
Shawn Layden: We're The Only Ones That Can Create AAA Games in 3 Regions with Sony Worldwide Studios

Shawn Layden, Head of Sony Worldwide Studios, proudly boasted they're the only ones that can create AAA games in three different regions.

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Obscure_Observer2157d ago (Edited 2157d ago )

Seems to me that Shawn Layden has adoped a more agressive marketing stance since E3 and the Crossplay scandal. I don´t remember him as a talkative person before.

I think it´s past time to Sony start to react to their competitors in a more vocal fashion, remebering the competition why Sony is the most successful gaming company this generation! Let the PR wars begins!

It will only bring good things to us gamers! Competition is GOOD!

-Foxtrot2157d ago

It's funny because when Phil Spencer takes a shit and there's a dozen articles on it you don't seem to mind

"bu bu but sites are just splitting his interview up into 12 articles"

Yet here you think different.

neutralgamer19922157d ago


Let the man talk and what he is saying is true. Sony made huge investments in the past and the are paying off now

fiveby92157d ago

Thankfully Sony exists. If not for Sony, console gaming would have looked like the OG X1 launch. To MS credit they did pivot off an awful strategy. But Sony is by far and away a much more creative gaming company. Perhaps MS will get there someday but I just don't trust the suits that run MS to not mimic EA and manage their creative talents as a series of what marketing trends to follow today.

Eonjay2157d ago

The only scandal is Nintendo and Microsoft colluding to extort Sony our of its greatest asset.
Adults aren't entertained by scumbag PR tactics. And trust me, this will end in Microsoft once again being embarrassed. They create their own karma.

UCForce2157d ago (Edited 2157d ago )

When come to PS article, you mostly negative toward to Sony. Sure, you do have few positive on Sony, but most of the time, you are very negative on Sony. The thing is that Shawn Layden is not like Phil Spencer or neither Jack Tretton. Shawn Layden is own person and I know he is not perfect for sure and he has a lot of things to do, but I do believe that he can do better in future. I think Phil Spencer need to stop saying Single Player game is so “complicated” to him.

Obscure_Observer2157d ago (Edited 2157d ago )


"Yet here you think different."

Different? Not at all! I like this new Sony approach! Do not try and use me as a tool to justify your hate towards Phil Spencer!

Did you EVER read a comment about me talking sh!t about Layden? Calling him a liar? Telling people how Playstation is doomed under his leadership, just to disappear next when a good article about Playstation pops ups?

No man, that´s YOU! YOU hate Microsoft! I don´t HATE Sony! That´s the difference!

PapaBop2157d ago

Man I've missed this, it's just not been the same the last few years, nothing beats slow days at work like console war banter.

TheGoodestBoi2157d ago

Agreed on them needing to be more vocal. He should tell Xbox to go and get stuffed

AspiringProGenji2157d ago

NO! Let the talk to someone else while they actually deliver and let the games do the talking. NO one wants a 2nd Phil Spencer

rainslacker2157d ago

Sony isn't talkative as a whole. The recent articles are from one conference, and the articles are spread out to get more clicks.

Also, cross play isn't a scandal.

This one conference, and even including E3, Layden has said less than Spencer has this whole year.

I doubt you'd want Sony to react to the competition in a vocal fashion, because overall, they would just highlight how MS isn't really making big games anymore, and how Sony's focus is more on delivering big games that get people excited.

Obscure_Observer2157d ago (Edited 2157d ago )


"I doubt you'd want Sony to react to the competition in a vocal fashion, because overall, they would just highlight how MS isn't really making big games anymore, and how Sony's focus is more on delivering big games that get people excited."

Your doubts means nothing, since Sony is already reacting to the competition in a more vocal fashion just in case you didn´t notice or had payed attention on how Sony executives has been on spootlight these past weeks. How can they be even more vocal or agressive is anyone's guess.

You have this weird opinions of yours about what people want, expect or get excited for about games. Specially on a platform that you don´t like. After everything that you said about the X, SoT, SoD 2 and Gamepass, i don´t think you have any idea on what gamers wants.

There´s those things you said about excitement over Crackdown 3 too. But i´ll reserve my judgement till February 2019 when we´ll have Crackdown 3 against Anthem and Days Gone.

