
Is Sony Getting Cocky Again?

After the lack of new announcements at E3 2018, the abysmal press conference presentation, and the Fortnite account debacle, Sony seems to be in hot water as of late. Are they getting cocky? Game Savvy discusses.

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JaguarEvolved2179d ago

They never acted cocky. People who were too poor to afford a ps3 at launch just were upset they were told to get another job to be afford a ps3 when they wanted to get a premium console for shillings. Sony not wanting cross-play on fortnite with other console is because they have a player base that is bigger than switch and Xbox combined and they don't want to lose money by encouraging players to play elsewhere. It's funny to see people crying about cross-play as if they have any rights to tell a company like Sony how they should lose money

BiggerBoss2179d ago

If Sony is being "cocky" right now, then I'm fine with that.

Just compare the Xbox 2018 lineup with the PS4's:

Sea of Thieves
State of decay 2
Forza Horizon 4


Detroit: Become Human

Obviously, I've left some PS4 exclusives off, but I feel like this list speaks for itself.

ClanPsi12178d ago

@BiggerBoss I can't tell if you're agreeing or disagreeing? All of those XBox games are f*cking garbage.

Kiwi662178d ago

So telling people to get a second job if they want to buy a console isn't cocky ?

TekoIie2178d ago

"They never acted cocky. People who were too poor to afford a ps3 at launch just were upset they were told to get another job to be afford a ps3 when they wanted to get a premium console for shillings."

I'm 100% convinced you're a child now. I was a teenager back then and even remember the how ridiculous the PS3 pricing was.

Ever heard of the Xbox Wii60 thing going round at that time? You know cuz it's kinda cocky to price your system so high that its better to just buy both of your competitors systems for a similar price.

2178d ago
S2Killinit2178d ago

how is Sony being "cocky"... quality journalism right there.

outsider16242178d ago (Edited 2178d ago )

Sorry, but telling people to get another job so you can buy a ps3 is cocky to me. Sony got arrogant with that. Yes it was expensive because of bluray but you dont need to tell people "you want a ps4, get another job".

BlackTar1872178d ago

It's so insane that most of you reference a quote that is not only the wrong context but also not even the real quote.

2178d ago
Kribwalker2178d ago

“It's funny to see people crying about cross-play as if they have any rights to tell a company like Sony how they should lose money”

So what about all the people that cry about games as a service? What right do they have to tell a company like Warnerbros how they should lose money?

thisismyaccount2178d ago

KKK never said you should get a 2nd job. He said ppl would work harder, going the extra mile for a PS3 due it being a novelty and a premium product (at that time).

The Wood2178d ago

Cocky like Ronaldo. . .star player who produces the goods year on year or cocky like the guy with a big mouth always talking themselves up but flatter to deceive. . . .🤔

If the games and consistency of quality I'm getting constitutes as Sony being cocky then stay that way. . .

Personally I think they can do better in a few aspects but if I had to grade Sony on faults vs positives this gen, they're definitely on the positive end of the spectrum. .

Let those who prefer the other console continue to use their energy on Sony whilst ignoring glaring issues of their preferred.

Segata2178d ago

If Nintendo can afford crossplay then so can Sony.

RauLeCreuset2177d ago

"If Nintendo can afford crossplay then so can Sony."

What? Nintendo would benefit from sharing customers with competitors' larger online customer bases. Sony would not benefit from sharing customers with competitors' smaller customer bases.

Say I run a barbershop and have 100 clients. One of my competitors has 30 clients and another 20. My competitors are pressuring me to participate in a rewards program that would pool our customers and offer them incentives for patronizing any of our shops. There is no revenue sharing agreement, so whichever of the three shops a customer visits keeps all of the revenue from that customer. I also find out the shop with 30 clients won't be pooling all 30 of their clients (in the same way MS' Live Gold paywall means they're only contributing their Gold members). That benefits my competitors, not me.

2177d ago
letsa_go2177d ago (Edited 2177d ago )

@Kribwalker What is your obsession with GaaS? You and your xbox friends seem to be the only ones gushing about it. You guys are the only ones that want to play a single game for years, getting drip-fed content like you are lab rats running on a treadmill. What is wrong with you guys???

Imalwaysright2177d ago

"Next gen doesn't start until we say so"

The Wood2177d ago (Edited 2177d ago )

Rrod is within the failure rate

You can't just flick a switch

deal with it

Aceman182177d ago

All these companies have been cocky at some point no point in trying to single out just one company.

Yes Sony said get a 2nd job for ps3 lol

MS told ppl if they can't play online for X1 there's always the 360 lol.

