
Hooked Gamers: Dokapon Kingdom Review

Dokapon Kingdom isn't perfect, nor does it even come close. The graphics and audio are lacking in areas, and interface is just barely above par. Brown boxes are married to simple text in terms of presentation and the textures to rather blocky figures. All criticism aside, Dokapon Kingdom is still enjoyable. How, you ask? The customization aspect of the game separates it from other generic party games.

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Destroy Your Friendships with Dokapon Kingdom

Dash Bomber writes, "Death, betrayal, backstabbing, and the destruction of every relationship you’ve ever held dear, that is Dokapon Kingdom. It is the bastard child of Monopoly and Dragon Quest developed by Sting Entertainment. A mixture of an RPG and a board game, in Dokapon Kingdom your goal is simple: become ludicrously rich while sacrificing all of your friendships. But why do you have to sacrifice your friends in order to play this? Well that’s because the game actively encourages you to pull every dirty trick in the book to win!"

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iofhua2716d ago

I have this and always wanted to play it with someone. But the game is harsh and will utterly destroy you at least several times during the course of a game and my brother refused to play it with me. Same with all my friends. They would try it once or twice, decide it sucks, and then never play it with me again.

I would get aggravated when I would lose too, but I could roll with it better than the others. The others would just give up.

Too bad it's not on PC with online functionality. It would be a troll magnet for sure, but that could be fun too.


CGM Retro: Dokapon Kingdom

A look into the 2008 title 'Dokapon Kingdom'

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VGC Review: Dokapon Kingdom

VGC writes: "After the success of Nintendo's Mario Party franchise, there have been a few games that have sprung up with a similar premise (mostly movie tie-ins) all attaining limited success. Now imagine for just a moment that a company would decide to combine Mario Party with a turn-based role playing game; what sort of odd game would that be? Well wonder no longer as this very game exists; is it a worthy entry to the genre, or the offspring of an unholy union of genres that should not have been?"

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