
God Of War Review | Way Too Many Games

WTMG's Jason Palazini: "After five years of development, Kratos has resurfaced in a new realm. Fans have long debated whether or not this was the right step. I'm here to tell you, they knew exactly what they were doing."

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Jinger2201d ago

8.5 seems about right for this GoW

lptmg2201d ago ShowReplies(13)
D3athc3ll2201d ago

No it deserves at least 9.5 if you hate the game will your whole heart!!!!

Jinger2201d ago

Huh? If you hate the game with your whole heart it still deserves a 9.5?

2201d ago Replies(3)
showtimefolks2201d ago ShowReplies(2)
gangsta_red2201d ago (Edited 2201d ago )


It's a super solid game so far and I have little criticisms and extremely minor gripes of it but all in all a definite 8.5 - 9.

lptmg2201d ago

I found it great. I doubt anyone has ever called it a bad game. Unless 8.5 is now the new bad, you never know in this current day and age among internet users...

DigitalRaptor2201d ago

This mythical "honeymoon" period surrounding well received games is a funny one to hear from people.

What, in your opinion, drags this GoW down?

Jinger2201d ago

For me?

1. Water looks like crap, especially while rowing on it
2. Lack of boss variety and there is only 1 grand scale boss which still lacks compared to Corey Balrog's GoW2
3. The camera can get very annoying when backed up against a wall.
4. Lack of weapon variety and yes I have gotten all the weapons.

Would you like my opinion on positives?

Kribwalker2201d ago (Edited 2201d ago )

my biggest gripe is the camera. It can be so frustrating at times. I’m enjoying the combat, I really wish HZDs combat was like this one. The melee controls are great and the combos and parrying/counters are great.

Its definitely moved up to a 9 for me right now, i’m just finishing the giants area. have been taking my time looking around and collecting what i can, almost everything maxed out so far

gangsta_red2201d ago (Edited 2201d ago )

*3. The camera can get very annoying when backed up against a wall.*

This is my number one real complaint of the game.

Too many times I'll back up into a wall, try and dodge an incoming enemy only to dodge into a pillar or some other obstruction that I couldn't see because the camera was pulled in too close on Kratos's back. It would have been nice to have an option to maybe pull the camera back and up a little.

Only 1 grand scale boss? I'm assuming it's the dragon. That is sort of disappointing to hear then. But I have heard the other bosses provide a huge challenge, especially the Valkeries.

P_Bomb2201d ago (Edited 2201d ago )

HZD isn’t a melee game any more than GOW is a bow and arrow game. That you chose to hack and slash through it, is on you. I’m sure you didn’t pick-axe your way through RotTR.

DigitalRaptor2200d ago (Edited 2200d ago )

@ Jinger

Fair enough, sounds like you really liked the game.

1. Water knocks it down a peg? Isn't this an IGN joke?
2. Even with a lack of boss variety compared to the other games, it's still top-tier and better than most other games in the genre.
3. I had very few (if any) camera issues. Know the environment, dodge away from incoming attacks and use the 180 degree turn.
4. Of the weapons that you do have, the combat system is extremely deep and rewarding. I'm not sure how it left wanting in that regard.


@ gangsta_red

Just a hint: you can press down on the DPAD to do a 180 degree whip turn and that would somewhat alleviate your problem, especially so if you pay attention to your surroundings and make use of the dodge button, and the directional indicators which gives you plenty of notice of incoming attacks. It's not like you aren't given time to work things out. https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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AspiringProGenji2201d ago (Edited 2201d ago )

Oh God I wish both groups shut up already. It isnteslly getting sad... General consensus agrees that this game is a masterpiece (9.5/10 to 10 on average). Someone giving it a lower score that isn’t necessary more right than the consensus, and someone giving it a higher score than this isn’t more right than the lower one. It is just that, a different score.

But then I like how some people only say what they want to say on the lower score ones... anyways the consensus is there and I wish both groups stopped provoking each other when it comes to this game. It is a masterpiece, done!

G3ng4r2201d ago

9.4/10 would be the actual consensus if metacritic is to be believed. You don't remember getting upset about that?

AspiringProGenji2201d ago

Oh right, the game dropped a point... big deal, bur open critic says 95 still... 9.4/9.5 to 10.0 seems abor right. Mighty game regardless

G3ng4r2201d ago

To paraphrase: I was trying to see if I could get away with the highest possible score because it fit my agenda just a tiny bit better. Oh well a bunch of fanboys like myself still gave it a 9.5 so I'm going to act like they're better at reviewing games than paid critics.

It is indeed a mighty game. That you aren't at peace with how well the game still reviewed is a disservice to it.

AspiringProGenji2201d ago (Edited 2201d ago )

I was talking more about individual reviews that I see popping in this site, not metacritic in particular. And who says i am not satisfied with the scores. If anything I should be considering the scores that everyone decides to shit on are still high

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2201d ago
Si3g2201d ago

9 should be the highest score for any game of this gen.Not even Zelda deserves more than a 9

Legatus2201d ago (Edited 2201d ago )

Awwww it's so sweet to see @Jinger, @gangsta_red and @Kribwalker always have something negative to say about the PS4 exclusive. I never see them three saying anything negative about SoT, on the contrary they defend it whenever they can. Hmmmmm is that because first one is a PS4 exclusive and the second one is xbox i wonder ????

mkis0072201d ago

Just a little background...90% of reviews are above 90 metacritic score. At this point 8.5 is borderline an outlier statistically.

