
Shenmue - Review - SquareXO

SQXO Writes: Shenmue is a great game that’s worth a look if you like playing through the old classics. However, you absolutely need to know what you’re getting yourself into before you start, or you’re not going to have a good time. This is not a quick game, and it’s not one you’re going to speed run with any real satisfaction. If you’re after a game where you can sit back and immerse yourself, and time is of no concern to you, you may be onto something — Shenmue has a rich and wonderful world to explore. Just hope that the bugs mentioned above are fixed before you play though. There’s nothing that ruins a game like not being able to see the cutscenes.

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AngainorG7X2109d ago

This review is a joke. They give a 6,5 because it is a "slow" game

Sgt_Slaughter2109d ago

Never heard of the site so this also explains a lot

The_Sage2109d ago

Actually... He gave it a 6.5 because of bugs. Audio issues. Cutscenes not playing video even when they contain quick time events that need to be done to progress. Things of that nature. He does say that the developers are working to fix these issues.

Marcello2109d ago

So basically the reviewer doesn't understand that this game has a day one patch & the enormous task of porting this game.

The_Sage2109d ago

So you would just overlook the game breaking bugs because it just launched?.. Would you do the same with other games? That has become a big problem in the industry.

Eiyuuou2109d ago

That would be a fair score then.

Marcello2109d ago

@The_Sage No of course not but he was given a pre launch copy to review, perhaps Sega shouldnt have done that but i cant see them leaving those bugs in the game. The day 1 patch will most likely adress most/all of them.

Nate472109d ago (Edited 2109d ago )

To me, if a game has a day one patch then I feel any review site should include that in the review playthrough. It's basically a launch patch with the game and an important one apparently. Any patches after that is up to the review sites if they want to consider them, but often day one patches make a big difference and are a big difference between what gamers are playing and what the review might not have.

rob-GP2109d ago

To those in this small thread wondering - we were told on Friday exactly what’s in the patch which Is coming Out tomorrow. So providing the guy read the release notes, it’s should have been taken into account :)

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Kribwalker2109d ago

it’s currently sitting at a 76/100 on meta and thats with a few 90s, so it’s not just this place that’s rating it lower

343_Guilty_Spark2109d ago

It is slow. You can’t interact with a lot of things. The story is meh. Most of the time you’re just walking around hearing people say the same thing over and over.

DigitalRaptor2109d ago (Edited 2109d ago )

Every NPC is unique. Hundreds of them. I wouldn't be surprised that some of them have a cross over. It's certainly not close to them all being the same thing. I personally don't think you can judge the whole series on the first game alone, when it's methodically slow, and literally designed as is a "prologue" to ease you in to the story. For Shenmue II to then open up into a much larger and faster paced game with more action sequences, more diverse environments and cooler story revelations. The story is simple but engrossing.

"You can't interact with a lot of things" is the most bogus claim I've ever read, in regards to Shenmue. You interact with everyone, and with the environment in ways that most modern games do not. Your downtime is spent in an arcade where you can interact and play Sega arcade games in full. You can even interact with cutscenes using QTE. Are you sure you've played it?

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Jls12109d ago (Edited 2109d ago )

I feel this game will get alot of hate. Its a 10 to me even on dreamcast.

RabbitFly2109d ago

This review seem to deel with the new HD ports that are coming. So one should not expect it to automatically be on the level of the original.

Shen Mue is the game I, for the longest time, considered my number 1. I love it to bits, but there is no denying that it is a dated game. Which is doomed to happen to any game that is before its time.

The game still holds a very special place in my heart and I plan on playing the remasters regardless. It's been so long and I need to refresh some of the story beats. I just personally don't put much value on putting numerical values on experiences anymore.

Gunstar752109d ago

Couldn't agree more. Shenmue was a revelation back on Dreamcast, but it it hasn't aged well at all.

It's certainly a classic retro title but I'm not sure what he gamers will get out if it.

Kosic2108d ago

The game could be a terrible mess in this remaster. I'd still play it so come the 3rd I remember every little bit of detail!
It's a classic and a master piece for its time. It's a shame it's one of those hidden gems, that many people never heard off.

Concertoine2109d ago

Shenmue was never for everybody. And i think a lot of people will be surprised by how much they wont like it when they play it. I was a big DC fan and tried it for the first time a few years ago and just couldnt get into it.

I do recognize why people like it and admire it for being such a unique game. I hope for the sake of the fans Shenmue III is like the old games. Not every game should be for everyone.

babadivad2109d ago

I put more hours into Shenmue 1 than 2. But 2 is the superior game of the two. Part one was slow paced. Building a foundation for a series that was expected to last SEVERAL games.