Can't remember ninty comment but I'm sure they've made plenty of cocky statements lol.

I will also support Sony/Nintendo because they always provide me with the games I love.

The original xbox was my favorite console from MS because there were a lot of games I loved, but these last two consoles have left me wanting. Hopefully MS can show me something that will get me interested again.

Aceman182177d ago


Please stop with that nonsense NO racing game no matter how well it plays will never be overall game of the year for the entire year, unless there were no other games of worth that released that year.

So forza horizon will not be beating the likes of spiderman, god of war, rdr2, far cry 5, and I think AC for game of the year this year.

I truly believe that the fanboys here from each side make the actual true fans of these companies look real bad.

KickSpinFilter2177d ago (Edited 2177d ago )

The lackadaisical nature of fixing CC PS3 Hack, telling people to get another job is the pinnacle of being Cocky.
Cross Play I understand, but that is not the issue with Fortnite.
The issue with Fortnite is Sony locking your progression to Sony.
I get it that Sony want's to make money on MT's absolutely, as they should.
It would be fine if MT's that were bought on Sony only worked on PS4/PC as long as progression was not tied.
And that is where people have the issue not cross play.
And before you even say it I am a PS4 only not playing Fortnite user.
PS2 into PS3 Sony was cocky
360 into XB1 MS was cocky.
Wii into WiiU Nin was cocky.
Next Gen who knows? Hopefully they have all learned their lessons.

AmUnRa2177d ago (Edited 2177d ago )

As an PSgamer i disagree with you.

Yes they where cocky round the launch of the PS3. They thought the PS2 was a succes so the PS3 will also be a succes, even when it was expensive at launch.
So that backfired in the first years of the PS3, but first eating the humble pie and than the dedication of delevering AAA exclusive games only playable on Playstation saved theyr ass.

Are they cocky now? Why because they dont want crosplay with the xbox and the switch? No they are not cocky, just protecting there marketshare, just like Microsoft did with the Xbox360.

gamer78042177d ago

Its purely money driven correct. They should remove their slogan "for the players" though. Eventually arrogance leads to downfall, it's crazy how quickly companies forget when they are on top, before they get knocked down.

Muzikguy2177d ago

It’s a sad state of affairs when telling the truth is being cocky. Why don’t people complain about the opposing sides of these arguments? There’s NOTHING cocky about speaking the truth. Also funny that people are hearing what was said wrong. It was never “get a second job””. They’re not being cocky now either. This Fortnite thing is getting so old.




I believe that’s the idea.

thepluggy2177d ago

you sound like a corporate cunt,lol

babadivad2177d ago

I can't believe people are seriously arguing that Sony wasn't cocky at the begining of the PS3 launch.

dantesparda2177d ago

The only "cocky" motherf-ers I see is MS with their non stop talk of how the X is more powerful and therefore the "best place to play" bs and Nintendo with their ridiculously overcocky attitude about how good they are when they arent with their underpowered and overpriced system.

I dont think most of you even know what cocky means.

Sweetbrandigirl2177d ago

I agree completely Sony has the biggest player base AKA the PlayStation Nation and their NOT looking to share them with anyone nor should they. They have spent billions and decades building the playstation nation and have every right to keep them to themselves.

+ Show (26) more repliesLast reply 2177d ago
affrogamer2179d ago

If this is what they call "cocky" imagine the exclusives they would be pumping out when they get desperate

BiggerBoss2179d ago

Exactly, right??

If the most recent God Of War game is Sony being "cocky", then what does that say??

Pantz2177d ago

More AI companion uncharted clones?

Spartacus102177d ago

Sony have far more highly rated exclusives and launched loads more new IP's on the PS3 than they have with the PS4.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2177d ago
SuperSonic912178d ago

No. They have gotten wiser and smarter with all the lessons learned about the giant such as Microsoft on their throats 24/7.
Sony is not budging even an inch with their hard earned championship.
Heres for another grandslam with the PS5.

WilliamSheridan2178d ago

Definitely cocky but they have already more than won this generation. The next move that matters isn't until the release of the next systems, the power of them and the price point.

rainslacker2177d ago

I had to laugh at the description. Sony is getting plenty of heat over fortnite...although I'm not entirely convinced it's all on them.

Plenty of people complained about the presentation format of e3....even Sony fans.

People let the games slide some because they were still some of the best showings of e3, even though we knew about them.