I have a feeling that you´re about to some disappointment. Again! Time will tell, but i think you really should stop with this "Microsoft games is not appealing to people" since you obviously don´t talk for everyone and you clearly don´t have a idea what Xbox gamers want.

"MS isn't really making big games anymore"

Are you for real? Tell me more about their new unannounced "small" games that their new 6 acquired/created studios are working on? Your negativity is based on nothing but your blind hate and desire that Microsoft will achieve nothing with those studios acquisitions. Smh.

And yet still:

Did you sold you Xbox One? Hmm... I really doubt that. You see, your actions should speak louder than your keyboard for a change. But they won´t! Because... reasons... :/

rainslacker2157d ago

lol. What have they done that's aggressive? Answered a question posed to them at this conference about cross play? announced a month in advance what they'd show at E3? Answered some other questions or made comments at a conference planned a while ago and talked about their strategy, games, and answered some questions?

That isn't reacting.

Sony has had some spotlight the past couple weeks...sure, but that's from the media. I don't see them sweating over it, or reacting in any way. In fact, the only real "controversy" is the cross play stuff, and Layden seemed pretty mellow about it, and answered it in a cool fashion. That isn't reacting. It's not like he got defensive over it, or implied that they'd bring it at some point in the indeterminate future.

And yeah, silly me for thinking that people get excited for games. Why would I, as a gamer who gets excited about games, think that other gamers would get excited about games....when I see gamers all the time, get excited about games. Sony games seem to get people excited. BC and game pass seem to get Xbox fan boys happy, but that seems more because they can use it to bring down Sony in some fashion, because they sure as hell seem to have to bring Sony into talking about that stuff more often than not. Sorry if I misinterpreted all those people being excited for Sony games, or if the sales somehow don't support the fact that people seem to be excited to game on PS. Or that certain games on Switch seem to really push hardware hard, and that when Nintendo backs off for a while, their sales slump, and they get less attention.

I'll only be disappointed in the future if the games I'm looking forward to are not good. Nothing else will disappoint me. Being wrong about something I say or posited doesn't upset me. As an adult, I learned a long time ago, that when I make assumptions based on logical thought based on available evidence, sometimes I may be wrong. But nice try saying I'll eat crow, which seems to be what you're more excited for when it comes to me, because you seem to bring that up more than I would actually have to.

I'll clarify my "MS doesn't make big games anymore". What I mean is that MS isn't making enough games that do that, and they're still relying too much on their staples. You cite CD3 as one that will maybe make me eat crow....and that's your biggest game? You'd be better off citing Halo, Gears, or Forza, because at least those are good games usually, but SoT and CD3 are not big games, and all those indie or mid-tier titles aren't anywhere close to the kinds of games that Sony is bringing. Maybe the future will change that with their new studio acquisitions, we'll see. I doubt it'll mean much for this gen.

I've considered selling my X1, but there are a couple games worth playing, and since I have one, might as well use it once in a while. I could get a couple hundred out of it I suppose, but I'm not really that strapped for cash. Doesn't change anything I feel about MS, it's future, how poorly they handled this generation, or the fact that you still can't form a salient argument to save your life, and the best argument you can usually make is "you were wrong once, but I have no actual counter argument to what you said"

joab7772157d ago

Love Sony and love how humble and focused they began this gen. But I also remember their attitude towards the end of the PS2 era, and the launch of the PS3. Let’s hope they don’t repeat similar mistakes. Beginning to get a bit hot-headed. I prefer the company whose focus is gamers.

StormSnooper2157d ago

I liked how Sony would let their games speak for themselves but unfortunately not talking allows the information sphere to be controlled by Microsoft’s direction/talking points. I would much rather every console maker JUST TALK ABOUT YOUR OWN GAMES.

salmonade2157d ago

"Crossplay scandal" - ahahahahahaahahahaahaaaaaaaa lol

UCForce2157d ago

Ok, you are just being over dramatic.

Razzer2157d ago

"Ok, you are just being over dramatic. "

lol....when is he not?!?

twiggytree122157d ago

"I think it´s past time to Sony start to react to their competitors in a more vocal fashion"

Sony has buried the competition, they don't need to say a damn thing. Games keep dropping one after the other and they do more than speak for themselves.