343_Guilty_Spark2109d ago (Edited 2109d ago )

It was a 100 for me on Dreamcast at the time. I desperately wanted the Dreamcast to topple the PS2 and thought Shenmue might do that. It seemed like the pinnacle of gaming. I remember huge gaming mag spreads talking about how Yu Suzuki wanted Shenmue to be a 16 game title. From the first cutscene I was in awe with how beautiful the game was. Sadly I realized even then outside of heavily scripted events it was as a largely lifeless, repetitive, and boring game. The highlights were the big 70 man fight, QTE, and forklift driving. Yea forklift...

Nicknasty2109d ago

Exactly and it'll get alot of hate because of all the new modern games. They just don't make them like this anymore. Quality over quantity! Shenmue is an instant classic and should be held up there with pong and dragons lair!

rainslacker2109d ago (Edited 2109d ago )

I can see it not appealing to younger gamers who may not have been used to getting slower paced adventure games. It is a game that one should really know what to expect before buying or else they'd be disappointed if they are hoping for something faster and more exciting that relies on a lot of flash.

Its a different kind of game, from a different generation, but it is a part of gaming history, and did a lot of things that shaped modern games. its worth giving a chance if one can get over the slower pace. There's a long history of good hype and talk about the game, but one should understand that it doesn't play like most modern games do.

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IMissJimRyan2109d ago

I don't like the review, but I think Shenmue needs to be played with a historical perspective in mind

DigitalRaptor2109d ago (Edited 2109d ago )

I think the review is honest.

The first game is known to be much, much slower paced than its more exciting and masterful sequel. I expect this guy to rate Shenmue II higher, unless it's the bugs that drag it down, which (as we know) the day one patch is supposed to fix. :)

rob-GP2109d ago

I don’t want to ruin your expectations but all the bugs and issue I found in both games aren’t listed in the patch notes we were given when we got our codes. I’ve reported all the issues I’ve had but they most likely won’t be in the patch tomorrow.

We already received a big patch before we got codes - as we only got the game on Friday. That also didn’t fix any of these issues.

Shenmue 1 is buggier But can be ‘fixed’ by saving and reloading. Shenmue 2 however suffers from crashing.

DigitalRaptor2109d ago (Edited 2109d ago )

@ rob-GP

The only patch I have seen in the wild is 1.01.

From what I've heard from reliable sources about today's or tomorrow's patch (which I imagine is going to be 1.02), is an overhaul and introduces massive fixes, and it should have been made available to reviewers, which is quite appalling in my opinion especially for a release as crucial as this. I could be wrong there, but I don't have a reason to distrust anything they said.

Weeblordbad2109d ago

"a release as crucial as this"

Alright buddy slow down, you're getting a bit excited.

DigitalRaptor2109d ago (Edited 2109d ago )

"Alright buddy slow down, you're getting a bit excited."

I thought it would be obvious, but I'm talking about it being crucial in the sense that folks have been waiting many many years for it to be re-released on modern consoles, and this is the only chance Sega has to release it and treat it as it deserves, without mistakes like this. Sega is not going to re-visit the games after this. This is it.

rob-GP2109d ago (Edited 2109d ago )

@DigitalRaptor - I wouldn’t say Shenmue is a “crucial” release. It’s A very niche title which will most likely only sell to hardcore fans.

We have the full patch notes, we have known what it’s going to fix since Friday. It’s not a massive list of fixes and it doesn’t address the major issues. All it covers are missing audio files/lines, static noises, some graphical errors in very specific areas and a few other bits across both games.

There is no mention of the cutscene errors, the crashing, the darkness, the watch buttons remaining in the second game etc... you know, all the kinda big things that affect gameplay.

As such, we were all advised to take those things into consideration when reviewing the game. Fixing the sound and graphical errors in the day one patch won’t magically make the game less boring or instantly control much better.

I reported all my issues over the last 3 days to Sega, those probably won’t be updated for about a week or so.

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S2Killinit2109d ago

One of, if not the greatest game ive played in my life.

Orionsangel2109d ago

The only review you need to see is from a mega fan like Happy Console Gamer


Weeblordbad2109d ago

Because you know that really makes their perspective impartial, and nothing is rooted in nostalgia.

Orionsangel2109d ago

It's coming from a fellow fans perspective. I trust their opinion.

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Shenmue – A True Work of Freedom Well Ahead of its Time

Yu Suzuki's Historic Video Game Project Changed the World On December 29th, 1999, twenty-two years ago, the opening chapter of Yu Suzuki’s Shenmue was released in its native Japan. Released by Sega Enterprises at the time, Shenmue was a game world built like no other.

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Nerdmaster882d ago

The first two games were ahead of its time. Too bad that the third game stuck in time with things that didn't work anymore, and didn't include a lot of things that became expected from open world games since the first games were released. It even added some baffling and horrible mechanics like the stamina that doubles as HP, and goes down as you run around.
This without even mentioning that that third game, plot-wise, was basically a filler.

