
Why Sony Won't Announce PS3 Backwards Compatibility At E3 2018, Or Ever

The PS3 was a powerful beast for its time, but also so complicated that it's just a nightmare from a development standpoint.

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Neonridr2212d ago

just give up on PS3 backwards compatibility. Assuming the architecture remains the same, there's a really good chance of seeing PS4 backwards compatibility with the PS5 though. So there is hope in the future.

manabyte772212d ago

OT: Do you sit and camp on the N4G home page, constantly refreshing for new posts? You must hold the record for number of first posts in these forums.

LiViNgLeGaCY2212d ago

No problem. It's just fucking sad.

Skull5212212d ago (Edited 2212d ago )

Microsoft was able to do backwards compatibility because of the genius engineers there. Emulators for older consoles can't play games well on exponentially more powerful hardware on PC but somehow Microsoft was able to accomplish it on a console which is staggering. Sony could never pull it off, especially because of the mistake of the Cell processor in the PS3. The best we can hope for is going forward is future Sony consoles can play PS4 games, which should be doable if they make it a priority.

That being said they do love selling you remasters of old games so they may never choose to include the feature.

johndoe112112212d ago

And on the flip side, Microsoft does love getting people to pay 500 bucks for a new system to play old games so they may never choose to make good new ip's.

Rhythmattic2212d ago (Edited 2212d ago )

I was playing Power PC games on a new Intel mac pro at higher quality way before MS did PPC emulation.
PPC Architecture is easy to do BC, Cell architecture is not.

mikeslemonade2212d ago

I don't want BC! How many times do I have to say that. It's not needed. The most overrated feature every created.

TheSplooge2212d ago

Well he beat GoW, so he has nothing left to do until the next singleplayer game comes out 😆

UltraNova2212d ago


Haha dude you are ruthless...

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2212d ago
IamTylerDurden12212d ago (Edited 2212d ago )

Obviously PS5 will have PS4 BC due to x86. Obviously PS3 emulation is difficult due to Cell architecture. We know this. We are 5 years in and currently inundated with quality games, i wouldn't have time for BC at the moment anyway. BC on day 1 next gen will be great, but right now it's not quite as relevant.

getbacktogaming2212d ago

I don't know that it's "obvious" but I really hope PS5 is backwards compatible day 1 purchase for me if it is.

Bobafret2212d ago

Even as an Xbox only gamer I can't finish my current gen backlog.

Neonridr2212d ago

yep, there's a really good chance for it. But as you said, my backlog with current gen titles for my PS4 and Switch is a mile long.. lol

isarai2212d ago (Edited 2212d ago )

Can't really say it's "Obvious" seeing as how yeah, the PS3 might be too complex to emulate anytime soon, but nothing is stopping them from doing BC for PS2 and PS1 games on PS4. Especially since the emulator that does so for the PS2 games on the PS4 store has been found by people hacking/modding the ps4 and data mining. Yet here we sit unable to use it without buying the game off the store

sinspirit2212d ago (Edited 2212d ago )

The only chance of emulation is with PS5 and if they'd be generous enough to have a CELL processor as the secondary processing unit for background tasks, downloads, recording last 15 minutes of gaming continuously, etcetera like the PS4 does.

Otherwise, we'd never have it since the architecture is so different and exceptionally difficult to emulate, as said above.

kakashi812211d ago

I dunno know about being irrelevant, but we're 5 years deep in the generation.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2211d ago
DarXyde2212d ago

I can understand no PS3 backwards compatibility, but there's no good reason for Sony releasing the PS4 Pro without backwards compatibility other than seeing there's money to be made. Funny enough, Xbox One offers it, likely with the intent of selling more consoles and it doesn't appear to be working. PS4 should be able to at least play PS2 and PSOne. And, again, Pro was a chance to go back and give us a device with backwards compatibility. I guarantee that it would fly off the shelves. Sony offering backwards compatibility is very different from Microsoft offering backwards compatibility in that PS2 and PSOne are bloody legendary. PS3 is also great, but I imagine Pro would destroy everything if it played PS2 games. Instead, you must pay for it.

ApocalypseShadow2212d ago

Sony doesn't split its base like Microsoft does. That's why they're more successful than Microsoft.

