
Microsoft: Crackdown 3 will launch in February 2019, more info to arrive at E3

Microsoft has confirmed to us that Crackdown 3 is now targetting a new launch date, early in 2019.

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Gazondaily2164d ago

Well there you go. Feb 19- no cancellations. More info at E3. Lets see if the delay can help spruce up the game's polish.

Oh and the cloud. ;)

2164d ago Replies(12)
Vandamme212164d ago ShowReplies(3)
RainbowBrite2164d ago

No cancellations. I wouldn't bet on that? after how many times? I loss the count

mandingo2164d ago

Can’t see why they would cancel it after pouring this much money and resources into the game.

killswitch802164d ago

you mean like fable legends and scalebound mandingo

rpvenom2164d ago

Oh thank god, I was worried this game would come out soon..

KickSpinFilter2164d ago

Oh that's not a bad delay, almost would not even call it one.

Christopher2164d ago

Uh, wut?

It's the second delay and it's delayed more than six months this time.

Hopefully it's a good delay, but my interest is at zero now. At least it can only go up from there.

KickSpinFilter2164d ago (Edited 2164d ago )

From the last delay.lol
Honestly was really looking forward to this when it was first announced, but over the years with seeing game play last year, it looks pretty bad, if anything the delay will be good for it. Time will tell.

Hungryalpaca2164d ago

I’m pretty sure no one cares about the cloud at this point.

TheCommentator2164d ago

They will when CD3 launches and proves that it works just fine.

Muzikguy2164d ago

I would like to think that too but people never cease to amaze me

LiamKreptic2164d ago ShowReplies(3)
SAFYIIR2164d ago Show
Christopher2164d ago

Question, are they still releasing SP and MP separately?

Gazondaily2164d ago

Didn't think that was ever the case? Not sure though tbh

gangsta_red2164d ago

Oooh yeah, that was a thing I thought I heard a while back. It would be very interesting to see if they might be still doing that.

gangsta_red2164d ago

A delayed game is a good game!


FinalFantasyFanatic2164d ago

Duke nukem, final fantasy... Not holding my breath at the moment.

notachance2164d ago

I just hope they do a stress test first for the MP part

TheCommentator2164d ago (Edited 2164d ago )

@ LiamKreptic

The game was announced four years ago but it was obviously not delayed for four years. The devs didn't spend the entire four years working on the SP either, which isn't even being handled by the same team that is making the MP. Cloudgine was being created alongside the MP from the beginning, so CD3 helped Cloudgine prototype their engine.

Furthermore, Septic was not supporting the game with quotes like, "It sure as heck needs the polish. I wonder if there is enough time to change it for the better. The visuals, animations, gunplay all need re-doing imo. But that cloud tech is what I'm looking at oh yes." Septic is clearly excited about the potential of the cloud...not the current state of CD3.

strifeblade2164d ago

Give it a rest, the cloud tech has since sailed a long time ago, bring up something like that is irrelevant especially at this point of the generation. The xbox one x runs circles around the pro in terms of power, and cloud tech or no cloud tech will not change that.

URNightmare2164d ago (Edited 2164d ago )

I can't believe people is still talking cloud power lol

Still waiting for Milo, too?

trooper_2164d ago ShowReplies(2)
doggo842164d ago

Nice, after 5 short years, the mighty crackdown 3 is finally confirmed to be unleashed in February 2019

mark_parch2164d ago

i'm absolutely fine with it releasing in feb 2019 IF it turns out to be good and the cloud destruction works. If it turns out to be average after all that time then I'm going to be pretty pissed and if the cloud destruction doesn't work then Microsoft have flat out lied all these years. I really hope the can show something at e3 that looks much much better than the garbage from last year

Christopher2163d ago

I have zero interest in cloud destruction. Just give us a good game.

Aceman182164d ago

Even with this new delay this franchise will never be able to reach AAA status imo. It just doesnt have what it takes to do it.

ziggurcat2163d ago (Edited 2163d ago )

I think you're putting too much faith in Sumo Digital - if I am not mistaken, they did both the last LittleBigPlanet and the LBP Kart racing game... and they were buggy messes, particularly the online components (most of the time in LBP3 you could not connect to anything - at least that was the case in my experience).

