WorthPlaying: Legendary Preview

WorthPlaying writes: "As any gamer worth his salt knows, this is one heck of a season for video games, which massive title after massive title hitting every system. From blockbusters such as Fallout 3 and Little Big Planet to surprise hits like Dead Space, the blows to a gamer's wallet keep on coming. In the deluge of games, it isn't surprising that some are going to get lost in the rush, and Legendary is one of those. A first-person shooter that has the misfortune to be released on the same day as Fallout 3 and Little Big Planet may be overshadowed by the bigger titles. If gamers can have their eyes drawn away, though, there may be something in Legendary to interest them.

Legendary thrusts players into the shoes of Charles Deckard, an expert thief who is hired by the mysterious Mr. LeFay, leader of the Black Order. He's hired to steal Pandora's Box for a local museum; instead of the legendary item from mythology, Pandora's Box is a powerful magical artifact of unknown origin. Unfortunately, Deckard is tricked into opening the box, releasing the evils that dwell within onto an unsuspecting New York City. The "evils" are mythical beasts such as dragons, werewolves, the Kraken and various other nasties. On top of that, the box brands Deckard with a mysterious signet on his hand. A marked man in more way than one, Deckard is forced to flee for his life, both from the creatures he unleashed and the Black Order, who has orders to kill him on sight. Only his partner Vivian and the mysterious Council of 89 are left to help him recover Pandora's Box from the Black Order and seal away the monsters that he unleashed."

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Black Panel "Sadistic Santa" Podcast

In this special 'Sadistic Santa' edition of the Black Panel Podcast, the team discusses the horrid presents they have received for Xmas, including Farming Simulator, Duke Nukem Forever and Legendary.

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Examiner: PC game turkeys to avoid

Looking for great games for the holidays?

In honor of Thanksgiving and real turkeys everywhere that have laid down their lives in the service of your belly, here is a small collection of PC gaming 'turkeys' we've reviewed over the last year to avoid this holiday season.

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G-Phoria '09: Game Most Deserving Of An Uwe Boll Movie

Blair Herter announces the winner of G-Phoria '09 Game Most Deserving of a Uwe Boll Movie. Nominees include 'Golden Axe: Beast Rider', 'Castlevania Judgment', 'Legendary', 'Onechanbara: Bikini Zombie Slayer' and 'X-Blades'.

Saaking5394d ago

NOTHING deserves a Uwe Boll movie. That guy is simply atrocious at everything he does. I can't believe how he can make a move so stupid, I'm not kidding I got sick after watching House of the Dead. It's like he actually wants to fail. A monkey with a camera and 10 bucks can make a better movie than this guy.

rdgneoz35394d ago

"Until the law was changed in 2005, Boll was able to acquire funding thanks to German tax laws that reward investments in film. The law allowed investors in German-owned films to write off 100% of their investment as a tax deduction; it also allowed them to invest borrowed money and write off any fees associated with the loan. The investor was then only required to pay taxes on the profits made by the movie; if the movie loses money, the investor got a tax writeoff."

And in his own words, "Maybe you know it but it's not so easy to finance movies in total. And the reason I am able to do these kind of movies is I have a tax shelter fund in Germany, and if you invest in a movie in Germany you get basically fifty percent back from the Government."

He basically makes money even if its crap, which all of them have been.

Admiral_Benson5394d ago

You took the words right out of my mouth.

bOOmStiCK5394d ago

I've already seen an Onechanbara movie. Made in Japan and campy as hell but I enjoyed it thou :)

Arkem5393d ago

That way I wouldn't mind if he completely ruined it = D