
Detroit: Become Human - Review | PlayStation Galaxy

PSG wrote: "Detroit Become Human’s biggest selling point is in its narrative. It is a very story driven game. What little gameplay it has is you either making choices or participating in quick-time-events. What really sells it to the audience, however, is its very consequential atmosphere."

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Einhander19712109d ago

Absolutely stunning title, Quantic dreams are seriously talented at crafting a cinematic experience.


Detroit: Become Human has sold more than 8 million copies

Quantic Dream has sent Gamereactor a press release stating that Detroit: Become Human now has sold more than 2,5 million copies on PC, making it surpass 8 million across all platforms.

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Nerdmaster507d ago

That's great. Quantic Dream took everything they learned from their past games and built the most refined, coherent and interesting game and story yet. I even bought it on both PS4 and PC.

Seraphim507d ago

I preferred Beyond Two Souls. Still, Detroit was an exceptional experience just like Heavy Rain. Definitely happy to see the game has sold well over the years.

Fist4achin507d ago

Beyond was outstanding. Their other games were great, but BTS was my favorite so far.

CrimsonIdol507d ago (Edited 507d ago )

It took them nearly 5 years to accomplish that compared to a game that's just come out. Willing to bet a majority of those sales were heavily discounted too. Quantic Dream games were always heavily spruiked by Sony as exclusive graphical showpieces for the Playstation, so I'm sure that helped out too.

For reference the original Dead Space sold 2 Million over its lifetime, so some new IP from a new studio approaching that in its first year or so really isn't that bad.

sagapo507d ago

Great game, really enjoyed this one.

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Detroit: Become Human Surpasses 6.5 Million Units Sold

PSU writes: "Detroit: Become Human has surpassed 6.5 million units sold, between both PS4 and PC, after hitting the six million mark last July."

NecrumOddBoy812d ago (Edited 812d ago )

Nice. This is a must play and by far the best of QD’s titles (although I have huge love for Heavy Rain).

ApocalypseShadow812d ago

Agreed. This was a very good game. But I guess I love the genre that deals with humans and android like Almost Human which was cool watched in order but was cancelled, Humans, Ex Machina, I Robot, etc. I watch them all.

Cage definitely got this one right. It goes over similar material as other TV, movies and books, but it was put together well. Glad it sold.

S2Killinit811d ago

There is a very interesting show on HBO for you. Its called “raised by wolves”

porkChop811d ago

Almost Human was great. Yet another show that Fox killed with their meddling. I remember the show took two separate 2-3 week breaks in the middle of the season, just a couple episodes apart.

TallDarknWavy811d ago

This was a massive missed opportunity. Instead of really exploring the narrative that AI will one day replace humans, David Cage instead made a racism and slavery allegory with some of his dumbest writing to date. Just like all Cage games, he has the most condescending view of homeless people, who always have some secret society going on and are simultaneously the most moral, upstanding, ethical people, especially compared to anyone with money or power, who are cartoonishly bad. We get it Cage, you're a communist.

shadowT812d ago

love this game, Played it so many times and always got different endings. Even the main story line keeps the same, your actions and decisions can create a whole new plot.

812d ago
Godmars290812d ago

And? By all counts Quantic Dream/David Cage imploded their own reputation.

812d ago
Orchard812d ago (Edited 812d ago )

To this day, I am still very surprised that Sony did not buy Quantic. Especially after the HR, Beyond and Detroit era. Perhaps they tried but weren’t successful.

And now they’re off making multi-plats. Interested to see how their new title is.

CaptainHenry916812d ago

The same way I feel about Microsoft not buying Remedy 😁

Orchard812d ago

I’m glad that didn’t happen. The Microsoft back then is not the Microsoft of today, it would’ve limited their creativity and ultimately ruined Remedy.

A Remedy acquisition by Epic seems more likely nowadays.

SullysCigar812d ago

^ they didn't even need to buy Remedy to achieve that. See: CrossfireX

CaptainHenry916812d ago (Edited 812d ago )


I guess you're right. Crossfire X is definitely one of the worse games I have ever played. I couldn't even finish the game.

811d ago
Orchard811d ago (Edited 811d ago )

@SullysCigar That hasn’t ruined Remedy though, most people associate CFX with SmileGate, not Remedy, and they still have a good reputation and will continue to have creative freedom - I have high hopes for AW2.

@CaptainHenry God, if you think CFX is one the worst games, you should try out some of the games that scored even lower than it :p I recommend Ride to Hell 😂

Knightofelemia811d ago


You will probably see Remedy snatched up by Tencent before Epic even makes or considers making a move on Remedy.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 811d ago
TheCaptainKuchiki812d ago

Quantic Dream didn't want to be purchased. Y'all act like a company can buy another anytime and without their approval.

kneon812d ago

If they are publicly traded then you can try, but QD is private company and are free to reject an offer for any reason, or no reason at all.

CrimsonWing69811d ago

Thank god they didn’t or anything from them would be censored worse than Indigo Prophecy was back in the day.

Godmars290811d ago

Likely because they don't have a sustained, ongoing IP. Something that could be done as a trilogy or series.

"The Microsoft back then is not the Microsoft of today,"

MS has really yet to show that they've changed.

811d ago
811d ago
Godmars290811d ago


"Ori alone is more unique than the naughty dog clones and map marker open world trash sony craps out."

You put one indie title MS bought into after the fact of its popularity then made a co-op sequel against the entity of a Sony 1st-2nd party studio, and *I'm* the one in some kind of worship bubble?

As for console wars? There are none.

Nintendo's doing its own, low tech, thing, MS is more concerned with streaming than hardware, buying over making games and, as you said, Sony's more focused on open world action/drama.

Its really all about branding at this point and MS is struggling for something other than subscription online multiplayer when all they've done is subscription online multiplayer, as they transition to subscription gaming.

P_Bomb811d ago (Edited 811d ago )

“Ori alone is more unique than the naughty dog clones and map marker open world trash sony craps out. Maybe get out of ur sony n4g worshipping mentality…”

Um, Detroit: Become Human thread?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 811d ago
Christopher811d ago

With how long they take to make games and how long they take to reach 6.5m sold with AAA budgets and being multiplatform, I can see why they didn't.

Orchard811d ago

Those are fair points. I guess back in the day I just assumed they’d end under Sony and they didn’t.

gamer7804811d ago

I love QD but I like new ip and story so I’m a bit disappointed there are making a Star Wars game.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 811d ago
811d ago
porkChop811d ago

Hell no. This is the one with the least amount of plot holes and red herrings.

babadivad811d ago

Why did Todd tell you to put down food for the child?

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