
Indie game 'Star​ Traders:​ Frontiers' to release Aug. 1

The latest installment in the Star Traders series, 'Star Traders: Frontiers', is slated to fully release on Aug. 1.

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The Best Space RPG Games Not Named Mass Effect

Xfire writes: "If you thought that the three games that make up the Mass Effect franchise (and no, Andromeda doesn't count) are the only space RPG games worth talking about, then you're wrong. While the Mass Effect franchise no doubt deserves all the love, there are other space RPG games out there too."

Godmars2901203d ago (Edited 1203d ago )

I honestly don't get why Mass Effect gets the hype it does while failing to develop the potential the first game presented.

I mean it went from promising sci-fi RPG, to sci-fi themed shooter with an ever lamer hack story - I'm looking at you Andromeda.

annoyedgamer1203d ago

Sounds like every game/IP/Developer bought by EA.

sagapo1203d ago

Can’t say I agree with you here; first ME was great but a bit rough around the edges, but ME2 ironed out most of those, and still remains my favourite part. ME3 equally good but with a controversial ending.
I agree on Andromeda, that was mediocre at best imho.

Smok911203d ago

Have you looked at the first 3 games?

Godmars2901202d ago

Own and played ME2, own two versions of ME1. Have yet to play either.

ME2 was more about character presentation, not story. If it had been about story, it would have been about the direct fallout of a Reaper crashing into the Citadel. A "Shadow War" between various intelligence groups among the races, some infuriated by Reaper allies, as the Reaper allies themselves with Shepard caught in between building up to the suicide mission. Instead the game was just the mission which really - despite the Reaper baby - had nothing to do with what's suppose to be the over arching story of the Reaper invasion.

Knightofelemia1202d ago (Edited 1202d ago )

ME as a franchise is great ME 2 probably my favorite out of the series ME 3 the ending was kind of a let down ME 1 I liked as well. Andromeda still have to brave that one grabbed it $10 new only other space rpg I love is the Xenosaga trilogy. I wish Namco would get off the ass and remaster the damn trilogy so I can rebuy it and reenjoy it again as for Destiny 2 I am not a fan of it not my type of game and the other games on the list don't even peak my interest.

Nodoze1202d ago

Homeworld was an absolute revelation when it was released. Have not had a chance to try out the remaster. Such a great great game.


“Star Traders: Frontiers” is now available on Android and iOS devices

The tactical role-playing game Star Traders: Frontiers – the latest title by beloved indie devs Trese Brothers Games – is now available for Android and iOS devices.


Star Traders: Frontiers is heading to Android and iOS next Wednesday, January 30

Star Traders: Frontiers will soon be available on Android and iOS. Star Traders: Frontiers is heading to Android and iOS next Wednesday, January 30

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