None of the above implies they're being cocky, and if them being cocky means they keep.making great games and a capable system, then let them be cocky

MattE2177d ago

100% they are.. and in fairness they only got going when Uncharted 4 was released.. So what like 3 years of good games? Anything before that was dry. They need to be careful as I can see the start of this media/consumer sway already happening. Media goodwill can be taken back and passed out to another company just like that and we all know why this is important going by this gen

salmonade2177d ago

You deluded speculation means F all. Media goodwill comes with amazing games. It comes with a company taking risks and investing their money in new IP that people acttually love and are happy with. Shut up with your BS

MattE2177d ago

Truth is sometimes hard to accept

rainslacker2177d ago

3 years of a currently 4-1/2 year generation? and of course, the 1-1/2 year of decent to really good games before that. A couple misses in there for sure, but Sony still had more first party output in the first year and a half than they've ever had in the past.

Why is it always said that Sony didn't have any good games in the first year and a half? I:SS and First light were good, although not as good as the predecessors. DriveClub was really good except for the launch problems which didn't last that long, and really didn't affect the SP. Knack was decent enough for a launch title, although nothing to write home about. Of course Bloodborne...although that was 2nd party. LBP3 was OK.

Why is there always this narrative that Sony somehow sucks the first year or two? They may not have the same output as later, but they still had plenty of good games.

You're right that the truth is sometimes hard to accept. But what's easy to reject is the complete hyperbole based off subjective notions that Sony had no good games. That's just something that people like to use until they realize that it's not working to use that argument anymore. For a Sony first year, they did better than ever before, and really, better than most consoles in the history of console launches.

GNCFLYER2177d ago

Aaron greenburg was cocky. Sony doesn't act that way.

DJ_Professor_K2177d ago (Edited 2177d ago )

Naaaa it’s a big difference between cocky and confidence this is not that

3-4-52177d ago

There is no reason ever to be cocky or arrogant. That is different than confidence.

Arrogance and cockiness are signs of weakness and ignorance.

They have been full of themselves this entire gen, but a lot of Sony fans seem jsut as elitist as Sony seems to be.....like they are too good for everyone else or superior to everyone.

Nobody in any group likes people like that, aside from other people like that.

Sony has been wrong this entire gen about this cross play and this is only the latest incident.

There have been games accidentally launched with cross play turned on where players could briefly play as Xbox players against Sony players.....and then Sony cuts that signal off the next day once they find it out..

The option for it is there...it's easy and simple, but they think they are above everyone else.

Ok you won the sales numbers this gen, but that isn't a guarantee going into next gen, and they could very well be damaging their rep for next gen.

They won't have the lead against Xbox next gen they has this gen, as Microsoft isn't going to make the same mistake twice and will have a very powerful machine to rival the PS5.

Next gen will be interesting when they both re-start again on an even playing field.

I doubt Sony fans want to be mad at their favorite company, but you have to call out BS for what it is, regardless of company.

Microsoft & Nintendo get called out for their BS.....why not Sony?

Checks and balances are good for all.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2177d ago
-Foxtrot2179d ago (Edited 2179d ago )

Not really, people just exaggerating little...you'd know if they were getting cocky. Although even today you still get misheard stuff from 2006 like how people keeping going on about how Sony told us all to get "two jobs" for the PS3 when really if you read the interview the guy said "It's so good you'll WANT to go out to get two jobs"...not making it right but not as bad as them arrogantly telling us like people make out, even still today.

However recently...

E3 - The did tell us a month ahead there was only going to be 4 big games shown, the intermission crap is what people need to focus on but in terms of content they did tell us it wouldn't be the same kind of show like other E3's. I don't know what else to say really.

Fortnite - Like I've said we don't know what really goes on behind closed doors and don't know the full situation. Do Sony need to work on a compromise for these features? Of course. Do we really need it to the point where it's killing them slowly as each day passes? Not really.

2178d ago Replies(3)
UltraGaming2177d ago

The biggest complaint about fortnite is that if you bought the content on pc and play on pc then tried the game on ps4 that content you purchased on pc is locked to ps4, you then cant play on switch or xbox with content you purchased on pc. If you buy content on pc then play on xbox and then get a switch your content moves with you regardless of platform. Only with ps4 is the content locked even though it was originally bought on pc. I dont really care either way about fortnite as I dont play it but I can understand why people are annoyed if they spent the cash on pc

RauLeCreuset2177d ago

That's understandable, but the anger has been rolled up in this MS inspired campaign to attack Sony on cross-play when that energy would be better spent questioning Epic. Epic knew the terms. They knew Sony didn't approve cross-play between consoles. They knew that and knew there were certain conditions they had to meet if they wanted to do business on PS to respect Sony's position. The implementation of what they were promising was all on them; it was their responsibility to inform the customers. I still don't see why Epic can't just do a one time free of charge gift of locked content to the new accounts of anyone with a verified PS4 linked account. But I also don't see many people asking that question amid the furor to bash Sony.