PS1 and PS2 is definitely possible. But Sony is going forward with games and VR than looking backwards.

While Microsoft looks backwards at games that sold previous systems than making new games for their console base.

Sales speak to what gamers want more. Which is new games for new systems. That's why you buy a new console in the first place.

2212d ago
DarXyde2212d ago (Edited 2212d ago )

Apocalypse Shadow,

If that was the case, Definitive Editions, Remastered games, and reboots wouldn't be a thing on PS4. Instead of letting us play games we already own from the past on PS4, we're paying for them through PSNow and PS2 classics. Are you really going to sit there and tell me it's not about capitalizing on a market? I stand by what I said: Pro could have had emulation software/ hardware for past games. It's not about alienating A an audience. It's about paying for a PlayStation that can play past games. It would definitely do a better job of selling people on the whole "Pro"thing. I love PlayStation, but it's definitely financially motivated. And honestly, it's kind of a crappy thing to do considering Now is expensive.

ILostMyMind2212d ago (Edited 2212d ago )

Pro is a PS4 overclocked.

PS.: And seriously, if PS4 runs PS1/PS2 games... would you buy them? You can have all of them on your laptop for free.

Z5012212d ago (Edited 2212d ago )

Why don't you just play your PS3 games on the console you bought it for?

twiggytree122212d ago

"Instead, you must pay for it."

I don't have to pay for shit, it doesn't cost me a dime to play the games I purchased 15-20 years ago. You need to quit acting like people have to repurchase games just because they show up on PSN. If people truly cared about their old games, they would've kept them and the systems that play them when they bought them. You also neglect the fact that people can buy BC PS3's that play all PS1 and PS2 games, hook that up next to your PS4 and you can play all 4 generations of Playstation games with only 2 consoles under your TV. That would cost a helluva lot less money than buying a new upgraded PS4, just so you can play old games.

343_Guilty_Spark2212d ago

BC was never intended to sell consoles. It’s just an extra feature.

DarXyde2211d ago


And Pro is an "extra" console. It literally exists for people who want "more" out of a PlayStation, otherwise, save yourself the money and get a slim.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2211d ago
CurbStompin2212d ago

PSNow, says it ain’t gonna happen.

Thomaticus2212d ago

That's a mandatory feature or else I won't be buying a PS5 day one.

Z5012212d ago

Wait. You won't buy a ps5 if you can't play the games you're already playing or own? (Assuming you already own a ps4)
No one loses in the situation. You still get to play the games you already own. You've already paid Sony if you've bought a ps4 and games. Right? Am I missing something?

kevnb2212d ago

Considering Sony builds emulators and “remastering” tools for ps2 and psp games (hackers have exposed them). Chances are they will build emulators but then charge you per game to use them.

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crazyCoconuts2212d ago

"Ever" is a stretch. Any hardware can be emulated, it's just the PS4 doesn't have the power to do it. Might be doable for the PS5/PS6

Araragifeels 2212d ago

Even PC having a hard time emulating the PS3 which have been working on the emulator for couple of years.

darthv722212d ago

But that is a couple of people doing some reverse engineering, trying to make it work. Just imagine if Sony gave it a whirl.

zeuanimals2212d ago


If Sony gave it a twirl, they could probably get it working on PC. But that's PC. The PS4 Pro isn't as powerful as something that can emulate the PS3.

kevnb2212d ago

A few people working in their spare time, no low level access, no driver support, tons of overhead the ps4 wouldn’t have... yet it still already works on pc.

rainslacker2212d ago (Edited 2212d ago )

Problem is more the clock rate of the cell. Even though current processors can process more data, they can't process single pieces of data as fast as the CELL could. Would take a lot of speed in current processors, and some fancy processing tricks to make it happen, and it wouldn't be consistent.

The cell was very good at processing certain kinds of data that the x86 processor struggles with. That's why most of that kind of data is done through gpu compute nowadays

Even if Sony tried to give it a whirl, they can't just make a processor do something more than it's designed to do and when it comes to emulating the cell, they'd have to defy the laws of physics to get it to process the data at the same rate the cell could.

I think a lot of people really don't understand cell architecture to know why it was ahead if it's time, and extremely powerful for the way game design was going. What it did, is also the reason why its so hard to emulate at a speed that would be practical .