UCForce2157d ago (Edited 2157d ago )

You know that exclusive do matter for console brand, right ? Or you just ignore about it ? It’s like you don’t want to carry traditional console to the new generation. I will say this again. Exclusive give console identity. Now I know you saying that Sony is getting cocky, but that doesn’t mean they are only one. Every companies can become arrogant where they have strong positions. I can tell you that MS and NT will become arrogant again and it will too late for you to defend them and try damage control. I know where your loyalty brand belong to and don’t lie to me. After all, every gamers have inner fanboys including you and me.

Rimeskeem2157d ago

Sony has been successful when it comes to silence though. When the DRM thing was going on with MS Sony just stayed quiet and smashed it in E3.

UCForce2157d ago (Edited 2157d ago )

Like I said before, Sony doesn’t need to be like MS. From what I heard, MS going to buy more studios in the future. And I was like” Slow down there,buddy” . MS is just become like Disney. MS is using “strength by numbers” tactics to buy more studios and be bigger than other competitors which can be mixed. Because it can be distracted. Sony could buy more studios, but they are not rushing it. Right now, they have another studio in San Diego, even they have new studio in Manchester. Concrete Genie is new game from Sony First Party Studio. And Concrete Genie has won E3 Outstanding Original Game. Here : https://youtu.be/Q7dRzRt_VX...

You see, Sony is now being resourceful.

DigitalRaptor2157d ago (Edited 2157d ago )

I'm pretty sure he's always done interviews at E3.

This happens to be one interview that websites are chopping up and making into many stories.

@ Rainslacker

Thanks for that, this guy exaggerates and overreacts to everything when it's either anti-Sony or it's pro-Xbox/Microsoft. He's extremely reactive, and almost none of it is justified.

+ Show (22) more repliesLast reply 2110d ago
KaiPow2157d ago

They're not wrong. Ubisoft might be close with how much they produce in NA/EU. Not much purely developed in Asia though.

MuddyWaters2157d ago (Edited 2157d ago )

China is still an untapped market though. One of the reasons why Sony can claim this is because they have taken other markets more seriously now while still trying to hold onto their roots in Japan. You notice a lot of their games don't come across as region specific either which really helps on a worldwide scale. The only real weakness I see is maybe a aaa JRPG type game but today you need to market globally.

UCForce2157d ago (Edited 2157d ago )

Well, Sony is supporting Chinese game company. Sooner or later, Chinese gaming industry will start to show in public. It’s slow and it’s growing.

MuddyWaters2157d ago

"Well, Sony is supporting Chinese game company. Sooner or later, Chinese gaming industry will start to show in public. It’s slow and it’s growing."

So how does that argue against what I said about an untapped market when you just admitted it's slow but growing? That's really the same thing so I'm not sure why you or someone else decided to disagree with me.

Eldyraen2157d ago

Ubisoft Shanghai is the largest dev studio I can think of out of China, that targets the western market anyways. Maybe I just can’t remember where some others are based out of though as it’s literally in their name for them.

Araragifeels 2156d ago

Actually Japan Studio is making a game aimed for China market and is releasing worldwide. The game was about a god monkey, I think name Goku or something related like that. They even show a gameplay last year which look pretty good.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2156d ago
Eldyraen2157d ago

Ubisoft has two major Teams in Asia, Shanghai and Singapore, with several smaller ones (support or mobile/handheld usually). Ubisoft though loves to cross-team develop like you alluded to but Shanghai has had some greats under its belt. Think Singapore’s first big lead might be skulls and bones though. They’ve done support pretty well however.

Hope it doesn’t turn into Andromeda-like fiasco as that game was sort of a Bioware support team given lead for its first title too. I’m not expecting as much from s&B though as it is a new ip and sounds less large scale (Me:A being a pretty big game, even with its flaws).

2157d ago Replies(1)
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Summer Game Fest 2024 and games conference schedule: All conference dates, times and streams

A schedule for all of the currently announced game conferences in June 2024, including the Summer Game Fest 2024 date and times.