The cloud won't do much if the devs are bad at online coding, which they've (Sumo Digital) proven to be the case in two games so far.

Gazondaily2163d ago

Well that's worrying. I'm more interested in the cloud tech tbh. I wish another studio could step in.

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 2163d ago
DarkVoyager2164d ago ShowReplies(7)
morganfell2164d ago

Well there you go. It was delayed despite what people were saying.

Kribwalker2164d ago

nobody was saying it wasn’t delayed, i personally was saying the delay could be good, this fall is packed and the extra time could polish it, much like days gone doing the same

morganfell2164d ago (Edited 2164d ago )

Stop acting as if it wasn't the general opinion. Look how xboxers went into full defense mode the last two times delay rumors surfaced.


Who made sure to disprove that piece that turned out to be accurate?

And be sure to keep your foot on the gas because reverse speed is normally slower than forward. Microsoft delayed the game not because of RDR2 but because it will not do what they claimed. They can pull any sleight of hand they want at E3 and say, "Look its coming right after Christmas" and it won't impact holiday sales as much. If they had launched it this fall it wasn't sales they were concerned about but rather bad press.

DigitalRaptor2164d ago (Edited 2164d ago )

Crackdown 3 wasn't supposed to release in the Fall. It was supposed to release in the Spring. Now it's coming in the Winter. So instead of an extra 4-5 months, it's now an extra 9 months. I'm pretty sure it needs more than some extra polish, you know. Since we saw what was presented of the game at at Gamescom last year it obvious needed some kind of serious overhaul, and a verified insider source over at Resetera also had this to say:

"From what I know the plan for what the cloud tech would do in that game was much, much larger in scope from when dev started to how it's used now." https://www.resetera.com/th...

So they've likely been having issues with delivering on what they've promised.

Days Gone is quite a different story. It was said the game is ahead of its development milestones in relation to the release date and its move to 2019 is purely a business decision: https://www.gamepur.com/new...

CaptainOmega2164d ago

Yup. Krib was the one who flagged the submission when Jason Schreier and Polygon had a total of 3 sources that confirmed the game was getting delayed.

MasterCornholio2164d ago (Edited 2164d ago )


We're they anonymous sources?

That could be why the article failed.


I suspected the delay had something to do with the cloud tech. As best as it is, it can't be easy to pull off.

Kribwalker2164d ago

i flagged the article because it went against the sites rules for articles. No anonymous sources for rumours. It’s in the guidelines.

Hasn’t everyone been saying MS should have delayed SOT and State of decay 2 until bugs were fixed or they added more content? Now they do that with Crackdown and they say “Our own sources familiar with Crackdown 3's development inform us that the game is coming along nicely, and Microsoft is eager to elevate Crackdown as a franchise to sit alongside the likes of Halo, Gears of War, and Forza. Hopefully, this additional delay will see Crackdown 3 get up to that level.” and it’s bad they delayed it? You guys say MS did 180s to start this gen, Now you’re doing the 180s, not even a month later. Days Gone and Crackdown 3 both delayed to make them better, ones celebrated, ones crapped on. Not to mention all the comments during the State of Decay Reviews.

Make your minds up

uptownsoul2164d ago (Edited 2164d ago )

@MasterCornholio - "anonymous sources?"

This article uses an anonymous source too…it just says "Microsoft provided us a statement".

I guess the lesson here for Jason Schreier is to be more vague…if a person working for Microsoft tells him something, he shouldn't specify that the person doesn't want to be named…Instead just say "Microsoft provided me a statement"

TheUndertaker852164d ago (Edited 2164d ago )

@uptownsoul: “Microsoft did not immediately respond to a request for comment.”
From the story you’re referring to. The original story carries literally zero references as to their sources or even where they got the information from. It even says they did not get the information from a Microsoft representative as Microsoft didn’t comment to begin with. That is literally 100% unnamed sources and the information came from a 100% anonymous source with no origination. As Krib said, 100% against the terms of N4G submission.

This story here states that a Microsoft representative passed along the information and even added that Crackdown 3 will be shown at E3.