Shineon2212d ago (Edited 2212d ago )

So wait The ps3 cell cpu is actually more powerful than Whats in ps4,and xbox1?

rainslacker2212d ago


But people misconstrue power with the speed with which a single instruction can be processed.

Newer processors can process more data per cycle, but it doesn't mean that it can process a single piece of data faster than the CELL could. In theory, a single piece of data may process the same speed if it could match the clock speed of the CELL, but with x86 it wouldn't process some data as fast because of how the x86 processor handles some kinds of data.

X86 in particular isn't very good at processing the kinds of data that CELL is exceptionally good at processing...namely complex floating point. The current generation, and even with PC, devs are using GPU compute more for these kinds of processes, because they're much more efficient. In fact, much of what is included with GPU compute on current GPU's was started with the CELL chip.

kwijgaming2212d ago

Your posts are really informative. I'm one of those people who don't actually know how the Cell works and this was really fascinating. Thanks!

2212d ago Replies(3)
pinkcrocodile752212d ago


You don't care!

Don't speak for anyone other than yourself.

KratosKonundrum2212d ago

I think he meant it holistically.

If the market cared about BC then you'd see xbox outsell PS4. That isn't happening. In fact, ever since BC was announced the sales gap has actually grown wider.

If anything an argument could be made that BC is harmful to a system's competitive viability.

Sony knows what it's doing. Every move or non move they've made has led to more sales.

pinkcrocodile752212d ago

I'm willing to bet he/she was making a "sweeping statement", you know, like "all women make sweeping statements"... or "All sony fans are arrongant"... or "All xbox fans are childish".

Doesn't actually mean anything just a big rousing statement, like "There was no collusion with Russia"

LOL Sorry, it's a red rag to a bull.

Gaming_1st2212d ago


I don't care either. I do not have enough time as it is to play all current games, much less worry about some old last gen game. And i play a fair amount too.

If for some rare occurrence i wanted to play a last gen game. I'll turn my ps3 on.

hulk_bash19872212d ago (Edited 2212d ago )

Just because the PS4 is selling doesn't mean BC isn't wanted. Those two things aren't connected. Sony would have put BC into the PS4 if it wasnt for the PS3's cell architecture.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2212d ago
Gunstar752212d ago

You only don't care because you don't have it

Silly gameAr2212d ago

Or, maybe he really doesn't care and doesn't feel the need to have it?

AspiringProGenji2212d ago

Oh I have it natively; It is called PS3

sprinterboy2212d ago

80% of gamers are casuals who don't give a flying fuk about bc, I bet the number of gamers with a actual ps3 game disc or collection is in the 10s of thousands, maybe? I respect its a option for bc but I just don't think it's worth it at least with ps3 (cell).

hulk_bash19872212d ago

"I don't care" There you go, I fixed your comment.

AspiringProGenji2212d ago (Edited 2212d ago )

is that why nobody been talking about it for months up until now?

Kribwalker2212d ago

people have been talking about it though. There was just a inside xbox all about it, there’s conversations everytime more games become BC, so even tho you don’t care genji plenty of others do

hulk_bash19872212d ago (Edited 2212d ago )

Just because you're ignorant to the conversation, doesn't mean other people are.

AspiringProGenji2212d ago (Edited 2212d ago )

I am not ignorant. New games are taking the spotlight and rightly so every month. MS announcing BC barely gains attention. And when BC games is all they can talk about you know there’s a problem. With all these new games coming there’s no need to talk about last gen games

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2212d ago
starchild2212d ago

Quit speaking for me. Backwards compatibility is a very important feature for me. I love it on the PC and I loved it on my fat PS3 and I would love if the PS4 or PS5 supported it.

2212d ago
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brianunfried2212d ago

Would be a nice feature, but I already have three PS3s. I would prefer PS2 backwards compatibility.

meatnormous2212d ago

Ps2 and ps1 would be great and could be done by the ps4. I'm a little irritated it wasn't done.

InKnight7s2212d ago

New generation who knows games from Twitch trends, triggered!!!!