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Barbauer2201d ago

We've reached a point in which giving a game a very good 85% is enough to make people complain... I wish all games out there were worthy of such high score...

AspiringProGenji2201d ago (Edited 2201d ago )

And then there’s the other group who wants to be indifferent and say a lower score is more right than the consensus of the game because of some “honeymoon” or something l. I wish everyone shut up already. It is not like this game hasn’t got 10 these past days but somehow those articles never a got a single comment. Eveyone just jump to the lower (which are still high scores like this one) to complain

gutteranthems2201d ago

A lot of the game was spent rowing between areas and while the water looked great from afar, it moved so unnaturally when rowing through that it was distracting. Too much time on something too sub par. In comparison to other games, looked good. In comparison to the rest of GoW, it was dreadful

Bosses need more variation. Where are the grand fights like Poseidon, Cronos, or Hades?

The game was great, and I will happily go through the end game content and buy the next game day one. But it's definitely not perfect

MarineLineman2201d ago

Where were those grand fights in the first GoW? This is the first entry in the Norse mythology, and there’s obviously going to be sequels, so why kill all the Aesir gods in one game? Really, the original GoW trilogy didn’t hit the point you’re talking about until GoW3.

MarineLineman2201d ago (Edited 2201d ago )

Ok? Hydra isn’t a god, and the dragon fight was far more epic imo.

gangsta_red2201d ago (Edited 2201d ago )

"Where were those grand fights in the first GoW?"

Going to have to disagree, even if this is the first in a new reboot, it doesn't mean it should be any less than the last three from the previous console.

But from what I played at the moment the bosses do feel "grand".

Jinger2201d ago (Edited 2201d ago )

The Hydra and Ares were great fights! The Hydra had multiple stages as it was tearing up the boat and eating your crew... fantastic fight. The Dragon was the only other fight that was even as cool as that, but all 3 waves were the same thing, but with slightly faster attack patterns.

Then Ares was awesome and also had multiple unique waves, remember when he goes into your mind and you have to save your wife and child from a never ending onslaught of yourself? It was crazy! And that was just the first damn game as a brand new IP on the PS2!

P_Bomb2201d ago (Edited 2201d ago )

Poseidon, Cronos, Hades came in GOW3...after FOUR previous games set the table.

This is part one of the Norse pantheon. Let it happen naturally. One of entertainment’s golden rules is ‘always leave em wanting more’.

You haven’t fought the Valkyrie queen. I can tell by your nostalgia over Ares and claiming no other fight was epic. The queen is arguably the tightest, toughest boss in the series. Sorry you couldn’t beat the eight other Valkyries to get to her.

MarineLineman2201d ago

Well Jinger, to each their own. For me, personally, this is the best GoW yet, after having completed every single one of them. It’s different, but it manages to maintain the classic GoW feel while still being new. Far from awful.

Prince_TFK2201d ago

But it is the 7th entry (if you count spinoffs) in the GoW franchise, so shouldn’t it at least be better than the past games?

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2201d ago
InKnight7s2201d ago

How many GOWs we got to get that GOW3 bosses? I mean on this myth Kratos just started to be known as a name, actually if you played the game, BOY said the world is changing and isn't the world they once known. So the war didn't started yet. I like building stories and some sense rather than throwing bosses here and there without an affect. I mean shop brothers presented best shop atmosphere even presented in the industry

Jinger2201d ago

"I mean shop brothers presented best shop atmosphere even presented in the industry"

The circus of values would like to have a word with you.

Also, it didn't need to blow its load with a ton of gods, but besides the dragon there wasn't even any other epic fight at all!

AspiringProGenji2201d ago

Lol yeah. It is not like he battled poseidon or hades since the start of the seires but monsters and a deity at the end, just like this game pretty much. The bias is strong with this old gow “fans”

Sciurus_vulgaris2201d ago

The repeating boss fights were one of low points of GoW 4 for me. Killing what was essentially the same troll over-and-over again got tedious. Also, GoW 4 is nowhere near as violent or goriy as GoW 3 & Ascension. The brutal violence of the GoW added to the series awe factor. Despite my stated negatives, I was throughly satisfied with the game after 30 hrs of playtime.

AspiringProGenji2201d ago (Edited 2201d ago )

NO, you spend a lot of time wandering around. if that wasn’t for you, you shouldn’t have done it. I enjoyed the exploration very much and the norse world is a good one not to explore. Exploration wasn’t dreadful and more rewarding than going in a single line and unable to come back like the other games, but in defense of the old games I can see why you would say the old approach was more engaging

I only agree on the bosses but then again, this is the first game on the norse setting, so I have to consider that before comparig it to GoW 3 like you are. you weren’t killing all deities from the start kn GoW PS2 either. It took 2 games to get there

Jinger2201d ago

But even comparing the boss fights of the first GoW I'd still say the hydra was better than the dragon and Ares was an extremely unique fight like I mentioned in the above comment.