Again, the HUGE difference is this statement originated from Microsoft. The other story had zero origination and actually comes off as completely rumor started by a writer. One that admitted to never having direct contact with Microsoft.

But that would involve individuals adhering to the TOS of the site they’re on which clearly doesn’t happen as trolls, even in this very story, are allowed to say and do whatever they please with no repercussions. After the TOS was recently changed to discourage such behavior.

EDIT: The comment below me actually proves the point. Nothing but petty crap and insisting the voice of some is the voice of all. It illustrates that certain “gamers” here are ok with the whole pack mentality, attacking freely as they’ll have the majority behind them. The downvotes illustrate as much as well when downvoting literally carries zero weight anymore yet packs of individuals will go around stories to show their displeasure. Absolutely certain some of the same created numerous accounts to do as much.

thehitman13982164d ago

No krib.... there was a LOT of fanboys saying isnt was not gonna b delayed and that everybody that was saying it was gonna be was just a troll.

Now eat crow

gangsta_red2164d ago



Krib can you imagine how God of War could have looked if Microsoft didn't set gaming back a decade!!?

DigitalRaptor2164d ago (Edited 2164d ago )

@ Kribwalker

First of all, in that initial article from Kotaku, there are definitely people doubting the delay and denying it because of reasons like them being anonymous sources. So there's that.

Secondly, who in this direct response to you has said specifically that it's fundamentally bad that the game has been delayed or delivering any kind of hypocrisy that you're trying to purport here because some truths about the game are coming out? Is it ever that simple? The only reason that the delay looks bad is because... well Xbox has already had 2 really poor games in a row this year, and now their 3rd hope has been delayed into 2019. So it's taking the good with the bad really.

I provided you with links, but you're trying to turn this around on others and make them look confused or as if they're applying the spin. Microsoft delayed CD3 to ensure quality and not embarrass themselves with another mediocre product. Sony delayed Days Gone because Spring season is a healthier and less crowded time of year to release a new AAA open-world IP, Horizon Zero Dawn very likely influenced that decision, and as was mentioned, Days Gone hit all its development milestones and didn't need the extra time. One is delayed to BE better. One is delayed to LAUNCH better. Polish can be an excuse to delay any game but only one game in this scenario actually needs the full extra 9-10 months of work.

UCForce2164d ago (Edited 2164d ago )

The game going to be delayed in first place when Jason from Kotaku had 2 sources about the game, but of course you just flagged the article.

r2oB2164d ago

Obscure Observer was in that article saying the game wasn't delayed based on Aaron Greenbergs comment. A day later, confirmed delay. Lol, wonder where he/she is at now after being so adamant yesterday.

Anyway, I'm glad the game is delayed versus being cancelled (I know a lot of people are looking forward to this game, not me personally though), just wish Microsoft extended the same courtesy to Scalebound, I was looking forward to that game and it was one of the main reasons I even bought a damn Xbox One.

Kribwalker2164d ago

“UCForce1h ago(Edited 1h ago)
The game going to be delayed in first place when Jason from Kotaku had 2 sources about the game, but of course you just flagged the article”

Anonymous sources aren’t allowed as the source of the rumour. It’s in the site rules, deal with it


they both need the extra time, and maybe MS thought the same, maybe it would be better to not just release games during the holidays (like everyone has been complaining about as well) and decided to release it in a quieter window as well.

Obscure_Observer2164d ago


I´m right here and i flagged that thread from Kotaku because the information was from unknow sources. It´s N4G rules.

And yes, i was wrong about Greenberg. I´m not ashamed to admit it.

Let´s see if fanboys will have the b@lls to admit they were wrong about the things that they been saying about this game as well.

Liqu1d2164d ago

@morganfell Lol, you exposed him pretty badly. He has a trend of trying to silence articles he doesn't like.

GameRant2164d ago

False. MANY people, especially here, denied the possibility.

Christopher2163d ago

It wasn't originally going to release in the Fall, it was slated for Sprint 2018. We were hoping Summer. No one ever thought it was a Fall game since it missed its Spring schedule.

I don't think they are pushing it past Fall because it's the Fall. I think they actually need the time, no other reason. Just getting the game out the door is a success by now (still looking at Deep Down and Wild on that front).

