
So Who Won E3 2018?

Now that the dust has settled, it's time to look at the week's biggest winners and losers.

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Zodiac2185d ago

Microsoft has the best conference, overall, however that is just in terms of presentation. In terms of games, this year's E3 just kinda came and went and I'm not rushing to Youtube to rewatch trailers or constantly refreshing gaming sites to look for new info. It came and went, there were some cool announcements and some nice in depth looks at Smash and the titles from Sony. Nintendo pretty much advertised 2019 E3 with all the missing titles this year and I'm expecting Sony to show off more of their core titles as Gamescon. Microsoft is clearly in a rebuilding the brand phase and that is commendable.

I think Bethesda did really well.

JaguarEvolved2185d ago

Look at the last of us 2, ghost of tsushima, Spiderman and death stranding then compare the games and gameplay to what Microsoft showed or what Nintendo showed. Sony PlayStation showed the best games. The last of us 2 is the best game showed at e3 and basically ended e3.

Zodiac2185d ago

“The Last of Us 2 is the best game showed at e3 and basically ended e3”

Calm down. It looks great and will be great, but it’s more of the same, as was most of e3 this year. I thought most of the companies were pretty reserved in what they wanted to show.

darthv722185d ago

If it were about cinematics, then Sony won, If it were about overall presentation, flow and surprising announcements, then MS won.

Sony showed more actual gameplay while MS showed never before seen game trailers and their announcement of 5 new 1st party studios was the real surprise. Especially since most anyone talked about was shutting down studios or canceling titles. MS had a very redeeming show while Sony played it safe. But then again Sony has their own dedicated show they use to really showcase things so this E3 is no surprise.

JaguarEvolved2185d ago (Edited 2185d ago )

Microsoft showed mostly games you'll be able to play on the ps4. Thei tactics were mostly trying to mislead people by making people think they actually have exclusive games you'll be only be able to play on the Xbox just like last year. A lot of people are mostly praising Microsoft for acquiring new studios because that'll lead to exclusive titles but the thing is that all Microsoft games will be playable on pc going forward. Sony has the exclusives now and they'll continue to do so but because it's already expected of Sony to have exclusives it's not a big deal.

Microsoft gets points for attempting to do something about exclusives so they get credit for things they haven't been doing. It's silly because it's pure deflection when owning studios doesn't necessarily mean amazing exclusives coming because they've owned a lot over the years but chose to release halo, gears Forza on a constant. I can't give Microsoft credit for buying studios because it doesn't mean anything when they haven't any games. Look at what Microsoft has on the horizon for the next year or two then loom at what Sony has andbyoull see that Microsoft can't compete with Sony

2185d ago
Army_of_Darkness2185d ago

Who cares about overall presentation. It's the actual games that count and Sony dominated with their exclusives! MS had more games shown but they were all nearly forgettable in comparison . Tlou2 murdered the competition ;)

fathertime44642185d ago

Two games you listed have been at how many e3's now 2 or 3. So they got 2 new games announced, not 4

S2Killinit2185d ago (Edited 2185d ago )

Yes Sony’s offerring are on a different level, and it was great to see them in dept, but since we knew about them, something was missing and that was suprises. Sony held back the games, and i wasnt a fan of the pacing.

MS had great presentation (as always) with little to no must have games (as always).

Didnt watch Nintendo but i heard it was also lackluster.

Over all, Sony won on merits, but lost on showmanship. MS won on showmanship and lost on games. And like i said i didnt see Ninty’s show.

Vegamyster2185d ago

What was great about Death Stranding exactly? It was literately just Norman Reedus walking around for 6-7 minutes with a little bit of paranormal stuff with no context as to what's happening, i understand it's Kojima but it'd be nice to know what the game actually is. Personally Sekiro Shadows Die Twice from Fromsoftware is the game that got me the most excited, mainly because i love the Souls/Bourne style of gameplay

TheGoodestBoi2185d ago

"If it were about cinematics Sony would have won"
You couldn't be more off the mark. Just about every game they showcased had gameplay, whereas for the Microsoft conference so many games were cinematic trailers with no Ganeplay (Halo, Battle toads, Cyberpunk...)

conanlifts2185d ago

Sony PlayStation showed the best exclusives, though I am uncertain about a postal horror sim. Ghosts of Tsushima and TLOU2 are 2 of the best games from E3. But the conference itself was pretty dull. I enjoyed microsofts more, but was also left more disappointed from MS than from any other company. They literally showed nothing new except a clip from gears. They also confirmed that they were trying to produce more games, but it looks like these will be part of Xbox 2 so what about those that purchased an X? will it be supported with Xbox 2? There are a lot of unanswered questions.

