
Gamedaily: AC/DC Live Takes the Stage Hands On

Gamedaily writes: "Harmonix gathered a handful of reporters to San Francisco's Clift Hotel to showcase the upcoming Wal-Mart exclusive, AC/DC Live: Rock Band Track Pack. This was the first time anyone has been able to go hands-on with the game since being announced in late September.

Unlike previously released track packs for the PlayStation 2 and Wii, the 18 songs featured in AC/DC Live can be transferred to PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 hard drives for use in any previously released Rock Band games. For everyone else, it's a standalone product that can best be described as Rock Band: Quickplay: The Game, meaning that features such as band creation, online play and in-depth single player campaigns are gone. Another layover from the original Rock Band: Track Pack release is the usage of the original Rock Band engine and interface, making for a blast from the past for those who've been enjoying the recently released sequel. Being a standalone product does have its benefits as AC/DC Live features 12 Xbox Live Achievements or a potential 250 Gamerscore points."

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Rock Band Network live on Xbox 360, 105 songs available

Alexander Sliwinski of Joystiq writes:

"The Rock Band Network has gone live on Xbox 360 with a catalog of 105 songs. With over 4,000 registered authors and peer reviewers participating in the program, we're guessing a lot more tracks are in the pipe. Song prices currently range from 80 to 160 ($1 and $2)."

TheColbertinator5185d ago (Edited 5185d ago )

I'm liking the Network so far.Its decent


Has EA given up on Rock Band?

MCV: Conspicuous by its absence in EA's forward planning for the financial year ahead was any mention of the once golden franchise that is Rock Band, leading to speculation that the publisher could be looking to drop its distribution agreement for the game.

Furthermore, with the end of its current deal with developer Harmonix now in site, EA has refused to offer a concrete commitment to extend its current distribution deal with Viacom.

ulissesnascim5208d ago

I can't understand you gamers.

First, everybody complains that a numbered Guitar Hero sequel is coming every year and that it is destroying the music game industry.

Now, people are complaining that Harmonix is not releasing a new Rock Band so soon, sticking with our beloved weekly DLCs.

I really don't hope they release Rock Band 3 in 2010. Also, I don't know why Green Day: Rock Band isn't in this year's schedule. Not that I care, of course =P


10 Ways to Fix Rock Band

From Terminal Gamer:

"Here is a list of 10 new ideas that Harmonix should think about implementing in RB3. I'm talking new stuff here, so having songs from RB1/RB2/DLC be exportable to RB3 is a given, as is online multiplayer and some form of career mode. I also tried to think of things that haven't been mentioned before, so as much as we all want it, you won't find "LED ZEPPELIN" anywhere on this list."

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PirateNinjaBunny5221d ago (Edited 5221d ago )

I had no idea it was even broken.

Looks like these are ways the game could improve, but I'd hardly say any of these would really 'fix' it. Jukebox would be nice, no pedal is available in Lego RB, and customization will come in time but really I'd like them to keep focusing on the basics/songs.