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Lightning7711h ago

For the first time in a long time I have a hard time feeling excited for these events. Maybe it's because of all these massive lay offs and closures there hasn't exactly been good news since the start of the year.

Maybe come next week I'll get a little more excited but I dunno I just can't get too excited right now

thorstein9h ago

Maybe it will be an indie showcase.

Cacabunga4h ago

Cancelling e3 and introducing some ridiculous events..
Times have changed.. to the worse

Lightning773h ago(Edited 3h ago)

Back then it was very exciting, great looking trailers, on stage live gameplay where yes things can and have went wrong but that's how we knew it was a real games being played instead of curated footage extra doctored up that didn't even represent the actual game half the time. Games would release 6 months to a year max not 3 years later.

I miss past E3's even the goofiness like Giant enemy crab or Riiiidge Raceeer. Xbox and Kinect glitching Nintendo's craziness. Again it was real, these days there so protective, clean, doctored sets, where nothing can absolutely go wrong. Too strict and professional with heavy PR babble with buzzwords that mean nothing. Being professional is not bad but when it's fake and corporate heavy where you're made to buy into the words rather than the game, that's how you know it's not real.

Now SFG is just sizzle reeling all the games at once. Plus past SGF events haven't been that great either. Maybe that's not Geoffs fault but the pubs and devs are simply never ready to show anything and have to wait. This gen we've been waiting and waiting for these games.

Plus lay offs as I Mentioned. I dunno Geoff needs to do what made E3 great back then, get funding support and do live stage gameplay he has the support and so why not? Pubs and devs need to do their own thing at the event again. No more doctored bull crap with PR diarrhea trying to sell the game show us with a controller in your hand instead of making empty promises.

Rant over.

Cacabunga3h ago(Edited 3h ago)


I will never forget the pre-e3 one year where Kojima was teasing MGS Rising.. and Peace Walker.

Such an incredible period where studios enjoyed what they were doing and teasing their work weeks before the event.

Nowadays is half baked games, cross gen titles, useless mid gen upgrades. There is no hype anymore.
Last great show I remember is the PS EXPERIENCE maybe 3 or 4 years ago in December

gleepot2h ago

Maybe it's because Keighley sucks and never puts on good showcases.

Lightning771h ago

They aren't geoffs games he's not makin it. Though you're half right, he has the stage and events and controls the pace, how the games are shown and presented. If I was him I would have devs have real gameplay with a stage like how E3 used to be.

No more of this curated pre done footage that we've had in the past 4 years.

Actually before that they've been doing that format for awhile. Cyber Punk being the biggest culprit of that format because you can easily deceive and lie to ppl.

Yeah Geoff is half to blame

isarai6h ago

Is it just me or is there little to no buzz or marketing leading up to this compared to previous SGF?

monkey6022h ago

Because they've been consistently boring for the last couple of years. Hard to get worked up for it now

bRuud833h ago

Where is Sony? Still no news about the next Playstation showcase.

VR23h ago

It'll be June sometimes no doubt, I'm guessing the Saturday 10th the day after Xbox showcase or maybe sometime the following week

Lightning771h ago

Hopefully early next week at this point they are signed to SGF so they'll be there.

I also said in another post it's rumored to be a State Of Play now. The only AAA's I can see being announced now is Ghost 2 and Bends New game.

I can't see Santa Monica's New IP or ND New IP being announced. I can see GG being there announcing leggo Horizon, Zero Dawn remake or remaster, maybe the LS horizon game.

Skuletor43m ago

After the way they rudely hurried people off the stage at The Game Awards, I won't bother watching any of the streams for this. I'll just checkout out a few game trailers on Youtube after they're uploaded there.


Boosteroid Plans On Adding More AAAA Titles Exclusively To The Service

The VP of Marketing at Boosteroid revealed that the company is in talks with major publishers to secure exclusive games on the service.

Relientk771d 18h ago

So they're adding Skull and Bones to their service? That doesn't seem exciting at all lol.


The DevGAMM conference is returning to Lisbon (Portugal) on November 14th, 2024

"Following a great event in November of last year, DevGAMM Lisbon is coming back to the beautiful and sunny Cascais region to catch up with old friends, connect with game developers from around the world, hear from seasoned professionals, and have a great time all around." - DevGAMM.