Overall this seemed like a pretty uneventful E3.

XentaJones2185d ago

Most games we have seen before, knew about and still dont have a release date.

Tobse2185d ago

Ms showed 50 games, they had the better ones by far.

TallonIV2185d ago

Nah, Ubisoft won E3, Sony's conference was a snore fest.

morganfell2185d ago

"If it were about cinematics, then Sony won, If it were about overall presentation, flow and surprising announcements, then MS won. "

Ha ha ha, funniest comment of the day. Do you know the definition of cinematics? Sony were the ones demoing actual gameplay. Not sure which presentation you watched but you are obviously one of those persons hypnotized by marketing and distraction handwaving in the form of a selection of MULTIPLATFORM TRAILERS. Presentation is nothing but marketing. A gamer should be smart enough to see through that and look at what matters. The games. Sony was the one demoing their titles, showing core gameplay instead of trailers.

strifeblade2185d ago

Actually msoft took away a ps exclusive. Nier. And took the developers of hell blade- aka never seeing another hell blade game on ps again! And Forza ofcourse the is nothing from play station racing that can compete for a while now both Motorsport or Horizon series.

darthv722184d ago



relating to motion pictures.
"cinematic output"
synonyms: realistic · true to life · representational · faithful · authentic · exact · precise · detailed · vivid · graphic · natural · naturalistic · convincing · undistorted · photographic · cinematic · [more]
having qualities characteristic of motion pictures.
"the cinematic feel of their video"

Sony showed very scripted demos of the gameplay, ergo it had a very cinematic vibe... That isnt a bad thing, that's just how it was. I did not see every detail so I might have missed the guy on stage actually playing, but then again on YT they zoom in to show only the footage, not the whole stage if the guy was there with controller in hand.

You take things too literal sometimes. Just accept that what i said was true. "Sony showed more actual gameplay while MS showed never before seen game trailers"

Nintentional2184d ago (Edited 2184d ago )

Death Stranding: walking sim, Last of Us 2: scripted gameplay, Spiderman 2: looks alright, but come on. It’s Spiderman 🙄🤦🏻‍♂️ 😂 it’s not like it’s a new Jak and Daxter, Medieval, Legend of Dragoon, or another lit entry in a Sony franchise or new interesting IP

Edit: Ghost of Tsushima: stiff looking character animations and gameplay. The best game Sony showed at their event wasn’t even a Sony exclusive. It was RE2 remake.

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 2184d ago
DarkVoyager2185d ago (Edited 2185d ago )

Microsoft had the best E3. Most agree.


DarkVoyager2185d ago

It’s just posted on Reddit. It’s from the YouTube E3 poll.

Omegasyde2185d ago

Nah Bethesda won E3.

If they took out the stuff they showed at Microsoft and showed it at thiers it would be pure win.

Sony was boring (no big surprises), Microsoft had same old (new halo,gears forza...), and Nintendo was crap.

ClanPsi12185d ago

From a completely unbiased source, /r/Xboxone, no less. Impressive. Surely that's at least 98% of not only E3 viewers, but gamers all around the world in general.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2185d ago
Zodiac2185d ago (Edited 2185d ago )

if we factor in Nintendo having a Splatoon 2 and Smash Bros tournament as part of their “conference”, then I might have to take back Microsoft having the best show.

That could be seen as evening the playing field in terms of a a performance show.

ABizzel12185d ago

Depends on what you consider a win

Best Conference (aka best performance) = Microsoft
Best Games / Content (which matters the most IMO) = Sony

Overall this E3 was a disappointment.

hench072185d ago

As everyone has said MS by country mile

ClanPsi12185d ago

Missing titles? Both Octopath Traveller and Smash Bros. are coming out this year. That's more than enough for me next to Valkyria Chronicles 4.

Nintentional2184d ago

Spoke the truth, yet you got 43 fanboys disagreeing with you, bro 🤦🏻‍♂️

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2184d ago
gangsta_red2185d ago

Since I only watched the MS, Sony and Nintendo my opinion will be based on those three.

