
How Nintendo Could Sell Nearly 38 Million Switch by March 2019

Variety writes: Nintendo managed to just top its prediction of 15 million Switch sold in the fiscal year ending last month, bringing the total Switch sold to 17.79 million. And it thinks it can do much better in the coming year, selling 20 million more of the console hybrid into a market already partially sated and growing accustom to the novelty of the system."

CocoaBrother2229d ago

Releasing Smash Bros., Pokémon, Animal Crossing, and Yokai Watch 4 will definitely help. Also helps that 2 of those games are already slated for 2018 with Pokémon being 2018 or later.

FallenAngel19842229d ago

Shipped numbers are not instantly sold numbers

Neonridr2229d ago

no they aren't, but they are still sales to Nintendo. Amazon may have 1000s of these in their warehouse but they had to pay Nintendo already. Sold is almost impossible to fully track.

FallenAngel19842229d ago

It’s not almost impossible to track all the time, many companies reveal sales numbers all the time.

It’s still important to make the distinction since shipped numbers will always be millions higher than sold. For example PS4 had sold 60.4 million in mid June 2017 but had shipped 63.3 million by the end of June 2017.

davand1142228d ago

Shipped is technically sold for the console makers, but it's not the same as sold through, which takes longer to track since they have to receive the info from various retailers. If you didn't know the retailers that sell consoles buy them from the console makers at a wholesale price and make their money after they sell the consoles through to the customer.

2229d ago
FallenAngel19842229d ago

Where did you see that Nintendo sold 17.6 million of the 17.79 million shipped units? Having only 200K units on shelves available for purchase globally is an extremely low number and very unrealistic. That wouldn’t meet demand, and companies tend to have a million or more readily available in retail channels so they don’t installntly run into shortages.

Prince_TFK2228d ago

Uh we literally just had an article about that hours ago. Here is a refresher:

“Lifetime Switch sales reached 17.79 million units for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2018. ”


FallenAngel19842228d ago

So basically you’re admitting the 17.6 million is a made up number that came out of nowhere.

Also Nintendo’s official reports states that 17.79 million is shipped

marloc_x2228d ago


..as in the stores bought them.

FallenAngel19842227d ago

No shit

That doesn’t mean consumers bought them. There are usually a million units on retail channels for consumers to buy so the product doesn’t easily run into shortages, so the actual sales number would by 16-17 million by Mar 31, 2018

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2227d ago
2229d ago
Moonman2228d ago (Edited 2228d ago )

Yep. ;p I think they can sell more.

Foraoise2228d ago

I love the N4G trolls who hate on the switch. They're so blissfully ignorant.

It's such an amazing system. My PS4 and gaming pc have been collecting dust.

FadedWolf132228d ago

...... it is a great system but c'mon dude you are just as bad as they are saying that. The PS4 and dont get me started on PC, are far superior as consoles. NO I don't mean graphics blah blah blah or any of the shit people put the switch down for what im saying is the switch is bare bones in features other consoles have like a competent online service and mic setup and the list goes on.. I love the switch but those trolls have a point if not for the fantastic first party games nintendo is known for the switch is ass with everything else others do better in 2018.

Also You should be ashamed of yourself.. I keep my Switch anf PS4 dust free you must like throwing money away if thats how you treat your stuff.

Have a nice day

Venoxn4g2228d ago

i think ps4 + psvr and switch all complement each other nicely


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jambola9h ago

I can't wait for it to look Even worse than the original and force exp share