Imalwaysright2212d ago

PS2 is the best console ever made.

quent2212d ago

Watch the usual suspects be dismissive of the importance of BC on this one

2212d ago Replies(3)
showtimefolks2212d ago


Watch these Xbox fans without exclusives be dismissive about exclusives or not being interested in ps4 exclusives

2212d ago
jukins2212d ago

If it's a big deal why is the xbox being outsold by so much? Big deals make big differences and xbox bc is not making any differences

IamTylerDurden12212d ago (Edited 2212d ago )


You do realize that XB1 didn't launch with BC, right? It was multiple years after launch until XB1 got it and by the time there was a substantial library of BC games the generation was already humming with actual new games. It would've meant much more had it actually launched alongside the XB1 on day 1 when there wasn't nearly as much to play.

Truth is, BC is extremely valuable early in a generation because it helps supplement the inevitable lack of games in the first 1-2 years. It's now 5 years in. Monster Hunter, FC5, Yakuza, Ni No Kuni, God of War, Detroit, Spiderman, RDR2. Big games are spilling out faster than we can play, most people aren't going to stop God of War to go replay a last gen game they already own.

darthv722212d ago

Sony is treating BC this gen similar to how they treated rumble (or lack of) at the beginning of last. Saying its old and no one will miss it. They they were able to add rumble back into the controller and that is that. They changed their tune and the fans embraced it.

Are you telling me that if they change their tune to BC that fans wouldnt also embrace it???

And yes we all know why they lacked rumble at the beginning, but they tried to play it off as nobody cared when people really did care. People care about BC despite Sony saying they dont but Sony either cant make it work or wont because they paid a huge amount of $$ for Gaikai and want to use that instead to get their return on investment.

quent2212d ago

Don't own an xb, but I do own a slim and some common sense in knowing that games I own outlasts the systems I own, BC also make sense for those who are interested in trading in they're old consoles for the newer iteration

One final thing, if BC wasn't so important and not a topic worth of discussing why has this comment section blown up as much as it did ?, because I only see you Sony Zealots here, who are in fact trying to dismiss and defend the absence of BC on the system that's been going on for such along time

you fanboys sure go out of you're way to defend and support something that so obviously a con to you, but still got to suck that Kaz dick don't ya

rainslacker2212d ago


Better question to ask is why this wasn't a big issue of contention until ms announced their bc solution?

Before that, neither side seemed to care that much beyond the normal outlayers that will always complain

2212d ago
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Kribwalker2212d ago

why would you implement BC when they’ve been making a killing selling “remastered” versions of the same games you already own. Just makes financial sense

Ricegum2212d ago

So why did MS do it then? They get the same remasters buddy.

IamTylerDurden12212d ago (Edited 2212d ago )


Are you actually implying that Sony's remasters aren't legitimate by putting quotes around "remastered"?

Sony has consistently released the best remasters this generation through the use of Blue Point.

TLoU Remastered
Nathan Drake Collection
Shadow of the Colossus

Two fantastic, legitimate remasters and two phenomenal technical remakes highlight the 'remasters" this gen. And now Medieval is on the way. Sony has done a spectacular job overall with the handling of these remasters.

What is the downside to these well made remasters and remakes? Did you criticise Crash when they announced it would come to Xbox? Did you criticise Spyro?

Kribwalker2212d ago


some are legit remasters, some, like we recently found out with parapa the rapper, are psp/vita emulated titles with resolution bumps for quick cash ins.

I bought Crash last year because i never played the OG ones, and i’ll do the same with Spyro, but again, I’ve never played or owned them so it’s not like i’m buying them again this gen. And those ones like Ratchet and Shadow and UC Collection are legit redone, but TLOU remastered was just a bumped up ps3 game for the ps4 version. I bought that one because i never owned it on the ps3 either

Gaming_1st2212d ago


You think people are going to keep rebuying the same game? Sure some will. But it's exactly for people like you that never got to experience some amazing games in the previous platform, that bought a current gen console.

Stogz2212d ago

"but TLOU remastered was just a bumped up ps3 game for the ps4 version. " oh you mean like Gears of War ultimate edition? You need to stop pretending it's only Sony dude, make yourself look foolish.

