
Indecent Desires - A really naughty and promising +18 erotic visual novel game

"I just stumbled up on Vilelab games really naughty and promising +18 erotic visual novel game "Indecent Desires", and since I like what I saw. I decided to let the whole world know about the game." - Robin Ek, TGG.

DimensionalSound2145d ago ShowReplies(3)
SarcasticDuck2145d ago ShowReplies(1)
TorpeAlex2145d ago

Can we get a SFW filter or at least the option to block articles from garbage like thegg.net?

TGG_overlord2145d ago

So it's garbage just because you don't like lewd content? Cool story bruh, don't like it? Don't read it.

TorpeAlex2145d ago

I don't, I find your obsession with interviewing cosplayers and erotic games kind of creepy. I'd just like a way to filter semi-pornographic images from the N4G home page so I can browse while at work without raising any eyebrows.

kreate2145d ago


Maybe u should be working at work. U can also just use ur phone/tablet. Being on n4g at work should raise eyebrows in itself. I really don't want filters so N4G could cater to 1 person.

LiamKreptic2145d ago

@ Torpe

Jesus...got issues with sex? How about actually working while at work and looking at N4G when you get home. Stop making others cater to your "wants." Let authors and contributors post what they want...

bluefox7552145d ago

Violence and murder are cool in games, but you draw the line when there's boobs?

TorpeAlex2145d ago

Not sure where your high horse came from but I never said violence and murder were 'cool', nor did I say I draw the line when there's boobs. That has nothing to do with what I commented though, which was asking for a way to keep risque thumbnails off of my N4G homepage.

LiamKreptic2145d ago


Go back to work...stop making other readers cater to your twisted mentality. Jesus its just women in clothes...

Weeblordbad2145d ago

It's not about the content of the game, that and generally violent games don't have a thumbnail of someone getting their head torn off. There's a huge difference between the "lewd" game articles and the others on this site. You scroll down and there's a pretty underage looking girl with her skirt pulled up, which there's nothing wrong with if that's your thing great. It's that not everyone wants to see that in every situation that they may browse the site.

Making a simple request for a filter, like a little box that says "Hey wanna see NSFW content?" isn't exactly a crazy request it doesn't remove anything from anyone and at the end of the day everyone gets to browse comfortably. The backlash over this one comment is absolutely beyond ridiculous.

ShadowWolf7122145d ago

Save your breath, dude. You're talking to the guy who thought that dude who freaked on Naughty Dog over Drake having a daughter and not a son was justified.

2145d ago
ShockUltraslash2145d ago

Why would this site block gaming articles?
If it's garbage in your opinion then don't click.
There is no need to remove things that others may like.

Weeblordbad2145d ago

He's not asking for it to be removed entirely, he's asking for a filter. You know...those things you set for yourself?

BillMurrayylmao2145d ago

Dude is just asking for a filter pretty much, everyone is overreacting smh

jlove4life2145d ago

I think the title indecent desires 18+ is sfw enough so how about you use the option of common sense

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2145d ago
Drithe2145d ago

You know. This world is so violent. If we would discuss why large boobs make the world happy instead of wars and rumors of wars, we would be a world of love instead of fear and greed. Seriously.

FunAndGun2145d ago

Can we talk about large Johnsons too? Plenty of people in the world like those as well. Seriously.

LiamKreptic2145d ago (Edited 2145d ago )

I'm happy that developers are breaking away from this screwed up view towards sex. If they want to make a "lewd" game then let them. We are able to handle shooting, killing, stabbing, disembowelment, ripped limbs, blood, unrealistic amounts of gore, guts, running people over in cars, gunning down civilians in games, and just about everything else violent.

So this means we can handle breats, vagina, penis, intercourse, and sexual contact. People need to grow up and realize you are here because of this very thing...

annoyedgamer2145d ago

I think this has more to do with Steam allowing more adult content onto its store than anything. The western industry is still deep in a hole.

LiamKreptic2145d ago

It's still a step in the right direction. It allows developers to make games they want to make. Ultimate creative freedom.

Show all comments (32)

Indecent Desires PC review - A very entertaining and beautiful +18 erotic visual novel game - TGG

"I've had tons of fun with the latest and full version of Vilelab games +18 erotic visual novel game "Indecent Desires". You see, the game is even better than it was when I wrote my PC preview for it previously, and this is the reason why." - Nicholas Kingsley, TGG.

InTheZoneAC1938d ago

4/5? so better than crackdown and sea of thieves?

TGG_overlord1938d ago

Well, at least when it comes to grades ;) But I mean, if you don't like visual novels, then you might not enjoy this game all that much.

InTheZoneAC1938d ago

so it's like games such as Tales from the Borderlands and Walking Dead or is it like Psycho Pass? I'm not a fan of reading too much, just playing.

ChrisW1938d ago

A smart person would look at two similar genres and judge by the reviews and their own interests which one would be better. Taking two completely different genres and trying to do the same is like comparing apple pie to rhubarb pie.

TGG_overlord1938d ago

@InTheZoneAC "so it's like games such as Tales from the Borderlands and Walking Dead or is it like Psycho Pass? I'm not a fan of reading too much, just playing."

- I would say that there¨s much more "action" than most lewd visual novels. As for the games you mentioned, I wouldn't know, as I've only played one single episode of TWD. You could always watch some gameplay videos for "Indecent Desires" to get a better picture what the game is all about.

I also recall that there is a free demo for the game as well.

InTheZoneAC1938d ago

are there loot boxes though? I need those in my games.

TGG_overlord1938d ago

lol xD Nope, at least not to my knowledge.

InTheZoneAC1938d ago (Edited 1938d ago )

ok sounds great, next time I'll preorder for day 1 access and a beta test

TGG_overlord1938d ago

Go for it mate =) And enjoy ;)

xRacer74x1938d ago

Still really short and the games story starts strong but gets weak.


Indecent desires PC preview - A great looking and interesting +18 erotic visual novel game - TGG

"Vilelab games have done a really good job with their +18 erotic visual novel game "Indecent Desires", because so far it's a great looking and interesting +18 visual novel title." - Nicholas Kingsley, TGG.