago)

Also from the insomniac leak we know these PC ports are a quick turnaround and budgeted around $2-4 million. At 100k sales they break even including Steams cut. They may not sell millions but they are a great ROI

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PSN Store "Weekend Offer" Includes Loads of AAA Titles, Here's the Full List

Sony has also launched the PSN Store "Weekend Offer" this May 17, and this one includes a lot of AAA titles, and 2K-published games.

TwoPicklesGood12h ago

Some good games but they are all old and should be a lot cheaper than what they are on that sale. Hard pass.


The Epic Games Store has a GOTY Edition Freebie Waiting for You

The Epic Games Store has a GOTY Edition, AAA title they want you to add to your library.

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