
Ashen Shows Off In-Game Footage In 11 Minute Gameplay Trailer

Ashen is an action RPG is about a wanderer in search of a place to call home.

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Most Underrated Soulslike Games

Who knew that the unassuming 2008 title Demon’s Souls would wind up innovating an entirely new subgenre of games? Since FromSoftware released Demon’s Souls and the equally influential Dark Souls series, “Soulslike” games have attracted gamers looking for challenging gameplay, deep character building, and worlds steeped in lore. Here are 10 of the most underrated Soulslike games available now.

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lonewolf10646d ago

Just going through DS 2 now, it's really not a bad game.

LoveSpuds646d ago

I thinks it's a fantastic game personally, even the weakest DS game in the series is better than most other action RPGs in my opinion.

Hope you enjoy your playthrough chief 👍

GoodGuy09646d ago (Edited 646d ago )

It was a great game, there is no souls game from fromsoft that was bad. My only complaints were the visuals and bosses were a bit too easy. Other than that it was very fun and probably the only soulsbourne game I played nonstop and beat in just a couple of weeks pre-elden ring (Well, it took me to beat three other soulsborne games which took me years to beat to finally actually get hooked to souls, so I was very hungry for more souls lol).

People didn't like it because of no Miyazaki and the only game I really loved from him was just Bloodborne (Ofc the rest were great games too). Bloodborne is my #1, Ds2 is my #2.

lonewolf10646d ago

Yeah bosses are not exactly hard that I have come across so far. The graphics are a mixed bag, Scholar of the First Sin on PC with no mods.
Admission time even though I own all Souls games day one editions across the formats, Elden Ring was the only one that really clicked with me to a point I had to finish it. Now going back to ones released on PC to finish those or try to. Bloodborne I wish would come to PC but I might fire up my PS 4 again to play it.

Ramboforlife645d ago

It's wonky here and there, but it's still fun to play and a great world to explore.

Jiub646d ago

People gave DS2 way too much hate.

saint_seya646d ago

Im one of the few that loved the game, i think im like like lvl 550 or something like that.

646d ago
Father__Merrin646d ago

If you haven't played Ashen yet it's worth a go very good game

_Decadent_Descent646d ago

Demon's Souls was a 2009 release.

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Five Games like Demon's Souls to Satisfy That Soulslike Craving

I've created a list of five Soulslike games that should scratch that very particular itch. The Dark Souls game and Bloodborne are obvious choices, but I'm going to step a bit off the beaten path and dig up some games that weren't made by From Software.

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1321d ago
BiggCMan1322d ago

The 5 best games like Demon's Souls to satisfy that Soulslike craving are Dark Souls, Dark Souls 2, Dark Souls 3, Bloodborne, and Sekiro.

DVAcme1322d ago

Dude, I just cited this to my best friend VERBATIM 😆

UltraNova1321d ago

Mortal Shell is the closest thing to a From software game and I love it. Nioh a close second.

Weapon_of_choice1321d ago

Well said, the Armored Cores series were also great and had, for me, a Soul game feel to it AND the Moonlight saber.

Chriswheeler221322d ago

Salt and Sanctuary is awesome, very much 2d Dark Souls.

Hollow Knight absolutely isn't, definitely an unpopular opinion.

32froshes1322d ago

If what you're looking for is specifically "like Dark Souls but 2D," then Salt & Sanctuary is the better option for sure. I love Hollow Knight, but it has a completely different feel to it.

Chriswheeler221322d ago

Yeah, I'm not saying its a bad game. It just shouldn't be lumped into that souls like genre.

Vanfernal1322d ago

I'm with you on this one... Love Souls games... Couldn't get into Hollow Knight...

fitofficial1322d ago

Agreed. S&S is the best souls like platformer out there.

SyntheticForm1322d ago

Demon's Souls will be the first game I boot up on my PS5. I cannot wait to jump into this one. I've never played the original DS so this is totally fresh for me.

NEXUS-61322d ago (Edited 1322d ago )

You're in for a real treat, it was fantastic back when it released - now it looks genre defining.

It'll be my 2nd game - gotta give astro 10 or 15 minutes before DS.

I know once I start nothing else will get a look in until I've completed it.

Edit: The Vanguard in the thumbnail, during the trailer the smoke emanating from its eyes looked phenomenal.

SyntheticForm1322d ago

I've played all the Souls games with the exception of Demon's Souls and platted Bloodborne. I'm really looking forward to this one and I hear it's the most brutal in terms of difficulty.

I'll probably play around a bit with the UX myself before I get started, but I've made up my mind. Spider-Man will be next, as I preordered the bundle.

Storm231322d ago

I've never played a Souls game, this will be my first. So amped to give it a go. I'm not one to give up easily which I hear is very important for these games, haha. So excited for PS5!

Doomeduk1322d ago

"I'm not one to give up easily"
Remember that chap when your playing :)
I've played bloodborne on and off but last night was the first time I've thrown a pad down
Have to kill a hunter for eileen the crow, he had no health left so I threw all I knew out of the window and launched an attack, he parried me then K. O me
On another level of frustration these games are

TitaniumExposed_VIP1321d ago

Good knowledge to have on a fresh start is to pay attention to the enemies animation and dodge/parry in the last second so the i-frames can save you, (play with light armor because "fat roll" has less i-frames and will fail you more often than not, the extra defense of heavy armor is not worth it) and lastly never get too greedy with your attacks when attacking the powerful ones. (no button mash)
These games are really not that hard once you mastered them. Good luck.

fitofficial1322d ago

I'm OG Demon's Souls and have been waiting for this for a decade. You won't be disappointed!

MajorLazer1321d ago (Edited 1321d ago )

Demon's Souls was my first love too and it'll always be my favourite. Literally buying a PS5 and a new 4K TV just for Demon's Souls.

1322d ago
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Ashen | First 10 Minutes on Nintendo Switch

Ashen is an open world co-op action RPG about a wanderer in search of a place to call home.

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