
Darksiders III Shows Off The Flame Hollow Gameplay In Latest Trailer

Return to an apocalyptic Earth in Darksiders III, a hack-n-slash Action Adventure where players assume the role of FURY in her quest to hunt down and dispose of the Seven Deadly Sins.

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4blender2153d ago

Combat style like god of War, eximed score 65/100

Palitera2153d ago (Edited 2153d ago )

You can’t compare every hack and slash to God of War. The world is not divided between the masterpiece and not good games.
Darksiders has been here for a long time, offering a very different experience.

Silly gameAr2153d ago

Ignore the trolls that always bring up God of War in these threads. They do it for a reason.

Palitera2153d ago

No need to ignore them, as I don't care about any bait bs.

solideagle2153d ago (Edited 2153d ago )

what a rubbish comparison. its combat feels like all other darksiders... that's it.

I hope the story is good...

FullmetalRoyale2153d ago

I liked the first one enough, didn’t care for the second. Nothing I’ve heard about this game has piqued my interest, at all. I keep looking, hoping that I’ll see something that changes my mind.

gamesR4fun2153d ago

I liked the second one ore than the first meself still no way Im paying a hundred bucks for what they're showing here.

Stay-Toasty2153d ago

I agree, I love the Darksiders series and badly want to support it, but this just looks unfinished.

Einhander19712153d ago

Oh no it's to much like God of war heaven forbid, looks amazing day one for me anyway.

RememberThe3572153d ago

Looks like Darksiders, not sure what the hell these guys above have been playing.

DaMist2153d ago

In their defense the first Darksiders felt to me like God of War meet Zelda in a really good way, but I agree. It looks like Darksiders.

neutralgamer19922153d ago


I liked the first and loved the 2nd with its Loot this one do far hasn't peaked my interest. I love the series and want to support it I just hope it's a good game otherwise we may never get the 4th game with all the horsemen

neutralgamer19922153d ago

I think they need to make better trailers this looked very bland and nothing. Have a narrator in the background with epic music

Please don't release it with other big games than complain to us the fans that we didn't support it. Release this in a month where this would get all the attention from fans and the media

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It's Been 13 Years Since The Cliffhanger, When's The Darksiders Finale Coming?

Now that all of Darksiders' horsemen have been explored, it's about time we get the epic team-up the first game left us hanging for.

jznrpg175d ago (Edited 175d ago )

Embracer went on a massive studio buying spree in hopes one deal with saudis would go through and it didn’t.
Now they are shutting down studios and looking for cash after spending most of it on acquisitions.
I wouldn’t get my hopes up for anything that Embracer owns.
They need to get out of this problem they made for themselves but it may never happen. They f’d up big time.
Darksiders has little hope at this moment


Darksiders III for Nintendo Switch Review (The Gamers Lounge)

Darksiders III on Nintendo Switch is a mostly well-done port that is likely to take a lot of people by surprise given its huge graphical upgrade over its previous generation predecessors. While the game itself is far from perfect, it should be commended that even with a few downgrades here and there, the overall integrity of the game remains intact and officially completes the entire Darksiders series being available on Nintendo Switch, which lends itself nicely to handheld play despite a AAA production that's as epic and grandiose as the series has ever been.

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Darksiders III Nintendo Switch OLED Review - The Wrath of Fury I The Koalition

Adam Vale of The Koalition writes: When thinking about some of my favorite hack & slash adventure games of last-gen, Darksiders and Darksiders II pop up in my head. The story was unique, and the combat was satisfying with creative level design. For whatever reason, I never picked up Darksiders III. So here we are in 2021 and Darksiders III has been ported to my preferred portable gaming device. This is why I held off on reviewing this game until my Nintendo Switch OLED arrived. At least 90% of my gaming on the Switch is in handheld mode and I wanted to experience this horrid creature-infested world on the new vibrant OLED screen.

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rbailey957d ago

Despite the issues with the game itself, Darksiders III still looks great on the Nintendo switch OLED model.