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 2163d ago
Xavi4K2164d ago

SO what days gone got delayed too chill as long as the game will look good thats fine plus there are many other games to make us busy from now until feb 2019 , Horizon 4 ,ori 2 ,Red dead, and Battlefiled V are some examples. On ps4 end there are Yakuza game , Ghost of Tsukisha and Spider man.

crazychris41242164d ago

Better release with no game breaking bugs or server problems

Razmiran2164d ago

Its going to have all that + microtransactions

Goldby2164d ago

The fact it's being built with unproven tech (destruction wise) it will most likely have issues at launch.

Everyone doesn't have perfect high-speed internet available. Or if it is, I. Some cases it's super expensive.

Gazondaily2164d ago

Well we can forgive it's launch problems considering the ambitious tech it's purporting to employ. It has to start somewhere.

UCForce2164d ago (Edited 2164d ago )

@Septic The problem I have with this game. MS said the destruction environment and the power of the cloud of Crackdown 3 is their system seller which I think is just BS. Red Faction Guerrilla fully destruction environment without “The Power Of The Cloud”. Now I know devs have enough time to polish Crackdown 3 to be good, but I don’t think the Power Of cloud will save this game in long run. Because people have enough of MS PR BS.

Gazondaily2164d ago

"Red Faction Guerrilla fully destruction environment without “The Power Of The Cloud”."

Lol Red Factions destruction can't be compared to this...

Liqu1d2164d ago

"Lol Red Factions destruction can't be compared to this..."

You're right, RF Guerilla's destruction actually exists.

Gazondaily2164d ago

"You're right, RF Guerilla's destruction actually exists."

So this is fake news? Well let me bookmark this and we'll see what happens come next year.

Goldby2164d ago (Edited 2164d ago )


They shouldn't have put it on a pedistal.
3x the power of an Xbox one. No real proof of that to date. Kinda reminds me of a ship that claimed it was unsinkable.

If you boast a feature to the degree they did, I'm not gonna give them the Benoit of the doubt. Ms should have been smarter about how to discuss and announce it.

Talking the talk but can they walk the walk

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2164d ago
DigitalRaptor2164d ago


Xbox has been a trainwreck this generation. What else of quality do they have for this year?

Forza Horizon 4, maybe Ori 2?

Gazondaily2164d ago

Those two are solid games. Dunno what else though.

OC_MurphysLaw2164d ago

We shall all learn what the holiday plan is this Sunday.

remixx1162164d ago

Well lets see MS e3 before we doom them gor the year, its possible they got a trick or 2

DigitalRaptor2164d ago (Edited 2164d ago )

Microsoft started releasing games outside the holiday season a bit more often, but it's sad that they can't guarantee quality in the games they've chosen to release in the Spring so far. Bit crazy that at this point in the gen, still practically a whole year goes by before quality exclusives are released. I've heard rumblings that E3 should be a pretty big deal for Xbox, and I don't doubt they'll have more announcements for games releasing this year, whether they're big or small games is yet to be seen. Should be a great few days for all.

Halo, Gears, Forza announcements. Maybe studio acquisition announcement? Ori 2 and Below release dates?

KickSpinFilter2164d ago (Edited 2164d ago )

It's smart Sony has been releasing off of Holiday for a while now and it works really well for them glad to see MS is doing the same now. Holiday AAA's are just far too many to go up against, during that quarter.

Italiano12345672164d ago

I could be wrong but i think they said ori is next year

RacerX2164d ago

I wouldnt call it a train wreck, since I've had countless hours of great playtime on my Box... But I freaking hate their "release everything during the holidays" policy so much, it will drive me to Playstation.

Chris_GTR12164d ago

how are you not already on playstation? xbox 360 was such a great console but xbox one has been a huge disappointment.

RacerX2163d ago

Honestly, I feel that we are so close the ps5 I don't wanna buy a PS4. I have my Xbox and a gaming PC, not enough time for those already... Best combo next Gen has got to be Playstation and PC.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2163d ago
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Tencent to buy Crackdown and Sackboy developer Sumo in $1.3bn deal

Tencent is set to buy Sumo Group in a deal worth $1.27bn (£919m), the companies have announced.