Kribwalker2212d ago


at no time did i say it was just sony, but MS are also giving us a way to replay old games at no cost, even upgraded when playing some on the OneX (freemasters?) which sony isn’t doing, even though there’s a ps2 and psp emulator on the console

IamTylerDurden12212d ago (Edited 2212d ago )


You say people are rebuying the same games they already own by buying the "remasters" yet you yourself bought TLoU Remastered, Crash N Sane Trilogy, SotC Remake, and you will buy Spyro Remastered because you never played the originals. Contradict much? You damn Sony for making them yet you buy them. Also, if you bought them because you never played the original don't you think that could be the case for other people..?

You question the legitimacy of the Sony remasters and remakes this gen yet you consider the XB1 backwards compatibile games to be free remasters? You consider those to be remasters but not a completely upgraded and reworked game like The Nathan Drake Collection? You question whether those are remasters but a backwards compatibile game that gets a non native 1080p up rez, that's a remaster?

Z5012212d ago

1. Buying the same game you already own is a personal choice. No one forces you.
2. Most people with ps3 GAMES have a ps3 to play them on. At no extra cost.
3. Tell me. Who are these people that kept these ps3 games they love so much, but got rid of the console after M. Cerny said at the ps4 reveal the ps4 wouldn't have BC?

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2212d ago
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Why is Steam Blocked in Vietnam? Government Shares Reason

Finally, the Vietnamese government has officially responded to Steam being blocked in the country.

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blacktiger1d 16h ago

AMAZING! Thank You Gabe, stand for freedom of speech!!!!

PRIMORDUS1d 15h ago

VPN to buy games, fuck that if it's allowed or not, or just use a VPN and torrent what you can.

seanpitt231d 4h ago

I just cannot believe we haven't had a game from them this generation nearly 4 years in.. crazy!

Knightofelemia1d 8h ago

If the game is crap then yes there will always be negative feedback it comes with the territory. It's called word of mouth or welcome to the internet. Where the truth about a game comes out really fast whether the game is good or crap. If you can't handle the criticism because of a game then why publish the game. Why should people who never criticized or even played the game be punished? Vietnam has some really screwed up laws block Steam because they don't answer us rule. And going on a witch hunt with Steam please. Where's the proof, where's the evidence of this witch hunt. Somebody is butt hurt and has a Vietnamese Karen leading the witch hunt.


FanimeCon 2024 | Persona / Shin Megami Tensei Cosplay Gathering

The Persona / Shin Megami Tensei cosplay gathering allowed fans of the acclaimed JRPG series to meet up during FanimeCon 2024.

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Can FSR 3 frame generation deliver the 120fps dream on PS5 and Xbox?

Frame generation technology has arrived on consoles, amplifying frame-rates and potentially transforming experiences.

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purple1014d ago

adds between 8.3-15.3 milliseconds of latency on the game they tested, - no thanks

darksky4d ago

Base latency is 130.8ms and frame gen takes that up to 139.1ms. A 7% increase in latency is hardly a deal breaker.

Zenzuu4d ago

That's hardly a deal breaker and not really noticeable. Even the folks at Digital Foundry said so as well.

darthv724d ago

Impressive results... sadly I don't have a 120hz display. I was thinking this technique could increase fps on any game that supports it regardless of the display.

purple1014d ago (Edited 4d ago )

I have a vrr telly in the lounge,

On another point, what if it were the other way around where the developer aims for higher fps, then used something like pssr to make the resolution higher, that might be better?

Any which way, PS5 pro sure looks interesting now, being they have already doubled frame rate, with JUST just this fsr3.0

sagapo4d ago

It’s up to dev’s to implement FSR 3 support tho but most probably will I guess (hope).

Eonjay3d ago

Yes it would increase the framerate but it would add more noticeable latency. The impact of latency goes down the more natural frames produced. So a monitor that can push bast 60 will naturally allow the game to operate much smoother. Add VRR to this and now you have a much more enjoyable experience.

BlackDoomAx4d ago

Can it deliver the 60fps dream?

purple1013d ago (Edited 3d ago )

no, it delivers approx 80fps.

which is why I say why not target 60fps with this new tech and use the upscaling pssr, (Sonys version of Nvidia's DLSS, that seems so popular in the pc realm)

then we have best of both, better believe ps5pro will be doing all the above.

andy854d ago

Now I've extensively tried it I'm not too fussed about 120 fps. Give me a locked 60 and more details and I'm more than happy

anast3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

120 is a bit slow. My eyes can't look at anything less than 260fps.

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