
Vigor Gameplay Xbox One X Beta (Environments)

CG writes: Here is a very quick look at the Vigor gameplay from the Xbox One beta currently available for Xbox Insiders. Not much happened whilst we played, we got shot one time lost all our gear and then the rest of the game was spent looking for loot. Luckily we found some neat weapons on the second map but didn’t find any opposition. This game has potential but is a little barren at present. There needs to be more incentive than just the air-drop to cross paths with other players. At least the video shows how well the game performs and the nice looking locales on Xbox One X.

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MoltenMetalLove2154d ago

I am hopeful that this one turns out well. Love the survival genre and we could always use one that is not riddled with game breaking bugs(Conan, 7 days to die). Bohemia has the pedigree to pull it off, fingers crossed;)


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