
PUBG Copying Fortnite Once Again With New Additions

Imitation is the purest form of flattery but copying features and elements from one of the biggest rivals is like submitting to the other side. This piece might get a lot of hate, but this is exactly what Bluehole Studios is doing with PUBG.

They are taking features and ideas which have already become a norm in the world of Fortnite. First came a smaller map, then came the limited time modes (LTM).

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alb18992197d ago

But isn't Fortnite a total copy of Battlegrounds first?
So what's the freaking point?
Bring to Battlegrounds all what can make the game better and forget about the rest.

madforaday2197d ago

And why do people assume PUBGs was the first battle royal game? You can probably call it the first successful BR game. I wonder if people had these talks (no internet was around) with FPS way back in the day. It is soo silly these articles.

2197d ago
Gaming_1st2197d ago


That would have been ARK.

Palitera2197d ago (Edited 2197d ago )

Regardless of neither being half original, are you really implying Fortnite isn't a child of PUBG's success? Really? Smh

Asuka2197d ago


H1Z1 King of the Hill and Arma 3 BR say hi.

Goldby2197d ago


Culling, H1Z1 and Arma 3


H1Z1 and Arma 3 BR, but, Brendan Green is the only reason either of those existed sooo...

alb18992197d ago

You are the one assuming. I never said Battlegrounds is the first battle royal but Fortnite did succeeded copying Battlegrounds more than anything.

BongSmack2197d ago

Every mainstream (played enough to be discussed) fps game that's been developed was made after the internet existed.

Skull5212196d ago

Fortnite blatantly copied PUBG. Fortnite was its own game, gone through development hell that came out and no one cared about and almost over night it had become almost a 1:1 clone of PUBG. Let's not pretend this isn't the case.

Mista20182196d ago


Metal Gear Online 2 (ps3): stealth deathmatch mode

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Gaming_1st2197d ago


Well considering PUBG was not the first BR survival game. Ark was the one that actually started that.

AspiringProGenji2197d ago (Edited 2197d ago )

Ironic that Bluehole was making a big deal about Fortnite and trying to take Epic to court when they are copying fortnite now


Yep! Fortnite has some great ideas and would be an awesome addition to PUBG imo. Competition is healthy!

nexusx2197d ago

so any Battle Royal game is a "total copy" of pubg even though pubg wasn't the first BR game ?? lol what are you smoking

2197d ago
zorrogalactico2197d ago

It all started with arma 2 BR, and Dayz mod !

Jinger2197d ago

Didn't PlayerUnknown create those before then making PUBG?

rainslacker2197d ago

Well....Bluehole did think that Epic would somehow screw them over because they could leverage their game engine to better effect while leaving its liecensees out of the loop. Of course, I guess it never occurred to them that Epic is a pretty well established and talented game development studio that often comes up with new and innovative ways to improve a genre, or make them mainstream. I mean, Epic pretty much brought the cover shooter genre into the mainstream last gen....who'd have thought they could come up with something new or creative to add into their own game.

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Moe-Gunz2197d ago

The fact that people think PUBG is the originator of this concept is funny. They all copied each other. It's whatever.

gtxgamer22197d ago

It was a battle Royale mod on Arma.
Then h1z1 battle Royale
Then pubg
Then fortnite


But wasn't PlayerUnknown the guy who created the mods in the first place?

Bladesfist2197d ago (Edited 2197d ago )

Yes he was, Brandon Greene worked on all of the above but Fortnite.

Liqu1d2197d ago (Edited 2197d ago )

There was Minecraft Hunger Games as well. All these ideas were lifted from The Hunger Games and Battle Royale anyway. PlayerUnknown even says he was inspired by Battle Royale in the description for the Arma mod.


j15reed2197d ago

Don't forget Playerunkown worked on all of them except Fortnite which took the idea once they seen their regular game failing.

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1nsomniac2197d ago (Edited 2197d ago )

Hahaha, what!?

Is this a satire article or is the author just thick as pig shit!?

2pacalypsenow2197d ago (Edited 2197d ago )

Neither game originated the battle royale fad, so it doesn't matter

2197d ago Replies(6)
Bladesfist2197d ago

He worked on the mods that brought about the genre we know today as battle royale into gaming as well as being contracted to work on H1Z1 and PUBG. So Player Unknown definitely did bring about battle royale games. If you want to look at things that inspired it then DayZ (a mod that he modded to make the first Arma battle royale mod), the hunger games and of course Battle Royale the movie were all probably fairly influential.

PurpHerbison2197d ago

Seems like the only game he didn't touch is Fortnite, and it just so happens that is the only optimized battle royale game.

2pacalypsenow2197d ago

What made it a fad was the fact that they released consoles. If fortnite and pubg were pc only. They would not be as popular.

BongSmack2197d ago

@Gaming_1st. ARK might have done BR first (I'll take your word for it). It however definitely did not start this fad. The fad is much more recent.

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DivineAssault 2197d ago

I never understood the hype with battle royal.. If people love it, more power to them but its a zany online pit with tons of advertised digital goods.. I get one is free but still.. No thanks

rainslacker2197d ago (Edited 2197d ago )

The genre is pretty cool. Its a shame that going forward all we're going to hear about is how PUBG did it first. Never witnessed it in the history of gaming where no other game can tackle the genre, or there is this fierce battling over why one is better because they started it. Maybe one or two articles or comments, but not an ongoing idiotic tirade like we see now.

Fortnite won't be the last to take on the genre, and given the speed that PUBG has been progressing, I'm sure other games will well surpass it in quality and features, and PUBG will be scrambling to add in features that many other developers with their creative talent add into the genre, or eventually be left behind because they don't seem to want to spend a lot of that money they're making on hiring a staff that can get the game done in a reasonable time frame.

No one should really care who did something first. It should only matter who does it best. Give credit where it's due, but never take away from those that are just as capable or do it better. Epic being Epic, I have no doubt that they will manage to do it better in the long run.

DivineAssault 2197d ago (Edited 2197d ago )

Well, xb fans are on the offensive right now because of all the nukes theyve been taking.. They even tried saying GoW was ripping Ryse of Rome lol.. That died pretty fast tho.. All it is is a modern day genesis vs SNES rivalry that hasnt concluded yet.. Ill have to try both PUBG & Fortnite again to try and see whats so engaging about them.. I literally got bored playing them

Bladesfist2196d ago (Edited 2196d ago )

It's also important to recognise innovation and progress, people still talk about the effect that games like Doom, Half Life and even Halo had on their genres. Player Unknown made the standard format for this genre, Fortnite innovated by mixing it in with building mechanics. It will be interesting to see what comes next.

rainslacker2196d ago

I'm all for giving credit to PUBG for what it established, even if it's the third attempt by the creator to make it a big thing. Full props for that.

But do we reference doom and Half-Life with every new FPS?

I understand that right now they're both competing, so obviously the comparisons are going to be more apt, but I'd hate to think that after PUBG has run it's course, because I don't have faith that PlayerUnknown will make the game indefinately, that every BG game will be compared to it. Especially since the BG mode is likely to become a common mode in a lot of MP games. Kind of like how Horde mode became common last gen.

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