-Hermit-882d ago

I like Shenmue 3, but the stamina bar was a horrible move. I'm shocked that they thought fans would like it. I wasn't a fan of fishing (I hate fishing mini games) or collecting herbs either. I also hated how Ryo was so easily beaten by thugs after all of the training he went through. Ryo felt weaker in Shenmue 3 than he did in Shenmue 1. The saddest part was not including throw moves, that is just a weird thing to leave out of a game where throwing moves feature so heavily in the first two. I would still rate it 7/10 though, nothing special, but enjoyable enough and I'm happy it was made after so many years of waiting.

Shenmue 1 and 2 are special games though. Shenmue 1 is my favourite, it's not as big as Shenmue 2, but I like that. It's a game I never like completing because you get so comfortable and immersed with the world.


Loved Shenmue 1 and 2, but I never bothered with 3 as I was deeply invested in the Yakuza games (superior to Shenmue in every way IMO) by the time it came out.

slowgamer881d ago

I did like the first most, as it had the most detail and smaller scale and adventure was quite fun and new for me, second one was okay too but didn't like it as much and I haven't really had the strenght to consentrate on third one especially knowing that it basically doesn't finish the story and it feels more clumsy than I would like.

babadivad881d ago

I put in WAAAYY more hours on Shenmue part 1 than 2. I was blown away by the detail of the world. There was literally nothing like it. For an action game, Shenmue 2 was better. The plot moved along a lot faster due to it covering so many chapters.

Training wasn't as big a focus in the second game. It actually annoyed me at first that I couldn't find anywhere to train. I was still in the part 1 mindset, training wasn't as imperative as it was in part 1.

So many games have borrowed from Shenmue, it's a shame the buying gaming public didn't support such an incredible achievement of the day.

Shenmue as a series has had a tortured existence and it's pretty sad.

KingofBandits881d ago

Shenmue was a true watershed moment in gaming. There were just so many elements that even if they did not originate with the series, they were refined, tweaked and combined in a way that was never done before. For the era this was released in it was mind blowing at the freedom, density, and depth you were given in the game world. Couple that with a beautiful OST, cutting edge graphics and deep fighting system and it was really something special. very few games have ever captured my attention like it to this day. the third game has its faults and is not nearly as ambitious but a lot has changed since the first game was released. Shenmue 3 in truth simply existing was an undertaking, though I do hope that Yu Suzuki is given a chance at making Shenmue 4.

SinkingSage881d ago

It remains my favorite video game of all time to this day.

CrimsonWing69881d ago (Edited 881d ago )

The 1st and 2nd were truly special games especially if you played them when they were released. It just was fresh and unique. I tried to get into the 3rd one but I just couldn't. I will give it another try at some point because of the story, but I just wan't a fan of the setting. I think if it had taken place in a city like Hong Kong or something other than the country side I'd probably be more drawn to it.

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Without Shenmue, We Wouldn't Have Yakuza

As Shenmue 2 celebrates its 20th anniversary, let’s look back on how it made Yakuza possible.

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-Hermit-995d ago

I prefer Shenmue, but I am happy we have both. I don't like the constant comparisons between the two though. Anybody that likes and plays both of them enough can tell that they are very different games. There really aren't many similarities.

Petebloodyonion995d ago

I always felt that Yakuza was the spiriual successor to Shenmue or the natural evolution of Shenmue.
The settings of a Yakuza or a very Japanese-oriented story.
The open-world element with restaurants, convenience stores, and arcades.
Playing arcade games like Space-Harrier and Hang-on (is it me or Space Harrier is always there)
Collecting toy capsule

SimpleSlave995d ago

"...natural evolution of Shenmue." No. While it is very tempting to get to this conclusion, this is incorrect. In fact, while Yakuza have refined some aspects (fighting, controls, etc.) that where present in Shenmue, the reality is that Shenmue is still the more advance and ambitious game when it comes to its gameplay systems and presentation.

In Shenmue, NPC's had routines, there was a day/night cycle, stores would actually close, there was a weather system in place, etc. Shenmue was not trying to pretend to be a slice of life but actually let you play a slice of life.

I understand it might seem insignificant to most, but it makes a huge difference and thus is makes for a vastly different experience than Yakuza.

FreeckyCake995d ago

Takeshi Kitano films and Fist of the North Star too.


Six Games With Brilliant Soundtracks

Music is a crucial component to virtually every game. Here are six titles that do it right

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Father__Merrin1221d ago (Edited 1221d ago )

Music is key it's the most memorable aspect for me over visuals etc. Thunderforce IV on the Mega drive..........

ZeekQuattro1221d ago

My favorite videogame soundtrack to this day is Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. When they added themes from that game to the 3DS best believe they stayed on my system. Lol

Chocoburger1220d ago

This is a good list, so many great songs on those selected.