Nintendo had some good games but it seemed like it was over before it started. I was really hoping to see some more from them as I have always enjoyed their approach to presentations for E3 in the past few years. But this year was underwhelming, the Mech game and Smash were stand outs but I was really hoping for some surprises like Mother 3 (finally). Unfortunately their presentation lacked and I heard that they will have some more announcements over the next three days...hopefully.

Sony's presentation was also a strange one and even though it was good it wasn't exciting. I've said in the past that games should be shown with actual gameplay at these events, unfortunately the games Sony showed all had a common theme that doesn't make for great watching, sneak, hide, sneak, hide, walk, sneak. With the exception of Spider-Man this is pretty much how a lot of Sony's game played out during the presentation. Ghosts was also underwhelming, the graphics looked great but for me being a sci-fi/fantasy guy there just wasn't anything too appealing other than the violence. But, Spider-Man on the other side was fantastic that was definitely a game I would get 1st day.

Microsoft hands down took E3 this year. They had the most to prove with the over whelming criticisms they received. They addressed all their problems on stage, acquiring more first party studios and announcing another console was in development. The games they showed off were much more impressive with their presentation too, Dying Light 2 and Cyberpunk instantly comes to mind. Their ID@Xbox game montage was very good, Gears 5 looked really good and Gears Tactics was incredible (even if only for PC), and there's a skate board game which was surprising since I had forgotten this use to be a thing, plus Battletoads, finally. MS pretty much nailed the format down this year.

Zodiac2185d ago

"Unfortunately their presentation lacked and I heard that they will have some more announcements over the next three days...hopefully"

They usually do announce things during the Treehouse events. Some of them are very welcomed surprises, but It's never anything "main E3 direct worthy" or else they would have always included these in the main presentation.

LOGICWINS2185d ago

I agree that Microsoft took it this year. Of all three conferences, they showed that they have the best "long-term" plan. Game Pass is the best value in console gaming and Microsoft proved that they want to fight to be on the same level of Sony in terms AAA exclusives.

TFJWM2185d ago

How are they going to fight on the same level as PS exclusives when they bought their own 2nd party studios and AA?

Sony proved they have the best "long-term" plan because they have 8+ studios that didn't show anything and will all be making their games for next gen...

blackblades2185d ago

Define e3, I mean it seams everyone are focused on the conference instead of the actual e3 it self. Playing the demos seeing gameplay, getting info enjoying themselves etc... E3 can't be based on a conference but the whole 4 days of e3. Anyways since I'm not there I seen some good gameplay of some games on you tube they all looking good though.

gangsta_red2185d ago

I am for certain the article and people here are referring to the conferences.

Zodiac2185d ago

Exactly. I completely left that out of my original comment up top. Nintendo has three days of Treehouse and had world tournaments for Splatoon and Smash. That is quite a presence outside of the core presentation.

Razzer2185d ago (Edited 2185d ago )

Agree for the most part. I think Bethesda had the best overall, but between MS and Sony, MS won. Sony didn't have the wow announcements. Laydon said to not expect them and he was right. Sony has the best lineup of games. Not even close. But we saw more of what we already know is coming and very little else. From the standpoint of good show with a polished delivery as well as generating excitement and new reveals, MS did the better job.

I didn't see the Nintendo thing. From what I've read, I didn't miss much.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2185d ago
maybelovehate2185d ago

Lots of games to be excited about. Most of which are multi-platform. Shadows Die Twice and Kingdom Hearts were my favorites of all shown. Really like the direction Assassins Creed is heading too. Doesn't feel like an AC game, maybe more of an RPG but I think this is good. That series needs a shakeup.

Themba762185d ago

sony had far better games %70 of the games microsoft showed i can play on my ps4

blackblades2185d ago

Look at the headlines nothing but sony like always, why because the games.

AngelicIceDiamond2185d ago

That's true. I mean its no secret Sony and MS share majority of the same games library.

Tobse2185d ago

If a show with not a single surprise is winning while showing the same games we have already seen multiple times and will see even more in the coming conferences.... Its a bit sad isnt it?

SR388132185d ago

None were great, Sony did that lil bit better, Ninty only had smash and Xbox had a ok E3

solideagle2185d ago

As usual Gamers won Tehehehe :D

Segata2185d ago

Ninty had Armored Core. Screw smash.

Chevalier2184d ago

Daemon x Machina is being made by the guy who made Armor Core 2 and 3 I think and some Front Mission games and Shoji Kawamori legendary mech designer is designing the mechs. Looks pretty awesome.

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