UltraGaming2177d ago

Epic can probably sort it quite easily but all the publicity for fortnite is fantastic

rainslacker2177d ago

I don't know if it can be sorted out easily. Content on PSN is controlled pretty heavily by Sony. The only instances I know of where you can buy content off of PSN and use it on PSN is for games like FFXIV, where those agreements were made ahead of release of the game.

Epic probably can sort it out, but I still don't think cross buy with extra content is going to happen based on the standard compliance standards that exist for Sony.

CaptainOmega2179d ago

They are not getting cocky.

Sigh. Yoshida said there are still unannounced games.
The conference wasn't abysmal. The intermission was weak, but it did great after that.

This was an E3 for Sony to show 4 big exclusives, (and you're really going to complain about PS not having any announcements when MS had them all, and other devs decided not to come to E3? That again doesn't make any sense. It would be like complaining at a kid for not doing his homework when every pencil/pen in the city was moved to a different place that was inaccessible.

aconnellan2177d ago

I’m not disagreeing with you there, but it’s worth pointing out that if MS only showed ‘4 big games’ then they would have been absolutely destroyed.

Talks of them having no games and even worse third party support are what we’d be seeing in the comments instead of this

CaptainOmega2177d ago

I disagree. If they did the Forza Horizon 4 gameplay demo, Gears of War 5 gameplay demo, Halo Infinite Demo, and a Crackdown 3 MP demo, it would have been a great E3 for MS.

GaboonViper2179d ago

I wouldn't say cocky but they are in such a strong position i hope they don't start relying on COD and FIFA like MS did during 2010-2014, i want them to continue with provoiding gamers with the best exclusives on the market and i'm sure many feel the same and don't want cocky Sony back again.

Sevir2179d ago

They showed a closer look at 4 games all coming to The system... Actually... 6 there were 6 major AAA PS4 exclusives from Sony's first party. Dreams, Days Gone, LOU2, Spider-Man, Ghost and Death Stranding.... Dreams was featured during every transition, Days Gone was on the show floor and got a release date, and the latter 4 were deep dives, something they came out and said would be the main focus of their conference...

The pacing was the downer to an otherwise spot on conference.

BlackTar1872178d ago

When has Sony not delivered on content? I'll wait cause it was never, all ps systems start slow and then get rolling at incredible AAA state. Since ps1 and it will be the same with ps5. You should always own a Sony console because they provide the in years 2-6

Mr Marvel2179d ago (Edited 2179d ago )

If by cocky, you mean showing gameplay for the 3 most impressive games at the show, then I guess so.
TLoU2, Ghost of Tsushima and Spider-man all showed us why Sony is so far ahead of the competition.
Add to that the RE2 announcement and the weird as F (but stunning) Death Stranding, and it doesn’t look like the PS4 is slowing down anytime soon.

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anast2d ago

So far, it doesn't look like it.

dumahim2d ago

I dunno. Might actually be better than Forza Motorsport 2023 was at launch.

dumahim2d ago


Yes. All of the ones on Xbox since the beginning. I even have the original Best Buy demo copy and FM2 limited edition that they didn't even sell in the US.

BeHunted1d 21h ago

Did you actually read the article? They're talking about open world games like Forza Horizon, The Crew, etc. Not circuit racers; otherwise, they'd mention Gran Turismo.

MrBaskerville1d 15h ago

Unpopular opinion it seems. But yeah, Forza Motorsport was the worst game in the series since Forza Motorsport 5. Huge letdown. Did they ever rework it? absolutely hated the campaign progression and the rpg systems relating to upgrading cars. Ended up just going back to 6 and 7 instead, those two also had a LOT more stages.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1d 15h ago
Jingsing2d ago

Only a competitor if your game works fully offline and isn't some service.

DigitallyAfflicted2d ago

it sounds like this game is stuck in last generation.

Skuletor2d ago

Personally, I wouldn't want my game compared with The Crew at all, I certainly wouldn't be the one making the comparison either.

ElaBosak2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

How so? It's a very successful and popular racing franchise. Any game entering the genre is competing with racing games including The Crew.

Skuletor1d 23h ago

It wasn't very long ago Ubisoft shutdown the original The Crew's servers, making every copy unplayable. I wouldn't want to be associated with that controversy.

ElaBosak1d 6h ago

Yeah, they shut it down because the community has moved on other entries. And there's no controversy outside of your tiny social bubbles.

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