
Defiance 2050 - Does It Support Cross-Platform Play?

From GameWatcher: "Defiance 2050, the re-imagining of the MMO-shooter from Trion Worlds, is available now to play for free - which is good news.

The platforms Defiance 2050 is available for are PC, PS4 and Xbox One, but one of the big hot-button issues right now in gaming is cross-platform play. Sony famously has been against this, but other platforms have embraced it. So does Defiance 2050 support cross-platform play?"

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Eonjay2155d ago (Edited 2155d ago )

"Sony famously has been against this, but other platforms have embraced it."

False, Sony support more crossplatfom games than any other platform. I'm gonna keep posting this until I feel like people aren't trying to brainwash me with lies.

All this to say that it wont be multiplatform on any system. They didn't make it multiplatform with Xbox and PC:

(everyone else - enjoy being brain raped by stupid articles.)

Majin-vegeta2155d ago

Lol Sony was the first to allow crossplay on the PS2 with FF Xi..in 2002

Eonjay2155d ago (Edited 2155d ago )

Yes but more importantly, the PS4 supports more crossplay title than Xbox and Switch combined.

Switch - 17
Xbox One - 39
PS4 - 78
PS3 - 45
Vita - 56


So this narrative isn't just a lie, but it proves that you can make people beleive anything simply by repeating it. The truth is the enemy of PR. These guys are more confortable with spreading lies for clicks than providing their readers with facts. They proceed with the thought in their head that gamers are all stupid. They tell you what to think, how to feel and what reality should be.


Simply operation monkingbird at hand. Read interpret disregard.

-T9X-69-2154d ago

The problem with your argument is the majority of those "crossplay" titles are within Sony's brand. Many even support cross-buy. Not exactly the same as having crossplay with PC, Switch or an Xbox One. By definition, yes you're correct. But we all know that's not the same argument being made.

ziggurcat2155d ago

"Sony famously has been against this..."


rob-GP2155d ago

"Sony famously has been against this"

Couldn't be more incorrect - plus on the perfect game!! Let's go back to 2012:


Trion Global Brand Director Alex Rodberg said that while this cross-platform mingling can be done, it's extremely unlikely that such a thing would ever reach live servers: "Microsoft won't let Sony players play against them."

So yeah, "Sony famously has been against this" is such a lie and what the Xbox-orientated or the miss-informed people think - Defiance on the 360 and PS3 (which this game is a reimagination of) bluntly stated back in 2012 that MS were the ones blocking the ability of Cross-play.


Defiance and Defiance 2050 Are Being Shut Down

After 8 years of Defiance and 3 years of Defiance 2050, both titles are being sunsetted on April 29, 2021.

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MadLad1194d ago

I had a good time with the original Defiance years back, honestly.

Silly gameAr1194d ago

Me too. I remember putting a lot of hours into it before it went free to play. After, it went f2p, I didn't play it near as much, but it makes me nostalgic.

darthv721194d ago

I liked the show and picked up a sealed collectors edition of the 360 game for $5 at a thrift store a couple years ago.

isarai1194d ago

It had a good run honestly, way better than it had any business being, especially for it to be part of a tv series

boing11194d ago

Yeah, I'm surprised it went for so long too. Tried the game but didn't click for me. I liked the TV series, though.

isarai1194d ago

I gave it about a dozen hours, was fun even tho MMOs aren't my thing. But to even keep me around that long is impressive lol

psynetik1231194d ago

Paid $11 for this POS way back and I still felt ripped off


The post-apocalyptic shooter MMO “Defiance 2050” has just kicked-off its “Mayhem and Mutiny” event

The future looks grim in gamigo’s post-apocalyptic MMO "Defiance 2050". Mayhem Mutiny is back, and with it, colossal Arkfalls appear across the barren world. Until September 28, players can prove their might against fearsome monsters on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

anast1372d ago

I forgot about this mmo...it's awesome they are still supporting it.

TGG_overlord1372d ago

I haven't heard or seen all that much about the game as of late, so it's good that this just showed-up out of nowhere.


Defiance 2050 Celebrates 1st Anniversary With New Content, In-Game Event

Defiance 2050 turns one, and to celebrate gamigo has rolled out a new content update to coincide with an in-game event.

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Jimboms1798d ago

Oh wow, I genuinely thought this game had died and been taken down. I'm so jumping in!

RainOfTerror1798d ago

miraculously it is still alive yes :)

bunt-custardly1798d ago

I remember playing this when it first came out to compliment the TV series. Has it improved much since then?

jjb19811798d ago

It is the exact same game but with 2050 in its name. The textures look like the PS2 era's. Gar-baj.

RainOfTerror1798d ago

exactly, it's a 1-1 remake, hardly any changes .. if I recall correctly it was done because the old code was bogged down and they couldn't fix their way out of it anymore for whatever reason.