
Headsnatchers PC Version Release Date Delayed To July 24th

Following the reveal of Headsnatchers for PC last month, Publisher Iceberg Interactive and developer IguanaBee has delayed the early access of the game until July 24th.

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Drink More indies - Indie Game of the Month Awards August 2020

"I love shining the spotlight on indie games that deserve more attention so here are August's best indies in 12 distinct categories." - A.J. Maciejewski from Video Chums

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1361d ago

Review: Headsnatchers - Multiplayer Mayhem Mangled By Manky Controls - Nintendolife

Headsnatchers is a surprisingly unique party game in which you need to, er… snatch the heads off your opponent’s bodies in order to score points. This may be by kicking the head into a football (soccer to those on the other side of the pond) goal, slam-dunking the head into a basketball hoop, or climbing to the top of a giant three-tiered cake and plonking the head onto a statue. Sounds pretty fun, right? Unfortunately, Headsnatchers’ potential is scuppered by really poor gameplay, right down to basic movement and jumping mechanics.

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The crazy party game “Headsnatchers” is now available for PC and Nintendo Switch

Iceberg Interactive and IguanaBee are today very happy to announce that their crazy party game "Headsnatchers” is now available for PC and Nintendo Switch.

Jackhass1664d ago

Been keeping an eye on this one for a while. Looks cute!