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Darkborn1027d ago

Tencent is really buying up everything. I'm surprised everyone is selling to them like this.

Rebel_Scum1027d ago

They want/need capital I guess.

darthv721027d ago

No way they are worth that much. They are a support studio. I guess tencent decided to throw them an insane price that Sumo would be crazy to turn down.

Its like the godfather. "Im going to make you an offer you cant refuse"

UltraNova1027d ago

Always the case.

Who owns the rights to Crackdown and Sackboy IPs though?

boing11027d ago

I've heard some time ago, that they created a special unit that has a mission to search for acquirable devs all around the globe.

-Foxtrot1027d ago

Going off their business practices they seem like a cancer in this industry

1027d ago
blacktiger1027d ago

chinese currency, no limit in printing, but they are selling in USD

PrinceAli1027d ago

Maybe because they're a publisher of games with a history of success loool..?

barom1027d ago

Even Microsoft can’t compete with that kind of money.

Zeref1027d ago (Edited 1027d ago )

Uhm yes they can.. What do you mean?

Zeref1027d ago

Money talks, Besides, those developers don't need to worry about income anymore.

enkiduxiv1026d ago

I doubt anyone that matters to the actual production of the games is getting a raise. The only thing that has changed is that now they can't buy any Winnie the Poo products for their kids.

senorfartcushion1027d ago

Well they’re allowed. America and China are leading the world in toxic capitalism.

n1kki61027d ago

As publicly traded companies it's either they sell and potentially get more, or tencent initiates a hostile takeover and buys at least 51% of the shares. These companies might not even be amicable to the buy out but opt to take it because hostile takeovers are terrible.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 1026d ago
frostypants1027d ago (Edited 1027d ago )

Yep. A company that built itself by ripping off IP of small, innovative developers and out-marketing them. Tencent is everything wrong not just with gaming but corporate ethics in general, and the assymetric regulatory playing field we for some reason permit from the Chinese government. Egregiously corrupt companies like Tencent should be banned from the US market.

senorfartcushion1027d ago

The US market would take Tencent to dinner and have it naked on the bed by midnight if it could. America and China are as bad as each other

Lightning771027d ago

They can take Sumo those devs really aren't that great. Sack boys big adventure scored good however but Crackdown 3 wasn't great. They're 50/50 Sony will find a suitable replacement for Sack boy. MS desperately needs a suitable replacement for crackdown, if it's not already too late in terms of fanfare at this point.

Sumo to me isn't that big of a deal there are better devs out there.

senorfartcushion1027d ago

Crackdown 3 was cancelled and remade a few times. Hardly their fault.

darthv721027d ago

This is the same Sumo who made Outrun 2, 2006 Coast to Coast, Sonic Racing Transformed as well as Forza Horizon 2 on the 360. I think they are better than you give them credit for.

Wulfer1026d ago

You might want to walk this statement back. Why else do you think this game goes for over $200 now?


1027d ago Replies(1)
ScootaKuH1027d ago

I'm surprised Sumo are valued so high

solideagle1027d ago

yeah, thats what I thought. $1.3 billion is very high, Insomniac sounds like a bargain deal for Sony!

chadwarden1027d ago

And they likely bought Housmarque and Bluepoint for even less than Insomniac.

phoenixwing1027d ago

at the two above me,
it's easy to sell for less when you know you're in good hands business and culture wise. I mean sure you could scratch out some extra money elsewhere but are all the people you know going to be taken care of when you get bought out? Sony takes care of them. Basically you can tell who's a scheming money scumbag by what ceo's/execs choose to be bought by. In the end money talks but there's extras to consider sometimes.

roadkillers1027d ago

I am as well. They do not own any IPs from my understanding...

DOMination-1027d ago

Me too! After looking them up, it seems like they were the parent of other game studios: Lab42, Red Kite, Sumo India, The Chinese Room and PixelAnt Games and also have some cryptocurrency technology.

They may also still hold the IP for back when they were Gremlin Interactive.. back in the Amiga days they were really a dev of some repute.

