
GameStop CEO Michael K. Mauler Quits Job After Only Three Months

The CEO of video games retailer Gamestop, Michael K. Mauler, has officially resigned from his position after only three months on the job due to "personal reasons, effective immediately".

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wonderfulmonkeyman2220d ago (Edited 2220d ago )

I'd laugh if it turned out that he was just as disgusted with the way the business has been ran as some of the employees and consumers are.

Again, and I really stress this; Gamestop needs a real game-focused competitor, out here in the states, to help them shape up.
They keep doing so badly because they've got no one around to push them to do better.

porkChop2220d ago

"They keep doing so badly because they've got no one around to push them to do better."

That's not true. Best Buy, Wal Mart, and Amazon have been kicking their ass when it comes to games. They don't need a game-focused competitor because they have bigger, more important competitors already.

GameStop's problem is their top execs, and the culture and way of thinking those people have bred into the company.

wonderfulmonkeyman2220d ago (Edited 2220d ago )

Yeah, but those three don't really specialize in games.
When I say a competitor, I mean one that focuses especially on gaming and gaming-related electronics/merchandise, not just having it as one aspect of their wide sales business.

Notellin2220d ago

Ever since Gamers Club Unlocked was available I can't remember the last time I've bought a game anywhere else but Best Buy.

And before that I bought them from Amazon because they used to give 10$ certificates with basically every pre-order.

No reason to use GameStop outside of their exclusive games.

rainslacker2220d ago

Who is going to get into the game retail business when the profit margins are so low? They'd end up having to do the same thing that GS does to stay open, then everyone would hate them too.

wonderfulmonkeyman2220d ago

I don't agree with that. I mean, Gamestop's way can't logically be the ONLY way to do it, let alone the right way.
At this point, GS is just steadily creeping towards financial difficulties that might end up with them closing up shop entirely in the next decade or two.
There's got to be a better way to run a games-focused business chain than the way GS is doing it.

rainslacker2220d ago

Think of it this way.

GameStop can buy games at distributor pricing. That means about 39-40 per copy. They sell them for $60. That amounts to about a 33% markup.

They don't have a lot of high profit margin items that sell regularly like most retail outlets do to make up the difference in the rather low profit margin that you see from new games.

Given the size of GS, along with the cost of having to run a retail outlet, it's just not possible to sustain itself with selling only new games. GS can barely hang on with their used game sales.

What can other companies possibly do to make a profit where GS can't? It's not like GS hasn't had years trying to figure it out. Look at what they're already doing....focusing on things that aren't gaming related, or trying to push upsells, or selling more high profit margin items that really aren't selling enough.

A new competitor may not be as abrasive as some people find GS now, but I think a person's experience varies based on location and who they get as their sales man.

OffRoadKing2219d ago

Per the article, "Mauler has been with GameStop for 16 years".

Did he just get disgusted in the last three months?

WickedLester2219d ago

I miss back when it was Electronics Boutique and they sold software of all kinds, not just games. They sold productivity software, educational software, PC accessories and hardware components, etc. The employees were way more professional and looked professional, not like they just crawled out of their mom's basement.

chaosblades2219d ago

It was a joy to browse PC section during E.B era - now it’s just console and funko pop stuff :/

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2219d ago
TheColbertinator2220d ago

Gamestop traded him in and got $6 credit

remixx1162220d ago


You are a man among men

remixx1162219d ago

Guess i gotta be careful who i give compliments to

KillZallthebeast2218d ago

No just less I want to touch your gentleman sausage

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GameStop's Memorial Day Sale 2021

GameStop's Memorial Day 2021 sale is now live. It runs between May 25 and May 31, and it features deals on games for PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch, plus PC accessories and collectibles. There's a lot to get to, so let's dive in.


GameStop Adds Three New Directors From The Pet Food Industry To Help "Accelerate Transformation"

GameStop is bringing in former members of the Chewy team to help transform its business.

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Knightofelemia1244d ago (Edited 1244d ago )

There is a difference between video games and dog food this new switch still won't help Gamestop customers have lost confidence in Gamestop it will take a lot to win back that confidence of the customer. From lowball game trades, supposed trade console getting the once over cleaned and reset and all they did was throw it in another box to resell it. Bet the pet owners will be happy get a free bag of pet food when you preorder a new game.

got_dam1243d ago

Their treatment of their workers when the pandemic broke out is enough steer me clear of them regardless of any restructuring.

SmokinAces1243d ago

Chewy is more than just pet food, pet supplies would have been more accurate regardless the memes will pretty much make themselves here.

SharnOfTheDEAD1243d ago

Free Dog/cat collar with every pre order.
Free Gerbil with every console.

Skate-AK1243d ago

Can I exchange the gerbil for a hedgehog?

Amplitude1243d ago (Edited 1243d ago )

You can exchange the gerbil for $4.99 toward the hedgehog and if its on the same receipt and you have a an Edge Onyx card you get a 10% trade value boost if you trade 3 or more gerbils. So you can do this if you have a lot of gerbils basically but only this week

FinalFantasyFanatic1243d ago

Idk, I get the feeling they'll just drain whatever left of that company, not that there's much left to ruin.

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GameStop Announces "Black Friday Countdown" Sales Event

Black Friday is rapidly approaching and the sales are already starting. Check out GameStop's Countdown to Black Friday Sales starting November 14th.

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1302d ago Replies(1)
jznrpg1301d ago (Edited 1301d ago )

If AC Valhalla, Dirt5 and maybe Godfall (I’ll wait longest for this most likely) have good enough sales I’ll consider them , it will probably be Best Buy or Amazon though. I hate getting “new”games without the plastic on them and a opened game with a sticker instead .Not much else really out that I don’t have or want . I probably want Dirt 5 the most as I don’t have a driving game .

QuePasa871301d ago

Well they ever give in and actually push compelling sales, even on their deathbed?