The only fight that had that "Wow" factor was the dragon and even then it was still a bit dissapointing of a fight.

What's even more annoying is that I know Corey knows how to do ridiculous boss fights with unique waves and transitions since he did GoW2 and it had some amazing fight. But these just were lazy.

AspiringProGenji2201d ago

- Mody and Mani boss fight was great
- The stranger was great too. The dragons weren't too bad
- And the Valkyries were great and difficult

If anything these boss fight show the team hasn't run out of ideas for this stuff, but you can't say they are because the fights aren't like the Ares one. It is not like you have to go thought 3 stages for every boss fight to make it longer, and Ares tormenting kratos over his family made sense only for that story. Can't expect the same here

I question when people say there are too many trolls. It is not like you were fighting them every 30 minutes... Could some of them be replaced for some kind of monster? Sure, but it is not as ridiculous as some are saying.

Jinger2201d ago

Modi and Magni was not a great fight and neither was the stranger. These are not GoW level fights. It was cool the first couple of times you punched Baldur through a tree or rock, but then by wave 2... then 3... it was just the same repetitive fight. Same thing for even the dragon. This is my point. Corey knows how to do cool bosses with unique waves that actually change at different stages... this game completely lacked that. Then the repetitive troll "bosses"... come on. They may have not been one every step, but there were more than should have been and besides the tutorial one and the one you rip the heart out of... you kill them the same way.

AspiringProGenji2201d ago

''These are not GoW level fights'' lol Ok then... whatever you say man. It is not like there weren't lesser god fights like perseus, hercules, and so on before without ridiculous set pieces. Oh wait...

AspiringProGenji2201d ago (Edited 2201d ago )

Your problem is that you have been comparing this game to the old games from the start it has become silly. I am not saying you have to love the new direction, but this game doesn't have to be like them. The greek era is done, and this game has been such well received because it has started fresh in a new setting. After all GoW didn't take off until GoW 2. And despite the much stronger start of this one, who is to say we won't see similar pattern with the next game here? Ragnarok has just started, so you will see more mystical monsters, more gods being thrown at you, and probably whatever you call ''true gow fights.''

and I am not saying you are wrong with the troll fights btw.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2201d ago
Germaximus2201d ago

Yeah you can definitely tell the major focus was on the story itself and I don't think anyone can complain there. The story was freakin excellent and I cannot wait for more.

But yes, would definitely love more enemy variety, boss variety, and a better flow in the combat system.

Prince_TFK2201d ago (Edited 2201d ago )

I do agree. I love the game so far. Good story and fun exploration. But the game is not without faults. I find the combat to be mediocre compared to the past GoW and the camera to be annoying sometimes.

AspiringProGenji2200d ago

Funny I always heard the past GoW games gameplay was mediocre with no depth, but this one has depth and it is medicre to you? That’s strange

txboy052200d ago

So basically the thing that formed your opinion was water moving unnatural and time in the boat ! Man did you even play the game or just watch it being played on twitch smh. Idk why people come on here and lie so much it’s just pathetic

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2200d ago
PressXtoBacon2201d ago ShowReplies(5)
michellelynn09762201d ago

It is a good game. I give it an 8. Good game. Nothing special, but good.

Silly gameAr2201d ago (Edited 2201d ago )

Awww, aren't you a clever one with that awesome wit and sarcasm. It's cute when there's something that people know will cause some backlash, and the trolls and finger waggers want to come out and mock people for not agreeing with a score. So what if people don't agree and are vocal about it.

When petty people act like they're above the pettiness. That's the real joke.

Elda2201d ago

LOL! Yep they'll do it in a minute if you say something about the Switch they may think is negative.

Germaximus2201d ago

Nothing special? LOL I don't even... it's got some issues but it is definitely special.

Legatus2201d ago

What's so special about it ? Well for me was:
- Story
-Nordic mythology and it's lore

A true masterpiece in my book that FULLY deserves 94 metascore.
IMO of course.

michellelynn09762201d ago (Edited 2201d ago )

Story was a bit cliche. Characters are good. The lore is standard. Gameplay is good, but not anything special. Graphics are awesome.
I am glad you liked it.

Legatus2201d ago (Edited 2201d ago )

Yes i did like the game, so much so that for me it's one of the best game i have ever played and i'm 100% sure you would liked GoW much more and find it special if it was a Nintendo exclusive not Sony's ;)

michellelynn09762201d ago (Edited 2201d ago )

No. I wouldn't. See, I have not given all Nintendo games 10s. That is a false assumption. TP an 8. Mario Wii U an n 8.5, Xenoblade Chronicles X an 8. I give games the grades I really feel they deserve. GOW is an 8. No matter the system. Horizon? A 10. BOTW, a 10, Mario Odyssey, a 10. XC2 a 10, Persona 5 a 9.5.

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Nacho_Z136d ago

Might be in a minority here but I didn't enjoy any of the sections playing as Atreus or having companions at all. If I had my way it'd be Kratos on his lonesome from start to finish. Straightforward action gameplay without the endless boring chatter.