ScootaKuH1027d ago

Gremlin. Now there's a name that takes me back. Ocean as well.

Teflon021027d ago

They're not, it's likely them just throwing money around to make sure they have no opposition. Sumo is a valuable developer as they've assisted in alot of great games. They did LBP3, Sackboy, Sonic Transformed, I believe Assisted in both ModNation Racers and LBPK, Team Sonic racing, just to name the few off the top of my head that I own.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1027d ago
IRetrouk1027d ago

I honestly thought ms or Sony would have nabbed them, seeing as they have worked for both on their respective ips, colour me surprised.

Bennibop1027d ago

It's a lot of money for a group with no ips, what would they have worked on to keep so many studios and staff employed. For now at least they continue working on ips for the likes of Sony and Microsoft.

IRetrouk1027d ago

Sony and ms have more than enough ips to keep em busy, the price would have been an issue though, that I agree with, just surprised is all🤷‍♂️

frostypants1027d ago (Edited 1027d ago )

Tencent doesn't exactly pride themselves on original IP anyway. They just steal someone else's. They only need developer drones.

Sephiroushin1027d ago

They have enough to make them busy but there is no point in buying the studio that high, they could just make the developers some offers and thats it... heck every single developer could just quit the studio and with what is tensen left? no point in buying a studio with no IP you dont own the developers

IRetrouk1027d ago

I already agreed that the price was high, still don't take away that they could have been used, and be useful to either ms or sony

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Xbox Cloud Gaming PC Preview/Hands on Impressions (BETA) - CG

Microsoft recently released their Xbox Cloud Gaming PC Beta which allows users the opportunity to stream Xbox games to their Windows 10 PCs or laptops. This follows on from being able to use the cloud gaming on mobile devices which works very well but is limited to the size of your screen. Having the option to play Xbox games with a larger display has its obvious benefits.

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1111d ago

Crackdown 3 8K 60 FPS - Possible at Low-Medium Settings with an RTX 3090

CG writes: Nvidia’s claims that the RTX 3090 can render games in 8K at 60 FPS, ring true for us in this video. We put the game Crackdown 3 through its paces with some interesting results.

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bunt-custardly1304d ago

If you've ever super-sampled anything you would know why it can make things look better.

bouzebbal1303d ago

Let's talk about powahhhh of da clawwdd for a second 🤣did they give up with this thing?

bunt-custardly1304d ago

Oh right, I didn't get the joke sorry, it just clicked. Hmm, is Crackdown 3 really that bad/universally hated especially as it's on gamepass?

SullysCigar1304d ago

My attempt at humour could have been clearer, in hindsight..!

Yeah, sadly Crackdown 3 had been hyped so hard and so long by Microsoft, that when it launched as a mediocre game, it got panned. It was mainly the broken promises about the power of the cloud I think that did it. This was the 'cloud power' poster child for years and it all amounted to nothing, which is a real shame, because if they'd realised their initial vision it could have been special.

bunt-custardly1304d ago

I do remember the original vision where entire buildings could be demolished but wasn't that feature relegated to the multiplayer mode? For me, Crackdown 3 comes across quite generic. I suppose if it had the full destruction in the story mode that would have been bad-ass. If Red Faction Guerrilla can do it why not CD?

FanboySpotter1303d ago

Crackdown 3 was made for crackdown fans. Hated by non crackdown fans. Enjoyed by crackdown fans.

MadLad1303d ago

I played it on PC for a little while via gamepass. It's not nearly as terrible as people would try to make it out to be, but it's the definition of a "meh" game.
There's fun to be had if you're bored.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1303d ago
andy851304d ago

It's good it's possible but who would pick this over 4K60 on ultra? It would look far better

IanTH1304d ago

100%. This is obviously just showing what can be done with the current highest end hardware, rather than what should be. And if you're splashing out for an RTX 3090 over a 3080 for gaming (small performance delta if not using that huge buffer for productivity), then I guess you'll also consider splashing out for an 8k screen. And, I mean, you'll want to be able to do *something* with it lol.

outsider16241304d ago

Let's be honest here, even with extra high settings at 8k 120fps... it'll still look like crap. Sorry.

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